Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi All

Haven’t you all been busy!

Our Christmas tree looks great - only 6ft this year! We don’t have a big house, just high ceilings so we can have a tall tree and we trim the branches on one side and stand it against a wall.

Dylis, the party sounds like just the sort of distraction you needed. I am beginning to think I will need a ‘special occasion’ wig. Good luck with the rads tomorrow - do the sessions make you feel very poorly?

Dyzee. if only you lived closer I would be happy to share Georgie and Alfie (for a short time!). Have learned today I have a third grandchild on the way - I am overjoyed. Your Mam and Dad sound fantastic, what spirits they must have to buy a computer. I bought my Mum a DVD player about 3 years ago and she still hasn’t worked out how to use it so there would be no hope with a computer!

Louise - I have pj’s with button down fronts and would not be without them. They were really comfortable and convenient after my op. I too had constipation, they gave me lactolose but it gave me terrible griping pains. I am told chemo will have the same effect - so, if anyone has any suggestions? So glad to hear that you have a clearer head today. We are all here for you.

Strange isn’t it that we have all been ‘thrown’ together in this way. I personally feel as though you have all been my friends for ages!

Maddy, so sorry to hear that the rads are troubling you now. Is there anything they can do to ease things for you?

Gill / Julie how are you both?

Bye all.


Hi Gill,

Just want to say “GOOD LUCK” with your results this afternoon.
We will all be here waiting and wondering. Let us know how you get on.

Love and hugs,

Me too.

Good luck Gill

Lots of love

Hello all

Haven’t we all had a hectic weekend? I suppose it is that we are getting so close to Christmas.I took a voice recorder to the hospital last week so that now I am more clear headed I can listen back to what was said.It seems to me that they only give you info in “slices”, has anyone else had this experience? So I still dont know what the far end will be and won’t until all the histology is back.

Gill It is your big day today and we are all thinking of you. Hope the news is positive, but we are here for you, whatever happens.

Dilys, you had a great time at the party, hooray! that was interesting what you said about how you talked about everything except BC, what a nice change, personally I cant get it out of my head, do you think that is because I am newly dx or is it that it can just take over your head anyway? Good luck as you start the rads again, not many more to go, phew.

Dyzee thanks for the info about the op. I think it’s great to get all the info I can and I will have the laxatives at the ready, is it the painkillers that slow the system down? The idea of my friends all having one blue boob to show their support of me is gathering pace and someone even suggested a party!

I think your parents are very technology-minded. My Mum is 76 and very intelligent, she has a mobile phone but cant get her head round texting at all and she just doesnt see the point of the Internet. Have you nearly finished your Christmas shopping now?

Wendy yes I am glad I got the jamas. I have got a high fibre orange drink that comes in sachets, which I plan to use for the constipation. It is made by Senok*t, may help you too?

Maddy how are you today?

Love to all


Dear All

Aren’t we the busy ones! Good luck today Gill. We are all rooting for you.

Dyzee I bet I would love your mum and dad. I still miss mine terribly, though I am glad they haven’t had to go through this lot with me. Still remember the pain you went through telling yours. Over all this time since April I have lost a stone and a half - from 11 stone which was ok as I am 5 foot seven, but a bit heavy. Now 9 and a half which is great!

Louise - they gave me sennakot in hospital and were very good about checking all the time! I think it is the anaesthetic that does it. It was the same when I had my appendix out. Chemo had completely the opposite effect on me! And BC is on my mind all the time too, but I simply didn’t feel I could inflict all the stories on people for hours at a party! Much more interesting to hear about them instead. And I know just what you mean about information “in slices”. Mind you if I had realised at the beginning what was to come… One thing at a time might be the best idea!

Wendy - rads are an absolute doddle! It doesn’t make me feel anything at all, leave alone poorly. No burning either so far, and only five to go after this mornng’s zapping. I think I am lucky as so far I have been in and out early every day. And congratulations on the third grandchild! How lovely for you.

Dyzee - I was trying to watch the Royal variety Performance last night and the TV went funny. So we are in waiting for the Virgin man this afternoon. Mind you it is so cold and blowy out there I really don’t mind. Was it a good show?

