Darling buddies from May - moving on

hi everyone

lovely week weve had. been building sandcastles with grandaughter at the seaside today. we took a picnic but for once i didnt actually feel hungry,(it was salad though). my appetite came back at maccys later though. but to tell you the truth, i havnt had one for so long, i didnt really enjoy it, it was sooooo salty.
i am still so overweight my body mass is well over, and im not normally pigging out, so dont know what im going to do. im out and about a lot, so should be doing plenty of walking, but must need something more, but havnt got that much energy. aghhhhhhhhh.

my washing machine is leaking all over the place, so got the repair man coming out tommorow.

im so envious all that fresh fruit and veg you are growing, how many years have you been doing it? i wasnt suprised when you said how expensive it is in france, i met a man the other week and he was taking loads of paint back because of the price, well at least you save on the groceries with your veg plot.

lily 2000

bet your jiggered like me, ive been with grandaughter all day, she was asking me how old i was, next thing she was asking a girl she met
how old her nan was, theyre so funny sometimes. then it was everything pink, she wanted the donkey with the pink blanket, pink bucket and spade, proper prima donna she is!


so sorry about toothache, i am petrified of having teeth removed, without the extra worry. hope you get it sorted though, because you dont want to be going over to france, and having to have it done, imagine the cost of that.
im not feeling quite so bad, get a bit tired at times, but i dont think they will get back to me with results from scan unless theyre concerned. so it will january i find out, unless i give them a call.x

every one have a brill week.x

Nicky Iā€™m really sorry to hear about the toothache. I am no stranger to that either and lost 2 teeth when it ate bone under the teeth too (I had no idea). These things always seem to happen when you most need to be on top form. My dentist is also a surgeon and they will do the same as the hospital but in the chair. Might be worth looking for a dentist who can cope with your bone treatments, although it is difficult to get on the list of good ones. At least I think the hospital is free which is one little bonus.My Mum is on blood thinning after her stroke and we all thought it would be an anxious time when she needed an extraction but she found a suitably qualified dentist and it was every day stuff to him and fine. She had to have someone with her and stay there for some time afterwards. Good luck and hope the pain is easing.Baby bird flying the nest ouch I can feel the pain just thinking about it. It will get easier over time. I think goodbye might be a heart wrencher :frowning: She isnā€™t too far away, nearer than Scotland :slight_smile: and she would have most likely have been going away somewhere even if not France. Oooh poor you, hugs x. I was thinking a week day meet but just thought might not be so good for anyone else? Looking for big place so will be rooms empty, wonā€™t be the same without you X Lisa hoep you fought your way through the housework, hate it! I have washed all the sofa covers before they go to ED next weekend. Took forever and now it looks really nice and wondering if I should have kept it! The romance is on here!! She has his car and he is on the bus - it must be love! He is lovely and oohs and aahs to me about his brotherā€™s new baby daughter - a good sign I think. Meringues were fab and I may just be back on them again :slight_smile: Lorraine shame you arenā€™t nearer we could be Grandmas together ha ha . I was lucky little chap fell asleep last night and slept 12 hours solid. We had to go through the usual routine of tea and biscuits in bed with Max as well and later took him for a walk. I put 2 leads on Max so little chap thinks he is walking him but without the stress of worrying he might let go of the lead or if we saw a cat - heaven forbid! I hope I can do pink too one day. I am not shifting any weight either, donā€™t worry everyone gets thin as they get old :slight_smile: eventually!
My son has started a year of all his friends turning 18 and had 2 parties this weekend. He survived the first but did not surface until 4.30 this afternoon. I think he just remembered his homework and has rushed off to get someone else to do it, I reckon! I have been packing up all my ornaments (millions) ready for the decorators to move in next weekend. Dreading the mess bit and only living upstairs and in the dining room for a week. Told everyone to make the most of their last days of sitting on the sofa eating meals when they want to watch tv. Non-pupil day at school tomorrow so a late start hooray. Fell asleep on the sofa for hours this afternoon so the insomnia is ready to make it a late night
Take care esp Nick with the rotten toothacheX
Lily x

