Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Wendy,

Just wanted to say that I hope it all goes well with your Chemo tomorrow my love.
I will be thinking about you and hoping you are ok. Let us know how it all goes.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Wendy,
Same from me, hope you are ok with it and not too poorly,
thinking of you - Julie xx

Menopause brain has kicked in and I can’t remember who is having what, when and where but my thoughts are with you all. I feel a bit of a fraud writing in this thread as I am one year on but I am on hormone therapy so does that count?..lol

Finished snowman gloves last night and they look fab but completely lost the plot in CSI Miami as I was sewing knitted carrots onto the front of mitts. Did I see Ryan get sacked??? And why don’t our CSI’s look as glam as they do…poor souls, they are all wrapped up in white boilersuits and blue slippers in today’s Hartlepool Mail.


Hallo Everyone

Good luck with the chemo Wendy. And Debbie I love the revised cat image! And hormone therapy definitely counts - which one are you taking? I am two weeks nto Arimidex and have been ok so far.

Much love to all


Hi Dilys

I have been on Tamoxifen for 13 months and don’t like it. I will continue taking it because it is my safety net but I haven’t felt normal for ages. I think the problem is that I have been plunged into an early menopause with no preparation, and all at once instead of a natural one. But, as Consultant told me, “You musn’t forget you have a life threatening illness”. Can’t help feeling that there would be more support if all these male consultants had to suffer it too for a few months. Actually, I don’t think they would last that long…lol

How many rads have you left Dilys?


Hi Debbie

Thanks for that. May be that is the difference? I am 55 and have been naturally post menopausal since about 2002. So maybe the tablets don’t have the same violent effects? I had a very easy “change” anyway. I am taking the usual blind optimism approach to it all as I sure am going to take them come what may! As you say they are a safety net.

Rads nearly at an end now - tomorrow, Friday and Monday to go and then I am finished. It has been a breeze so far. I can get on with being inflated again then! Think I will leave that till after Christmas!




Phew - Busy day today. Started off with some cleaning, then a present wrapping frenzie, docs appointment (tell you about that later) and then visitors and more visitors, my lovely niece and her boyfriend came to see me, I just love her to bits.

After my docs app on Monday, if you recall, I called re Flu Jab as I had forgotten to ask the doc about it and they said they would get back to me. Well, they didn’t (there’s a surprise) so I called the surgery this morning, they told me all was ok and to go at 1:40. So off we went, the nurse called me in, I explained that I was starting chemo next week. To cut a long story short, she called chemo nurse and was advised not to give me it as it was to close to the start of my chemo!!! Grrrrr which is exactly why I rang (twice) and explained the situation. Honestly, I was a bit p****d off to say the least! - Rant over, sorry.

***Maddy’s Photo’s***
I emailed Maddy from the other site and she sent me the link for her wonderful photo’s of Benjamin. They are sooooo beautiful, you must see them, our Maddy looks so happy and proud - and so she should.

How are you today my love? I have hit a brick wall with the present buying and still have quite a few to get. Col’s home on Friday, so I think we are going to Leeds shopping next Monday, that will be a nice day out, our lizzie is comin too, so it will be an expensive day out (LOL).
I called to make an appointment with the local wig people today, the place is in Darlington, which is about a 45 min drive from us, so not to bad. The only date they could fit me in was the 20th (day after my chemo) so we will have to see how I am feeling. I’m going to have a look in Leeds anyway.
Not many rads left now, is your last one Monday? Then back to the inflation hon! Will it be after Christmas?

How did your chemo go today. I soooo hope you are ok hon. I have been thinking about you and send you a big HUG.

Are you feeling any better today my love? It’s just a horrible time, trying to come to terms with everthing that has happened. Let us know how you are feeling.

Like Dilys, I have also gone through the menopause and still am, although to a lesser extent these days. For three years I had the most awful flushes and sweats from head to toe. The worst time was, and still is through the night, but I also had them through the day, which was extremely embarrasing at times. I was devastated when the onc said I would go through similar again. (Arggggghhhhhh).

How are you feeling hon. I hope each day you feel a little better. Are you getting waited on, and managing to accept any help???

Give yourself some time to heal emotionally after all you have been through the past month.

How’s the rads going? I hope without incident and any additional sore patches.

Take care,
Lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi All

Thanks for your good wishes. Louise, yes you are correct first FEC is tomorrow. Have been feeling a bit down for the last couple of days, probably dwelling on it too much. Had hair ‘chopped’ yesterday. Don’t mind it short but I had spend the last 4 years growing it, so was feeling more emotional than made sense really!

