Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Dilys and everyone,

Had my friend Lynne (daughter no 2) visiting today. We had a lovely afternoon, ate, drank (tea and coffe), talked, laughed - it was lovely. We normally work very closely together so we miss each other. Lynne has just finished her chemo (she’s a star).
I’m a bit weary now, through lack of bleedin sleep so intend to have an easy night. Lizzie has put up the Christmas tree and it looks lovely. The rest of the Christmas stuff is in the loft and will be brought down tomorrow.
Lizzie is also having the light treatment, it seems to be helping, it’s early days so fingers crossed.

Welcome back and about time. Hope you are feeling good and the pain is not to bad now. Keep smiling hon and you will get through this. We are all her to help and support you.

We are starting our chemo within days of each other, I’m so pleased, we will face it together and Dilys will guide us through. I am going for a wig because I just look comical in beanies, hats etc.

I decided at the outset that I would be very selective about the web sites I would use and the information I would seek. I am not interested in stats etc. Personally,
I take it one step at a time and seek information that is relevant at that time. I feel blessed to have met the people I now consider my friends on this thread. They have given me love, held my hand, guided, supported and inspired me from being diagnosed. At this point I must mention Dilys, as she has been my rock throughout. Everyone, without exception, has enabled me, inspite of everything to remain strong and positive.The other threads I read, I choose very carefully and try to support others as I have been supported. This is just my way of coping I suppose, it a personal thing and everyone has their own way.

How are yo feeling hon. Not long to wait now.

Garandma Maddy
Have you seen Benjamin yet, we need information!

Hope you are getting better hon.

Where are you?

Lots of love and hugs to all.
Dyzee. X

Hallo everyone

Debbie - what a great result with the psoriaisis though. I am at Newham for everything except rads, which are at Barts Hospital in the East End of London. It is such a doddle after everything else. I only have one male nurse delightfully named Achilles, and he is brilliant! Well they all are. I shall miss them when I finish.

Dyzee - think that was good news about Lizzie. I shall keep everything crossed for her. And you try to get some sleep tonight. The only good thing about a bad night is that the next one is usually better. Hope it works for you my love. But lovely to have seen Lynne. Wish her well from me. You are lucky with your friends and family.

Love to everyone else - have to go and cook some dinner now!

Much love


Very sensible Dyzee. Hope chemo goes ok for you


Debbie - I think you must be from the same part of the country as Dyzee and myself, and the same age as me (45 how spooky is that) that was the ward we were both on, small world eh!!!

Hope everyone is feeling ok today, can’t think past Monday at present but I am feeling a lot better than the other day.

lol to everyone

Gill xxx

Hi All

I have just got back from my pre-chemo meeting and it has all suddenly become much more of a stark reality! I have given myself a good talking to though so will not let it get me down.

I have been offered cold cap treatment which can help prevent total hair loss. Apparently your hair can still thin though so I wonder whether it is worth it. Dylis, do you have this?

Dyzee, they have advised me to get a flu jab prior to my first chemo so you may want to sort this out for yourself if you haven’t had one already. I have booked mine in at my doctors surgery this evening.

Maddy - have you seen Benjamin yet? How are Mum and Dad bearing up with sleepless nights?

Gill - hope you are feeling ok today.

Louise, I have been thinking of you today. How did your appointment go?

Does anyone have any news on Julie? I hope she is ok.

I have Georgina coming over this evening so she will cheer me up. I went to Toys R Us on the way back home from the hospital and bought some games for us - Catch the Butterfly / Frustration / My First Monopoly so we will have some fun tonight!

I hope everyone has a good weekend.


Hi Dilys and all.

Been shopping today!
Dilys, I am on a roll. Got most pressies now and feelin goooooood. Just hubby to buy for and don’t have a clue what to get the man!!!
Bought loads of Christmas goodies and nibbles from M&S, I’ve stashed them in the garage so they don’t get snaffled now!!!
I am of out for a “girlie” night tonight, which I am excited about. Going to a friends house for dinner with my old mates. It will be fun, as, like me, they are all bonkers. Lizzie is dropping me off and picking me up - bless her. As usual she didn’t come away from shopping empty handed - I bought her a new jacket, which she looks lovely in. She deserves it.
What have you been up to? Rads ok? Hows “Whisp Watch”, anything to report? I bet you are looking forward to your visitors coming. "Happy Birthday to Abbie,
I hope she has had a lovely day.

Wendy - That is interesting about the flu jab. I am going to see my GP on Monday and will ask about it, my onc didn’t mention anything, so thank you.
I know what you mean about the reality check, it hits quite hard but it does pass. I had great discussion re the cold cap. My friend had it, hated it and still lost her hair.
I have also read some threads here on BCC, it does not appear to be very successful. I also researched it a little and this is what swayed me not to have it. They ran some tests in the US and found in a very small % that the scalp temperature was so low it prevented the drugs working in that area. I am sure you will come to your own descision as I did. I hope you have a lovely time with your Georgina tonight. She is bound to cheer you up.