Hi Nicky, Sorry to hear about your toothache. I sympathise as I too am on Biphosphonates and had to have a tooth removed a few weeks ago. My Zolidronate has beeen put on hold for a couple of months and my chemo has stopped and hopefully re-start on Thursday if I get go-ahead. I think I would go to the hospital next time if I was having tooth extracted as I think they have more experience of the tooth problem with these drugs than my dentist did. Afterwards I found out he had not knowingly extracted a tooth from someone who had been on biphosphonates! Hard to believe really. If I can help in anyway just ask. For tooth pain, the best of all is neurophen (supermarkets sell their own brands at a fraction of the price and are just as good) but you may need to check if you can take them incase of any medical condition or other treatments you may be having. My mouth is healing well, no infection, but I religeously mouthwashed with salty water after eating anything at all. Hope all goes well. Love Val ( Scottishlass)

Well had a nice night at my friends (laddos sister) just chilling with pizza and win so very tired and off to bed now. I should be okay for mid week trip as long as only one night as will need 2 days holiday and after dublin and spain dont ant to push it too much but would but easy either way.

hope everyone had a nice weekend xx

Thanks everyone for their concern about my tooth - especially Scottishlass - itā€™s good to know of someone else whoā€™s had the same problem. Will keep you all posted!
Also Lily - thanks for the kind words about YD flying the nest. I feel sorry for her as well as sheā€™s just started a new relationship this summer so itā€™s really sad that they will be parted so soon - just hope his passport is up to date! Once sheā€™s settled I will feel better, itā€™s all the ā€˜getting it sortedā€™ bits that are keeping me awake at night! Also she is someone who hates change so she will also feel better once they get stuck in to Freshers Week and meets everyone. Donā€™t suppose thereā€™s many Freshers Weeks that include a cruise down the Seine :wink:
Off to Ikea later today to do the BIG shop for YD, somehow sheā€™s decided to leave it up to me! I don;t really mind it will give me an excuse to sneak a few ā€˜essentialsā€™ in for me!
Hope you all had a good weekend. Iā€™m in and out of work this week so will catch up as much as possible and see what the Dr says on Weds about my tooth. Hooray I finish anti biotics today, just hope theyā€™ve killed all the little blighters that have been giving me pain.
Nicky x

Nicky I think it is the constant worry that you may have forgotten something vital, that is the big panic. Once you get on your way it will be better and from what I heard (wink wink) they do sell most things in France ha ha !!!Most emergencies can be overcome if she has an emergency credit card and I think you need to do something with her phone, maybe a French network might be cheaper? Even more luck with the horrible tooth and bet you are glad to be off antibiotics. Lisa donā€™t you think you could get roaring drunk and tell his sister everything and then pretend not to remember and see what she says?
Well we had a non-pupil day today and the day just went on forever but didnā€™t actually get round to too much. Had the routine update on child protection and then a talk on disability. I was nowhere near my 2 pals who had Bc at the same time and felt a little like I had a spotlight or a big arrow pointing at my head. Sheā€™s over HERE lol. I felt really uncomfortable because she kept broaching the subject of staff, the 6 staff we have in the school and each time I thought ā€˜sheā€™s going to out me.ā€™ Then she ended it with a comment that, if you do have a long term illness we arenā€™t doctors so donā€™t expect us to know what you need or problems. My friend thought this was a good point. I felt like she (the speaker)had slapped me round the face. Funny how we could respond so differently to the same talk.This then led to another interview later about how I was. I feel really settled at the moment and said all fine at work. How long will that last I wonder? Schools are rather volatile places. Went out to dinner tomight with my local BC friends. We are holding a fund raising do next month for our local cancer care centre. It is the baby of our onc and they are funding a university laboratory who are looking for the cure. Beats me why it is only done on voluntary donations. We all donate our tumours for them to work on - nice!
Hugs everyone
Lily x

Souds like a fun day Li, not! Nothing worse, just after i wentbak we hada staff day and I dont know how I managed to stay in the room, bloke whos wife died of b cancer walked out -it was some spotty git talking about death rates in our County being down to suicide and cancer - both flawed me and i flt like eveyone was watching myreaction al about young people dying more in our area etc. if you are anything like me, ike to fae in the background not centre of attention.

