Darling buddies from May - moving on

I agree, I am thinking of Angie too all the time, it has shaken me right up, so Angie I cannot imagine how you are feeling. Hopefully having lots of big hugs from your nearest and dearest. I will be thinking about you and your appointment tomorrow and hope you will feel up to posting to let us know how you get on. We understand this is difficult for you, if you can’t. I think I would get a second opinion just for reassurance. Sending all the luck in the world your way and hoping for some positive action from the onc. Good luck Angie.
Kirsty it was good to hear you are at work now and is that you in the picture,such a lovely photo? Julia love the woof, perhaps I will put mine on too. Nicky are you coming up to another treatment or did I miss it. Sorry if I did and hope they found a vein easily this time. Lorraine I have also forgotten to ask about your results, so sorry. If you have them back, I hope they were ok. Please let us know how you got on. Our road is still thick ice and very slippy and we are at the bottom of a hill, so having to be very careful walking and driving. Take care
Lily x

Hi Kirsty, lovely photo and nice to hear from you, we sound at similar stages, Im back full time with the short spiky look too, bit messy at times albeit! So glad you are feeling better, Ive lots of niggles and scary moments especially hearing Angie’s news.

Hope everyone else is okay with the niggles, tiredness and treatments, Ive been feeling ropey and off my food but that’s after effects of a very heaving drinking weekend which I dont think is good for me, soo trying tobe more healthy and scared the BRCA1 gene could be doing bad things to me. Lost 13lb though x

Sending the best vibes possible for you Angie and understand you might not be even up to reading posts but if you are we are all routing for good news at Carlisle tomorrow and hopefully treatment as soon as possible xxxxx

Hi everyone
Good to hear from you Kirsty, lovely photo. Glad to hear you’re back working and getting on with things as well, keep in touch when you can.
Love all the dog photos everyone is putting on, I think mine will have to be my moggie, just need to get a decent one of her though.
Lily - no treatments this week thank goodness. I have had a GP’s appt though so not missing out on the medical experience too much! Just checking BP, organising a blood test for cholersterol - yes, that’s up atm, and stockpiling any tablets I need before my pre-paid runs out next week and before we get the new exemption certificate! Anyway got my money’s worth out of the appt! I think he was glad to see me as it was Monday and we were pretty much snowed in round here but I’m able to walk to the surgery so a bit of exercise as well. I have treatment the Monday after next and usually it’s straighforward but still means I have a morning taken away. Hope you’re coping with the weather. Also, did you get the message about the thread you’d been looking for from me? I’m not sure if it ‘worked’.
Lisa - definitely getting aches and pains and trying not to panic so I know where you’re at. Just about everything I had done or taken can cause them so I’m keeping an eye on things and hope to get some scans in the next month or so to check me out. Otherwise feeling good and have kept the weight off since my ‘ablation diet’ in December. You’re sounding really good so I hope everything is going well for you.
Lorraine - have you heard yet, as Lily says, about your scans? Hope the waiting hasn’t been too hard and the results are good.
Bev and Julia - hope you are OK.
And dear Angie, I will be thinking about you and Tommy all day. I hope you get to see the onc and the weather doesn’t stop things. You must be desperate to know what is going to be planned for you and to get on with things. Will have everything crossed for you and when you’re ready please let us know how it went.
Love and hugs to all
Nicky xx

Hi Nicky, glad you are doing well. Are you still getting headaches, I seem to get them first thing and stay most of day so starting on the paracetomal to see if it helps things along, could be just stress and worry as well as pills and been really upset since Angie’s very sudden news.

Good luck Angie xx

I hope you all don’t mind me butting into your thread but I’ve just come across Angie’s devastating news. Although we haven’t met if my memory serves me I tnink we both had the same breast surgeon at Carlisle. I feel so gutted for her as she had just finished treatment and was getting back on her feet.
Angie, I really hope Carlisle can sort you out. With no disrespect to Carlisle I chose, for personal reasons, to have my treatment at Christies in Manchester which is a centre of excellence in the North.
If you want to pm me I can give you more information.

My thoughts are with you today

Take it no-one heard from Angie?

Hi Lisa
I seem to get them every now and then but also worse in the morning. I think we are all really stressed still from all of our treatments and what we’ve been through. I think (hope) mine is part stress - which I hope to get sorted with my complementary therapy when the snow clears so I can get there - and part medication. The threads on Arimidex do seem to point out all the aches and pains so I don’t think what I get are unusual. As you’ve said though we’re all so worried about Angie and that can’t help. Look after yourself.
Thinking of you, Angie
Nicky xx

Hiya Ladies.

Thank you so much for your kind words, they really do help. Tommy and I are just reeling and in shopck still really. We saw the head onc today and I’ve had a blast of rads to the whole brain and am having another one tomorrow which they’re pretty optimistic about. The hardest thing was giving my mum the prognosis bascially an average life span of a year now. Needless to say I’m asking about trials, using homeopathy and plain bein hopeful. I’m just not ready to give up yet and neither is Tommy.

I’ll probably loose my hair again as a side effect of the whole brain radiotherapy though.

