Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi everyone,

Dylis - I am dreading chemo, thank you for your words of wisdom and comfort. I don’t know if I am having Taxotere, is that a seperate drug to the EC? I am really trying to be positive about it. I have just booked train tickets for Lizzie and I to go to Leeds on Monday. There are a few wig shops there so I should have a good choice. The one I am going to first provides a trimming and styling service and have a range of 2000 wigs so hopefully I will find something that is comfortable and that suits me. I have been a bit naughty though (whats new)? I want it to be a nice day for us, so I have booked first class tickets and intend to take Lizzie somewhere nice for lunch. A good old girlie day!!! How are you today my lovely. I would soooooooooooooo love to go to the markets with you, imagine the fun we would have and I love markets.

Julie - How are you today? Love the sound of your tasty nibbles - you just spoil yourself my love, you deserve it so much.

Louise - Good news, as Dilys says, you can now start to plan and prepare.

Wendy - I am soooo worried about you my love. I do hope you are not to poorly.

Maddy - Benjamin - need I say more?

Gill - Catch up with you next week.

Debbie - How you doing?

Well, I’m off to Hartlepool town centre this afternoon (it’s a penance). Boooooooooooooooring!!! So will call back later on.

Have fun, hope you are all getting sorted for Christmas Day - not long now in fact it is 9 Sleeps - 10 Hours, 29 Minutes and 30 seconds to go!!! HO! Ho! HO!

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. XXX

Hi Dyzee

Sounds a brilliant day planned for Monday. Go for it. Is Leeds a long way from Hartlepool? Hope you get something really nice. looking back, I would say get something short so that your coat doesnt shuff it up at the back. But in the end it is what suits you. Looking forward to hearing how it goes.

We did well in the local shopping centre today. Have dropped off the exhausted husband in the pub! He is not as good as me with crowds and queues, to say the least. Must be a man thing.

Dyzee - ask them what chemo you are having. There are so many different sorts, as I have learned from here.

Hope Hartlepool was good! Bet I would have loved it. Other people’s shops are always so much better than your own familiar ones!

Much love


Hi Dilys,

I’m really looking forward to our day out, I think it’s about 80 miles (ish), so it will also be a long day. I know our Lizzie is itching to get into the shops. She loves Primark or “Primani” as she calls it - LOL - and the one is Leeds is huge. It will be nice to just get away for the day. Wish you were coming Dilys -now that would be a treat.

Our town centre is the pits! It’s very small, but its redeeming feature is that it is covered and heated, which is good when it is sooooo cold.

I know the chemo I am getting is Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide. There was no mention of Tax when I spoke to the Onc. I looked it up and it is recommended if there are nodes involved, however, I don’ think all hospitals have funding for it. I will ask next time I see him or I may call my BC nurse and see what she says.
If it’s better than what I am getting I want to know why I am not getting it!!!

I think I am becoming a telly addict!!! I love strictly come dancing - all of the lovely dresses and some of those male dancers have very nice little “Rumps” LOL.
I really want Aleisha to win.

Hope poor hubby is suitably refreshed after his shopping ordeal - bless him! Not long now and it will all be over.

Anything planned for tomorrow Dilys? We will be visiting Ma & Pa and who knows what else?

Poor hubby has spent most of the day trying to sort out Lizzies car. She had a flat tyre and he had a beggar of a job getting the nuts free to take it off. He managed in the end but was to late to catch the tyre place, so that will have to wait til Monday. More expense!!!

Take care my lovely,
Hugs and kisses,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee

My Bc nurse said I was to have 3 EC & 3 Tax, as per NICE guidelines. Oncologist said I didn’t need Tax as I wasn’t considered at risk. My Bc nurse told him, Well she is grade 3, but he said yes but her nodes are clear and she has clear margins. (which in fact I didnt,well I did but they weren’t the required size as they couldn’t go any further back because of my chest wall ,so in fact I didn’t if you get my drift)
I’m afraid its all down to cash up here. Did you have nodes involved Dyzee?
If you did google the NICE guidlines.It should be given to ladies who are grade 3 and have node involvement I think.

