Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hello all,

I have just got my pre op letter today and was reading all the information, had a bit of a wobbly moment reading about the risks and stuff but got myself together now. I am reading everyones postings and am getting worried that everyone seems to be so clued up on terminology and what is going to happen to them. I think i need to ring the counsellor on monday to make an appointment. My letter from the hospital says the appointment will be approx 2 hours. Do I see my consultant then because at the minute thae last time i saw him was my diagnosis.

Dyzee: you must me a mind reader because when i was in with my GP i asked her about sleeping tablets and she gave me 10 days worth to at least get me throught to the operation date, took one last night and had my first full nights sleep. I m going to try without tonight but I came home from work and Marks and Spencer (buying jim jams for hospital with button up fronts) and spent all afternoon on the sofa dozing so not sure if i will sleep tonight or not.

I am veering toward lumpectomy again today although from what my consultant said as I am losing the nipple anyway its going to be quite a lot going. I am a 36D cup so I suppose I can afford to lose quite a bit.

Ah well I suppose I will know more on Wednesday. Most people know now so I dont have to say the whole story again and I’m sure the rumour mill has gone into high gear at work. Ah well if they are talking about me at least they are leaving someone else alone.

As always Love and Luck to all.
S xx

Hi Everyone,

Custard - Don’t worry about your pre op assessment. If yours is the same as mine it is mind numbingly boring. You have to fill in some forms, then a nurse fills in some forms (in triplicate) and then I was seen by a Doctor (not my consultant) who fills in more forms (in triplicate) they want to know the far end of a fa*t and which way it blows and ask the same questions several times. So my dear, worry not - it’s a doddle!

Ginge and Wendy - Hope you are not feeling to bad with the dreaded chemo. I still have my hair but my scalp is sooooooo itchy.

Louise - Hope you are getting better by the day - rest rest rest!!!

Dilys - How’s you my love?

Everyone else - Stay warm and snuggly!!!

Love and hugs,

Hello all BC Babes

I am loads better. All my…by products…are no longer blue. I went out for a walk today in some beautiful gardens we have in the town centre. I have taken off my sexy DVT stockings, had a gorgeous shower and am on the mend. Had a surprise visit from a dear friend who lives at the other end of the country but is up here visiting her daughter. Lunch out tomorrow, so I am gradually picking up normal life.

Dyzee can they recommend a shampoo that helps the itching? That Polytar stuff is good for allergy scalps but I dont know if they would think it helpful for you?

Custard, Dyzee is right, it is just really boring tests and you will get sick of answering the same question 300 times, especially when it is your op day. I expect your McMillan nurse will be able to give you some advice re the lumpectomy/mastectomy choice.Personally I think it depends how big the lump is and what grade they think your cancer is ie the higher the grade, the more they will steer you towards mastectomy? I know what you mean about the terminology. If you have a look at a Forum thread called “lost” started by hotmint, Dyzee has put on there a really helpful guide to all the terminology. The info you can download from this site is also very clear.

Hope all is well with everyone else. No news yet of new grandchild for us!

love Louise

There you go - It will save you searching the other thread.

A growth or lump that is not cancer.

This is used to collect tissue from a lump to be sent for microscopic examination.

CT scan
A CT (Computerised Tomography) scan uses x-rays to produce images of the body.

The earliest changes in the breast that can be identified as cancer are called Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ or DCIS and are limited to the ducts of the breast. DCIS often shows up on a mammogram as small, white specks.


Fine needle aspiration (FNA)
This is the drawing up a tiny sample of tissue from a lump with a needle and syringe to examine and establish a diagnosis.

Hormone therapy
Hormone therapy is used as a treatment to slow down the growth of some BC cells by lowering the levels of oestrogen and progesterone. One of the most common drugs for this purpose is Tamoxifen. Other hormone drugs are Aromatase Inhibitors (AI).

The spread of cancer cells into healthy tissue adjacent to the tumour.

Locally advanced
The cancer has grown but has not spread or metastasised.

Local recurrence
The reappearance of cancer cells at the same place as originally found.

The removal of the tumour and some surrounding tissue.

Lymph node
Glands made up of lymphatic tissue to which BC can spread.

A collection of fluid in the tissues below the skin, which leads to swelling of a limb or part of the body.

A mammogram is an x-ray of the tissue of the breast. It can reveal changes in the breast before they are noticed by a person.

Metastasis (Mets)
The spread of cancer cells from the breast to another part of the body. The original (or primary cancer) is the breast.

MRI scan
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses radio waves and a magnetic field to scan for tumours.

The study and treatment of cancer.

An indication of how a disease will respond to treatment.

Radiotherapy (radiation therapy) uses high energy rays, usually x-rays, to kill cancer cells.