Gill - You sounded great today when I spoke to you. Well done you and good luck on Monday.

Louise - Where are you - we are all waiting and wondering and ready with love and support.

Maddy - I bet you are at your lovely daughters with your gorgeous grandson!!!

Juile - One week since the op. How are you my love?

JillyB - Come back - we miss you.

Debbie - Thank you. Chemo is very scaaaaaaaary!

That’s it for now dear friends,

Loads of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hello ladies

What an afternoon! I tried to be de-stressed, had a Reiki treatment last night from a good friend and felt very relaxed last night, went to bed late but slept well, did some work and pottered through the day. The appointment was scheduled for 3.25. I finally got in at 5.50! It was really awful waiting all that time.

Anyway good job I had that extra set of biopsies (the last lot showed “only” DCIS).The second lot showed invasive cancer so I am back for blood tests and chest Xray next week and my op is 31st December. I am having WLE and sentinel lymph node biopsy. If the lymph comes back clear then they wont remove any more and it will go to onc to decide re rads and Tamoxifen etc. if not clear then I will have another op.

Am feeling scared but positive.

Wendy, there is just a load of information for you to take in right now. Glad you are having the flu jab, chemo will deplete your immune system and it would be good to give it an extra boost. I can understand if you feel panicky, the hair loss is what would bother me too. Try to think your options through when you are feeling clear headed. I am glad you have the weekend to let it all sink in. Enjoy your board games!

Dilys How did the rads go today? The number is slowly ticking away.Hope you enjoy having your visitors and have a good weekend

Dyzee great news about Lizzie’s treatment. I bet your Christmas tree looks lovely. Well done on all that shopping. You should feel very virtuous. I hope you have a great night out, be good!!!

Gill Wishing you all the very best for Monday, it is soooo hard waiting isn’t it? let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you.

Maddie How are you feeling? Any news of Benjamin to tell us?

love to all for a good weekend


Dear Dyzee, Wendy and all

Rads were fine today. And my darling Abbie is two today! Didn’t see her but got a marvellous calendar from my step daughter of Abbie and her older sister Alex. Just brilliant.

Wendy - I was never offered the cold cap. My hair was copious but fine anyway. I was always told it would go and found that fact oddly comforting, much though I didn’t like it. No worrying about “would it or would it not?” And there are medical reasons to worry about it too. I found it easier just to accept the fact of hair loss. Much though I want it back now!

Dyzee - hope your night out is great! You deserve it so much.

Love you all


Morning All

Dyzee & Dylis, thanks for the information ref cold cap it has been very useful and I have decided not to go ahead with it. Dylis, I am with you, don’t want the extra hassle of wondering whether it will or will not fall out. Dyzee, interesting to read about the US research. That’s it then, will go out and get a short haircut this week so that we have a couple of weeks to get used to it - less of a shock when it does disappear completely!

Louise, I am so sorry that you did not have better news. Not the sort of worry you want over Christmas - try and put it to the back of your mind and not let it spoil the festivities. 31st Dec eh! No partying for you this new year’s eve then! Still, sooner the better, although waiting a few weeks doesn’t make a difference (my consultant told me that when I was at the same stage as you because my op was delayed because I was off to America for my son’s wedding).

Off to buy our Christmas tree this morning. Hubbie always insists on a real one, 7ft tall, which takes up half the room! I always complain but it does look lovely in the bay window with the lights on, I just think of the mess it makes when we are trying to get it out again in early Jan! I have decided I am not going to complain at all this year - he will think its his birthday!

Dylis, is Abbie your grandaughter? Terrible two’s is such a great age (if you can survive the tantrums!) My grandson Alfie is just two, although his terrible two’s have been going on for the last year! I expect you will be spoiling her this Christmas.

Take care all.


Dear Wendy, Dyzee, Louise and everyone

Oh lovely - real Christmas trees! We have a very small house and simply don’t have the room, sadly. Am taking a break from madly cleanng before my brother and family arrive later today. I have my husband cleaning the kitchen so am staying out of his way!

Wendy - yes Abbie is the younger granddaughter. Her sister Alex is 8, and they are both gorgeous. Not that I am biased in anyway, you understand! So glad you have come to a decision about the cold cap. I don’t think I could have coped with that “will it, won’t it?” worry. Have a lovely hair cut this morning and enjoy it while it lasts, my dear.

Have a good weekend everyone

Much love


Hello ladies -
5 sessions of radiotherapy down - 20 to go - what’s left of my right breast is now beginning to feel the heat.

Sorry for the delay in replying to all your kind messages - as you can imagine, I’ve been on Cloud 9 since Wednesday.