Then my ‘hats’ arrived this morning and despite my daughter telling me how good they looked (she would wouldn’t she!), I still hate hats! I will try them on for hubbie shortly, he will tell me the truth (sensitivity is not his strong point!).

Dylis - I have been taking Arimadex for the last 2.5 weeks with no real side effects, except they are making my menopause flushes worse. At least 20 per 24 hours now. Still, stop taking it while on FEC so wonder if the flushes will go. So pleased that your rads are nearly over - what next?

Debbie - know what you mean about menopause brain - have had it myself since stopping my HRT (it reminds me why I started taking it in the first place"), Gloves sound great - are they a Christmas pressie?

Gill - so glad to hear your good news.

Julie - hope you are starting to make progress each day. I am thinking of you.

Maddy - know what you mean about the deodorant. I was told not to use under arm of operation side but don’t know if they mean forever or just until wound heals (probably being dense but does anyone else know?)

Dyzee - will keep you posted on FEC, 19th not too far away now and you may escape hair loss over Christmas whereas mine will probably be falling into my christmas dinner!

On an earlier point (can’t remember who mentioned it though!) I always have the same trouble with losing my notes when I go back to remind myself who said what so copy them (with control/c) and paste them back in when I get back to an empty comments box. This maybe a bit quicker than pasting from word.

Anyway, time to try hats on for hubbie now - he looks as though he can do with a laugh.

Take care all.


Hi Dyzee,

That’s where I got my NHS wig from, same time last year. She was a lovely girl but only gave me a choice of 2, not having much in because of Christmas???
It looks like a Gents barbers downstairs but you go in and she takes you upstairs to a room. Its very private and she did make me feel at ease but wished I’d asked for more choice.Don’t buy the wig shampoo, Its very expensive and I never even opened mine, I’ll send it to you,

Maddy I’m a year post op and only on very hot days have used Dove anti persp, on that side as I dont seem to perspire there now!

Love to you all,


Nice to see you here hon.
I can’t believe they only offered you 2 wigs - that’s bl***y ridiculous! I’m going to call them and if they don’t have a good range - I won’t bother.
I didn’t know you needed special shampoo - thanks for that.

I will need some directions from you as I only know M&S, House of Frasr and the Shopping Centre. If you don’t mind hon.

By the way - Simple roll on is very good. I roll it onto my finger and pat it on the area above my snb wound without any problems.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hope everyone is well

Not writing much as shoulder is hurting again

Gloves are Stocking filler and look lovely

Maddy. I used sanex spray anti perspirant all through rads as I was sweating so much I felt dirty. I took baby wipes to hospital and removed all traces of deoderant before I went in, in the toilets. Probably v naughty of me but I wasn’t having rads to armpit and could see by tattoos where treatment was being given. I also wet shaved the “bad” armpit as I always make myself more sore trying to use electric razors, even when I have used baby talc on the area. I think you have to do what you think best. I don’t cream my arm much now (1 year on ) but stretch the muscles alot as I have cervical spondlyosis and get bad shoulder and neck pain. The leaflet I downlaoded from this site on exercises has a new one on it which actually stretches the muscles which the others idn’t. I had made up my own exercises to compensate.

Anyway, that’s my lot. Going now to measure up the dog for a knitted coat…lol. She will be the best dressed Yorkie on Seaton Beach!!! She has to look smart for any stray News Reporters…

Thinking of you all

Dear All

Dyzee - hope you are well. Most big department stores seem to have a good selection of wigs. Might be worth a try? And Wendy - glad the Arimidex is going well for you, though the hot flushes sound awful. I don’t seem to be getting that at all. I think it is ok to use deodorant once the wound has healed. My breast nurse recommended PitRok which you can find in Superdrug. They told me to stop during rads - no smellies at all! Apparently it can aggravate the skin. Makes washing very weird! Did your husband like the hats?

Off out this evening to meet two male ex-colleagues for a drink up in town, so am feeling very adventurous indeed. Will have to wear the wig! Thank god it isn’t too windy out there today, though it is so cold!

Lots of love to everyone I haven’t mentioned by name


Hi Dilys,

Ohhh how lovely, two men to yourself, you little temptress! Hope you have a fab time, you so deserve to. I bet you will look stunning.
You must tell all tomorrow.

I will get some of the PitRock and try it. I had not heard of that one.

Well, I have continued my de-cluttering today and finally pumped up enough courage to tacke the “understairs cupboard” (groan groan).
Have you ever started something and really wished you hadn’t? Well I persevered and ended up with 3, yes 3 black sacks of coats and various odds
and ends for the hospice. It took me all morning, so I am feeling quite smug and pleased with myself :slight_smile:

Hubby is home tomorrow (Yayyyyyy)! Can’t wait to see him. All the family together again - wonderful!.