Hi Ladies -

finally back in the real world after the whirlwind that is our newest family member.

OH WOW - I was wearing a brown and white patterned top (cunningly designed to hide the different sized breasts) and Benjamin was transfixed - couldn’t take his eyes off me - and that was so special as we hadn’t seen his eyes open before except in other people’s photos.

He had lots of visitors and took it all in his stride - loads more flash photography - he’s really lucky as he has four great-grandparents - I know that’s quite possible these days with the younger generation starting so early - but his parents and grandparents aren’t exactly young!

Radiotherapy continuing, 10 down, 15 to go, but I may have to see the nurse on Monday - they noticed that the area under my breast appears to be deteriorating and they may change the aqueous cream - I’ve always had a problem with perspiration under my breast and think it’s a reaction to the cream. I may have to abandon my bra though!

Debbie - your previous comments about deodorants and shaving could have been written by me - I do exactly the same things - washing off the Pit Rock deodorant just before radiotherapy and wet shaving (very carefully so as to leave no evidence!).

Best wishes to you all, whatever treatment plan you are enduring
Lovev Maddy xxxxx

Hi Dyzee and all

Dyzee - I had three lots of FEC (fluorouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide) and three of Taxotere. Don’t ask me why! I am not sure if EC is the same as FEC. We will have to do some research. The FEC wasn’t too bad (though it did make my hair fall out). I get the feeling my area is pretty well funded for which I am eternally grateful. Let’s see what they say.

Hope you have a good day today. We are offshortly to se Enchanted for a bit of escapism, and then I will cook a nice roast beef dinner. Bet it wn’t be as good as your mum’s though. Hope Lzzie’s car will be ok and that you have a great time in Leeds tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing about your wig. How I wish I could come too!

Maddy - sorry about your skin. Bet that is sore. I met a lovely woman at Barts who showed me hers, and it looked very raw. She did say that the different cream was helping though. You have a lot more sessions than me my love. I finish tomorrow - have the Heroes and a lovely card for them packed ready to take in the morning. Benjamin sounds delightful! What an early Christmas present he is!

Much love to all


Hello everyone

Hope your skin will heal soon Maddy. Fingers crossed that the new cream will be better. I can imagine that Benjamin feels he is the star of the show…as indeed he is!

Dilys that is fantastic, just one more to go. Hope you enjoyed the film. We went today to a place called Christmas Adventure, what a terrible place, I knew it sold trees but I didnt realise there were going to be mile-long queues for everything from the maze to visiting Santa (not that I was going, you understand!) and even a big queue for the cafe. It was packed with tired parents and wailing, tired kids so we came home.

Dyzee you will have a lovely day shopping in Leeds, it is not far from me, let us know if you have luck with the wig shop. Is Lizzie’s car Ok? I presume you are going on the train tomorrow are you?

I went out to a bit of a do last night, did not stay late, in fact I was the driver for a change so stayed on the soda water. I felt quite emotional as everyone got very bold under the influence of drink and started saying "now you look after yourself, I know you are going to be fine, you are doing so well, you are very brave, chin up, I dont know how you’re coping "etc. Somehow that STOPS me coping, know what I mean? But I know it is them reassuring themselves, not me! Met a couple of friends I hadnt seen for months, they said the usual how are you? and I really couldn’t bring myself to tell them. Why do I feel the need to protect other people? I can understand that I want to protect my children but everyone else!?

Sorry, whinge over.

Hope everyone else is Ok and continuing to get stonger. When do you go to your friend’s, Julie? Wendy how are you feeling?

Take care all

Love Louise

Hi Louise

Oh yes I know. I am FINE. I don’t worry at all. I don’t care about the change to my body and the aches and pains. The baldness that won’t last and the nails falling out. They mean well! I have been there and done it myself.

Bless you.


Hi All,

Iv’e tied myself in knots re the Tax. The more I read the more confused I get. I will ask my BC nurse. Why can’t they just put things in laymans terms???
at 53 I am having to learn a whole new language!!!

