Darling buddies from May - moving on

Lorriane what can I say other than my thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you are made comfortable and find peace in being in the hospice where they can take good care of you. Everything I came on here to chat about has pailed into insignificance and I am sending you as many vibes as possible to be comfortable. Love to you and your family.

love to you all other girlies and I will be back with chat soon.

Bev x

Hi buddies

Well I’ve forgotten what I came on to say last night, but I expect that is a joy for all of you cos it probably was a load of trivia.

Today was a beautiful sunny day here, I managed to get loads of washing out on the line drying beautifully in the sun and wind, and then found the 2 of the cheeky chickens had somehow hopped over the little fence we have around our patio doors (to stop the dogs from wandering) so when I went out to catch them and put them over the fence they decided to run into the lounge! There I was, going like the clappers (excuse my London expression), fast as I could to catch them - it looked like something from a cartoon. Eventually managed to get them out and over the fence in one piece.

Lily you’ve got the bed shaking again, well done you! Hope you are enjoying your week off, well, doesn’t it go quickly. Our YD still has another week to go.

Talking of which, YD managed to break her bed last night! It always happens when Mr P is away, so she will have to manage with a mattress on the floor until he gets back. I don’t think the bed is salvageable though, but I want to wait for him to come home so we can choose a bed base all together. Silly really, but it’s nice to make joint purchases for our new house.

Anyway, sorry I’ve still managed to write a load of dribble, just trying to get past this like Lorraine has asked us to.

Take care to all, love to Lorraine especially xxxxxx

Hi all: was reading thru all the messages waiting to find out about Lorraine and just stopped dead when I came to your post. What can I say? Whatever rubbish was I was going to write has gone and my concern is only for you. Please let them make you comfortable and without pain – we will keep you smiling with nonsense – sounds like one of Lily’s specialities!

Mega cyber hugs and all love Lorraine and to your family.


Hi Ladies, and especially Lorraine.
I’m not sure if you are getting to a pc to read this, Lorraine, but my thoughts are with you all the time. Thanks Lily for doing such a great job keeping in touch with Lorraine and letting us know how she is. Although I have text’d her I’m not as good at this as you, especially knowing that my situation could change just as quickly. I’m sure she knows that we are all hoping that she is comfortable and coping with her situation and also that her family, especially her children are getting some help as well.
I won’t be on here for a few days as we have to take YD back to Paris tomorrow and move her from one tiny apartment to one slightly bigger one! At least this one is on the ground floor not up on the 7th! Hoping that the rumours of more snow are untrue and we get back to the UK alright.
Take care all and have a good weekend.
Nicky xx

Take care Nicky safe journey and hope you doing okay.

Peacock, hope you doing okay and still have some sun.

Lily, you heard from Lorraine today, text yesterday but no response, sure she isnt up to much, keep hoping for a little miracle and cant begin to understand what she is going through, its came about so fast since she complained of bloating.

Lorraine if you reading we really miss you and hope the pain is under control.

To everyone else, have a lovely weekend and welcome to the newcomers (well to our thread anyhow), hope we can keep you posted on how Lorraine is doing xxxxx

Raising a glass for everydaymatters

no news from Lorraine to report but I know she will be back to us when the time is right for her. I wonder if they are moving her. Anyway buddy if you read this hope you managed to get the things you were looking for and that the nurses are helping you to get as comfy as possible. I have had my bone scan cancelled due to staff shortages so just one lot of vein digging for me with the Ct scan. I just hope they don’t even ask me to drink the thick stuff because it is not going to happen. Its the water solution or nada! Victor is coming with me and will be mortified if I don’t obey orders from people in uniforms ha ha :slight_smile:
Peacock I like your chicken story, I should turn them into coq au vin for being so naughty lol.Nicky hope the next move will be easier than the last and no snow dances to give you trouble ;0)
You know I think we all react differently and so many times you guys have said exactly the right thing when I have not known what to say. Thats what I like most about us, we always manage to have someone up and strong when someone else needs a cyber hug or support. Who knows what path lies ahead for any of us but I think you get back tenfold what you give to others, so if anything I say to Lorraine is of any cheer then that is my reward. I wish I was near enough to bend your ear in person, oh and believe me I would :slight_smile:
Enjoy the weekend its going to be chilly again
Lily x

Hi Lisa,
I wondered why my post bounced, we must have both hit send at a similar time. No reply to me since Thursday morning when they were planning more tests to investigate.
Lily x

ah Lily and its usually you bouncing me out! Lets hope she might just have been moved and re-adjusting. I think you are a major support and always know the right thing to say, i just end up being a bumbling idiot, think thats why i never arranged to meet up with Angie, yet I can vividly remember sitting in waiting room next to a bloke (Tommy) an dAngie coming out of the toilet and thought how wierd would that be if it was angie, then rads nurse called for me and tripped over chair on route lol!!!

