Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hello BC babes

Glad you liked the theme song!

Wendy- what a bummer re the Hickman, I didn’t realise you would have to be in overnight. You are certainly getting sorted with the house, getting back to a pre-Christmas normal. Was the tree a pain to get rid of? Have you got any creative friends that can help with the scarves? I have seen a really nice pic of a lady wearing one tied low behind and then she had another twisted scarf on in the manner of a headband in bright colours.

Dilys Are your rad boobs cooling down yet? I do hope so. I had to smile when Dyzee was imagining us all rolling in the expected snow. I have got some cool pads bookmarked on the Net so I can buy them in time.

Maddy have you been for rads today? I bet you are counting them down with relief. Have you any more stickers to take?

Dyzee oh what a shame about the Spice Girls, hope they all enjoyed it. One of the awful things about this BC is the way it is hard to plan, I am finding that already. Oh- oh you are using Limewire, you get loads of silly pop ups etc. How’s your hair doing?

I have had quite a lively day, went into town and also had lunch out, was tired when I got back but nice to go on the bus and get my confidence going. No baby news yet, my stepdaughter, Michelle, is fed up waiting.

How’s everyone else?

Love Louise

Hello Everyone,

Wendy - I forgot to ask you, what was Raymonds restaurant like. What did you have to eat, full description please!!! I am such a foody.
Oh dear, what a to-do with your Hickman Line. I am so sorry that you have to endure this as well as everything else Wendy, here’s a ((((((((HUG)))))))).
Indeed, we will hold hands and face the dreaded chemo demons together.

Louise - My hair is coming out in clumps! I fear I will not make the hairdressers for the cut and may have to go straight to the shaver (Arghhhhh).
Talk about stripping away your identity and self esteem - it certainly does that!!! Hey-ho - just have to get on with it, no alternative!!!
Re Limewire - I don’t get any pop-up’s at all. I think Vista blocks them. Still no sign of the “expected one” poor you. Your nerves will be in tatters!

Lizzie has just called. They went on the London Eye this afternoon and saw David Beckham there. Then when they got seated in the O2 he turned up again, with a group of friends near to where they are sitting (now I am soooooooooooooo sick)!!! Talk about adding insult to injury!!!

Dylis - Hope you have had a good day my love. Where you anywhere near the Royal Marsden?

Love and Hugs,
Dyzee. X

Dear Dyzee, Maddy, Louise, Wendy and all

Well a good day yesterday. The man came and fixed the washing machine thank goodness. I was very chuffed. And mt best friend Stuart arrived early and we had a lovely, slightly drunken, late afternoon and evening. It was lovely to see him. Today turned pear shaped however. We took our beloved 19 year old cat to the vet and had to have him put down. In a nutshell his kidneys had failed and it was that or taking him every week to the vet to be put on a drip. He would have hated that. But a vile decision to have to make. I shall miss him terribly, and Sophie the other cat is sitting around looking miserable. Anyway enough of me!

Yes it is awful about the Marsden. I wasn’t treated there, Dyzee. But it must be terrible for anyone who is having treatment there, and for the staff. And I am so sorry about your hair. It gets better once it has actually gone, but it is so hard. Thinking of you. And so jealou of Lizzie. The London Eye is great but David Beckham! Wow! Hope she enjoyed the concert.

Louise - hope you get that baby news soon! Waiting is so tense isn’t it?

Maddy - how are the rads? I am still glowing and itching two and a half weeks later! Such fun.

Wendy - good luck with the Hickman line. I didn’t realise that would involve a stay in hospital.

On the plus side we have booked ourselves two weeks in Nice in late February which will be such a treat.

Love to all and more later


Oh Dilys, my heart goes out to you my love. Poor Trevor.
I am there with you giving you a great big HUG and holding your hand.

Love and Hugs,

Hi again All

Seems strange that a new year is just getting going and everyone’s lives are getting back to normal I feel as though I am in a sort of limbo world. Do you feel the same?

