Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Dear Dyzee and all

How is everyone? I am just back from my heart echo test and all is well. No change from last time which means the herceptin is not getting to me yet! Next week I see the oncologist again, and may be can restart the inflation - oh joy! The radio redness is really going down now so hopefully my skin will take it. I’ll see what they say.

The weather is getting to me though. It is so horrible I think it may drive me to do the ironing and clean the litter tray!

Guess what? Spotted some underarm hair this morning. Just what I didn’t want!

Much love to all


Hello Ladies

How are you all? I am back at work today and sending a quick message in my lunch break. I am healing well now and it was strange to get the train this morning and come back in as I have been out of the loop for weeks. We are planning a night out on Saturday and to meet up with friends, which is particularly good for my husband as he has been stuck in with me for so long.

Dilys I cant believe that you have got hair in the least wanted of places. Typical! Still…I am going to say that it is a positive sign that you are recovering from chemo. I know the weather is dreadful but I think doing the ironing is a bit of an extreme reaction! I am going to have to resume ironing duties this weekend, no more excuses.

Dyzee Glad to hear that you have had some better days, take it steady now and stay dry.

Shonagh How are you healing? Will it be next Tuesday for your treatment plan? Snap! I am dreading the idea of chemo but will take everything offered.

Wendy Great to hear from you, hope you will have an easier time of it now till the next one.

Maddy How are you? Any plans to see Benjamin? Good to know he is thriving. I hope to go and see Evie next weekend and also my Mum as I haven’t seen her for weeks, during the summer there is a bus that she can get to come here but it doesn’t run this time of year.

Julie How’s work? We are expecting you to produce a Mona Lisa any day you know.

Love to all


Hi everyone,

Louise: I’m not sure if i get my programme next week or not had a confusing conversation with my BC nurse when I was having the dressings off. They are going to ring me on monday to let me know the outcome of the multidisiplinary team discussions and I have an appointment with oncologist on the 28th so will definately know by end of month. They were hinting at Radiotherapy and hormone which has sent me internet crazy trying to find out survival rates (Madness I know) so it will be very interesting to see how different or similar our programmes are. Lovely to hear you are feeling better, back at work and visiting people. I feel a bit washed out still. Not sleeping too well as I still have an awful cough and everytime i turn over the scars wake me up but I know I am being a baby. The hospital keep teling me I need another 6 weeks off which completely shocked me and reading your entries back I cant believe with all the midnight leaking and everything you are back in work already. How long did you have have after the WLE??. I am mightily impressed and have decided I must get off my backside and get back to the land of the living. I’ve got visitors from work coming over next week on Tuesday and Thursday so hopefully that will sort my head out.

Dilys: really pleased to hear the heart scan was all clear and you are doing well.

Dyzee: Hope you are feeling better and thanks or all your encouragement. Hope the hospital went well.

And hello to Maddy, Wendy, Julie and all.
Love toeveryone S x

Hi Shonagh

I had three weeks off sick. I think it depends on how well you heal. I have found it really tiring today, I travel from Harrogate to York on the train, however I am planning nice, short days and only going in 3 days a week, work at home the other two, I am very lucky to have a job where I can do this.My shoulder hurts a bit so I am going to do my exercises next. I won’t be able to work through rads as I will have to go to Leeds so I am saving my sick leave for that and any possible chemo.

Re survival, my surgeon said 87% survival 5 years on. Don’t know if that helps or hinders? It helped me.

Sorry to hear you’re not sleeping, no wonder you feel poorly with your cough as well ((HUG)). Take it steady and hope for a better week ahead.

Love, Louise

Cheers Louise,

Thanks for the info, its really helped. My surgeon hasnt given percentages yet I gather I will get it when we talk treatment on the 28th or perhaps next monday.
I have to travel quite far for whatever treatment too. I live in Middlewich and will be travelling to Christies for treatment unfortunately the company I work for only gives 20 days paid sick a year so with this 3 weeks and the days off I have had for appointments and biopsies etc Iam only guaranteed to be paid until end of Jan. We took the precaution of taking a mortgage break for 9 months as soon as i was diagnosed as work have said they wont be able to tell me exactly what they will pay me for until I have an idea of treatment and length of abscences. They said they will be fine with me doing part time when I do go back and will be symathetic to time off for treatment but I dont want to push it with them and to be honest so far I’m sure I will be fine when my 3 week sick note runs out but not sure how I will cope with my comute to work.