So it’s really not good news but it’s not just weeks either and how ever long Tommy and I have got together we’re going to make the most of it.

This does bring back close memories of Zotam’s lisa too, and I found a post from her back in November, it seems that the chemo’s had worked so I’m holding onto every ray of hope there is… In between bouts of shock.

Nicky, how do you just get over the shock when you’re told about the secondaries, it feels like it’ll never pass right now.

Thanks so much for your love everyone.

I’m going to try and relax for a bit now.


Dear Angie what a brave young woman you are to come on here and let us all know how things are going. We have all had you constantly in our thoughts and in our hearts and will continue to do so. Can’t say anymore as words are just too inadequate but my prayers are with you tonight and will be every night.

love Bev xx

hi angie, it was so good to see your post, it must be really hard for you to think straight at the moment, never mind think of others as well, but that shows what a kind considerate person you are.
keep the hope in your heart and enjoy the time you spend with tommy, doing things you enjoy.

be kind to yourself, and do anything that makes things easier for you. you have been in my thoughts each day, and i hope the treatment goes well and doesnt make you feel too rough.

lily 2000

i have an appointment with onc on the 18th feb, to discuss results from scan, im thinking hopefully its good news because he doesnt seem in a rush. hope my positive thinking doesnt get me in a mess again, because i felt like that before diagnoses and then i had a shock. but im not worrying anyway. you need to get some designer wellies for all this snow we are having. the other year i went sledging with children but even thats out now, incase i tumble and break anything. aghhhh!

nicky 08

hi there, i didnt know you had a doggy it will be nice to see him. i keep having trouble with my pics again, i never know what people are seeing because its always different on my profile.

everyone take care x

Hi Angie

I’ve not posted on this thread before but I was diagnosed about 2 months after you and have read your posts- you always seemed a lighthearted and positive bunch on here but I didn’t want to intrude on your thread.

Brain mets seems to be the one that everyone dreads, but after a scare I had a few months ago (which lasted a while) I started going to the BCmets website and there’s loads of ‘feel-good’ stories on there. It depends exactly the mets are etc. but there’s loads of people who have had miraculous results from WBR etc. Please look!

Please remember that loads of people are thinking about you and wishing you all the luck in the world even if you don’t know us.


Everyone is welcome on this thread and angie I hope it shows how much people do care, I knnow it must be hard for you to write but I soooo admire you, you are soo brave, strong and I know you will try everything possible to extend your prognosis. You have a very strong relationship with Tommy and Im sure you will try to enjoy the time you have together.

Youve offered sooo much support to people on herethat everyone will be here for you to blast off, cry, anything.

Hope the rads werent too bad and that they make some improvements - are you in pain? You know Dr D gives it straight but also hope he had some optimism about trails etc. Is there any chance of operating or anything , sorry could be talking crap but dont know any of your symptoms or how on hells earth this could have happened to you so soon after chemo.

So sorry, you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly - get some rest and sorry about the hair xxx

hi everyone,

i know its not the best time at the moment with angies news. but i was thinking, seeing as its about a year from treatment for most of us, what about having an online party. i think it would be good fun.
we now have pic facility so we could pick a dress online and put it in the pic space and have a good chat about our choices. we could even invite some girls of the other threads.

with having the pic facility we could use our imagination and have some fun. you could even bring along a celebrity, anything goes.
i think it would have to be arranged for a couple of weeks, with everyone feeling so low. let me know how you feel. and dont for one minute think im not feeling angies pain, cos shes never far from my mind. goodnight god bless. x going dress hunting. just think price is no obstacle, i may even get some jimmy shoes.

hi everyone

its me again, i do hope we have this party. ive been having a look at some designer dresses, so strange when moneys no object, theyres so many reduced. i am determined not to be cheap, i cant have you all being more flash than me.

i know im going mad but just humour me.

its great! ive never been able to look at dresses for a thousand quid before, and not even bother if they fit or not.

goodnight everyone back to my shopping.x

Hi to everyone reading (all always welcome on here|
Angie bless you for letting us know, even though we were all secretly holding out for something outrageously amazing like 'no problem we can sort this for you.'I think you should get a second opinion though if you feel up to it, maybe at Christies? I am not sure where is best in your area, it would be the Marsden down here.

How do you feel about the wedding, it would be a lovely thing to have ahead of you to think about and distract you with something nice and you already have your fab dress. You might need some time to think about it and you have not mentioned whether you are feeling poorly or ok at the moment, so hope this was not the wrong thing to say. If feeling ok you could be ‘Mrs Angie’ quite soon and have such a special day. I think Lorraine is already picking her outfit.I am constantly thinking of you, Tommy, your Mum and your Nanna too. I did read a bit and I know there are some slightly better bits in what the onc is saying to you to hang on to, even though overall it is such a terrible, almost unbelievable shock. I remember poor Paula and the speed of her progression still. I still believe that there are many people who defy odds all the time, every day and even when faced with 99% there is still one person smiling through, and we are all hoping that one will be you. I think you are probably having rads every day for about 5 days so hope they are not too bad and do their thing blasting that rotten thing to smitherines. Don’t forget you can sometimes get on US trials too, so worth looking at. Can I help in any way? Big hugs sweet x