Been to Ma & Pa’s for lunch today, lovely Roast Beef and Yorkshire pud. If you had jumped over hubby’s plate you would have won a gold in the olympics. LOL
He is 6’ 3" and takes some feeding. Dad made a lovely lemon tart for afters Mmmmmm delicious. I am sure your Sunday Roast is just as lush Dilys.

Just been getting my clothes ready for Leeds tomorrow. We will have to be up at 7 and leave the house at 8 to get to Middlesbrough for the train just before 9. We get to Leeds about 10.20. I have made appointments at two wig shops, so keep your fingers crossed that I find something that suits me. I amy get some Christmas shopping (wahay).

I bet I will be knackered on Tuesday. I’ll just have an easy day and get myself psyched up for Wednesday. We haven’t heard a thing from Wendy since she had her Chemo, I hope she is ok, it’s worrying isn’t it. The trouble is that we don’t have any other way of contacting each other. Do you go on the other site Dilys?

Enchanted!!! How lovely, I am itching to see it. It looks brilliant. What was it like? I am sure we can rely on you for an honest review.

Louise -
I can totally relate to what you are saying. If one more person says to me “well if anybody can beat this you can” or “you are tough and you will be alright” or " You look well" Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. What the hell do you know about me and what I am going through???
And when they ask “How are you feeling” l feel obliged to say “fine”, thank you for asking, because you know damn well they don’t really want to hear anything other than that. Phew, that feels better actually. I must have needed to get that off my chest! Cheers Louise. Anyway I really do hope you are feeling better now you have more info.

Maddy -
Benjaming sounds as though he likes a crowd and is enjoying all of the attention and so he should. The photo’s are adorable. You must be so, so proud.
Will you spend some time at Christmas with the family, and most importantly - when is the wonderful cot going to be utilised?

Wendy -
I am so worried about you. I hope you are ok . Come back soon.

Julie -
Hope you are behaving yourself and taking it easy! Let us know how you are.

Gill -
Where have you gone?

Debbie -
Been anywhere nice this weekend?

Hey ho - another busy week ahead for all of us. The christmas crowds will be getting worse… but the BC babes soldier on… be careful out there ladies!!! LOL

Lots of love and hugs,

Hi everyone

Just reporting for duty… Had a quiet weekend. Put up tree, first real tree in 18 years of marriage and guess what? I’m allergic to it!! Been sneezing all day but as I am allergic to my cat and dust also, it will be staying up. It’s funny because I find shopping really hard at this time of year as smelly candles in shops set off a sneezing fit and all the ink on all the Xmas magazines does too. Not to mention crowded shops with lots of strong perfume and aftershave making an attack on my poor sinuses.

Spent most of Sunday trying not to be sick. Don’t know why but I felt really nauseous. The only thing I could think was that I have just started taking Tamoxifen in two half doses, half first thing morning and half last thing at night with about 12 hours in between. Two migraleve eventually sorted me out anyway.

My friend from Brighton called in to see me on Sunday evening before she goes back today but she will only drink water and is a strick vegan so won’t eat Xmas cake or mince pies and, after an hour, the conversation very sadly died out. I was finding it really hard work.

Dog coat is nearly finished but Emma is not very impressed as I keep putting it on her back to measure it and making her stand still while I get the tape measure out. She rolls her eyes and looks at Colin, my hubby, to rescue her. I think she is having some hormonal problems too as she keeps getting amorous with the fluffy snowman we have in the room. I’m sure she thinks we can’t see her. So she is at the bottom of the tree being rude and the cat is half way up the tree looking for birds. At least the tree passed muster with my 17 year old son who gave us a lesson in the different types of fir and spruce and how to identify them ( he’s training to be a tree surgeon ).

Your hands must be so sore with all the fingernail problems. Don’t know how you are coping

Aren’t MacMillan nurses brilliant? I think my bc nurse is a Mc Millan nurse but I was referred to them direct by a radiographer. A lovely nurse called Claire came to my house and talked to me. She said I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I told her that I had been to the doctors and all he said was " I’ll give you 7 days worth of Diazepam if you promise to join Pansies. And that is all " like I was asking for sweets. She hit the roof and rang my doctors. She demanded that they give me some mild antidepressants and by that evening, there was a prescription waiting for me!! The pills were brilliant but I have now stopped them as they made me tired and gave me blurred vision but they really helped when I needed it. I was so grateful for her intervention.