Hi Louise, hope you are ok today? The overnight stay may be necessary because they think I am listed quite late on the theatre list on 9th so it would make sense to stay over and have my chemo early on 10th. If the time slot gets moved forward though I may be able to go home and return the following afternoon. I won’t know until it happens though. The Xmas tree wasn’t too much of a pain to get rid of, we cut it into little pieces and threw it out of the window into the garden where we bagged it for a trip to the dump! I do have a good friend who may be able to help with the scalves, thanks for the suggestion. I am glad you enjoyed your trip out, you are right, once the effort is made it does help with your confidence.

Hi Dyzee, Brasserie Blanc was great thanks. It was packed and we were sat on a table for two which was about 2 inches from the tables either side of us so it was very cosy. I felt a little conscious of my skinhead but, by the time we had a glass of champagne and started talking to the couples either side of us I relaxed and to be honest, apart from the occasional glance from a passing stranger everything was quite normal. The food was good, canapés, artichoke soup with truffle oil, salmon trout on a bed of creamed spinach, duck breast with an almonac (?) sauce, green beans, parsnips and potatoes, rich chocolate torte (to die for!) all followed by coffee and petit fours. I just drank water after the champagne but Peter managed 1.5 bottles of wine! Luckily I didn’t have to carry him home!

I had a shower this morning and the shower tray looked as though it had several hairy caterpillars in it! I therefore decided to get to work with the clippers again, a No1 today I thought! Well, I now look like someone who has got caught up in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Peter will have some tidying up to do on my head tonight and definitely on with the hat when I go to Tesco’s later!

Hi Dylis, I am so terribly sorry to hear about your cat. That is a wrench, I know how it feels – like losing one of the family. He is now out of pain and his quality of life would not have been good from what you say. So glad you had a good time with your friend – sounds like you should do it again very soon. Nice, how fantastic, you lucky things! The thought of that holiday will keep you going over the next few weeks.

I hope everyong else is ok? Maddy, Julie, Shonaugh, Lizzie, Debbie, Ginge? Have I forgotten anyone - so sorry if I have.

Love, Wendy

Hi Everyone,

Wendy - The meal sounds deeeeeeeeeelicious. I am green with envy, but it sounds as though you had a lovely evening.
You are so brave going out with your head shaved - good on you girl!!!

Dilys- Sounds like you had a lovely day with Stuart. I fear you are getting a little to regular with these afternoon sessions. We will have to keep an eye on you
my lovely!!! What a relief to get your washing machine mended, you don’t realise how heavily you rely on these thing until they are out of action.

Louise - Hope you are ok. Is it snowing in beautiful Harrogate today?

Maddy and Julie - How are you two babes?

Well, I washed my today and it just came out by the bucket load. I called my friend Lynne (who also has BC and has just finished her Chemo) and
bless her, she came to my house, armed with clippers and gave me a No 2. I feel much better now that it is over and done with and that I decide where and when!!!
My trusty wig is on stand by and a variety of hats, beanies and buffs ( I look bl***y ridiculous in them).
It is freezing here and the snow has been falling on and off all day with more forecast (brrrrrr).

Keep cosy and warm everyone.

Love and Hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Beautiful BC Babes,
Happy New Year, do you know i wrote a great long story last night and it got ‘‘blipped’’, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i heard about the marsden as we drove into london on wednesday night what a shame, for all involved. I had a lot of reading to do to catch up with everyone it took ages, ill start with a funny thing, a friend bought me a t shirt which has 2 satin fried eggs on the front in boob areas, made me laugh, think its going to be my chemo top!!!
So between us we have lost a lot of hair- , a cat- sorry D xx, gained a grandson , eaten a gourmet dinner, made some important decisions, had more tests, got results, and re embarking on the recovery programme to return us to wholesome gorgeousness!!!. I hope you are all managing its lovely to read what you are all doing and where you’re up to in this b- - - - r.
New year is a funny time for me, i want to go home to wales, so after my treatment im going to start making contacts and steps, also time to take up art again, i want to go back to work during chemo, maybe 2.5 weeks per month shortened hours, and do an art course. is any one else working through it? how do you feel?
I had my pre chemo bloods today, starting next week, having a ct scan and echo too. ho hum here we go, OH still being a brick and very positive.

lots of love to you ALL - growing gang by the day!

J xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ps wendy
why did you need a hickman line, are your veins small or sore?? what does it feel like, does it stay for the duration of all your cycles? do you need to care for it at home, ie clean the skin entry site with saline or anything. where is it. can you see it through your clothes. sorry about the spanish inquisition but Im interested and want to know how you are with it too.


j xx

Hi to all BC babes
No baby news…still! I had some pain today with my underarm scar, the exercises have helped a bit. Went to Asda, deep joy, keep forgetting to lift things with my left hand instead of my right, though. I saw an old couple that used to be neighbours, they are really nice but I haven’t seen them for ages and I couldn’t face either pretending I am Ok or telling them the truth so i rushed past and pretended not to see them.

Have you all had snow? I knew Dyzee would, we have had lots of snow showers in Harrogate but they have melted now.

Dilys, I am so sorry to hear about your dear old cat, what a brave and difficult decision for you to make (HUG). A lovely and well-deserved holiday for you to look forward to now. Hopefully you will have stopped glowing by then!

Dyzee, I am so glad that you have taken the step of getting the clipping done, it must surely be better than it all coming out but well done you for facing it. It is a “David Beckham” now, your tribute to him, seeing as you missed him in real life. I bet you don’t look ridiculous in your headgear at all, try putting it on and looking at yourself from far away, dont forget that we peer at ourselves very closely in the mirror and that’s not how others see us.

Wendy, Your meal sounds wonderful! I wouldn’t have been able to move afterwards. I was just imagining being a person walking past your house and a piece of tree flying out of the window!! The Hickman line sounds a total pain, but at least you will get your treatment delivered each time without all the messing about. Sorry about your hair, I am sure you have done the right thing but that doesn’t make it any easier, well done, you brave girl.

Julie,you are making lots of decisions and changes to your life, I suppose this bl**dy thing makes us focus on what we really want. I also will be interested to know if anyone worked through their chemo.

Maddy, how you doing?

Love to all,


Hello all,

Just got home from my last day at work before the op. Had a 2 hour(yes 2 hour!!!) conversation with the head of human resources about the future and strangely howhard it is to find an outfit for the xmas party??? Well it beat working. It was abit emotional saying goodbye to people, especially when the blokes kept hugging me but managed to get a grip of myself half way down the M56 until I got home where I found a picture from the kids over the road wishing me good luck for the op. More tears, blimey when does it stop.

Well we are off to the lakes tomorrow. Turning off the phones and having an indulgence weekend tosay farewell to my nipple and a chunk of breast. Off to see the consultant tomorrow in the morning to talk about how he is going to do the scars etc. I went for my pre op on Wednesday and met my other BC nurse. Both of them are lovely. Ironically I am fit as a butchers dog and as I have lost 10lbs since finding the original lump havent looked better in ages. Not that that says much believe me. I have always had a body image problem but never mind thats the way it goes.

Louise: Hope the baby news comes soon. It must be driving you all crazy. I’m not even sure if I’m having chemo yet but if I do I hope todo a similar thing to you and go to work as and when I feel up to it. After my marathon meeting today they were very reassuring but then again if the critical illness pays out I may just take a break but I think it will be twice as hard going back if I stopall together so yet another decision to think about.

Dilys: Really sorry about the loss. My cat (Custard) is 14 ans been around longer than the hubbie so I cant imagine how you are feeling.

Well thats all for now. I will catch up with you all when I get back on Sunday. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and if the snow falls near you its pretty to look at and not that horrible wet sludge. We all need a bit of pretty in our lives.

Please take care all, thank you for your support and love and luck to all.

Shonagh xx

Dear All

What a lot of news. I can’t keep up! Thanks to all for your support over Trevor. The other cat Sophie is mooning about like a lost soul.

Dyzee - brave lady with your hair. Just kick everyone who will tell you endlessly that it is just fine cos it will grow back! They mean well, bless them. But it does get tedious. And at least you will have a nice warm head in this weather. I was wondering the other day how much more difficult it would be in hot sunshine!

Wendy I so admire you for going out shaven! Sounds as if you are at the same stage as Dyzee with the hair loss. And what a meal. Just brilliant.