Well, watched a progamme on BBC Scotland about reconstruction and b cancer - wo, hid behind cushion with my wine at the operations as dont want to see that, good results but very scary ops andit was very emotional, oh for for another wine to calm me down - any excuse !

Well, Ikea done and dusted now onto all the extra bits that need doing. The main problem at the moment is the Euro exchange rate, if only it was as good as it was 2 years ago - believe me - I would not be buying half as much stuff! Coupled with the fact that Paris is one of the most expensive cities in the world you can see why weā€™re trying to save by buying over here! Would love the Euro to be devalued (sorry Peacock!) then the rent would be cheaper along with everything else Madam needs. Just have to get her into a well paid part time job and at least sheā€™ll be earning in Euros then. The credit card is set up (a joint one in my name so I can track everything) so Iā€™m not worried that she wonā€™t be able to pick up all the missing things - just how much sheā€™ll spend. Also when we were over there a few weeks back we couldnā€™t believe the cost of some toiletries, basics like shampoo, face wipes etc so weā€™ve stocked up with those. Any tips from Peacock about special deals or the best places to buy will be gratefully received!
Off to work today, but hey ho, have to earn the money some how (unfortunately her student loan will be used up completely by rent). Hopefully de-stressing by the day as I get things ticked off. Some things like mobile phones will have to be done when she gets there and, yes, a French network, will be needed. Luckily thereā€™s been a lot of Facebook activity between existing students and the newbies so they are being pointed in the right direction.
Hope everyone else is doing OK, my tooth has, hopefully, stopped aching (I keep getting twinges so Iā€™m not counting my chickens) and will see the Dr tomorrow - how long I have to wait for an appt I do not know, letā€™s hope not too long.
Sp soon
Nicky x

hi everyone

lily 2000

at least you know your work colleages arnt wrapping you in cotton wool,(some chance) but some people are very tactless, they probably kick themselves for how things come out once they are on their own. no wonder you dont share much info about your illness with them, because people who really care dont need telling how your doing.(and i hope theyre are some considerate ones)which theyre usually is.


glad your tooths better, hope doc sorts it out soon. your daughter is very lucky you support her so well. but its worth it when theyre trying to get on in life.


i too would have hid behind the cushion. i would love to have recon if i was braver, but to be honest i think leave alone while the goings good, and i worry if it came back behind the recon. i was talking to a woman who had surgery for breast cancer in india. and recon later, she said for her husband really, to stop him going off. but he went off anyway with a prostitute, so i think for now im leaving it alone. to be honest im so tired anyway dont want the stress of that as well.