Maddy and Debbie - how goes it today with you?

Much love to all


Hello everyone,

Crikey Dilys, you lost a stone and a half, I bet you look fabulous especially with your lovely height!!! I am way to heavy at present (as you know, I can eat for England).
I was always really skinny until the last couple of years, now I’m a telly tubby!!! LOL I am 5’6" so not far behind you in height. I really should be cutting down - but hey, it’s Christmas and I have lots of “goodies” stashed.
I hope you get your TV sorted. The Royal Variety was ok. I was very impressed with Paul Potts teeth. They used to look like a row of bombed houses, but they have had major work on them, it must have cost thousands!!! Bless him.

Well, Iv’e been to see my GP this morning. I know you will be pleased to hear that she gave me another sick note!!! I also got a prescription for some Lactulose ready for the old constipation when chemo starts. I have to go see her again in a month. I totally forgot to ask about a flu jab, so I called the surgery and they are going to get back to me.

How are your nails holding up my love? Any sign of that hair yet?

I spoke to Gill this morning. She is going to call me after her appointment.

The weather here is awful again, so I’m going to do some cleaning now, skirtings, paintwork etc. So that will keep me busy this afternoon.

I agree with Dilys, I think it’s all of the drugs they have to give you when you have surgery that causes the constipation. I ate loads of fruit and drank juice, that and the sennakot did the trick.

The info does come in slices. I think it’s sometimes because they are waiting for results and can only confirm diagnosis when they receive them. In our area, they have a MDT meeting every Monday and discuss, as a team, your results and a plan for treatment moving forward. This involves the consultant, radiologist, oncologist, BC nurse etc. Which I think is a great process.

Congratulations, another little one to treasure. How lovely. Glad your tree went up without a hitch. It sounds so lovely.

Maddy, How’s you and your lovely family?

How are you hon? Come back and talk to us soon!

Did you have a good weekend. What are you up to?

Gill, Let us know how it went.

Dyzee. X



Where to start. I had quite a quiet weekend. Wrapped and labelled all day Saturday. Went to Houghall Xmas Fayre Sunday which was great as a lot was out side and I was cool for once. My son wanted to give his lecturers some moral support in their "Sitting up a tree for 30 hours in aid of Leukemia research ". They come down today in an hours time…lol!! He wanted to do it himself as he is a first year Arboriculture student but they didn’t have insurance for them. Does that mean he is not insured when he goes up trees with a winch and chainsaw?? Oh dear. Something else for me to wory about.

Hope we hear from Gill soon…



Just called Gill.
She has good news. Full clearance, no lymphnodes involved, no chemo required. Further treatment will be Tamoxifen and rads.

Fantastic news Gill. I am soooo happy for you and I know everone else will be.

Love and hugs.
Dyzee. X

Dear Dyzee

Thanks for that news. Isn’t Gill the lucky one then? I am so pleased for you Gill. Rads are a complete doddle as I can attest being over half way through. Just great.

How are you Dyzee? Evevrything ok? Keep meaning to ask you if you knew the caneoist family? Bet you are tired of being asked! Sorry!

Much love


Gill WHOO HOO I am so pleased for you, now you can concentrate on getting really, really well

Louise x

Hi Dilys

Actually, you are the first person who has asked if I know the Darwins. I don’t know them and up until this whole thing came to light I had not even heard of them.
They don’t live to far from Lynne (or didn’t). What a story though! It’s unbelievable. I do know the Detective, Tony Hutchinson (the bald one) who is doing the news briefings. He is a really nice bloke and very funny when not on duty. Apparantly, the police station and courts which are in the town centre, were surrounded by news and TV crews today. You don’t see that in good old Hartlepool very often. Everyone thinks it is hilarious. I do feel for their families though, especially their sons, assuming they did not know what was going on.

It is good new about Gill. She sounded very relieved when I spoke to her today. I hope her and her hubby are doing something nice tonight.

Hope you are ok hon.