A return or regrowth of cancer cells.

The period during which BC is under control.

The assessment of BC to help plan treatment.

Ultrasound uses sound waves to produce an image of the breast. It may be used when the results of a mammogram are unclear.

Wide Local Excision is surgery to remove the tumour together with an area of normal tissue.


Dyzee: You are so fab!!!

Louise x

Hi Everyone,

My poor old hair has started to fall out this morning. I sobbed like a baby. Poor hubby just cuddled me, bless him.
Iv’e given myself a good talking to and feel slightly better. I fear it will be the razor before too long.

Dyzee. X

Dyzee, I know you knew it was coming, but it doesn’t make it any easier. ((((((((HUG)))))))) for you, my lovely. You have been such a wonderful support for all the ladies on here and now you have another step on your own journey to face. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and wishes. Don’t try to be too brave, it’s a bl**dy awful thing to cope with and you are entitled to behave any way you choose. What a nightmare we are all going through! I am so sorry this is happening to you, I am sure the other BC babes will be with you in spirit, as will I.

Love Louise

Hi Louise,

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words.

Lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi BC Babes

Hope you are all ok and have had a good Christmas without too much pain, sickness and worry.

Louise, so glad your pain is lessening. Is the movement in your arms getting any better? Isn’t your first shower and walk in the fresh air great! Any news yet on grandchild? I always think waiting for grandchildren to arrive is worse than waiting for your own because you have baby’s mum to think of as well! The first cuddle is just wonderful!

My hickman line is going in on 9th so they have delayed my 2nd chemo session until 10th. I am trying to look on the bright side and looking forward to another week feeling ok before I am ill again. My hair is getting thinner but I am trying not to let it get me down too much and am going out in public tonight for the first time looking like a skinhead. We are going to Raymond Blanc’s new restaurant in MK. Hope I don’t put too many people off of their dinner!!

S (Custard), the pre-op letter can make grim reading but try not to dwell on all of the side effects etc that they list because many of them will not affect you. I guess they have to list everything just in case. I did see my Consultant at my first pre-op meeting and then had another with the BC/Oncology Manager a day or two before when they took bloods / blood pressure etc. I hope all goes well on Wednesday, take a list with you of all the questions you want to ask and don’t let them rush you. It is important that you get as many facts as you can before making your final decision. I had pressure put on me to make a decision about chemo but told them they would have to wait while I thought about it – do the same yourself if you need more time. Dyzee is right about the forms – it is very tedious they seem to ask you the same questions at about 3 appointments. I felt like telling them to read the previous notes! I told all of my close colleagues at work so that when I get back there are no surprises – I am sure your colleagues will be sympathetic and any talk will be within the spirit of support and kindness.

Dyzee – so sorry to hear about your hair. Even though we know it is going to happen it is still no easier to deal with when it does. I am more emotional today, not so much actually losing my hair but just the reminder I get every time I look in the mirror of what is actually happening to me. When it gets you down just think of Custard and I and we will think of you also – perhaps that will help us through knowing we are kindred spirits, sharing the same experience at the same time.

Hope everyone else is ok – Maddy; Gill; Julie etc?


Take care, Wendy.

Hi All

Happy New Year! We will all be here to celebrate this time next year!

Much love


Hi all,

well heres to all of us and heres to a Happy New year, Had a bit of a wobble when I got in my car leaving work today but am fine now. We (Hubby and I) are having a night in tonight. I am fine most of the time but I always find New Year a bit emotional so like Christmas carols etc I am avoiding anything that makes me cry. I have just got off the phone to my best friend, we have known each other for 34years (since we were 5)and as usual she made me smile.

Dyzee: Thanks for your glossary I wish I could take you with me on Wednesday. I’m really sorry you had to lose your hair today but I suppose there is no good day for it to happen. My thoughts are with you.

Wag: Thanks as ever for the support. I cant help thinking about all of you and because i havent even started with treatment yet I am blown away by how strong and supporting you all are.

Ladychatterbox: I feel a bit of a fraud sometimes as the little bu***r is only grade one and1cm but it seems I’m still to lose the nipple have chemo and radiotherapy with possibly Herceptin or hormone therapy. Aparently as I am pre menopausal I am the perfect candidate to throw everythng at it bar the kitchen sink. I think I may glow in the dark by the end of this. Thanks for the support its really appreciated and makes the day a little brighter when I see a new posting.

Sorry to be so emotional but its been that kind of day. I havent really cried that much since the diagnosis. I seemed to cry more before I got the results. But today I just cant turn off the waterworks. I guess I’m just feeing sorry for myself coz I know its going to be a long year but knowing you ladies are there listening out has helped more than I can express in type.

Love and Luck to you all. Shonagh xx

Hi All BC Babes

Well here we are on the eve of a New Year.