Shonagh - have a great time in the Lakes and enjoy yourself before the op. I know what you mean - I look better figure wise than had for a couple of years, having dropped a stone and a half. The one side effect I really appreciated!

Louise - that baby must come soon! You must jump every time the phone rings! No snow here in London, sadly. I love it when it comes. Pretty cold though.

Julie - lovely t-shirt! Hope you get yourself thoroughly sorted this year. I didn’t work through it as I already had early retirement agreed. It would have been difficult think given the amount of time I spent at the hospital. But once I have hair again I shall be looking for another job, hopefully parttime and nowhere near a demanding as my old one.

Wendy - you ok? Hickman line in? It will ave a lot of wear and tear on your veins.

Everyone else - lots of love and have a good day.


Oh dear Dilys I do send sympathy for the loss of your cat at such a great age - our cat is 15 and going through a stage where she forgets that she’s just been fed ! She’s also started bringing in mice and voles which she then forgets about - I’ve bought a humane trap which I’m keeping constantly baited - I’m grateful for small mercies though - she could have become incontinent!!!

Dyzee - it never rains but it pours…how sad to miss the Spice Girls AND David Beckham in one fell swoop - I’m equally upset for you and jealous of your daughter and friends!

Louise - any sign of that grandchild yet? We are off to see Benjamin again next Friday and have been given permission to take him for a walk - unaccompanied! He’s evidently becoming more alert and enjoys using his swing seat - mummy says it’s great as she doesn’t have to push it !

Leicestershire seems to have missed the snow completely - it was a bit cold, wet and ‘mizzly’ when we went for our walk last night - very disappointing.

Had some more bad news - my uncle was diagnosed with encephalitis in August, three days after his wife died, but the diagnosis was later changed to a brain tumour - there was no chemo or surgery offered but he did have a small amount of radiotherapy - he’s been taking heavy doses of steroids to enable him to carry on a ‘better’ quality of life (his speech and balance both deteriorated very quickly and he recently became doubly incontinent) Unfortunately(Fortunately!) he died on New Years Day with his family in Derbyshire rather than Scotland where he has been living for 12 years. So now we have yet another family funeral to attend! What a way to start a New Year.

The Good News is that I only have four more rads treatments to go - getting some stickers saying Thank You!

Best wishes to you all
Maddy xxxxx

Dear Maddy

Oh your poor uncle. That must have been terrible for him. As you say it may be a happy release but no way to start a New Year. My mum died on 2 January back in 2004 and it was awful. Have a big big hug. Thank goodness for your Benjamin.

Good luck with the last four rads. It will gallop past now. I kind of missed the daily trip for a few days! Be warned tha the burn gets worse after treatment has finished, and itches! It is apparently quite normal!

Much love


Hi Girls

I had a visit today from my Manager and the Occupational Health Doctor from work. They were great, have given me whatever time I need to get back into work and then reduced hours etc. My boss has someone caretaking my role and this will continue when I get back until I am ready to take over full time again. I asked to work from home during the next few months whilst my chemo treatment is ongoing and they have agreed that there is some project work that I can undertake. This will solve my problem of going down to half pay in the spring.

Well Dyzee you have bitten the bullet with your hair. How are you feeling now? I am wearing a hat at the moment because I have big bald patches with stubble patches in between. I will brave the ‘naked’ look again once all of the stubble has dropped out completely. We haven’t had any snow here in Milton Keynes, it is pouring with rain at the moment.

Hi Julie, I love the sound of your tea shirt, what a great sense of humour your friend has. You seem to have lots of plans and like you I want to work so was pleased to discuss this with my manager. Are you as lucky with your employers in terms of their attitude? I do think that spending sometime working will help my recovery and it sounds as though you feel the same. The Doctor did confirm to me that it is now widely recognised that working is therapeutic for some people so employers have to be flexible and all cancer sufferers fall within the Disability Discrimination Act 2005. Not sure of all the details but this includes adequate sick leave; flexible hours etc. So you are going to be another chemo chick next week – this select club is growing!

