Darling buddies from May - moving on

hello everyone

another disaster today, the two dogs ran off, the old dog came back but the puppy still hasn’t returned so she’s been gone for nearly 10 hours now. We’ve been around the village calling her, she was seen this afternoon at a house in the village but she disappeared when they tried to get hold of her. She’s quite timid, only a year old and doesn’t like the rain or the dark. It’s quite cold tonight and pretty wet. I am pretty worried about her but there is nothing more we can do just to wait for her to be seen or to come back.

Tomorrow I have my appointment with the Lung specialist about my cough, so am also concerned about tomorrow. Not looking forward to any camera’s down throat or the like if that might happen!

Lisa, blind dating eh! At least you can do a runner before he sees you if you don’t like the look of him.

Lily, it sounds like the ball was good, well done for winning the raffle. Hope you had a good nights sleep last night and woke without a headache (it used to be called a hangover in my day LOL). I’m slowly stopping my AD now, I feel well enough to but have to do it slowly. Yes I was pleased Lloyd stayed in on X Factor, but how do the twins keep doing it?

Lorraine thank you for your kindness re the depression, I hope today has been a bit better for you? You sound like you are getting excited about Christmas with your grandaughter, ours is 5 too. Today she told me on the phone about how she was sick this morning all over Mummy’s bed and floor - yuk, but they’re so graphic at that age aren’t they.

Well, I’m trying to get an earlier night tonight as up at 5.30 to get the taxi to the hospital at 6.30, my appointment is at 9 am and its at least a 2 hour journey. Keep fingers crossed for me that dog comes back safe and its ok for me tomorrow.

Take care all

P x

oh Peacock I am so sorry about your pup and hope he is found before you have to go for your appointment. I would be sick with worry, all dog lovers in our house. Lots of luck tomoroow and please let us know how you get on. I hope that they will find no problems but have some ideas to help make you much better. I guess that is 2 wishes then x x.
By the way I must save my reputation, I was driving so did not drink a drop of alcohol. I thought it was a migraine from lack of sleep but it keeps coming back and taken tablets most of today and my ear hurt again. When YD rang she had exactly the same so i guess it is a virus and will hope it has passed tomorrow as it is a big shouting day with lots of naughty people to try to get to do some work. Hi Lorraine well i might check that out for a handbag. I bought a beautiful one from Matalan which is purple and covered in intricate beading but only good for special doos. Why don’t you try Tesco direct, online for a bigger coat? They can often track one down at another store too. Ed went coat shopping with her partner and came back with a lovely wool coat, a bit duffle like in bright blue. He said she tried a red one on and he said she was paddington bear and then another that he said made her look like fairy before the final one. He was areal romantic today and surprised her by sending 6 red roses to her work as it is 6 months until the wedding. Wow what a lovely thought. I have been trying to eat my way out of this headache today with chocolate rocky road which was yum. A friend asked if it had done the trick and I had to say no but at least I am enjoying trying :)I don’t care if I do have a headache, I am going to do what I want to do and not let it get the better of me. By the way my hair is going really curly but not orderly curls big hedgehog waves that stick out all down the side. I thought it would get flatter as it got longer. Might try scrunching with mousse - an activity which always sounded so nice and easy to do but my hair would never play the game before.How is all of your hair these days? Anyone else got twice as much and out of control?
Lorraine you had to say dumplings oh my I have not had them for years and now I will :slight_smile: I hated the top of Cheryl’s dress but she still looked good in it. Lisa I am loving the blind date and will be devastated if he is a boring slug with no hair, b.o. and a dirty tank top :)After that he is bound to look good :slight_smile:
Take care all and did any of you get hit by the terrible rain? No sign down here
Lily x