Congratulations Gill. I am so pleased for you. I had same results…then rads and Tamoxifen. The main advice I can give you about rads is to take a pack of baby wipes with you. Even with seven tattoos, they scrawl all over you and, you are so relieved when each session is finished, that it is so easy to dash off home with red and blue marker pen all over you. I even went shopping a few times whilst “decorated”. It was December but I was having hot flushes so the marks were very visisble. When I say “relieved”, I don’t mean that the treatment hurts or is unpleasant but I am not very good at sitting in waiting rooms waiting to be called. One of the treatment rooms at James Cook has trees and foliage all over the ceiling and they play lovely relaxing music to you. Ask Dizzy for my email address before you go for rads which, if the timing is like mine, will poss be Jan or early Feb. I can give you lots of useful tips that they don’t tell you on how dept works, where to get coffee, best place to park, how to apply for a parking permit ( £13.00ish for THREE MONTHS). ARE YOU LISTENING HARTLEPOOL HOSPITAL!!!

Have a good Xmas

Still thinking of you and hoping you have an “easy” ride for want of a better word.

Re Canoe man
News headlines have had me in stitches
“Up the Creek without a paddle” and " Canoe accompany me to the station?".

“Have I got news for you” was v funny.

Reporter on radio Tees keeps saying that Hartlepool Police station is near Middleton St George shopping centre!!! Actually that sounds better than Middleton Grange.

Off to finish knitted Snowman mittens for niece. Was knitting snowmans hat at 1230am as I couldn’t sleep. Cat has a wonderful time with the wool…


Oh bother !!!
Every time I type out a long message to you all I get distracted, go back to check something, and lose my message!!! and I’ve had to edit this message three times because I keep pressing the wrong button! Scrambled egg for brains anyone?

Sorry the link didn’t get past the eyes in the sky - (edited by moderator) - I also use a small photo of Benjamin as an avatar - Aah.

Radiotherapy going ok - my right breast calmed down over the weekend thanks to tons of aqueous cream - I’m getting fed up of all the washing being created though - it’s not just the cream - why do they never tell you about the felt tip pen ? What are the tattoos for if they have to keep adding to them !!! Sorry - rant over.

We have to wait for Saturday to see Benjamin again. Unfortunately it’s difficult to get to MK during the day - not because of work - I’m only working one morning this week - but it’s a one hour journey each way and I have to get back to Leicester by 2.30 so that I can shower to get to my radiotherapy appointment at 4 - I can’t bear the thought of going straight to the hospital without a shower - hate the unperfumed soap, hate the fact I can’t use deodorant (although I do sneak the occasional use of Pit Rock) and I hate the smell of aqueous cream - especially when the radiographers have to lean over your armpits so often!!!

Debbie - in my mind I’ve created a lovely Christmassy picture of you sitting knitting those mittens in a cosy armchair, a glass of hot toddy (whatever that is) beside you, in front of a roaring log fire, with the cat chasing wool around the rug in front of you - snow falling outside the window - gosh - I’m good - I should design Christmas cards!!!

Gill - welcome to OUR club - radiotherapy and Tamoxifen rule ! even if it’s not quite the one you thought you were joining - we’re here to help.

Love to you all
Maddy xxxx

Hi everyone, thanks so much for all your support, Dyzee rang me just as I was coming out of the hospital so she was the first to know news and I asked her to put it on this thread, as you were all asking. Yesterday I was estactic with the news that they had removed all the bc, but today I feel so depressed I think the enormity of the experience has just hit me, how strange is that. Just got off the phone to my friend Dyzee (woke her up, so sorry Dyzee) you are my rock love ya loads.


Hi everyone of old and new names! Im ho-ooooommmme,

I came home on day 7 on friday evening, unfortunately rather a longer than expected recovery. I had a TMG flap, using thigh muscle with incision in my groin and half way around my buttock, and right mastectomy and recon, no expander or implants involved. I was on bed rest for 4 days, unable to sit higher than 45 degrees or bend at the hip too well. Post op my oxygen saturation was low so was on oxygen until day 6, also developed a chest infectionto top it all, and hb low 8-9, so was quite a poorly person for a while. Needless to say Im exhausted now, yet really glad to be on home turf. partner being a trooper and mum here too until tomorrow. friends ringing 24/7 and flat full of flowers,
Im hopping about on 1 leg, stairs are tricky , and getting in/out of car, in myself i feel ok and most important im really pleased with my new bazooker. going out for a walk today in park, took mum out for thankyou dinner last night,havent done anything else apart from hosp visits and sleep. partner is having a frantic morning as hes lost mobile-lifeline to some…he was great while i was in hosp keeping everyone informed and visiting every day, sweety.
Im glad to here that you all doing so well and hello to new names. I will pop in more regularly now im a bit more with it, glad to be back,
love to you all and new baby in the link!!!