Wendy, Sorry got your chemo day wrong (Doh)! Hope it went well for you, I have been thinking of you. What did your hubby think of your hats?

Julie, How ya doin?

Maddy, Not long to Saturday. Hope your rads are going well.

Louise, How are you today?

Deb, I think you will have to knit Wendy and I some hats!!!

Gill, How’s you?

Well, I’m off to wrap more presents (will it never end)!!!

Lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hello one and all.

How is everyone?

Wendy I have been wondering today how you got on? From what other people say, it sound as if you are Ok when you are actually there. Does it take about an hour? I have a friend who has come through uterine and cervical cancer and says she was there most of the day!

Debbie I think you could start a cottage industry, sorry to hear you have that pain in your neck/shoulder but can imagine your doggy with his new coat.

Dilys, Its great that you only have two more rads to go, yay! Good idea to have a break before the next bit as well. Hope you have a lovely night out. I have a couple more days to work next week then have some compassionate leave to come so will be able to catch up with friends and do some Christmas socialising.

Dyzee The understairs cupboard, you must be nesting? Your lovely husband will be back tomorrow and that will be great before you have to gear up for the first chemo. Off to Leeds eh? That’s not far from me, I live in Harrogate. So stay till dusk cos the Leeds lights are lovely. I have heard mixed reports of the wigs place in Leeds. I am not feeling too bad, except ridiculously tired, I think it must be the emotional strain, other people on this site seem to go from diagnosis to op in a matter of days, whereas it will be 3 weeks for me. I have had Xrays and blood tests done and will ring the Macmillan nurse tomorrow if the next lot of hospital paperwork hasn’t come through.

Maddy how is your week going?

Gill, hope you are getting stronger every day, don’t expect too much of yourself, it is an emotional rollercoaster.

Julie, how are you doing? On the mend, I hope

Love to all


Hi everyone,
Returning to an old thread with new people is taking a while to sort out whos who and where everyone is with their recovery! So apologies for not addressing some of you individually just yet. I only pop in infrequently at the mo, time this week has been taken up with hosp appointments, sleeping, calls, sleeping, eating, calls…
Im feeling better everyday its 13 days post op, but have only been up walking now for 7 days, so getting there slowly, Im frustrated a bit, still a bit sore with my leg wound and taking painkillers-brufen /paracetamol, stairs still can only be managed 1 at a time, my new boob is doing well,sports bras holding everything in place, still bruised swollen and yellow, I lost half a stone in hosp so my natual boob has shrunk! I get my results monday 17th , for true grading post op and tx plan, probably Chemo to start in January.My biggest worry is that I start ssp from 24th Dec, mortgage to pay etc…Ive got a financial advisor on the case, my OH is currently studying and not earning but paying rent, so Im worried. Could do without this frankly.
Otherwise… feeling on top of christmas! we are spending it in a friends bigger flat, on 1 level ground floor, Ive got too many stairs here.
Have any of you got cotton cap, hat buying suggestions, as thats next.
Good luck for your 1st FEC wendy, love to Dyzee, Maddy, Dylis, Gill, and louise.

watching ‘‘the devil wears prada’’ later and eating lots of naughty party type snack things, olives, houmous etc, have gone off chocolate and wine! why???

Lots of love Julie xxxxxx

Hallo Dyzee, Julie, Louise and everyone

Yes I had a great night out last night. The wind didn’t blow and the wig stayed on. And apart from the two guys I expected to meet, another eight or so people turned up to see me, as the news had spread. So it was really lovely to have a catch up, and a good drink. Some of them expected me to be a walking skeletal wreck think! Proved them entirely wrong!

One more rads session to go on Monday and then I have a rest (oh apart from herceptin next week) till after Christmas thank god. Finally saw the doctor at Barts today and all is well with the rads. He reckons he can see some redening of the skin but I don’t notice it. And after chemo I can live with that anyway! I lost another nail yesterday by the way - left middle finger. Sob. That necklace is getting longer and longer.

Dyzee - I keep meaning to tackle my wardrobe, and you have just made me decide not to! And so glad your husband is home soon - that will be great. Lovely for you.

Julie - try an Amercian web site called www.headcovers.com for hiding your baldness! They are good, though allow about three weeks for delivery. Sorry about the financial worries - you don’t need that on top of everything else. Think you can get advice from McMillan Cancer Care?

Debbie, Maddy, Louise and everyone else - sending you loads of love


Hi Everyone,

Wooohooo! Hubby is home, he’s just taken Jessie labrador for a walk.