I actually feel loads better today since I had a bath (normally a shower girl but was worried about it stinging) and washed my hair. I have been sponging down so far so it was nice to feel properly clean. I have managed to rig up some dressings to protect my scars and put on a bra so the rubbing seems to be sorted. I am determined to get out of the house tomorrow even if this flaming weather keeps up. Its blowing a gale here but I quite like walking in the rain as long as I’m dressed for it.

I absolutely love where we live but am quite envious of you living in Yorkshire. We have had quite a few holidays in a lodge called Springwood near Pately Bridge and we absolutely love it and visit Harrogate quite a lot whenever we are there.

Take it easy at work. At least its weekend and you can pamper yourself. Enjoy seeing Evie Rose and the family this weekend and let them look after you.

Lots of love Shonagh xx

Hello BC babes

This thread has gone quiet today, I hope very much that this means you are all busy doing nice things. I have got a rotten cold! Just what I need as I return to work, lol. I have an important meeting tomorrow so I hope I feel a bit better : I have just laid on the settee half the day, what a wimp when some of you are undergoing chemo.

Had a great night out last night with some friends, good to do something “normal”. Although they were asking me about BC I deliberately tried to have lots of other topics of convo and not to make it into a BC debate. Ok I can’t think of anything else right now but of course, other people can and I would hate to become a cancer bore. I went out to lunch yesterday (again) and Dyzee, I had spinach and mushroom lasagne and salad!

Shonagh: I have to confess to watching some of “Countryfile” today (blush) and they were showing the canal network round Northwich. Is that near you? I still haven’t seen Evie Rose and hope I will get there next weekend. Hope that you continue to feel more human and hopefully your employers will be sympathetic about the return to work, you could have a later start to miss rush hour? Treatment plans for both of us this week and I have had similar mixed messages re chemo, like you. My tumour was 2.7cm and grade 3 but I am older than you, 47, and therefore only just pre-menopausal. On a positive note, do you feel absolutely great that the b*gger has been removed? I do!!!

Dilys, Dyzee, Wendy, Maddy and Julie…love to you all.

Love, Louise

Hello Ladies,

I have just popped to bed with a lemsip and thought I would have a look in and to say hello and Louise I thought it rude not to write. Unfortunately I have done nothing very interesting this weekend, I went for my first non hospital trip out yesterday, just to out high street to stock up on veggies (I am a bit obsessed with cancer fighting and oestrogen reducing via diet at the minute…well agirls got to have a hobby) and get some air and as it went so well I decided to get Phil to drive me over to deliver some wedding stationery (a little side line I have) today and also visited my Mum.

It must have been the day for spinnach and mushrooms yesterday because I made myself spinach and mushroom spagetti with garlic and olive oil!!! my oh my I lead an exciting life so dont feel guilty about Country file Louise, I too have a confession that as I seem to be logged onto the internet all the time these days so every time I see a competition on daytime TV I enter on line (Its free though I’m sure they just bin the entries because you havent paid your pound!!!) so basically that means This Morning, Loose Women and even Dickinsons Real Deal. Oh no I’ve turned into my granny or even worse a teenager on summer break.LOL.

In answer to your Northwich question Northwich is about 5 Miles away from us and is our nearest supermarket (that sells anything vaguely exotic) so I am really gutted to have missed it and am now going to see if I can find a re run as I seem to have time on my hands.
Also yes relief cant do justice to how relieved I feel about getting the B**ger out. It is a bit wierd really as I only found out it was there on the 17th Dec and was confirmed as cancer on the 24th and it was out by the 9th Jan so even though it felt like a lifetime at the time I dont think on reflection I really came to terms with what it was. Its only now that they are talking treatment I am thinking about BC in terms of possibilities of getting it back but a big Woo Hoo!!! for my kick ass surgeon for clearing it all out.

