Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Love to all the ladies on the site

as always, all the best for today at 1pm. Have emailed you


Have a good day everyone,

Dyzee specially thinking of you today, first of the final furlong,
Dilys youve just leapt over a final rad furlong! bring on the expansion and regrowth! in all directions, you were right to celebrate and paint the town pink!!!
I love to hear how you all are doing and all your stories, you are inspirational!

We are off to tackle christmas shopping again today,then hope its done. Work friends visiting later,took most the glue off my new boob yesterday, so I can show it off today!!! Ive had a good look on headcovers great site, its ashame theres nothing similar in UK.


Julie xxxxxx sorry didnt realise i was shouting - sentiment is the size of capitals tho xxx

Hi all “BC Babes”,
I really am going to have to log in more frequently - I last posted 2 days ago and there’s a whole new network of messages to read! You all seem to have been so busy - I’ve just been sleeping!

Benjamin evidently does like an audience - his mummy and daddy have now laid down strict guidelines on his routine - no cuddling during the day when he should be sleeping ! As he’s only two weeks old I think they’re starting a bit early on that one - he was evidently hard to settle on Saturday evening after their visit here so now they’re the experts and have told us we can only hold him in the morning on Christmas Day!!! As our elder daughter is seeing him for the first time then we probably won’t get a look in!

He did get to see the cot when he visited but slept in a moses basket - his daddy says it won’t be too long before he comes to stay but as he’s being breast fed that may be some time. Can’t wait.

Karen is back in size 10 jeans !! and, apart from the big breasts, you wouldn’t know she’s had a baby - I’m just thankful she didn’t have the same experiences I did when giving birth (all those years ago!)

12 sessions of rads down - 13 to go – they haven’t changed the cream yet so I’m just not putting it under my breast - I’ve been putting witch hazel on the sunburned areas - it’s so cooling. Still no sign of my hormone receptor status so continuing to take the Tamoxifen. I’m also spending a lot of the day asleep - I’ve begun to get quite weary, whether through waking for hot sweats or side effects of rads I’m not sure, so you’ll have to excuse me for not replying too quickly.

Best wishes to you all
Love Maddy xxxx

Hi Everyone

Dyzee - thinking of you today. Hope you can feel my hand holding yours tightly.

Maddy - how lovely to have Benjamin at just the time you need cheering up. And good luck as you go on through rads. I was very lucky I think.

Just a quick note as I have to go out shortly, but more later.

Love and hugs to all


Hello BC babes

Good to hear some news from everyone. Am thinking of Dyzee today and wishing her well (xx).

Wendy sorry to hear that you have been so wiped out with the chemo, glad you are feeling a bit brighter today.Is your swear box so very full then? haha.

Oh Maddy I cant believe they havent got the hormone receptor news yet, what a pain. Just take care of your skin as best as you can. I have heard other ladies mention aloe vera gel, I dont know if that is helpful to you? You made me smile with your comments about Benjamin and restricted holding time, how well I remember being so “conscientious” with my first baby, awwwwww.

Julie,. you shout all you like, honey! Glad to hear you are getting more mobile.

Dilys Are you going for Herceptin this week?

Hope everyone else is well and coping with the Christmas countdown, it is my last day at work so I have a lovely calendar full of catching up with friends before my op. Am still doing the thing about protecting other peoples’ feelings but think that’s just my personality

Love to all


Hello BC Babes,

Back from chemo. It wasn’t bad at all and the staff were wonderful. I feel much better about it all now. Just really tired as I didn’t sleep much last night.

Just wanted to say a big, big THANK YOU for all of the support received from you all, it makes such a difference. I don’t know what I would do without you.

Dilys - My hand was being squeezed very tightly - thank you and I swear I was getting loads of hugs from everyone else!!!

Just going to have a little sleep and I will come back later for a chat.

Dyzee. X

Glad you got through Ok and maybe it will be less scary next time? Have a lovely sleep and hear from you when you’re rested

Louise x

Hi Dyzee

Oh thank god. So lovely to hear from you. You have been so brave. My husband never heard the end of me thinking about you today and sends his greetings.

My chemo staff are great too. They make such a difference. I’ll be back there tomorrow for herceptin in the morning.

You take good care Dyzee my love

Lots of love


Hi All

Dyzee - so glad it all went well for you that’s fantastic. You can relax into Christmas now without worrying. Hope you enjoyed your sleep.

Maddy - I know what you mean about the hot sweats - they are a curse aren’t they. I take a cool pack (the kind you buy from the chiropractor) to bed with me wrapped in a pillow case and use it to cool me down when they come on. It doesn’t stop them but it does help cool them down more quickly and I think reduces the perspiration a little.

Louise - finished work now so you can fill your diary with lots of lovely things leading up to Christmas - enjoy!

Julie - I hope you had fun with your pals. It really does cheer you up to catch up with friends doesn’t it.