You sound as though you had a great evening, how lovely of your friends to come and see you, I can understand why they did, I bet they really miss you being there.
Glad to hear the wig behaved itself.
Soooo sorry about your nail hon here’s a massive hug from me to you (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Don’t even think about the bleedin wardrobe - wait until after christmas, to much hassle.

Here’s a giggle for you. The Darwins lived in Seaton Carew, which is part of Hartlepool.
Someone has made a proper sign and erected it on the seafront which reads : Welcome to Seaton Canoe - Twinned with - Panama. LOL

I am battering my head off the wall re christmas presents - still need quite a few but inspiration has fled!!! Come back please!!!

I’m getting very jittery about Wednesday as it creeps closer (heeeeeeeeeeeeeellllpppppppp). Just dreading it, I think it’s because I am feeling well at the moment.
I suppose it the same old thing “the waiting is the worst” or is it???

I do hope you are not feeling to bad from your chemo hon. We will suffer together next week.

Good to hear from you. Sounds like a good move going to your friends for christmas, especially with it being on the ground floor and one level. Take it easy
you little tinker and don’t push yourself to hard!!!
I have limited success with hats, beanies etc as I look horrendous in them all - I kid you not!! So, it’s wig shopping for me next week in preparation of the fallout!
I am so dreading losing my hair - sounds vain but it’s part of my identity. I’ll be glad when it is gone and then I can stop worrying and dreading the moment.
Anyway it onwards and upwards for us - and we will both support each other and Wendy. With our Dilys holding our hands - we’ll be just fine.

Enjoy your beautiful grandson. Give him a big kiss from me.

How are you feeling now my love. I do hope you are feeling better. We are here to give you love and support.

Debbie, Are those needles still clicking away?

Love and hugs,

Hi Dyzee

You are such a darling. I love the thought of that sign. And I am battering my heads too about the last presents. Might go up to S[pirtalfields and pettticoat Lane on Sunday where there is always some inspiration. And I so know what you mean about hair. I hate not hacing any but you will surprise yourself with how you get used to it. It is easier now that everyone else is wearing a hat of some sort against the cold. But I so want mine back! A lovely Indian nurse was talking about how she had hers done recently, and how it would be for her wedding. Hers grows at an inch a month,according to her. Wish mine would! And thank you - no wardrobe for me today!

How lovely to have your husband back. Just enjoy a weekend and more together. Hugs to both of you.

Much love


Hello everyone

My “big news” is that I got in touch with my Macmillan nurse today, and said I was fed up of waiting for written confirmation of everything, within half an hour she had got a new op date confirmed (27th December now!), my pre op appointment sorted and she is coming to see me on Tuesday. Great, at last some progress :slight_smile: My op date has been brought forward to coincide with the availability of the ultrasound specialist (cynical shrug…)

Dyzee So glad you have your husband back safe and sound, enjoy this family weekend and we will all be here to support you through your chemo. Just remember, it is your recovery that’s important, not whether the date’s 25th December, etc. Your best prezzie of all would be to get totally well!

Dilys, You have done so well with your rads, only one to go now and Christmas is the perfect excuse not to worry about your wardrobe. So sorry about your nails, it will end soon and your hair WILL come back but it must be sooo hard with waiting for it to happen. Glad you enjoyed your night out. I will look at the site you recommend re head coverings if I go down the chemo route.

Julie How are you doing? Take good care of yourself for the best recovery.

Maddy You’re off to see Benjamin tomorrow, enjoy…awwwww…

Wendy How are you doing after your chemo, honey?

Debbie How’s the doggy coat coming on? I think it is very much needed this weather, brrrr.

Gill Hope you’re continuing to be on the mend, it’s Ok to feel whatever you feel, you know…

Love to all


Dear Dyzee, Louise, Julie, Debbie, Maddy , Wendy and all

Great news about your date Louise - well done. It is always better when something is happening and you can plan. And get Christmas over first!

Dyzee - bet you are dreading that chemo. I will hold everyone’s chemo hands all the way through, promise. Just remember that however bad it makes you feel, it is powerful stuff and does you good in the end! The doctor at rads was looking at my lack of nails yesterday. He said that taxotere is a powerful toxin but the best there is for killing cancer cells. Which put my whinging about hair and nails into perspective. Costs a fortune as well, so god bless the NHS. How are you doing Wendy?

Louise - yes waiting for things to come back is very tedious indeed! I had hoped for hair for Christmas but no such luck. Boo hoo (there I go moaning again!) At least the turbans keep my head nice and warm in this cold weather.

Debbie - how are you? Hope you are ok? And Gill - how goes it now? And give Benjamin a big cuddle from me, Maddy. As if you needed an excuse!

Much love to all