Hi all
A quick update as I didn’t have time yesterday and off to work soon today. You all sounded as if you had a good time on Halloween - love the photo Lisa - we just had a quiet time in watching a dvd with ED whilst YD was out partying - as usual! Nice new photo from Lorraine as well - I really will try to get one up on here as we’ve now got the replacement camera via insurance as our other one was ruined by spilt water when we were on hols. Really hope you find your Pup Peacock and your checks and scans etc are good today with no nasty surprises or tubes involved! Good luck, fingers crossed. Lorraine - I hope you are feeling better and not too down or achey. I think I give the wrong impression sometimes and believe me I’m not on the go all the time. My job lets me sit down all day so that’s not very active and I d have aches and pains at times but I think I bring them on myself by sitting in bad positions etc! I also feel really shattered some evenings if I’ve overdone things but generally trying to keep as ‘normal’ as possible. A lot of these things must be linked to all the hormones - or lack of them in my case, which we probably all underestimate. Well done Lily for winning the prize - something to look forward to, nice to see you’ve found alternative’cures’ for migraine!
Hope I’ve not missed anyone out, that the blind date goes well, Lisa, and that you all have a good week. The rain was awful on Sunday morning but cleared by lunchtime - luckily no flooding around here. Take care all
Nicky xx

Hi all,

so sorry to hear about the puppy peacock and hope he turns up soon (or has done so already) and thinking of you today with your appointment.

Lily I too have masses of uncontrollable curly hair which I don’t quite know how to deal with. I can’t blow dry it as it stands out too much so I scrunch dry it. Still it is wonderful to have hair!! I saw a colleague I use to work with last night and the poor love has just finished chemo for cancer of the uterus, she had BC several years ago and was on Tamoxifen which she feels contributed to her second bout of cancer, which freaked me out a bit to say the least. I am very glad that I will not be on the tamoxifen for 5 years but will switch to an aramotose inhibitor (well I think I am anyway doesn’t it get confusing)

Sorry to hear some of you are feeling a bit low I think it is something that can happen when the seasons change and it is difficult to deal with I think getting outside in the natural daylight as much as possible really helps even if it is only for half an hour.

Talking of getting outside in the sunshine I am off to Tenerife on Monday hooray!! for a week with girlfriends. Three of us old schoolfriends are going out to visit another friend who lives out there. Really looking forward to it we should have a good laugh and get a bit of sunshine too.

Talking X factor I like Joe he is so cute and has a wonderful voice but Olly is running a close second. What are the twins still doing on there? They may be nice kids but they can’t sing or dance for that matter. and yes Cheryl’s dress was appalling but she is such a pretty little thing she can get away with it.

Take care all and have a good week. Oh I couldn’t see the delights of the coloured hair as the web page isn’t showing the pics at present must take a look later!

love Bev x

Lisa just saw the hair brilliant! it looks as if you had fun.

Bev x

aghhhhhhhhhhh cant believe it just wrote a really long post and lost it, must have been cos a few of us where posting at the same time. now im sulking. erhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh x not in the mood to do it again. lol x

hi again,
ive calmed down now, after losing my post, its so annoying.


hope doggies come home with his tail between his legs. i didnt realise you have such a long journey to hospital, i thought it was bad enough catching two buse, i wont moan again. hope everything goes ok.

nicky 08
i think you do amazingly well, give your self a pat on the back. but i know what you mean about hormones, the little blighters are a nuisance.
i hope your earache is easing off, theres no way i could go with all those teenagers whilst i had earache, its bad enough well you feel well. i think it is part of a virus though, thats what my doc said too. im going to write and complain about the scales in boots, they weigh half a stone more than mine, (cant be right) and of course i was daft enough to weigh myself in front of hubby, now he keeps calling me tubs. thirteen stone, i cant believe it, im classed as obese now. ive cut down on cakes etc, when i was going through chemo i would have one or maybe two every day, now i tend to limit it, maybe i was born to be a fatty, arggggggggggggg
yours daughters boyfriend sounds nice, i can remember when i got flowers, now i just get the groceries. oh the joys of married life.
been to fill my self assessment form in at tax office, i didnt think i owed anything, but the lady who helped me thinks i owe about £600, oh well its only money! erghhhhhhhhhhhh
and to top that hubbys pap pap, needs a new fuel pump about £1000, so its a good job we did the christmas shopping early, nobody would be getting anything at this rate
take care all x