I am thinking of you. Good luck for Wed.

Gill and everyone

Hope you are all well


Dear All

Just a quickie to say I have been zapped for the last time this morning. Yippee, yippee! Just herceptin to go on Thursday and I am a free woman till the New Year.

Off for a Christmas lunch in the local pub this afternoon to celebrate with friends.

Love to all and more later


PS thinking of Dyzee shopping in Leeds!!!


I wanted to confirm for you the the difference between the EC, and FEC chemotherapy regimens.

EC stands for Epirubicin, and Cyclophosphamide, FEC stands for the same as with EC, but with the additional drug 5FU, also called 5-fluorouacil

Hope this helps best wishes


Hi ya all,
its lovely to read about everyones plans and shopping trips, coats for dogs, visits to new Ben, last rads hooray… new hair and nails to come 2008,healing wounds and i hope everyone puts a few pounds on over christmas it wont hurt a bit!
As you can read my sense of humour is returning- a bit like the sensation in my leg, its a bit like a slow thaw!
Went for result appoinment/treatment plan today, grade 3, no other infiltration ,good, having bloods done on thursday pre chemo start 1 st week Jan , bc nurse says probably will be 4xFEC + 4 X TAX so i think some of you know where Im at.I wont be having rads. my recon is healing very well and ‘the team’ are pleased with it.
So D,D,L,M,and G, I wish you all some good news if you havent had some in the past month already, you will!
Have a good night- keep warm bbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrr

julie xxx

Hello ladies, or should I say, BC babes, as Dyzee calls us? I like that name!

Got a very demanding day over with at work, now only got to work Wednsday then can be off, though I have a Uni essay to do. I am telling myself I can really crack it on Friday.

Julie, glad to know you have it all in black and white now. Full steam ahead. When will your first chemo be?

Dilys, I know you have been very brave during your rads, and I take my hat off to you, but PHEW what a relief they are over. Apart from anything else, the daily nature of them must be sooo tiring. And now you can have a bit of “time off” (yeah, right), I mean more time to take care of yourself. You’re right, people so can’t understand, and I am tending to do what Dyzee does and just say “fine” cos they dont really want to know. I have the Macmillan nurse coming tomorrow so I should be able to get all the info I need now.

Dyzee How has your trip gone? I bet you are really exhausted, but hope it was worth the trip and very enjoyable. Let us know how you got on. Have a good rest Tuesday before Wednesday’s chemo, will be thinking of you. Glad you were able to get your AAARGH off your chest, actually I am thinking of carrying a huge boxing glove round with me, to punch people with. I would also like to have a T shirt printed that says in big letters “F off, I’ve got cancer”. Well, y’know, I have got to get the anger going, to beat this thing.

Debbie, you will have to be careful the snowman doesnt put in a claim for assault. I am sure it is very annoying but oh it did make me laugh, thank you. Hope you are feeling less yuk today. I am looking forward to seeing the Macmillan nurse as she seemed very straight talking and down to earth when I met her last time.

How are you doing, Maddy, Gill and Wendy?

Take care, all

Love Louise


Well it’s been a busy old day and tiring, but productive.
I am the proud owner of a “Wig” it’s a rich brown with mixed tones of brown/red in it. It’s just below shoulder length with some layers in it. Lizzie chose it and hubby thinks it’s better than my own hair. RESULT!
Don’t know if it will stay on my head but I still have my own thick longish hair. The lady who looked after me had it on perfect but I need lots of practice. So COME ON you chemo chemical cocktail b*****d - I’m ready for you!!!