Here’s to a nice wekend to all, albeit it cold, hallway painted and brother coming to pull out bathroom tomorrow, well here’s one that Lorraine would laugh at - as had hall painted (which cost me £200 is that reasonable, was staircase and 5 doors and they spent 4 days doing it (although I know they have been on my Wii) but i was his bridesmaid and his wife a great mate, well back to story, dad took handles off doors so they could paint as have new ones to go back on, all doors have the right side on i.e. lock and rod in door so open, well tonight come in locked from door and took handle off living room door as didnt want to mark my new paint work, well guess what, locked myself in living room, could get owta back door but one boobed woman in fluffy slippers aint a good luck, phew, after 10mins finally managed to get the screwdriver to take out the screws and unlock the door - thanks god my box of wine was on my side.

Love to all, especially Lorraine xxx

ah Lily and its usually you bouncing me out! Lets hope she might just have been moved and re-adjusting. I think you are a major support and always know the right thing to say, i just end up being a bumbling idiot, think thats why i never arranged to meet up with Angie, yet I can vividly remember sitting in waiting room next to a bloke (Tommy) an dAngie coming out of the toilet and thought how wierd would that be if it was angie, then rads nurse called for me and tripped over chair on route lol!!!

Here’s to a nice wekend to all, albeit it cold, hallway painted and brother coming to pull out bathroom tomorrow, well here’s one that Lorraine would laugh at - as had hall painted (which cost me £200 is that reasonable, was staircase and 5 doors and they spent 4 days doing it (although I know they have been on my Wii) but i was his bridesmaid and his wife a great mate, well back to story, dad took handles off doors so they could paint as have new ones to go back on, all doors have the right side on i.e. lock and rod in door so open, well tonight come in locked from door and took handle off living room door as didnt want to mark my new paint work, well guess what, locked myself in living room, could get owta back door but one boobed woman in fluffy slippers aint a good luck, phew, after 10mins finally managed to get the screwdriver to take out the screws and unlock the door - thanks god my box of wine was on my side.

Love to all, especially Lorraine xxx

Hi buddies

It is a nice sunny day here again, although I think the rain will come later on today as the clouds are thickening up – I hate rain.

Nicky – hope the trip to Paris and the move isn’t too traumatic, and that you manage to return to a wintry Basingstoke without delay!

Lisa – what a story about how you met Angie and Tommy, does anyone know how the family are doing now? Some of us just don’t have the knack to say the right things at the right time, unfortunately I feel I am one of those people, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care. I like your fluffy slippers story, but it must have been quite scary to lock yourself out – or in as the case may be.

Lily – sorry to hear that you’re bone scan has been postponed, when do you have to go for the CT scan? Why would they make you drink horrid stuff, is it a full body scan to check stomach and all those bits too? The coq au vin idea sounds lovely, except our chickens aren’t for eating. Believe it or not there is a difference between eaters and egg layers. I’ve been told by those in the know (not me obviously) that egg laying chickens are as tough as old boots, or old chickens as the case may be. I wish I could post a video on here because they make me laugh and smile daily when they try to run. When I feed them I call them in a silly voice “chick chick chick” and this stupid action sets up 3 chickens trying to run as fast as they can, they raise their wings as though trying to lift off, but because we’ve clipped their wings they can’t get into flight. There, my piece of biology for you all, of the day!

I finally got an appointment to see my Onc for 22 April – I have to leave the house at 06.00 to get to the hospital by 08.15 for a heart scan, then I will be hanging around all day before I see the Onc at around 16.30 then after that a 2 hour drive home, I will be one cream crackered lady. I then phoned to see if I could get an appointment with the PS and was told that I am not due to see him until November – what!!! I need that recon sooner than that, so next week it will be my task to try – and I say try because it is so difficult – to get an appointment sooner than November. Wish me luck, don’t they realise how they are playing with our emotions keep changing these appointments about. I was first told I would be having recon in Feb this year!