Hi Lorraine - just give us one liners - we’ll get your drift! It’s soooo frustrating to lose posts especially when they are long rambling ones like we do on here LOL. Try ‘copying’ your whole post before you click the SUBMIT button, that way, if it gets lost you can start again but just ‘paste’ it in. It can happen if your computer ‘times out’ if it’s not had any internet action for a while, ie whilst you’re typing and not accessing this site. I know this won’t help you today but maybe it will another time.
Bev - jealous!!!
Lily - hair, not a problem, luckily. Just about as it was before chemo, maybe not as soft as it was but that could be down to all the different hair dyes I’ve tried trying to find the right shade!
Nicky - quickly posting before going to a BodyBalance class. I went last week with some friends and managed to ache for about 3 days after but in a good way. xx

Hello all
I’m very pleased to say that my appointment went well today and it was decided my coughing is down to reflux (I can’t quite get my head around how indigestion would cause coughing – especially as I don’t really get indigestion, sometimes heartburn – but never mind I’m not questioning it, it is just good news. So I have to keep taking the tablets the GP gave me for reflux, and hope eventually it goes. I do have some damage to the right lung from rads, and a fractured rib from the coughing BUT THAT IS ALL, so cheer with me and raise your glass ladies please! Cheers!!

Heidi the pup is home again, but only this afternoon when we managed to find a kind lady in our village who had taken her in last night. It was so pleasing to see her and such a relief, so now although OH is away at the moment I have to get a friend in to sort out a better fence for me which is a bit difficult on an acre of land!

Thanks for your good wishes Lily, I hope I didn’t offend, I should have put LOL! You are very good being the driver, I hope that your migraine, and ear pain is better, have you taken something for it? How was your day at school? How lovely of your future son in law to send some roses, isn’t that so nice. I come into the hair category of twice as much and a bit out of control – my hair was so fine before and now it is a bit thicker so I am happy with it. Glad you haven’t had any rain (although by now you may have), we’ve had a horrid day.

Bev have a great week in Tenerife, how I long for a holiday but a bit difficult for us with 3 cats, 2 dogs, 3 chickens and a guinea pig to look after. Think of me when you are lounging on the beach – I can smell the sea from here LOL!

Hi Lorraine, I always do my posts in Word and then cut/paste now, I’m fed up too of losing posts. Good that you are trying to cut down on sweeties and cakes, do you do much exercise even walking? I don’t that is my problem, instead of working on the computer most of the day (which is my job) I need to be active. I thought about joining a yoga class but they are so expensive here, like everything else so I think I need to get on the Wii Fit now and again to exercise. Surely that is not obese at 13 stone??? I am 11 ½ but before chemo I was 10 ½ .I think your hubby loves you just the way you are, and is more than pleased that he can call you tubs, it sounds an affection nickname. But, I know what you mean with the joys of married life – next Jan will be our 18th anniversary. Cars, mine needs its MOT this week, hope it doesn’t fail!

Nicky it sounds like your body balance class did you some good, I feel bad here, and it sounds like I am the only one not exercising! Would love to try yoga, pilates or anything that enables me to stretch muscles that haven’t been stretched for a while LOL. Sorry I wasn’t much help re the TV problem, hope you get YD sorted soon.

Anyway, satellite still not going good because of bad weather, but can catch up later with Holby.

P xxx

Peacock fab news that you have no extra nasties to worry about and hooray that woof is home. Really pleased for you x.What happend about the rads damage? Is it permanent or do they have any treatment? No you didn’t offend me at all, never can tell when typing can you? Hi Nicky are you enjoying having YD home, well that is if she is at home and not out catching up with friends. Then you have to leave her all over again eek! Bodybalance sounds a bit painful, what do you do there? BTW when is your appointment so I don’t neglect to cross my fingers at the right time for you - not that you need them but I like superstitions. My hair is getting big and I like it, makes me laugh that I have so much hair and just waiting to see what happens to it next. The front is almost at my chin so nearly at my next haircut.
Hi Lorraine ooh poo losing posts is pants! It wasn’t proper earache just occasional or I would have stayed home. I am back to weight concern again too and Christmas isn’t going to help either is it. Really need to get myself organised and determined and go for it. Rotten chemo brain means I remember half way through a biscuit lol! the tax bill sounds horrible, give it to your Victor.
Hi Bev and lucky you going away again to catch some sun, have a lovely time. I had a laugh about your mad hair as it sounds like mine and after losing so much it is funny to have lots now. I can forgive my hair any of the stupid things it does.Sorry to hear about your friend.
Well the headache managed to wake me up in the middle of the night which was yuk but I managed to shake it off by this morning.No sign of it tonight hooray. Ed came round and we watched tv side by side all evening. A good night for our favourites. Quite a hectic day as expected and fired off a flurry of detentions for people who annoyed me just a bit too often. Then saw most of them had been excluded so guess I had it easy compared to some poor other teacher. Don’t know what gets in to them sometimes. We have swine flu in school and in my class and if I have to get it I hope it is before Christmas as most are off for over a week. They are being sick with it, all over the floor yuk! I also got sent a book on employing gay, lesbian an bi workers!!! Who sends me these things? And I opened it in the staff room infront of everyone which caused some amusement at my expense. Well I was feeling a bit mischievous so I presented them to the Head and said perhaps he would be interested in them. I am still waiting to hhear if he plans to promote me so might not have been a good move on the whole.
Hugs everyone
Straight Lily x