best wishes everyone else.x

Hi,(Iā€™m moaning, bypass this if you donā€™t feel up to it :))
ooh Lorraine I have no idea why your story about the poor woman made me laugh but it did. That ending was so unexpected and tragic! I think I am laughing at the fickleness of men and the stupidness of some women to pander to their sexist needs. Now see what you unleashed, my militant side has come out again! I was feeling so mellow as well over the last week and not getting in a flap about anything and now today that is 2 things I have ranted about lol. The other one is this stupid Gov scheme to give underperforming kids 10 weeks of private lessons, supposedly this 10 hours will hey presto shoot them up 2 whole levels and do what their teachers have already failed to do. Now for the BIG laugh they are letting any teacher at all do these lessons, which will be to teach English and Maths. So your P.E. teacher and anyone else who wants to earn Ā£300 after school per child is going to suddenly mske a child move up by 2 levels ha ha ha. No disrespect to P.E. teachers, just used them as an example. Would I be able to make a child get to a county team in rugby - No - difference is I wouldnā€™t take the money and say I could. Then if I hadnā€™t moaned enough we hear that these people will be paid for 2 hours planning to find out from the Maths teacher (me) what they should teach but I wonā€™t be paid for my 2 hours talking to them after school time. I have 60 children within the group they will be picked from and be expected to give 2 hours after school for every one picked. So I am being really moody and telling anyone who will listen (sorry you have no choice) that I am not going to do it. I might get myself in a lot of bother though :slight_smile:
Better change the subject. Just watched both episodes of casualty which is why I am here so late, still got the adrenalin going from watching it and forgot to do my hair so will have to get up earlier too. My hair is much wavier but probably just due to how much shorter it still is. My aim is to get the whole lot to chin length for the wedding next year. Lorraine I get a mixed response from work. To be honest I prefer talking to people who either donā€™t know or see me so often they are acting normally. Canā€™t stand that look of pity and head tipped to one side like I am a waif or about to go any second. What are you planning for this Autumn to keep your chin up? Nice things I hope x. Nicky well sounds as though you are well organised now. Mdā€™s loan all went on rent too and she was in Canterbury. I think they all need jobs these days and if she can get one it will help her French a lot.Iā€™d be more worried about those 6 flights of stairs with all that luggage!Glad the tooth is improving and lots of luck with the appointment too. I hate the dentist and have put off going since chemo apart from when I got that sharp tooth. How are Edā€™s plans going or is she still undecided? My son has a pastoral day to write his personal statement tomorrow and doesnā€™t want to go to uni and if he did has no idea what he would study - should be tricky! Lisa that day sounds awful, poor you. I wanted to watch that prog but I donā€™t think it was on down here. LOve watching operations on tv and inside bodies.
Must go as really late and will be a pea brain at school tomorrow. Nothing new then :slight_smile:
Lily x

Hi Lily, You can watch the TV programme. Go on to BBCiplayer then click on BBC2 and then look for the name of the programme. If any problem get back to me, LOve Val X

Hi everyone, Iā€™ve been catching up with all the posts so bear with me please.

Nicky ā€“ glad that your trip to France was productive, as you say it is expensive here for practically everything ā€“ except booze ā€“ so my advice is to stock up on everything, you can never find the 3 for 2/ 2 for 1 price things here, my OH does some shopping in UK sometimes. It doesnā€™t help that the euro is so low. I canā€™t really offer any tips about shopping deals, there really doesnā€™t seem to be any here. You do have to shop around and find a store that works for you, we tend to use Lidl for all canned produce, toilet rolls etc. and sometimes meat, and sometimes one of the chain of shops when they have ā€œpromotionsā€. As for a cheap mobile contract, they just donā€™t seem to exist. My OH uses talktalk to phone our landline and it costs 4p per minute, which is the cheapest way weā€™ve found. With French top up for mobiles, unlike in UK where they carry over for a few months, here you have to buy 15ā‚¬ and the credit only lasts usually for one month, sometimes even less. If she needs a voice to talk to (mind you her French is fluent isnā€™t it) or needs any help PM me and I can give our home phone. The red tape in France is phenomenal, and even the French friends we have donā€™t understand it.

Lisa ā€“ so sorry that your arm is so painful, I do sympathise, I donā€™t have lymphoedema but my arm does hurt and ache. I still canā€™t wear a bra because of a nice lump of skin just under my armpit. My physio has told me to get one of these sleeves before I fly so Iā€™m off to order one. Again, sorry to hear that your dating didnā€™t work out, I think I got the wrong end of the stick (as usual). The sleeves sounds awful, will you always have to wear one? Have a lovely time in Dublin and hope your ā€œrhumeā€ (French for cold) is better. Have you stopped moaning now??? LOL

Lily, thanks for the tip about the form at the spa, I was thinking of just a massage and maybe some reflexology. I am, myself, a reflexologist but its always difficult to find someone to do it to you rather than the other way. I will be in London. Your Chinese meal sounds delicious, something I do hope to have when I am there. I love the idea of your double lead on Max and am pleased he seems to be doing ok.