My hickman line is needed because my veins are sensitive and ‘gritty’. They can get the needle in but it broke through the vein wall once in so they had to find another vein and this was difficult so they are concerned about damage etc. It was sore when one of the drugs was being injected (the red one!). They just don’t want to risk it. The line stays in permanently for the duration of chemo, it is inserted into a vein just above my heart through an incision in my neck just above the collar bone. The line is then channelled under my skin across my chest and out again through another incision on my chest just above my armpit and stitched in place, the original entry incision is then stitched up. It will have to be cleaned once per week at the hospital.

Louise, so sorry to hear about the pain in your underarm. Are you using any moisturiser or anything to keep it supple? I am using Bio Oil , it is quite expensive but you don’t have to use much and it lasts for ages. It may help a little. I am thinking of using it on my head which is getting dryer by the day. I know what you mean about seeing people you know and not wanting to have to explain what is going on, it just makes you so emotional some days doesn’t it.

Dear Shonagh, Hope you enjoyed the lakes. I will be thinking of you next week, I hope all goes well for the op. Please let us know how you are when you get out of the hospital (as soon as you are well enough).

Dylis, I don’t think I am brave just that the hair thing, for me, doesn’t seem so important within the overall scheme of things. I guess I am just lucky to have that mindset because I do know how devastating it is for most people and I do empathise. Hope Sophie picks up soon, it must be so bewildering for her.

Maddy, so very sorry to hear about your uncle. Funerals are hard at the best of times so my heart goes out to you having to attend one whilst there is so much else going on in your life. Certainly is good news about your rads! What will come next for you (sorry if I have missed it in an earlier posting!). How is little Benjamin?

Well, I have rambled on for ages again as usual – still I recommend that the next time any of you have insomnia just read one of my messages and that should do the trick!

Take care all, Wendy.

Hello BC babes

Well it is all excitement here as my stepdaughter is on her way to hospital, she started in the early hours of this morning and all is progressing well. I am so glad she has started off naturally and not had to be induced. So I will post again once we hear the big news!

Julie What day is your chemo next week? You, Dyzee and Wendy will all have to metaphorically hold each others’ hands

Wendy Thanks for that Hickman info, it sounds very complicated and rather awkward, though better than a load of scrabbling around each time. So you have to go to the hospital between treatments to get it cleaned? Good that you are getting sorted with work, it helps to have a plan. My underarm is a lot less sore, I am wondering if it is my night bra rubbing that is making it happen (I got an old bra and took the wires out), think my boob is healed enough to go without one at night now.

Maddy Oh I am so sorry about your uncle, when is the funeral? Hope it is not too much of an ordeal for you honey, with everything else going on. Just think, this time next week rads will all be done:woo-hoo! You will enjoy your time with Benjamin next week and I bet you sneak some extra cuddles!

Shonagh Hope you have a good mini break in the Lakes. Is your op on Tuesday? Wishing you all the best and we will be here to support you when you get back.

Dilys How’s Sohpie? Hope you’re doing Ok and counting the weeks till your holiday, will it be for your birthday? A stone and a half, you Slim Jim! I suppose there have got to be SOME benefits with this thing (…searches for needle in haystack…)

Dyzee How are you today? I am thinking of you with your headgear collection, I know you said your wig was lovely so if you hate the hats then there’s a better option for you. Hope you have got some nice plans for the weekend, I actually went out last night with my OH for a few drinks, it was nice and quiet and I enjoyed getting a posh frock on and some lippy.

All the best to everyone else

Love Louise

Hi BC Babes,

First and foremost - Louise, at last!!! We will wait in anticipation for news of your stepdaughter and the new baby. How exciting - I can barely wait. BIG HUG!
Are you going to be a Grandma, Granny, Nana or something else? Do let us know.

Julie - It’s great to have you back my lovely. I love the irony of your tee-shirt. I think it is hilarious. Wish I could see a pic of you in it. Are you going to move back to Wales? Iv’e defo got chemo brain at the moment. Keep getting words mixed up and sometimes just don’t cotton on to what people are saying to me (LOL). I think it’s funny and crack up. Re working during chemo. I think it really depends on how you are with it Julie. I was so Ill, there was just no way I could have worked for at least two weeks. On the other hand, my friend Lynne, who I work with, has just finished her chemo and worked most of the time. She used to have it on a Wednesday and be back at work the following Monday. Reading the chemo threads, it seems to be a very indidvidual thing. You will know when you have your fist one. I am just one of those people who gets every side effect going, hopefully, it may be different for you. I will cross everything that you have a better time of it hon.