Hi to Soulgirl and Julia and all our newcomers.

Have a good weekend all

Hi Girlies,

first thoughts are to you Lorraine and hoping you are feeling more comfortable. Like the others said words are so inadequate although our lovely Lily always has a great comment in support.

Peacock good luck with the hospital trip. When I looked back over comments you asked whether anyone else had thyrod problems. I did in the past (which apparently is totally weird as when you are on thryoxine it is supposed to be for life) but I was on it for a few years and then one blood test showed the thyroid to be working again adequately enough to come off it. It made me lose weight and made me a bit hyperactive (I was a lot younger then no chance of that now) Also what happened about your leaking nipple as I had that too years ago which turned out to be a cyst that had expired through the nipple sounds delightful doesn’t it. Anyway good luck with it all.

Lily glad to see you are as ubeat as ever. I don’t know if any of you saw the article in the newspapers about low dosage aspirin and preventing the reoccurence of breast cancer but take a look at the article if you google bc and aspirin it sould come up worth reading. I am going to ask my onc about it and see what his thoughts are (probably tell me sto stop looking at he interenet!)

Hope the move goes well Nicky with your daughter how lovely to need to return to Paris so often. Now why did my son chose Plynouth for uni (not that I have anything against it but somewhere abroad may have been nice)

Lisa I could just picture you in the fluffy slippers with a screwdriver in hand you couldn’t make it up could you real life is always so much funnier (and sadder)than TV and well done on the results of your mammo.

I have had my bone density but still awaiting results (3 weeks now!) and I had an ultrasound scan of my uterus due to the blasted discharge. I have a large fibroid in the uterus wall (I think this is quite common of ladies in their fifties) and I have a cystic lining of the womb whioh they say is common to a side effect of tamoxifen. Doesn’t sound nice to me but no one seems very worried by it so I guess that is the way it will be until off the tamoxifen.

Hi to Julia and others and wising you all a good weekend. We are off to our neices engagement party tonight and I will seem my lovely son and his girlfriend so really looking forward to that. I have a new dress and bought false nails god knows how I will get on with them I will probably get them hooked in my tight when going to the loo and lose the lot!! Wil report back.

love Bev x

i am so frustrated girlies wrote such a long post and lost it so i havnt got energy to do it again mayb tommorow x

so sorry you lost your post lorraine, look forward to reading it tomorrow, hope you are getting some rest xx

Well brother now ripped bathroom out apart from loo thank god, mayhem living in but got my tiles for a bargain and got a wide screen tv and stand, my xmas treat sod it, every day does matter!!!


great to hear from you Lorraine -oh except we didn’t!!! How annoying, remember to right click copy then if it gets lost you still have it. Ask the boys they will explain. Well hoping things are reasonable with you and that they are getting you a bit more balanced. In my experience, you quiet ones sometimes like to get used to news yourself before talking about it, so I hope that you are still peaceful and not troubled. Most of all I hope they are keeping you comfy. Tell us tomorrow if you can matey x.
Hey Lisa I had no idea that was you on utube with a screwdriver inone hand and a falsie in the other!! My head is thumping just thinking about the terrible smell of paint you must be putting up with. I hate it. But it will be fab when it is finished and the digital shower too, lovely. Can I some and stay? :)I remember Angie saying she saw you when they called your name. I still look in at his site sometimes and have kept all Angie’s emails to me so I can keep the memory. BTW you are not a bumbling idiot!!. Ok sometimes you do that funny northern stuff and I haven’t the foggiest but def not bumbling:).What colour is your bathroom and think how lovely to have a big tv - that will put off glasses for a few more years ha ha.
Bev oh have a wonderful time at the do and seeing your son.Hope your ankle is up to a little dance.Yes yes yes I saw the aspirin thing but wondered if I would give myself an ulcer instead as a dodgy tummy is my ‘going home present’ from chemo that I may have to live with. Worse things happen at sea as my Grandma would have said.Good luck with the scan results and what a bloody pain that the other bloody end has decided to bloody play up now. Bloody bad luck! How did you get on with the nails? I am thinking of some for the wedding.
Oh it is not too long to May now.
Peacock that was fascinating chicken info, I had no idea. I am not being sarcastic, I like to know these things to make my lessons funny. The kids think it is hilarious if in the middle of some deep session on factorisation, I launch in to a story. Chickens will be fab. Tell me more.The Ct scan says 'CT scan chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast.'That is what our onc gives everyone as routine. The other local ladies are puzzled by my number of extra appointments so we asked BCn and it is because I am on a research trial so get tons of follow ups for 5 years. I am not sorry that I don’t have the bone scan in the same week as was a bit worried about a reaction like Lorraine had.Can you shop anywhere near the hospital on your long day? Thats a really early start. Keep battling to see the PS, that is a terrible wait.
Well been a busy day. Had a panic yesterday as phoned MUm and she said half her head was numb. I thought action stations get to the doc quick as she has had a stroke. She phoned back and was being seen 30 minutes later. Eeek I was in bed in my pjs with little chap who was staying. Do you think the little rascal would play ball? Not him, I need my cereal Nanna, I need my drink Nanna, I don’t like those socks Nanna, I haven’t brushed my hair Nanna, I want to watch television Nanna, etc, etc. The journey takes just over 15 minutes there and then 10 to her doc. Anyway pleased to report it was a migraine caused by codeine cough medicine another doc gave her for her chest infection so she was ordered to tip it down the sink. She is fine now but still rather wobbly and trying to do silly things like hang out big double sheets on the washing line!
Right hugs everyone and sorry such a long post (for a change :))
Lily x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