I feel much less tired today. My ONC Nurse said that some people find the week after chemo quite tiring but the next 2 weeks pick up - thank goodness! They are going to change my sickness drugs next time to try and find something more suitable. They are also talking about a Hickman Line - does anyone else have one of these?

Well, back to wrapping the last few pressies. Hubby away tonight so it will stop me getting too bored with my own company.

Take care all.


well done Dyzee.

Love Diane x

That’s brilliant Dyzee. I was twitchy all yesterday afternoon wondering how you got on. Did it take long? I know nothing of chemo. You are really coping well…you were only diagnosed a month or so ago weren’t you. At least they don’t hang around. Hope you continue to feel well in the coming months.

Love to everyone else on this post and site. I am sorry I don’t refer much to people by name but I get really confused. You must all have little notes written to remind yourselves who is doing what. I don’t know what I am doing most of the time never mind what others are up to.

Happy Xmas everyone
Love Debbie

Hello Everyone,

Dilys - Bless you my love, sorry for worrying you and please say “thank you” to your hubby for his greetings. I didn’t feel to good as the night wore on. Hubby made me put my pj’s on gave me my anti sickness tablets and shuffled me off to bed. I was so tired, I slept like a log.
I have had some porridge for brekkie and taken my tablets so I hope I don’t have much nausea today. I still feel tired and lethargic, everything feels heavy - arms, legs etc and doing anyhting is a bit of an effort but that’s ok and I suppose quite normal. I guess it gets a little better each day. So I guess it will be an easy day today for me.
I hope all goes well with your Herceptin today hon. How often do you have it? How is it administered? Are there any side effects? Let me know how it goes, my turn to worry about you today (I’ll be squeezing your hand).

Wendy - Sooooooooooo relieved that you are back and feeling better. I was worried about you!!! I can totally relate to the tiredness and lethargy, it hits you like a sledgehammer. I guess we will just have to roll with it. I have three lots of anti sickness tablets. Dexamethasone (2 in morning which are steroids) Ondansetron (1 morning and 1 evening) and Metoclopramide (1 can be taken up to 3 times a day if required). I have had little waves of nausea but nothing to bad (yet). If you are feeling really sick you should ask for your tablets to be changed sooner rather than later. Don’t wait.

Julie - Thank you for your lovely kind thoughts my love. Hope you had fun with your friends. Did you show off your new Booby? I bet you did!!!

Louise - Now you can have some fun and not worry about work. Enjoy this lovely time hon and just do and say whatever you are comfortable with. It’s what makes you feel good that counts.

Maddy - All I will say is - Rules were meant to be broken!!! And you sound like just the girl to do it. Well done to Karen - size 10 so soon, 19 years since I had Lizzie and I’m stil struggling (LOL). How lovely that you will all be together at Christmas. More lovely photo’s for sure.

Debbie, Diane and Kay - Thank you for your support and good wishes, I hope you are all well.

Take care all,
Lots os love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Dyzee - sounds familiar! I felt ‘zonked’ all week but this morning woke up and felt like a human being again. I am thinking of you, take it easy it will get better soon.

Hi Debbie - don’t be deceived, it takes me ages to read the notes and get to grips with the latest news from everyone. How are you?

Love to all.


Hi Dyzee - It’s good to hear that your first chemo session went so ‘well’ - despite the tiredness and sickness - how on earth will you remember which tablets to take and when !!!*!

Debbie - I know exactly how you feel reading all the names in other people’s posts - it takes me all the time to remember my own name!!!

Wendy - I use one of those cool packs for my breast which is cooking nicely at the moment - the aqueous cream from the fridge is great but the pack is better!

I’ve bought some Christmas stickers today and plan to wear them on my breast for radiotherapy this afternoon - I’m fed up already with the Christmas songs they keep playing during treatment and waiting times - the staff must be absolutely bored rigid so I’m aiming to lift their spirits - I don’t think they’ll be surprised as we spend a lot of time giggling as they try to get me in the correct position for treatment.

Best wishes to you all ( whoever and wherever you may be)
Love Maddy xxxx

Hi Dyzee and all

Dyzee well done. I have to say the one thing never felt really was sick. If you do then try the travel bands that you can get from Boots. They are really good and save too much pill popping. Keep resting when you feel like it. Herceptin is fine by the way. It is done by IV just like chemo but has none of the obvious side effects. t can apparently strain your eart but they check that regularly (next scan in January - the third so far!). And it is on three week cycles like chemo. We worked out that if I manage to run to time I finish on my husband’s birthday next August! Glad your chemo nurses are lovely too. Mine are such stars. They keep everyone cheerful. Had mince pies there today!

And I think I have finally finished the present shopping for Christmas. We went straight on to a shopping centre and got stuck in!