We visited two shops. The first one had just opened a branch in Leeds last week, they have an established shop in Sheffield. A lovely lady had a chat with me and then we went into a private room. After discssion, she gave me some advice (which proved to be spot on) and brought in various colour. styles and lengths, based on what we had agreed. Very professional and a pleasant experience. The one I eventually bought was amongst these and as soon as I had it on, Lizzie, the lady and I agreed it was lovely.
The second shop was the one in the Victorian Quarter and it was a horrid experience and very distressing. The lady couldn’t give a hoot and just plonked the wigs on my head. Arggggggghhhhhhhhhhh. To cut a long wig story short, I walked out, went back to the first shop to the nice people and that was that.

We didn’t get much more shoppping but managed to have a look in Harvey Nichs (just looked) - the price tags were more than my mortgage!!! Lovely though.
Lizzie managed to get a dress and we both got sore feet. We had a lovely day together, had some laughs and were just a normal Mum and Daughter on a fab day out.

So, what have you “BC Babes” been up to today?

Dilys - CONGRAULATIONS - YOU DID IT!!! Chemo and Rads under your belt, Tamoxifen going well and no inflation for a few weeks. Chill out my brave, lovely Dilys and enjoy Christmas - if anyone deserves it you do, I am so, so proud of you.

How did your lunch go with your friends - where did you go and what did you have - I hope there was alcohol involved!!!

Louise - I laughed so much when I read your post :slight_smile: I want one of those T-shirts and a boxing glove. I laughed that loud I had to tell hubby as he was just looking at me thinking “she’s finally cracked”!!! So he had a laugh too. Hope it goes well with your M. Nurse tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.

Julie - You are a star. Sounds really positive and everything is doing what it should. Wahay, we will be going through Chemo together. Bring it on!!!

Debbie - I don’t know how you cope with all of your allergies, you poor thing. That snowman, what can I say, it’s hillarious!

Gill has had some problems with her medication (Tamoxifen). She had taken 3 and realised that as she had a history of DVT she should not have them. She has been to see the Consultant today and now has to see Onc on Wednesday and may have to have chemo after all. What a palava!

Wendy and JillyB - Hope you are both ok. Let us know.

I think we may have to start a swear box and donate it to BC Care at the end of all this. This applies to all of the BC Babes!!! On the other hand we could probs go somewhere exotic together!!! Any suggestions where ladies?

Lots of “Christmas” love and hugs,

Hi Dyzee

Oh well done with the wig shopping. I bet you look great in it. You took me back. I used to so love going shopping with my mum. Lizzie sounds as if she had a great time too. You deserved a great day out. It sounds a brilliant wig place too.

I am fine though a bit frail today! There certainly was alcohol involved and I rather overdid it I think, though it didn’t feel like it at the time. But thankfully I cold have a lie in and a morning in my pjs so it could have been worse. I think a little gentle present wrapping this afternoon! I have also lost another nail - boo hoo. I am now resigned to losing the lot, as they are showing all the warning signs. But at least the first one to go is growing back so there is light at the end of the tunnel. And my new turbans from headcovers arrived today. Lovely! Had I not been hungover wouldn’t have been ere to sign for them.

Maddy - how is your skin doing? Julie, Debbie, Louise, Gill and all - how are you?

Much love


Hi BC Babes!

Dyzee your new wig sounds lovely! I bet you are dead chuffed. A tiring day for you but sooo worth it and I am sorry to hear that the other shop assistant was so surly, you would think they would be trained to be more empathic. Yes I am definitely moving into Mrs Angry…watch out, girls! So…it is the big day tomorrow, will be thinking of you and wishing you well and look forward to hearing about it when you feel able to tell us, want to offer my support.

Dilys I am glad you had a “party” to celebrate your last rads. You will enjoy the new turbans once you feel better. The Macmillan nurse said to me today that she experiences her patients feeling tired for a few weeks after they end rads so be kind to yourself and take good care. Good news about seeing a nail grow back! A long haul for you and I know you’ve been very brave, it will be great for you to have a bit of time at Christmas.

Hope everyone else is doing Ok, Maddy, Gill, Julie, Wendy and Debbie.

I found the Macmillan nurse very helpful this morning. She was able to tell me more info about my particular case. Why didn’t they tell me at clinic 10 days ago? Anyway I am grade 2 as far as they can tell and they have me provisionally booked for 15 rads (3 weeks), there is a new all singing all dancing rads unit at Jimmy’s in Leeds.