Lorraine (you are everyday arenā€™t you??) ā€“ granddaughters are lovely arenā€™t they (and grandsons too but I havenā€™t got one of those) it sounds like the day you had was lovely. I am so looking forward to seeing my littlā€™un when I am in the UK. Last time we saw her was in May, so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll see a difference. McDoā€™s food, why do we love it so? Actually I try to eat healthy and have a salad but not sure if that is much better. Still now and again doesnā€™t hurt does it. Hope your machine is fixed? I started growing veg about 3 years ago when we had a house in Brittany, it only had a tiny garden though, so couldnā€™t grow too much. What we did grow was nice and the soil there was very good. Here our soil is not ā€“ itā€™s full of little rocks as the Dordogne is built on old caves, so our ground is full of rocks. Not good for the root veg really. Next year we hope to get hold of some better soil, from somewhere (not sure where). Our fruit trees wonā€™t produce anything for a couple of years yet. Paint! A small can of Dulux ā€“ you need to take out a mortgage for LOL. Many good wishes for your scan results.

Hi Val, how are you today? It was nice to see you on the other site.

I watched the programme and thought is was very good, I donā€™t mind all the gory bits and as I am seeing a plastic surgeon next month about recon I thought it would be good to watch it. I donā€™t know what type of recon I can have, being as I have 2 complications ā€“ diabetes and had IBC.

Yesterday was a sad day for me with the passing of Patrick Swayze, he has always been one of my favourite actors and Dirty Dancing my all time fav film. My husband and I used to dance to the music all the time when we first met all those years ago ā€“ 1989.

Ginger cat has been in a fight and has a gash from his lower lip under his chin ā€“ before rushing him off to the vets as it has happened so many times before I clean it and keep him in to see how he is. He is happy in himself, purring and eating normally so I think heā€™s ok but itā€™s always him who ends up injured, out of our 3 cats.

Electricity is now connected in the new house, just waiting for the phone line to be moved on Friday (if it happens) and the estimated date of living in there full time is November. I canā€™t waitā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ 21 months of living in a mobile home is more than enough! Iā€™ve decided to see my Dr about this ongoing cough and breathlessness, as I donā€™t have an appointment forthcoming with any Onc so thought I ought to raise it, again.

Take care all, love P x


yes i am everydaymatters. you really must get your health checked out, easy to let these things slip when you have a lot going on. it will be lovely for you to see grandchild when you come over, where about does she live? i hadnt seen mine for about a month, and i was missing her terribly, but now i know i have nothing to moan about.
your house will be worth all the waiting, everything brand new, that will be lovely.

lily 2000

im afraid i match your sentiments on men. maybe years ago i would have put myself through recon to please someone else, but that was a long time ago. now im a little more selfish. ha ha.
it seems a bit unreasonable to expect you to work extra hours for nothing, training others who will benefit. you might as well be trained for something else yourself, and then you wont be available, and youll earn some extra dosh! if only it could be that easy hey!
ive always thought if a child doesnt want to learn you cant make them. and making them do extra is normally a waste of time, unless there is a genuine reason like learning difficulties.
talking about school, my son whose 14 is actually starting to take school more seriously, the last few years its been difficult he does no homework(well that i see, he says he does it at school)and i didnt know exactly how to handle it, but it seems hes coming around on his own,


bet your getting all your things packed at the ready.

is anyone else feeling really tired? i just dont want to get up in the mornings, even after a good nights sleep. (well disturbed sleep really)i cant get comfy in bed, im so hot, and what with bad arm and lobsided boobs.