Here is a little poem dedicated to each and everyone of us - the Brave and Inspirational “BC BABES”.

When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but do not quit.

Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit-
It’s when things go wrong that you must not quit.

“Don’t Quit,” Author Unknown

Wishing you all Health, Joy and Happiness in 2008.
I raise my glass to the “BC BABES”
It is an honour to have each of you as my friend.

Lots and lots of love and hugs,

Happy New Year all BC Babes,
Sorry not to have been in touch before but Christmas was hectic and I was exhausted with all the travelling - radiotherapy, MK, Castle Donington,Derby etc etc etc.

Benjamin was an absolute joy for everyone except his parents - he tests the acoustics of everywhere he visits so on Christmas Day, trying to keep him in a routine, they retired home at 8.30 and the rest of us carried on partying till the early hours.He only woke once in the night so we weren’t disturbed at all. He lost a pound of his birth weight in the first two and a half weeks but has now begun to put it back on an ounce at a time - parents and midwife were worried but the doctor has given him the once over and given him a clean bill of health - he’s feeding regularly, sleeping soundly and has waking moments where he is happy and contented - a joy!

My washing machine packed up and we made the mistake of trying to go to Fosse Park on 27th for a replacement - standing room only - and that was in the car park! so we ended up driving straight through without stopping! Went back early on 28th - sods law - they didn’t have the one we wanted! Went into Leicester instead and got one from another store, also got a kneeling chair for the computer - my husband has sciatica and the doc advised it - what a strange contraption it is but it does seem to be working.

Louise - any sign of that new grandchild (due today ?) - that really would be a good start to the New Year.

Dyzee - love the poem - sorry to hear about the hair - but there must be some positives…erm…you get to finally choose the hair you want instead of having to put up with what nature blessed you with, you save a lot on hairdressers and shampoo - and look how Kylie’s turned out when it regrew…SORRY !

19 rads sessions down, 6 to go - more stickers yesterday to cheer the staff for New Year - a reclining reindeer and pine trees! Went down very well with the staff - especially the ones who hadn’t met me before. My chest now looks as if I’ve done a ‘Tracey Barlow’ on myself with the iron - very red and itchy so the cold packs are getting lots of use, and my nipple is feeling very ‘bruised’ and extremely sensitive.

Rambled enough - just want to wish you all, good health, wealth and happiness in the coming year,
Maddy xxxxxxx (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs to you all)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Happy New year to all BC babes!

No sign of grandchild yet…

Good to have you back Maddy, I guessed that your seasonal festivities were keeping you occupied. Only 6 more rads to go Phew!! What a relief it will be for you to get them done, sorry you’re so sore. Glad you had a great time with Benjamin…awwwww.

Dyzee what a lovely poem, and very appropriate too. How are you feeling today? Hope not so sad, it is a long road we have to travel together. At least we can all feel supported by each other.

Wendy Oh it is so difficult with the hair thing. As you say, delaying the chemo will mean a few good days before the next onslaught. It is hard to look at the positive side sometimes (especially at 3am!) but I think that’s what we must do. Yes it is lovely to get back to some sort of normality and go out again and ooooooh a SHOWER, what a treat.

Dilys How are you? thanks for your positive thoughts, forward to 2008 and better health for all of us!

Custard, you’re not a fraud, honey, whatever the size/grade of the tumour, it is that word “cancer” that hits like a sledgehammer, I know you said you were being very emotional at the moment but remember when you first got the news you sort of got on with life and were NOT emotional, it had to come out some time and crying can be very helpful.

Love to all of you, and everyone else


Hi All

And a very Happy New Year to all. I have just joined Maddy in the defunct washing machine stakes and am wondering what to do with a huge pile of of damp washing! Thank god for once I had the sense to take out a five year warranty - don’t usually do that. I’ll be on the phone tomorrow first thing. And good luck with the rest of your rads Maddy. I am now two weeks on and glowing brightly!

Dyzee - love the poem! And so sorry about your hair. I remember it so very clearly.

Everyone else - have a better New Year and remember we can get through this together

Much love


Hi Everyone

Happy New Year!

Well I’ve taken down the trees and decorations, packed them up and they are back in the loft for another year.

The hair is continuing to fall, I am going to get it all cut off as soon as poss. Coudn’t decide wether to shave it all off or have it cut short first.
Decided to do it in stages (i’m such a coward)!!!

Dilys - Did you see any of the fireworks last night? Sorry to hear about your washing machine, did you manage to sort out your clothes?

Maddy - Nice to see you back again. Benjaming sounds wonderful. It must have been scary when he lost his weight, I was relieved to hear that he is thriving again.
It is unbearable to think that they are unwell. Give him a big hug from me please. Ouch! your poor nipple and breast, it sounds so painful. Sounds like we will be getting snow soon Maddy - don’t want to read in the Newspapers about a women rolling topless in the snow!!!