hi there girlies
i shall try and post yet again. ive hsd a shower it was lovely. my appetite is returning because im on steriods at moment
my potasium levels are coming down slowly they are still at six though ,they tried to give me some chalky stuff but i took the one lot and said i refuse to take anymore they can stick it where the sun dont shine!
the last few weeks have been so hard but i feel i may b on the up again.
everyone is really kind and i have lots of friends working at hosp if there not on duty to get me what i want there collegues do it so i feel a proper prima donna.hubby brought me sausage and egg bap this morning i could get use to this! x remember enjoy every moment x

Lorraine so good to hear from you and that you are more comfortable and being spoilt by everyone as you bloody well should be. We are all thinking of you. You are sooo right every day does bloody matter and I am going to think that every day! so thank you for that philosphy of life.

Re nails reporting back, Lily the nails didn’t work! go and have proper ones done at the nail parlour. It took me an hour to get the damn things on and then I was too frightened to touch anything incase they fell off. Well you can guess yep there I was trying to look glam and ping off shot one across the room to the startled look of those standing nearby (glam look didn’t last long!as I went grovelling along the floor to retrieve the nail) and then the rest of the evening the others at various times decided to pop off like when I was picking up a piece of quiche! aghh can you imagine the looks I got with that one. Oh well I did try much to the amusement of hub and son. However the evening was good and it was lovely to see people celebrating a happy ocassion.

Lisa glad to hear you still have a loo!! now that would be tricky. what colour scheme are you going for in the bathroom?

My hub woke up this morning to announce he was going to rip the fireplace out I didn’t take a lot of notice. Went to church and low and behold when I came back the fireplace had gone!! he has thankfully ordered another one that will be arriving next week but he is obviuosly on a mission so I am leaving him to it. He has decided the carpet has to go (probably due to the amount of red wine he has spilt over it!)and he is suggesting we go modern and have a wooden floor (doesn’t that seem funny when I was a kid all floors were wooden and you were fashionable and modern to have carpets) everything goes around doesn’t it.

Catch up soon.

love Bev xx

Hi Lorraine, so glad you are getting your appetite back
wonder if they can they add something to the chalky stuff to make it easier to take?
Sausage and Egg
yummy delicious.
Love Belinda

hi all.

Lorraine lovely to hear from you, glad you enjoyed shower and get you, bacon sarnie, yum, glad youmore comfortable and on the up xxx

Well better go all, catch up tomorrow, bathroom a mess have 3 floor boards left down and toilet, lots of pipe work today and house a tip!!! Going black and white, with some mosaics that are black with lots of every colour sparkle in, so am buying a selection of carpets to change - shocking pink, teal, purple, lime etc. etc.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend xx