We actually went to visit our new grandson on Thursday evening after my radiotherapy. We only planned to make it a flying visit of around half and hour but succeeded in staying for an hour and a half! Proud Grandpa had a bit of a cuddle, shed a small tear but got arm ache (you know what men are like!) so Grandma got to cuddle for at least an hour. I know I’m supposed to be biased but he really is the most gorgeous baby!!!

I have loads of photos already - and have put some on my Bebo page - I can send a link if you want (or you could just try a search on Bebo)

Unfortunately we didn’t get to see his eyes as he was asleep all the time - he then spent all night keeping mummy and daddy awake - we originally told them it gets better but now we’ve told them it doesn’t - you just get used to it!

Doesn’t look as if he will need anything for Christmas as he has had so many beautiful things given for his birth - we are buying a photo package for them - photos at 3,6,9 and 12 months plus a family portrait. Just been in touch with his other grandparents to check we weren’t all planning the same thing - we were! They let us ‘pull rank’ because our elder daughter wants to contribute - as she’s coming from Dublin by air she can’t bring any presents - Ryanair baggage allowance is c**p ! or so she says!

Spending the rest of the afternoon putting up the tree (not real unfortunately but I do have pine essence to cheat a bit!) - still not done all the shopping, not written any cards and only wrapped about half the presents - but what the heck !

Sorry to ramble on
Love to you all
Maddy xxxxx

Maddy dont be doing to much. Congrats on the new grandson.
I am an honorary grandma. I dont think my boys know what to do!!!
You never know though perhaps one day the penny will drop.
Love to you all Pat

Hello all

Hope your day is going well.

Dilys you will have a lovely time with your visitors, happy birthday to little Abbie. Two is such an exciting age to be! Not many rads to go now.

Wendy you are very tolerant with the real tree although I expect it looks brilliant. I am a real old Scrooge and don’t have one in the lounge, my youngest son who is 13 has his own tree upstairs and also paperchains and Nativity scene etc. Are you feeling more settled in your mind about the chemo? I do hope so.

Dyzee how did your night out go? Only a few days till OH is home.

Maddy Sorry that rads are taking it out of you, how rotten, thank heavens you have Benjamin to remind you of all the lovely things in your life, you had a really long cuddle there. Our first grandchild is due at the end of the month, in fact my stepdaughter’s due date is the same as my op date, pity she lives 50 miles away, we could have been in the same hospital and I could have popped to Maternity to see her.

Gill thinking of you. Good luck with everything.

I have had a quiet day, am a bit stunned by the news and I have spent time finding out some info for the next stage. I have emailed my boss suggesting what I should do re time off, she has been very supportive up to now so I hope she will agree with my suggestions. One friend said, when I told her I would have a blue boob after the sentinel biopsy, that to show support, all my friends should paint their right breast blue as well and we could have a party, I think that’s a brilliant idea.

Take care everyone


Good Evening,

How’s everyone today? All having a good weekend, I hope.

Had a great night last night, good company, food and drink. Laughed loads and thoroughly enoyed it. Not being used to late nights, I have been glued to the sofa most of the day. Hey ho! Wrapped a few more pressies and wrote a few more cards, apart from that been very lazy. Lizzie and I finished putting up the decorations yesterday so we are getting there, mind you, we have ended up with two trees now - Lizzie put the Christmas songs on and got a bit carried away, but it looks very christmassy now!!. Just need hubby home now - roll on next Friday.

Dilys- Your calendar sounds fantastic, I bet you just love it, and what a lovely present for you. Hop you have a lovely weekend with your brother and family.

Maddy - Awww I am soooo happy for you. I bet you couldn’t wait to see your little girl and benjamin and just hold him in your arms. It’s sounds as if grandpa had his heart strings well and truly tugged! The photo’s are a fantastic idea, and will be a lovely keepsake. Your daughter is quite right about Ryanair. I took Lizzie to Dublin last Christmas to see Oasis and flew with them. They are strict and stingy with luggage. Pleas give us the link - I would love to see your photographs.
Hope your breast is not to sore Maddy. Have they given something to sooth it?

Wendy - Glad you have decided about the cold cap. I’m with you and Dilys. Hope you got your tree without to much hassle!! It sounds as though it will look fabulous.

Louise - How are you hon? I had a WLE and SNB with blue dye (8th November). They injected the dye whilst I was under the anaesthetic and this showed which lymphnodes it drained to. They removed 16 and found 1 to be involved, it was all carried out at the same time. The rest, as they say, is history! The operation is not to bad at all. You need to take it easy afterwards, to be honest it was the anaesthetic that knocked me sideways. We will all be here to suppport you.

Love to Julie, JillyB and Gill. X


Hey, Iv’e just realised. I seem to be the only one who has no grandchildren (Boohoo). Anyone got any spares? I’m feeling left out.