Shonagh - Listen, you are by no means a phony, don’t ever think that. “We” - are all in the same boat and in it together. Who cares what grade it is, none of us!
You are a BC Babe - and we will all support each other, we need you as much as you need us!!! So there you go hon, that’s you told!!! LOL

Louise - I bet you are like a cat on hot bricks waiting for your new baby. Is it your son or daughters baby and do they live close to you? Sorry, I am soooo nosy!
You must let us know when the time comes. I get so excited, it was brilliant when Maddy’s Benjamin was born. We love good news!

Wendy - Looks like we will behaving our chemo together on the 9th. I don’t know about you but I am dreading it!!! Hey ho, we will be able to say 2 down and 4 to go!!!
and it will pass. Just got to galvanise ourselves and get through it, which we will. So - Bring It On!!!

Now this will probs sound sad to some of you but - I was supposed to go see the Spice Girls at the 02 tomorrow. I took our Lizzie to see them 9 years ago in Leeds and secretly applied for tickets when they announced their reunion and managed to get 4. So I booked a Hotel in Greenwich and organised everything as a surprise for Lizzie, her friend and one of my friends. Bohoo! I can’t go because my immune is at it’s lowest at the moment. It’s just too many people and germs to take the risk. So I have given my ticket away and they are all going to London in the morning - Boooooooo-Hooooooo! I’m gutted. We were going to have a girlie couple of days -shopping, eating, shopping, drinkies, shopping, Spice Girls, shopping - Oh well, look at how much money I will have saved!!!

Hope everyone else is ok.

Julie - Are you back yet?
Ginge - How you feeling

Lots of ove and hugs,
Dyzee. X


I want to share with you the lyrics to an Annie Lennox song. this is going to be my theme tune for 2008

Sing, my sister, sing
Let your voice be heard
What won’t kill you will make you strong
Sing, my sister, sing

You don’t need to disrespect yourself again
Don’t hide your light behind your fear
Now women can be strong
You’ve known it all along
What you need is what you haven’t found

Sing, my sister, sing
Let your voice be heard
What won’t kill you will make you strong
Sing, my sister, sing

Women are the mothers of the world, my friend
I tell you womankind is strong
Take your beautiful self up to the heights again
Back to the place where you belong

Sing, my sister, sing
Let your voice be heard
What won’t kill you will make you strong
Sing, my sister, sing

Hope you all like this. No disrespect to the gentlemen on this site, of course.

Love Louise

Hi Louise,

Yes, I think we should adopt it as the “BC BABES” theme/battle song for 2008.

Fantastic lyrics. Just off ot download it on Limewire. Cheers Lou.

Dyzee. X


I’ve just seen the Royal Marsden on the news. Julie isn’t there today is she? I think she is coming back from Wales.


Hi Again All BC Babes

I have been for my weekly checkup today (bloods etc) and they have talked me through the fitting of my hickman line which doesn’t sound great but, hey ho!! It will hopefully spare me the trauma they always have with my veins.

Maddy, good to hear from you again it sounds like you had a good Christmas, I am so pleased for you. Sorry to hear about the pain your radiotherapy is causing you but it seems like you sense of humour is carrying you through – good for you! Oh, the dreaded washing machine! They always pack up at the most inconvenient times don’t they – it usually happens for me just as I get back from summer holiday! You can do without the expense this time of year as well – what a b----r!

Dylis, looks like you have saved yourself some money with the 5 year warranty, what a good move! How are you holding up with your rads?

Dyzee, what a shame about the Spice Girls, such a disappointment. You must let us know how Lizzie got on though. I have taken down all of the decorations too, nice to get the house back to normal even though it is enjoyable while it lasts. Sorry about your hair, I am fast turning from a skinhead into a slaphead. Coming out in chunks now, will be completely bald by the weekend I think. I have been trying to do some creative things with scarves today but as my creative ability is sadly lacking I look more like Mrs Mop than the sophisticated woman I am trying to be! ‘Stages’ is a good idea for your hair, that is what I did and it is not as traumatic, …. but you better be quick! Like you I am not looking forward to the next Chemo session but to be honest I am dreading the fitting of the hickman line more at the moment. It is looking like I will be in overnight for the line to be fitted on day 1 and next FEC on day 2. Still, I shall think of you on 9th and we can ‘hold one and other’s hand’.

Louise, what a fantastic song – Annie Lennox is a favourite of mine so I am going to download this one onto my iPod. I will think of you whenever I hear it! Hope you are feeling ok today. Any news of the new arrival yet?

Hope everyone else is ok.

Love, Wendy.