hi all
Lily thanks for the description, hope he is better than that. Wierd cos his friends havent told him my history and I know his brother is going through chemo sure not sure what to say, hopefully not a lot as going to pictures, i made first move again, get me eh!!! Still hankering elsewhere but gonna try it and not telling parents as wouldnt approve of blind date but hate lying to them.

Rocky road eh, yum, only lost 6lb so going slow but lots of partying at weekends coming up so if can keep a 1lb a week will be okay

Peacock - so pleased for you re the scan, rasing a glass of pop for you and will of course raise one at the weekend, especially good too that the puppy turned up, panic over.

Nicky - body balance sounds fun. I ache really easily so maybe need some more exercise.

Lorraine - hope the xmas wrapping going well

Bevy - enjoy Tenerife, really jeleous sounds like foon.

Update you all tomorrow nite xx

Lily the rads damage is slight, they say it won’t repair itself but “shouldn’t” cause me any problems. Not sure how that works so we’ll see. Your headaches sound like stress? Glad to hear you can relieve some of that by giving detentions. Sorry that you have swine flu at school, keep away from it won’t you if you can. Have you had a vaccination? Your joke on the head sounds funny, and hope he sees the funny side.
Lisa, I hope your blind date is ok and doesn’t result in what happened on one I went on years and years ago (I think I was about 14 at the time). We went to the pictures to see a horror film which I was quite enjoying, when suddenly this blind date of mine jumped out of his seat, really scared of the film – I was soooo embarrassed I can tell you.
My little Saxo has to be MOT’d tomorrow, fingers crossed that it doesn’t fail on anything as it’s done 2 yearly here and not every year. It was serviced earlier this year so hopefully it will be ok.
Our weather is awful, it’s been like April showers without the warmth, really heavy rain then nice and sunny.
Ooops better go, Spooks has just started.
Take care all xx

Peacock I’m pleased to hear that the rads damage won’t be a problem but it will if it keeps you coughing I guess:( At least it is not another worry to add to the list so thumbs up for that at least.Have you found out what your pup got up to yet? I won’t have the swine flu vaccination as considered no greter risk than anyone else now and no other things like asthma to trigger it. I think the headache was a virus as my daughter got it too but you can never tell for sure. I hate giving detentions as I have to stay in with them too :frowning: so it is like I am in trouble as well.Also have to fill out a great big form and detials including all rude words.Good luck with the car, hope it passes its MOT like you did.
Lisa let me tell you about my blind date - well I have been married to him for 29 years! Proposed to me after 8 weeks going out and married a year later. Hope you are going to see something scarey though so you can grab his hand! I am very proud of you making a move and why not.I think the brother in chemo would make him more aware and understanding - I like him already :)When is it?
Nothing much to report as an ordinary day really. Yesterday I was writing a job application for YD, pretending to be a 24 year old wanting a job as a library supervisor and tonight I am a 17 year old boy applying for uni writing a personal statement! He now thinks he may go and it will cost a bomb with us both working so no retirement for me, better start grinning at the boss to try to get that rise
Lily x

Well ive done it been on my blind date, arrrggghh! Bit emotional now as my mate just called to tell me how proud she was of me.