lots of love x

I definitely donā€™t want to get up in the morning Lorraine as it feels too cold. Is it me or has the shower suddenly become an igloo! I run in turn it on, run back to bed and go back when it is like a sauna. Doesnā€™t do a lot for the next poor body who goes in there though and everything is dripping!Ha ha! Your son probably has someone like me telling him that his future is getting so close it will bite him on the bottom soon./ They do mostly get with it when they see GCSes on the horizon. Some of ours start their Maths GCSE in year 8 now. Peacock, I agree with lorraine get it sorted. It could be the herceptin effect or anaemia for example. Anyway bets to find out as you will feel so much better if they can sort it out, especially before all the winter colds come round. YOu have taken all the romance out of France talking about it being so costly but the gardening talk cheered me back up again :slight_smile: I love salad but a horrible thing happened to me on Saturday. Donā€™t read on if you want to keep enjoying salad. I got my Iceberg lettuce from Morrisons as usual, came home, cut it into sections and floated them in a bowl of water to wash them. I saw something in the water, brown, thought it is a brown leaf. WRONG!!! It was some kind of brown worm and it was swimming all through the lettuce happily. Yuk YUk YUK that finished me off and Victor too. I threw the whole lot away and neither of can eat lettuce at the moment. BIL said oh that doesnā€™t matter and I was heaving watching him eat it. Brrr shivers. Peacock do you know that only certain trained people are allowed to massage you after cancer as they can change the route of the lymph. It is the one they most worry about in spas after cancer. Not sure how conclusive any data is on it though but I just know they wonā€™t do it without a letter from an onc or similar. Condolences about Patrick x.Hope Ginger picks up without a bill from the vet.We are currently waiting for a refund of over Ā£1000 for Max from the pet insurance.
Scottishlass och aye the noo. Hope you are ok and thanks so much for that. I was really disappointed to miss it x.
I am off. Been working all night as some beast threw a ton of work at me today
Lily x

Peacock - thank you so much for your offer of help - I hope we donā€™t need it! We have been warned about the red tape in France but the Uni do help them with quite a bit of it. They can all claim a housing benefit (which is what weā€™re relying on!) and thatā€™s the one that is complicated. Weā€™ve also got to sort mobile contracts (forfait bloque?) and internet but we have been able to research deals via the web. Weā€™ve also just set up Skype so we can talk to her for free once she has the landline connected in her flat, it may be nice to have a chat in the evenings if sheā€™s feeling lonely - especially as we can both see each other through webcams. BTW - definitely get any niggles sorted by your GP, even if itā€™s to put your mind at rest. How has the service been in France for chemo etc? Better than the UK or pretty much the same? How long are you in the UK for when you visit? You can stock up and grab some bargains! Iā€™ve told YDā€™s friends to take her some necessities over when they visit as payment for free accommodation. Also, just remembered that doing my research thereā€™s a phone service called cherry call that says itā€™s 1p per min to french landlines and mobiles, no subscription, no extra cost to use - may save you 3p per min :slight_smile:
Lily - canā€™t you put a bill in for all your extra time? Itā€™s a flippinā€™ cheek isnā€™t it? Another hairbrained idea from Gordon B - why arenā€™t they checking if the ā€˜teachersā€™ are qualified in the subject? Itā€™s like a scheme I read about called cycle to work. If the employer registers for the scheme people can get 50% off the price of a new bike. All well and good but thereā€™s no checking that anyone will use them to cycle to work. So the taxpayer is paying for half of these bikes which will probably never see the journey to and from the workplace! Otherwise I hope work is going well and your pupils are behaving themselves! Is it worth you sone having a year out if he doesnā€™t know what to do? I know that youā€™ll know this but there are a lot of apprenticeships around. A friendā€™s son didnā€™t go to uni, qualified as an electrician and is raking it in now - and no debts! I really hate the govt push for degrees - the drop out rate has increased, kids often have debts bigger than their family mortgage and still donā€™t get a job when they graduate! Talking of which ED isnā€™t doing anything right now other than finishing the work sheā€™s been doing at the workshop. This should finish in about 2-3 weeks then she will decide. It looks like she will go to uni but next September but do a degree that she was going to do initially (2 years ago) that will afterwards give her a career if she wants it or to pursue the makeup side if she wants to, knowing she has a qualification to fall back on.
Lisa - I think youā€™re in Dublin - or is that this weekend - I get confused with all your trips! (I should talk!) If so I hope you have had a fab time and then off the Spain - lucky you, the sun will do you good. Just look after the arm as I donā€™t know if the heat can affect it?
Lorraine - hope you are out and about and enjoying the last few bits of nice weather weā€™ve been having (well, down South anyway)
To everyone else, hope life is treating you well.
I meant to have added that I saw the consultant for my tooth yesterday - the shortest wait time ever in a hospital - my bum hardly touched the seat in the waiting area! I will have the tooth out in about 6 weeks - typical waiting lists! Iā€™m hoping it wonā€™t flare up again before then. Luckily he is the person in charge of monitoring the osteonecrosis (sp?) incidents in the hospital so is fully aware of the problem. Unfortunately it is pot luck if you get it and thereā€™s no way of predicting it or stopping it. Anti biotics donā€™t help as itā€™s not an infection - fingers will be double crossed in that case! So far they havenā€™t had a case so I hope I donā€™t make history! However he did say that this is a ticking timebomb (not me but overall) as bisphos are fairly new (and are also given for osteoporosis) so itā€™s likely to increase in incidence.
Well, must get on now, off to work for the morning, then haircut in afternoon. No work tomorrow as waiting for my new dishwasher to arrive - it was worth the wait and being reasonable with the warranty people as itā€™s being replaced for free!
Bye for now
Nicky x