Wendy I don’t have a Hickman line but I do know they are semi permanent implants and good if your veins can’t take the strain. A few women at my unit have them and they seem good.

Maddy - oh I know! It tackled while they shifted me into position and it is soooo hard not to try to help, isn’t it? How is your skin now?

Hugs to everyone

Much love


Hello everyone

Have you got many rads to go Maddy? I was really sore by Boxing Day last year so really sympathise.

I am fine thanks. Have given in on anti depressant front and gone back on them. I have started taking my Tamoxifen in two halves and do the same now with anti depressants. I can honestly say that I feel so much better. I am tired alot but have had NOT ONE HOT FLUSH since yesterday morning when I decided to take happy pills again. I was getting them every half hour and nausea too. So if anyone out there is suffering with Tam side effects, I can def recommend Citalopram ( I take 20 mg a day ).


Like Maddy said, I have no idea how you will remember pills. I used a pill box but only have two plus vitamins to think of. I also set an alarm on my mobile phone but I also need reminding to

  1. Get up on a morning
  2. Collect hubby from work at different times of the week
  3. Take my two half doses with pills at different times
    and now I have run out of alarm programmes!!!
    Also, my pills both say “Do not remove from blister pack until needed”.
    Hope you keep the nausea at bay. Pj’s and bed sounds a good idea. I LOVE my bed. Just me, a book, a drink and the dog!!

Here’s a funny to cheer you all up. I used to work in Mothercare in Stockton. I was accustomed to hearing long stories of childbirth etc and one proud grandmother was telling the tale one day. She finished by saying " anyway, she will be ok as the Consultant is going to seduce her tomorrow". The mind boggles. If I think of any others I will let you know

Love to everyone

Cheers Debbie - you have made me really laugh. My consultant was/is gorgeous. Seduction was the last thing on his mind, sadly!



Hi Babes,
What a fun thread, well not all I know, Maddy and Debbie I love yours,
D glad chemo numero 1 is over and you are taking good care of yourself, I guess not knowing how you are going to feel after ward is strange, will you feel nauseous or not, tired or not , when , you will establish a pattern , well thats what bcnurses say, the tiredness i hear is accumulative and by 3-4 cycle it has truly kicked in. so feet up and rest as much as poss. I used seabands for chemo in the past and they worked for me.It ounds like a lot of antiemetics to take eh, is this usual? Im starting 6 cycles of FEC alone in Jan, having an echo and bloods first week,this is the norm eh.
Dilys good luck with the next herceptin and christmas! and plans for August perhaps???
Debbie- i find cipralex 10mg a god send, as Ive had to come off HRT and Im barking without it ''woof! ‘‘so im all ready for tam later next year, I spoke to another lady and she has half and half and it really helps with her flushes.
Maddy- sounds like your daughter is doing really well already, I love newborns, they smell gorgeous, I like the idea of your stickers,try taking take your own cd in next time!!!
Louise,Wendy and everyone else hope you are all as well as can be, Im not going to say ‘fine’ because we arent, that other thread is funny, ‘’ the things people say’’,
Im an insomniac at the mo , look at the time, will try a horlicks,
lots of love everyone, night night,
Julie xx

Good Morning BC Babes

Hope you are all feeling ok this morning.

Dyzee, thinking of you especially - hope you are not feeling too sicky and tired. Make sure you get enough rest.

Julie, hope you eventually got some sleep. I also am on 6 sessions of FEC with my second on 3rd Jan (fingers crossed for good blood count). So Dyzee, you and I will be chemo chicks for the new year then!

Julie/Debbie, I will have to ask about cipralex for my hot flushes as they are driving me mad! Thanks for the tip.

I had a good day yesterday. Got some housework done in morning and then a friend picked me up, we went out for lunch and mooched around the shops all afternoon without a care in the world. Oh yes, and my book arrived, a gift from my hubbie which I must tell you all about.

It is called The Boudica Within (the extraordinary journey of women after breast cancer and reconstruction) and is written by a BC Plastic Surgeon called Elaine Sasson who has revolutionised reconstruction surgery during the last 10 years. There is lots of information on Breast Reconstruction which is really useful but the book is full of pictures of lovely ladies who have had reconstruction surgery and their ‘stories’. I am going to love reading it.

Off to battle Tesco’s this morning. Have a good day all.


Hello everyone

I am typing this from my brand new computer desk which arrived at 7am!!! My 17 year old son ( bless him ) insisted on making it up. Poor soul. The instructions were dreadful and I was confusing him. Now it’s up, I daren’t tell him that the drawer fronts keep coming off. I will wait until he goes out and put some more glue in. I am finally typing now with my neck and arms at the right angle and can’t believe the difference. I used to really have to limit the time I spent at the computer but now can stay on longer.

Seasonal greetings to all. I hope the lack of postings from Dyzee just mean she is busy enjoying herself and not feeling ill. Thinking of you all