Wow Lily, married from a blind date eh?

Well, it went okay and it was my proper first date since Graham, so first date in 12 years, well sober date anyhow. he was nice, went to pictures so didnt speak as much which was a bit easier, however i did cough so much before i met him i was wrenching and threw up in my car a tad, the joys eh!!! just had some general chit chat and met at pictures so had chat and then went our seperate ways, now goodbye kiss so was worried he didnt like me but asked me to go out on sunday so will see if he does, all a bit awkward but I bumped into someone whos related to mam so worried as didnt tell them after my recent run in with simon and dad being so over protective. Might have to bite the bullet in morning and ring and confess all to mam rather than lie about it, just doubt they will be happy with blind date, but it was more of a set up by mates than blind date so hopefully they will be okay.

If it goes much futher will have to bring up the dreaded discussion but im sure theres not many blokes that would be willing to accpet someone with one boob unless already with them but if he doesnt his loss and aint good enough - hump!

Peacock in terms of rads damage, always tell me when having chest x ray to mention it to them as there will be rads damage to lung where rads hit it but shouldnt cause any problems.

Better go and deliberate how to break news to daddy dearest that his little girl has been on a date with someone hardly know

hi everyone

well another wet day, but cant grumble really can we.


you kept that quiet about meeting hubby on a blind date. how romantic to tell grandchildren in years to come. ive never understood teachers giving detentions because like you say, you suffer as well. i wonder what the answer is. maybe make them sit through some classical music, or cliff richards, hit them where there heart is. just had stew, and rubharb pie, so now im truly stuffed. trying to drink extra water see if it helps me feel any better.


well i do appreciate how hard it must be, to start a new relationship and have to explain about your surgery and illness. theres one thing for sure, if he sticks around hes truly specail and not just after someone to look good on his arm.(even though im sure you would), our boobs are a small part of us, we have so many other parts that make us the person we are. and you look a really friendly kind lady on your photo, so dont give anyone a second chance who cant except you, as you are. there are people starting relationships who have bigger issues with their bodies than we do, and seem to make a go of it, so good luck, me duck!

Hi Ladies
What a lovely post, Lorraine, you sum us up so well. We are the sum of all our parts not the bits that we no longer have, Lisa, I hope this makes you feel good about yourself - it does me! Well done as well going on a blind, or should we say partially sighted as it wasn’t a true blind, date? Hope all goes well on Sunday and also with telling your dad and mam - I’m sure they will approve if you do - after all they only want the best for their daughter.
Lily - mind you don’t get any more headaches with your split personalities! Hope you are successful in your applications LOL Also that all the bloomin’ pupils aren’t getting to you too much, I expect teaching would be so much better without them!
Peacock - good luck with the MOT, we all rely on our cars so much don’t we and if they don’t work it’s such a nuisance.
Well, have done Body Balance again and don’t ache as Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi so slow moving and peaceful movement which tones you very well rather than quick repetitive stuff. Will probably have to miss next week as it’s the big tooth extraction! Not looking forward to that at all, however it should sort my toothache out. I won’t let on about my f/up appt as I don’t like thinking about it or letting people know but keep sending positive thoughts to me for the next couple of weeks and I’ll let you know how it goes! Not thinking about it too much atm but I’ll be a bag of nerves by then arghhhhh.
It’s been a good week seeing YD, the downside is having spent money on her for a ‘few’ extra things she needs for winter. We’re all off for a family meal tonight and she goes back on Saturday afternoon. I think she has really enjoyed herself getting away for the responsibility of living on your own and also catching up with all her mates in the UK. That’s all the news for now, have a good evening and hope you are all doing well.
Nicky xx