Blimey, keeping up with you girls is a full time job! I will try to read thru and catch up and make comments if I can.

Lily: No speeding tickets, just lucky I guess. Saw in a later post that you are trying to sort out a date for York, midweek would be better for me but I will just row in with everyone else.

Ah, just got to your rant ā€“ my dear this is our caring so-called Governmentā€™s latest initiative ā€“ how can a day go by without them coming up with something else to amuse and entice us! If itā€™s not assuming everyone one is a paedophile and having to prove they are not, as if the CRB check wasnā€™t enough, they come up with this great idea. There must be rooms full of these eejits just thinking ā€œwhat can we suggest today?ā€ Anything to take the eye off the REAL problems. Nicky: Love the cycle to work thing, that sounds right up Gordonā€™s alley ā€“ if you know what I mean. How about Harperson listing all the most powerful women in politics and leaving out Maggie ā€“ Ooh, I forgot, she says! She is not fit to lick her boots ā€“ as they say! Whether you like her or not she was our first female PM.

Peacock: sorry about the arm, that seems to be a coming problem with several of us isnā€™t it? So far I am OK but keep a careful watch.

Lisa: your arm problem must be very worrying ā€“ have a friend who had terrible problems ā€“ she had horrible late diagnosed cancer and several ops but I think she is making progress. The sleeve thing whilst doing some good must be sooooo uncomfortable but is it stopping it getting worse? Iā€™ve not really taken too much notice of things I shouldnā€™t do, was told by my surgeon at six month check to keep up with exercise but since I exercised my arm from the moment I came round from my op ā€“ including leaning out of bed and dragging my o/n bag across the floor with op arm (!!!) ā€“ I donā€™t think he needs to tell me that.

Just read your piece about death rates ā€“ there are some bloody insensitive people around arenā€™t there? Not that you want to announce yourself but they could just think ā€œwhat if there is someone in the audience whoā€¦ ā€œ

You were brave watching that proggy, donā€™t think I would have got thru the grisly bits.

Enjoy Dublin ā€“ havenā€™t been there but it is on the list.

Lorraine ā€“ have you heard anything from your scan or doing the no news is good news thing?

Losing weight ā€“ now remind how that goes? My sister and her OH came to supper on Sat ā€“ she is about a size 8 ā€“ I hate her sometimes. Turned up in slim black trouser suit and cream and black spotted frilly blouse ā€“ ARGHHHHH! However did go to Jeager yesterday (my discount vouchers came thru) and bought proper black dress ā€“ made me stand up straight and haul in the middle, just need the heels and opaque tights and should look OK ā€“ oh and drop 7lbs in weight ā€“ lettuce here I come!

Nicky: glad you have some progress on the tooth. Relocating your daughter to France seems to be a nightmare ā€“ no doubt she will enjoy herself when settled but sounds like you need a couple of transit vans to move all the stuff. The only reason they are pushing for people to get degrees/go to Uni is to keep them off the unemployment figures. Insulting to those who want to learn and a liability for those who end up with a bloody great debt and, as you say, still canā€™t get a job.