Hi Maddy, Dyzee, Louise, Wendy and all

Oh Benjamin sounds wonderful Maddy. Don’t know how you can bear to let go! Ypu are having a lot of radiotherapy! I only have 15 in total, so only 6 to go. Odd how we differ isn’t it? My brother and family have just left. We had a great day and evening yesterday and a lovely Indian meal in the evening. My husband and I are off shortly to a friend’s party. Luckily she lives only five minutes walk away. So I have the wig on for the first time in ages! Hope it isn’t too windy out there.

Sounds like you had a good night too Dyzee. It is great to be able to get about again isn’t it? And think about something ther than treatment!

Louise and Wendy - how are you? Hope the weekend is being good for you too.

Much love


Hello everyone

We have been out to lunch (moussaka for me) and also some last prezzy shopping, I am feeling much clearer-headed today. The op seems a long way ahead though! One son has been paintballing, the older one watched the Hatton fight live and rolled in at 5.45 this morning!

Glad you had a great time Dyzee. Roll on Friday for you. Will you have one lot of chemo before Christmas and then the next a couple of weeks later? Thanks for the info about the op, I think I am just having sentinel node biopsy ie one removed so the underarm discomfort shouldn’t be too bad.I have been shopping and got a jama top that buttons down the front, as I have heard other ladies say it is more comfortable.Your trees sound lovely, why not have two if Lizzie loves them?

Hope you enjoy the party Dilys, and your wig stays in place! I think I would be a scarf person if I have chemo but who knows? I have a very stylish friend and I have already earmarked her as the person to come and choose with me if needed, she will be honest about what is best. Yum yum Indian, I love it but OH gets a dodgy stomach and even with Korma he is rolling around in agony so we dont go, however he has suggested that we have a special treat one over Christmas and he wont participate, or he will have an “English dish” from the menu (dont think they’re very good myself)

Maddy hope things are Ok for you and not too sore. Are you at work this coming week? It will be great to see some pics of little Benjamin.

Wendy, Glad you are sorted re the cold cap. Hope you are feeling fine and ready for next week. Did the 7 foot tree fit in the window?

Gill, thinking of you, let us know how you are when you can

Take care everyone

love Louise

Hello to all,

Well, I don’t know about the weather where you are, but it is horrendous here. The days started sunny and then gradually became dull, wet and windy!!! (Blahhhh)

Been to ma and pa’s for lunch, lovely roast beef and yorkshire pudding, followed by apple pie and cream. Can’t move now as I ate far to much. Mam and Dad have recently bought themselves a computer (Dad is 80 and Mam 79). Lizzie and I are trying to teach them to use it, bless their hearts, we are having limited success, but will carry on.
I caught up on some chores after my “lazy” day yesterday and managed to buy more pressies on the internet.

Hi Dilys - Sounds you had a great time with your brother and family, fantastic!
Mmmm, I love Indian too, I bet it was lush. Hope your wig stayed in place for the party, I bet you look gorgeous my love. So glad you have had a fun and happy weekend.

Hi Louise - Looks like you have been busy too!! I also love Moussaka (you will have probs gathered by now that I love any food).
My first chemo starts on the 19th (merry chemo christmas) with the next on the 9th January.
My boob is still blue from the dye. You also need to know that everything that goes down the loo goes blue too!!! Shocking isn’t it (LOL).
Also, both Gill and I suffered with constipation after our op’s, so be prepared in terms of laxatives. I know it’s not a nice thing to discuss but it’s much better that you know these things. The jama top with front opening is handy, although in hospital you spend most of the time in your hospital gown and very fetching white nylon knee length stockings!!!
It does take a while to get your head around the information you are give and this applies to each stage. Just remember, we are all here to talk to and help and support you.

Hi Maddy - Have you been visiting? I hope so.

Julie, Gill, Wendy and Jilly - Love to you all, I am thinking of you.

Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee and all

I had a lovely time at the party. Wig stayed on. Saw people I hadn’tseen for ages. Talked about everything bar breast cancer. And my weight loss was noticed!Drank a bit too much but well… It was only a five minute walk home.

Ho hum. Back to the rads tomorrow!

Dyzee - do you rhink you mum and dad would feed me their roast beef? Sounds just brilliant!

Sleep tight everyone


Hiya Dilys,

Sooooo pleased to hear you enjoyed the party and had a good drink too! It’s nice to see old friends and it’s such a good diversion.
How much weight have you lost?
Dilys, my mam and dad would be delighted if they had the opportunity to feed you anything - they would just love to see you,
and I know you would love them.

I’m watching the Royal Variety Performance at present and the rain is battering the windows. Nice and cosy in here though.

Speak yo you tomorrow my lovely.

Hugs and kisses,
Dyzee. X