Wendy - I cannot believe how brave you are going public. I just can’t face anyone but my nearest and dearest seeing me like this. I think with my hair being long and very thick it is such a shock, I supppose the fact that I think I look hideous dosen’t help either. Hey-ho, I will get used to it eventually. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better!!! My wig is lovely and looks very natural so I am lucky to have it.

Dearest Maddy - I am so sorry to hear the sad news of about your uncle. I hope it is not to distressing for you and send you a big HUG my love.
How lovely that you are going to see Benjamin again and it sounds like you have earned your stripes being allowed to take him out for a walk.
Hope you have a lovely time and ejoy every minute you have with your lovely family.

Shonagh- Hope you have had a wonderful stay in the Lakes, it’s so nice to get away and just chill out. You must tell us all about it on your return.

Darling Dilys - How are you and poor Sophie? What have you been up to? Nice sounds perfect in February and you soooooo deserve a holiday. I hope you intend to be spoilt rotten!!! I wish I was going with you. What we will do without you for two weeks I just don’t know.

It is very cold here, but no more snow, thank goodness. We were out walking yesterday - 6 miles (that’s a long way for a couch potato). The dog and I fell asleep for 2 hours when we got home (LOL). Today we have been to Newcastle as hubby wanted to change his car. He picks up the new one on Monday, so he is happy!!!

Well, big week next week for the chemo chicks - keep smiling :slight_smile:

If I have missed anyone - Sorry! and hope you are well.

Love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Stop Press!

Baby girl born early hours, by emergency Caesarian cos Michelle was losing a lot of blood. 7 pound 10 and we believe she will be called Evie Rose. As she has three sets of grandparents, we have decided to be Grandad Colin and Grandma Louise (as we are to the daughter of our son’s partner- no blood relative to either of us but she has FOUR sets of grandparents, how complicated life is!)

We won’t visit until next Sunday when they are both settled at home, also my car seatbelt hurts across my op site (I am using a towel to pad it out while travelling in the car and it is an hour and a half each way, hope I will feel less sore by next week)

How is everyone today? I took my dressings off last night, it is not as bad as I had thought.

Love to all


Hi Grandma Louise,

A girl! How wonderful and such a beautiful name. Congratulations and best wishes to you all. I bet you can’t wait to see Evie and have that first “Snuggley Cuddle”.

Glad to hear that is wasn’t to distressing when you took of your dressings Louise. Let us know how you are getting on without them and remember to be careful and take it easy.

Love and Hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hi Louise

How wonderful for you! Know how complicated families can get. I had one grandma. My step grandchildren have sixc grand parental figures and a great grand dad still going! I am sooooo pleased for you.

Great about the dressings my love. You will be fine and there for little Evie Rose. Lovely name.

Much love


Hey ladies,

Well the lakes were lovely, very relaxing and managed to find a lovely garnet necklace and bracelet for my best friends 40th birthday in Ambleside. I was determined to get it before I started with the hospital. Her birthday is the 21st January and I wasnt too sure if I will be ok for shopping or not. There was loads of snow until Saturday morning then the rain washed it away but we had a lovely time and I can never be disapointed with the Lakes rain or shine.

Louise: Congratulations on the birth of Evie Rose. I love the name.

I saw my consultant on Friday before the trip to Windermere who drew where my scar is coing to be and discussed how much is going to be gone. Very reassured its going to look a bit strange but worse things happen. They had to take more blood it appears I have some anti bodies they need to cross match just in case I need a transfusion. Only problem is my veins really dont want to give up my blood. They struggled with the first lot on Wednesday so have bruises on both arms already. They ended up getting the chemo nurse to find a vein that would bleed, and ended up getting it from just below my index finger knuckle!!!

Thank you all for they lovely messages. I will be back on the flip side and catch up with everybody and their news. Hoping to be out on Wednesday or Thursday.

Love and luck to all
Shonagh xx