Having worked full time for the last two weeks am back to normal two days this week. End of next week we are off to Scarborough avec lā€™animal which means I wonā€™t be back in office until 8 October ā€“ canā€™t believe that. Am seeing my Onc for 6 month check on 5 October and also surgeon who fixed my finger. Went for drink in local hostelry last week and they had a bloody C tree complete with lights!!! Wanted to drag it outside and jump on it. No doubt from October it will be downhill to the Big C.

Keep well and happy all, enjoy the lovely autumn weather even if the mornings and evenings are getting a bit chilly.



hi everyone

lily 2000

thats the 2nd time ive heard horrid stories, about the dreaded lettuce leaf. my sis says in the paper they are saying you even have to wash the prepared bags because of germs., i havnt been washing my iceburg or that. maybe its a good excuse to give it up!(only joking), i mean would we give up choccie if the same thing happened.

glad things are coming together, especially glad toothache gone, that would have really got to you. i was thinking of you earlier, and wondering how youve managed to get back to work. i find i get tired at times, and do get some pain from mets. or am i just a baby!

lets just hope the weather keeps good for your trip

everyone else take care x live life to the full!

Hi All, just nipped on on Dadā€™s p.c. as my broadband connect finished and need to set new one up tonight! Hope you are all well, speak soon.

Off to airport before dublin on Saturday so speak soon and all have a fab weekend and Iā€™ll catch up early next week xx

well Julia I very much enjoyed your rant as well. You must come to meet Victor as every evening it seems he has some new tale of incompetence by the Government that is driving him mad. Well I found out today that out of the 34 students selected to have this miracle training there are 11 in my classes. So that means 22 hours preparation time - and must be out of work hours. Ho hum I was off again and asked the messenger of this news if his parents were married as he was laughing about it and had selected them himself!Anyway I am refusing and where are they going to go with a BC returner who is too tired to do extended days? Nicky, the teacher of the student receives nothing! The person they tell what to do gets Ā£50 for each student and another Ā£250 for the teaching hours. Might get my half price bike and cycle off!! I have just had to pay Ā£38 for my sonā€™s text books for his A levels otherwise he wonā€™t have any books!Thanks I am feeling ok and seem quite calm at work apart from that. Not feeling tired at all - I wish, insomnia with me again.Such a worry when the kids donā€™t know what to do. In person, he would walk an interview as people are always drawn to him but not so good on paper and that is the thing that gets you to the interview.I think the current plan is to apply for uni (no idea what course though), college,training schemes and jobs and see if any say yes and then defer uni. That is if he thinks of something to defer:) He loves the idea of being a property developer but has too many skin allergies to cope with it really. He is allergic to money for example! Think we doubled up on some allergy genes and they all have something or other.Iā€™ll blame Victor!Glad to hear you have a good person looking after your extraction and they have a great record so you should be fine I am sure. What does oosteonecrosis do - does it eat bone? I have had that if it is and it ate right under 3 teeth. New free dishwasher brilliant, mine is looking well used.Any ide which end of the hols would be best and can you make mid week at all?
Lisa have fun on your trips and hope you are back online soon. I have to say your love life is far slower than the soaps on tv! Go on tell his sister you have a soft spot for him. That wasnā€™t meant too sound cheeky:) Ask him to dinner or to help you with something like hanging a picture and sit very close and see what happens. Go for it! Lorraine poor you with 2 lettuce disaster stories. I reckon cake is a far safer option :slight_smile: Did I say I liked your picture, where are you on it? Julia I have always wished I had a sister until I read that there are size 8 glam sisters. If you are eating lettuce, do watch out for those extra hidden protein calories from worms :)Ok my brothers are looking better by the minute ha ha. Do you remember when our hair went and we all looked like our brothers. I had a bald patch!! I do hope we can all meet and must look online at York. Enjoy this quieter week and hope the weather picks up a bit. Decorators arrive on Sunday so Victor and I are dropping big hints to anyone who will listen to invite us to sit on their sofa and have dinner with them next week.
Lily x

Hi Lily: If Victor wants to have a good rant tonight he should call up The Times on Line and go on the ā€œAsking the Bossā€ - it is the lovely Darling explaining where it all went right! He has been fitted with a chip as he gives the same answer to all the questions!!!

Have a good weekend all.