I have had a really busy day, at work poodling about when the office phone rang and it was ‘Nurse Brown from accident & emergency.’ Sent my heart jumping right through my mouth wondering who now. My brother in law had slipped on ice, broken his wrist, passed out in the street and then really snapped his arm and nosedived into a bus shelter. Poor old thing had a swan’s neck shaped fracture and it had cut off nerves and blood supply so they had a very narrow window to save his hand as no feeling in it. He is looking rather battered and in hospital awaiting a slot in surgery for plates and screws and the nerve to be released, as they are over run with broken limbs this week. They had no slings to hold his arm up so I watched in disbelief as the nurse cut up a pillowcase and used sticky plaster to make one and then hung it over a hook and stand. Sat with him for a while, then had to rescue his car, buy him some more PJs and dressing gown, drive car back to his, get clothes, etc then back to hospital tonight.He was not exactly at ease with a man vomiting in the bed next to him, another patient letting their toddler scream all the time and his arm tied up in a pillowcase.

Tank top terror got me on the neck in a 2 arm attack again when i got home, what a c…p day.

Angie still lots of great moments out there, go get them
Lily x

Enjoy your shopping I might have a look tomorrow, specially seen as I never ever wear dresses as dont suit them and Im not girly but with money or size no object, could go mad, but shoes ohhhh yes!!! Im sure Angie knows that we are all thinking of her.

Hope everyone else bearing up

Hi everyone and especially big hugs to Angie
As we’ve all said you are amazing being able to let us know what’s going on - I don’t know if I could have done it straight after my dx. OH and I felt as if we’d been hit by a sledgehammer when I had my 2ndary dx. We were in shock as we left the hospital and didn’t let go until we got home. We had a good (bad?) cry and pulled ourselves together (a bit) and went for a walk. The hardest thing was telling my 2 girls and then my family. I couldn’t face telling everyone face to face so used email to spread the news and get people to back off. I didn’t know what would happen until I saw my onc a week or so later and that did re assure me with my treatment plan etc. I did a lot of looking things up on the internet and kept away from scary sites (yep, ostrich syndrome). This site was so invaluable and there are positive stories on here from ladies with brain mets - just go and search in Secondaries. Obviously there are bad stories as well but that’s the nature of this site. The one thing I learnt is don’t give in, be positive andlive for the moment - well, that’s 3 things:-) I don’t think of the future as such but set myself goals like my YD’s 18th next month, Mum and Dad’s 50th anniversary just after etc. I get scared at times and still cry at certain thoughts but I shove them to the back of my head. At the moment I feel well, apart from aches and pains so tend not to dwell on it but that’s not so easy when you’re having treatment I know. From what I’ve read on here WBR is very effectiveand the important thing is it breaks down the body/head chemo block if that’s what it’s called to allow chemo to work if you need it. Otherwise chemo doesn’t reach the brain. I am thinking of you all the time and send you love, hugs and positive thoughts. Look after yourself and I hope Tommy is looking after himself as well as you.
To everyone else, I know I still don’t have a picture! I will try at the weekend. By the way Lorraine it’s a moggy not a doggy! May look at dresses later but should sort my ‘normal’ picture out 1st!
Sorry to hear about your BIL, Lily, bit of a shock for both of you I’d imagine - but, hey, you got to go to hospital again - lucky you!
Lisa, Bev, Julia and anyone else on here take care, hope the snow is going and letting you get on with the mundane things in life that seem to stop.
Will check again after I’ve been to work and see what I’ve missed out on this post as I’ve rushed through all the new ones.
Nicky xx

hi everyone

especially angie, have you been offered a macmillan nurse to talk to
about your feelings etc. i know some people feel negative about seeing them but they are helpful. and have spoke to lots of people going through our situation, hopefully some with same diagnose as you who have done well. but you must be so scared, my thoughts are with you.

hope everyone else is enjoying snow, and wrapping up warm. x

Kirsty it was lovely to hear you being so positive about being back at work and resuming normal life good luck and enjoy!

Lily so sorry to hear about your poor brother in law I just couldn’t believe it when you said the nurse needed to make a blue peter style sling what is happening to this country? hope he is feeling better poor guy.

Lisa hope you are feeling in better spirits and well done on the weight loss I wish I could do that I am trying but I just feel as if I have become a different person physically.

Nicky hope you are enjoying your week of no treatment

Angie hope you are feeling the support that is being sent your way we are all thinking of you and routing for you big time! take care but do what you want to and what feels right for you and Tommy.

I have had a bit of worry this morning as my right nipple as developed a yellowish crust over it? has anyone else had this happen? This is my surgery side. I wondered whether it was due to be dried out with the radiotherapy. There is no discomfort physically only mentally.

love to you all Bev x

bevvy 52,

you would be wise to get things checked out, it may be something to do with treatment, but at least you would be reasured. sounds like you may need something for it anyway.

hope you get it sorted soon., take care x