well done Lisa and how old are you worrying about what everyone else thinks? I understand totally but every now and again please put yourself on top of the pile because you still have a lot of living to do. I am sure your folks are only worried about the dangers of internet dating and meeting strangers but this was someone your friends knew and they would not put you in danger :)I am laughing (sorry) about you being sick with nerves but better than being sick on him I guess ha ha. I hope he rings again and I will be really surprised if no-one has told him about the Bc at least. Just make sure you tell him before he finds out everything for himself if you know what I mean (wink).You know we all think you deserve another chance of happiness and time will tell if he just turned up, but even if he isn’t the one, he got you back in the saddle and enjoy a bit of dating. Really chuffed for you and stop feeling guilty :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Lorraine hi yes I thought what you said was lovely too, thank you. Whenever I tell the girls and son not to rush into things and tried to slow them down from moving in with partners, they threw that one right back at me!Quite a shock for my parents when I went in and told them. I can still picture my Mum, who always went to bed really early being half asleep and jumping right up in the air from lying down and saying ‘what did you say?’ He used to pick me up at work in his sports car and take me off to the Samuel Peypes, a famous old pub nearby. My detentions last as long as it takes the person to say sorry and to promise better behaviour in future. If they are smart or regulars they do it pretty quick.I am a hopeless optimist and always give them yet another chance.I like the Cliff Richard torture :)I once made 2 naughty boys who drove me bonkers skip down the corridor holding hands infront of lots of people and another 2 stand in the library and sing a Christams carol to everyone in there and it was full of little ones who had no idea what I was up to and all came round to listen to the big boys singing for them. The library lady was crying with laughter as they were notorious for causing bother. They love my options ‘do this or have 64 detentions - your choice’.Mostly they love the attention and a bit of humour. Hmmm I liked the sound of your dinner very much.I hope it made you feel better too. Have you made plans? Try to arrange to see some of your friends or people who make you feel better after being with them. Keeping busy and with people always helps me.
Hi Nicky glad to hear your daughter managed to empty your purse again - bet you enjoyed it. What would we do without the little treasures? I am still a 17 year old wanting to do an It course whose hobbies include weight training, football and rugby :slight_smile: Yuk hate the dentist poor you and always my hopes are high for you and I am feeling good, no antenna going off so I will just wait to hear what they said and you try not to think about it until you pull into the car park. Easier said than done I know x x
Right signing off
Lily x

Thanks all, you certainly know me quite well and defo cheered me up no end. no-one told him about the BC as they thought better for him to know me first but will defo approach before him finds out by mistake — ha ha, not easy but like you say, if he’s a decent bloke it wont bother him as much, if it does then he’s not worth it and at least Im back out there and for ages been more positive butjust have odd niggle that if I get happy something else will go wrong.

Well night all, off to bed for an early night xx

hi everyone

woke up this morning feeling a little more upbeat, thank god. i wasnt in a very nice place last few days. id had a call from a lovely friend from church, whod said see how you feel in the morning and will perhaps go out. so i woke up fine, and we went a walk around the local lake, and then went for a coffee (well milk shake really).and i was a good girl, no cake. but when i got up i didnt keep it up, just had some ham and mustard crisps. yum yum. few hundred calories. erhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

lily 2000
i cant believe it, no mention of toffee apples on your post last night, it was bonfire night you know? i like the stories of antics you made the kids do. day out with friend definatly helped, even though pain really bad last night, but my own fault , i didnt take a painkiller and couldnt be bothered to get up. just scared at times incase its worse. but a lot of people who havnt got secondaries, say there aching so lets hope its just my age.

glad you had good time with daughter, i will be thinking of you, as you head towards your f/up, but im sure youll be fine, better when its over though.
take care all x

Hi girls

just a quick update as something quite exciting happened this week. I had a call from the surgeon’s secretary asking me if I could get to the hospital by midday (short notice to try and look glam as I got the call at 11.15 am.) for a photoshoot regarding the trials I took part in as it was now going to be hitting the headlines and the medical journals and the team are now giving lectures world wide. I felt quite important (being the very first patient on the trials) although I didn’t have to do anything other than lie there and be poked about. Anyway it featured in todays local paper so if you send me a message with your private email addresses I will forward it on as I don’t know how to do it on here.

I also had a call today again asking me to contact them but I have been out with my mum and as I am holiday monday may not be able to find out what that was all about. Hubby reckons it is for the national newspapers aghhhh! what a thought. Anyway I just thought you would all be interested as it means they have made major breakthroughs and can now speak about it to other medical teams. Wont make any difference to us but will make a big difference to women in the future which is great.

Hope you all have a good weekend and I will report back when I can.

love Bev xx