Hello buddies

Bev, I think fibroids are quite common in women of our age, I haven’t taken tamoxifen but my menopause was started by chemo, being 50 and around that age. Hope your dexa scan is good, that is something else that I need to organise pretty soon. My Grandmother and my Mum suffer with osteoporosis and it can run in the family. Have you googled what “cystic lining of the womb” means just to have it explained, even though they are not concerned about it, does it ease your mind now you know? Did you enjoy the party? Thank you for letting me know about your thyroid problems, I am hoping to get some energy soon. They said I would be on the tablets for life, so who knows, maybe I won’t be. Sorry that the false nails didn’t work for you. I’ve had good success with them myself, I put some on for New Year’s Eve and had to take them off 3 weeks later, as there was no sign of them coming off. Maybe it depends on the type/brand you use? So the decorating bug has hit your household too. We have a wooden floor so I agree with your OH, but I see where you are coming from.

Lisa the wide TV sounds brill, like Lily says you won’t need glasses now, trouble is that it makes your screen so good to watch you might just drink a few more glasses of wine!

Lily, I could chat all day about my chickens they really are fascinating creatures. What would you like to know? We have 3 chickens, one called Ginger, one called Dorothy and one called Blackie. Ginger is one of the original 6 we had in 2008, all the others died last year on the same day when it was very hot, they don’t “do” heat very well. Dorothy replaced the cock that we had, we got fed up with his crowing from early morning till late at night and Blackie was given to us by friends when they left France to return to Ireland. We get either 2 or 3 eggs a day, lovely they are too (but not in meringues, fresh eggs and meringues just don’t mix for some reason) and the chickens eat ANYTHING from potato peelings, all vegetation that they can get and they do love meat but we don’t give ours meat very often. Their favourite meal is worms. I hope I’m not boring you all about chickens, I’ll have you poultry experts before long. Glad that your Mum didn’t have a stroke after all and it just goes to show how medication can affect everyone. I think being called Nanna is just lovely, I am usually Nanny France – being as “other” Nanny isn’t.

Lorraine, how great to hear from you, are you at the hospice now? How are you getting internet connection? Glad that your appetite is better, that will build you up a bit and thank goodness for that. You lucky thing, a sausage and egg bap – I haven’t had one of those in a while and it sounds delicious. It’s good that you are keeping comfortable. You are in my thoughts every day. Xx

Take care all

well done Lorraine, you got on in the end and you have given me a big smile knowing that you are feeling brighter, long may that last. You know what the problem is don’t you? You type too bloody slow :slight_smile:
Try typing short bits and posting and then do a second or third one. Only other alternative is to hire a secretary to do it for you. As you know I am impressed and heartened by your renewed interest in food of the most unhealthy type. Welcome back Lorraine lol. Hope cakes will be coming back in soon too. Take care and are you still moving out of the hospital? Likewise I will be refusing to drink that bloody horrible thick chalky stuff for my CT scan on Thursday. More power to the patients !!!
Nicky hope you managed to get over, move Yd and back again without exhausting yourself. Don’t know how you find the energy. Hope she is snuggled in her new nest now.
Bev, a few bloodys in there, well done :)You have given me a good laugh about the false nails and I will forever more have to eat quiche cautiously in case of hidden nails ha ha. Has hubby let you know what the new fireplace will be like? I hoep you like it. You are all getting me going about decorating again. Victor is not keen at all :frowning: Mmmm my new floor tiles are freezing too to walk on.
Lisa well it sounds like chaos and all the spiders escaping up the holes yuk. It also sounds like it will be fab when it is finished though. Keep smiling it will be over soon.
Nanny Peacock yes I love being Nanna too. In fact I did say at dinner tonight (11 for roast!!) that I would very much like to have more Grandchildren. To the girls, not my son who is 18!! Oh we better get a bigger table! Do you have side effects from the thyroid tablets? All the people I know on them, say they will take them for life now. You never know when they will find something better though. I liked hearing about Ginger, Dot and Blackie. My mUm had a chicken called Blackie, they ate it one Christmas and she said she cried all day.Will you stick with just 3 or would you like more?
I went to a cancer fundraising tea party today. This is the second one in under a week and I wonder if there is a prize for eating the most cake!!Victor said you really didn’t have to eat that much! My excuse and it is a good one is that I went with YD who is allergic to milk. So no tea and no cake and I was being polite in trying the coffee and walnut cake followed by a slab of wild berry pavlova with thick double cream yum. You couldn’t refuse could you? I had fresh fruit salad tonight to be good.
Enjoy your week
Lily x