Julie xxxxxxx

Hi Julie and WELCOME BACK!!!

Happy new Bazooker!
Sooooo pleased to hear from you - we were all thinking about you and wondering how you were and waiting for you to come bouncing back.
You sound as if you have had a rough time hon - you are soooo brave. We are all very lucky to have so much support from our OH’s, family and friends. It really does make such a difference.
It will be like reading a book catching up with all of the posts. We have new friends for you to meet, and our Maddy’s new grandson Benjamin. All good stuff eh?

Enjoy your walk my love. Take care on those stairs.
Look forward to hearing more news from you soon.

Lots of love and hugs.
Dyzee. X

Hi Maddy,

Here is a Dyzee “Handy Tip” for you.

I also used to lose everything when having to refer to posts on previous pages - how annnoying is it!!!
Now, I write my post in word and copy and paste it into the comments box. Hey ho - no lost posts!!!

Don’t blame you ranting about the rads, sounds like you are having a right carry on. How many more?

I will go on the other website and email you. If anyone else in our group does the same, please pass on my email address to them (if you don’t mind).

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Dear All

A big welcome back Gill. Don’t worry about rads. They are a breeze. Mine don’t write all over me either, so I am not sure what those other places are doing! I was in and out early again today as well. Strangely I feel quite energised by it all.

And a big welcome back to you Julie. What a big operation! No wonder you were poorly with two sore sites. Have a big hug and lots of love.

Dyzee what a good idea to write in word and then cut and paste. I hate it when I lose posts. And thanks for that about the Darwins. Isahll feel a real link when I see Tony Hutchinson again.

Debbie - I can just imagine your cat with the wool! I have more or less given up sewing and knitting as it is a nightmare with the two of mine.

Maddy - bet you can’t wait to get to see Benjamin again!

Lovely sunny day again today here, though very cold. Went shopping straight for rads and bought all sorts of nice bits and pieces for the granddaughters for Christmas.

Lots of love to all


Welcome back Julie. Ouch is all I can say.

Re knitting and cats…my Yorkie is more of a problem as she just HAS to sit on me. Fortunately she doesn’t moult as I have more than ehough sneezing to contend with with the cat. Cats and allergies are a bit of a bind!! Not quite the cosy image you have Maddy. More like “stop ruddy rubbing up against me… atishoo”…lol Then a quick dash to the loo as my poor bladder is playing up in my premature menopausal state

Am absolutely shattered tonight. Been at work but I work with my family so it is hardly taxing…as many coffee breaks as I like…always takes it out of me Tuesdays though. Anyway hope everyone else is well.

Love to all

Hello everyone

Gill it is understandable you feel as you do, it is exhaustion from the stress, just hitting you like a brick. Now you have some positive news, you can “let” yourself feel it all.

Julie Hi to you, and hope you’re feeling better each day. It sounds rotten but at least you’re on the mend.

Debbie, hmm so not the cosy pic we had imagined, I bet you love it really :slight_smile:

Maddy glad you’re not so sore and I bet you will see a big change in Benjamin even by Saturday

Dilys not many rads to go…that’s fab

Dyzee I know your chemo date is looming but hey it will soon be Friday!

Wendy Am I right in saying your chemo starts Thursday? Good luck, will be thinking of you.

I had a rotten day yesterday, very weepy, but better today. I am at Uni one day a week and have seen my very supportive tutor, I am putting a Mitigating Circumstances form in place for time off. At hospital tomorrow for pre op Xrays and blood tests, hope all Ok, I dread them putting off the surgery. After hearing of my forthcoming “blue boob” my friend has painted hers blue now, how fab is that?

love to all