Love to all and good luck to Dyzee


Dear BC Babes!

Dilys- You go girl! Well done having a hangover. It sounds a though you had a good old celebration, and so you should have. Oh Dilys your poor nails.
It must be soul destroying. Good news that you can see some growth. You will have “Happy New Nails” in the new year my love. What are your new turbons like?
Did you get a red one with white fur and a big white bobble for Christmas Day? Ho ho Ho! Hoe you are feeling better now. Take it easy and rest.

Louise - Or should I say “Angry Babe”? (Maybe we should all have names like the Spice Girls). Sooooo pleased you finally got some info from the M nurse.
It makes such difference.
Thank you so much for your support, it is very much appreciated. I don’t know what I would do with all of my friends here.

Gill - Hope you enjoyed your meal with your colleagues today and “Thank You” for the lovely gift.

Maddy - Hope Benjamin is thriving and everyone is fine. How are the rads going?

Julie - Hope the leg movement is improving and you aren’t in to much pain.

Wendy - Still thinking of you hon.

Debbie - How are you?

Gill called to see me today and brought me a teddy bear. It’s for people with cancer. It has ginger in it’s feet for when you are having chemo and a pouch in it’s tummy with wheat and lavender which can be heated in the microwave. It is adorable.

Well, the ‘C’ day is almost here. I think I have finally got my head around it. Just looking on the positive side now and thinking of the benefits. After tomorrow it will be 1 down - 5 to go!! So, I am all fired up and ready to roll.

My friend was coming round tonight so I put my wig on before she got here. Guess what, I had to tell her it was my wig - Yahooo, and she wasn’t just being tactful, she shoots straight from the hip!!!

Well, think of me at 13:00, I will be thinking of you all to give me courage.
Dilys, I will be holding your hand (and probably squeezing it very hard)!!!


Hi Everyone - BC Babes!

What a great name Dyzee!

It feels like forever since I last read your messages and what a lot has been going on.

Dyzee, so pleased you have a great wig - I think I may now be feeling jealous!
I thought that your chemo started on Thursday so apologies that I may now have missed letting you know how I got on before your session. I have just realised that my watch has had the wrong date on it for the last week and I thought today was 17th! I feel really bad now to think that I have missed saying good luck to you.

The chemo session went ok but I have been completely wiped out with tiredness since. I was feeling neauseous for the first few days and a bit headachy but otherwise ok. I just have to go upstairs and I feel like I have run a marathon and really couldn’t motivate myself to do anything. Today has been a bit better though so I hope that the next couple of weeks will be ok (except for the ‘hair’ thing!).

I am thinking of you Dyzee and will be with you in spirit tomorrow (holding your hand).

Dylis, your DR’s comments about your nails and hair certainly puts things into perspective - it is easy to lose perspective sometimes so a little ‘reminder’ does us good and it certainly helped me - thanks. Zapped for the last time - how great"

Louise - so glad you know a bit more about what is going on and have a date for next stage. I wish you all the best and hope you can relax and enjoy Christmas feeling a little less anxious. Your comments about peoples questions are exactly my sentiment and gave me a smile.

Maddy - it sounds as though your daughter and son-in-law are blessed with a wonderful extended family - four great grandparents, how wonderful! I am pleased that Benjamin has at last graced you with open eyes - better wear that top again! Sorry to hear about your sore skin, I hope you find something to help it.

Julie - so you have your treatment plan, that’s a step forward. Glad you are starting to feel a little better.

I love Dyzee’s suggestion of all going somewhere together. Do you think this would be possible - perhaps we could fit something in between our treatments? If we use our swear box money we should be able to go somewhere really nice! Perhaps a thought for the spring?

Anyway love and best wishes to all, sorry to anyone I have not mentioned by name -thinking of you.


Hi Dyzee,
Just want to wish you well for your chemo tomorrow.
I’m sure you’ll be fine, It’s the not knowing whats going to happen more than the treatment thats the scarist I think,
Big Hugs,