I may have found out today why my BC nurse seems to think we should be off for 6 weeks after surgery as the wedding stationery was for a doctor who has worked in breast clinics so I asked…( anyway long story short) she thinks it may be because it takes about 8 weeks for your lymph system to repair itself so you shouldnt overstretch ourselves because we could damage the system without being aware of it leading to lymphoedema (I think thats how its spelt??) in the future which is a bit of a bu***r if you get it aparently. But I supose how long I have off depends on tomorrow…GULP!!! as they said if I am having chemo it will start 4 weeks after surgery.

Well ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I not only got out, visited my Mum but managed to sleep on my side again for the first since the op so feel on a major high. I’m easily pleased.

Love to you all and roll on tomorrow. Bring it on!!! Shonagh xx

Hi All

Just to say hallo to you all. Have been out all day visiting a great friend. he was the husband of my very best friend who died of cancer nine years ago. He has been brilliant but I hated talking about my chemo as it must have brought it all back. Anyway, off to bed now, but more tomorrow my loves.

Shonagh - took me AGES to sleep on the bad side again. Well done. Know just how that feels.



Hi All,

It’s great to read your posts and see that everyone is recovering and having “Happy” days.

Shonagh - It seemed like ages before I could sleep on my side, which is my natural sleeping position. It feels sooooo good when you can finally do it.
I am really interested in your comments re diet. I find it very confusing trying to find out what the “right and wrongs” are. There seems to be so many
contradictions, particularly around the plant oestrogens, soya,etc. If there was a definitive list it would be so much easier. Maybe we could all ask in our own PCT what their recommendations are and compare notes. That could be very interesting! Personally, I am a proper foody and love everything I shouldn’t!!! I do love fresh fish though and have been eating loads of it - but I like it pan fried (with a pile of home made chips and a couple of thick sliced of fresh, crusty bread with real butter) LOL. Any healthy recipe suggestions for me Shonagh?
By the way, I had my surgery the beginning of November and my lymphnodes are still playing up!!!

Louise - How are you getting on. What a shame you haven’t seen your beautiful Evie Rose. It must be hard for you. It’s great to hear that you are getting out and about. I fear you are fast becoming “a lady who lunches” and why the hell not! Thanks for sharing what you had to eat with me! You know me soooo well. Daytime TV drives me round the twist. I find myself being drawn to travel programmes and think about later in the year when we can go on holiday (yay)! My brother has an apartment just outside of Marbella, with a large roof terrace, so I think we will probably go there after I finish chemo, just give me a sunny day, a lounger, a good book and a cold drink and a selection of Tapas ( yes, there had to be food) and I will be one happy BC Babe!!! Hey that might be a good place to all meet up!!! We will probably venture a bit further once I have finished all of my treatment.

Dilys - Hope you enjoyed your visit my lovely. Did you have a nice lunch with your friend? No sun today, the rain is beating on the windows as we speak.
Lizzie sends you a hug and a kiss. X

Wendy - How are you feeling now my love? I think we both have the worst reaction to the darn chemo. It is so bad that it must be doing a thorough job (Dyzee logic)!!!
It has taken me much longer to get over this last one and I fear you are the same. On the positive side, the next one will be halfway, we will have reached the top of the hill!!! We will hold hands and run down the otherside together.

Julie - How are you sweetheart! Have you managed to start your painiting yet? What have you been up to?

Maddy - Sounds like Benjamin is thriving. Have you managed to get your Her2 status yet?

The bl**dy weather is horrid here, pouring rain and windy. It’s just not wig friendly!!! My parents live on the seafront, nd when that wind blows, I fear my wig will end up in the North Sea one of these days, never to be seen again, if I don’t take all necessay precautions when visiting them!!!

Good luck with your treatment plans - let us know how it goes!

Take care all,
Lots of love and hugs.

Hi honeys how are you all today?,

Ive been very tired with the most dreadful nights of not sleeping since chemo numero uno, or only sleeping 2-4 broken hours a night, it got to the point when today after my echo scan- all ok, I took myself to the chemo unit and burst into tears with a very sympathetic nurse, who advised me to get along to my gp and get a little something to see me through a couple of deep sleeps, bless her she was lovely, she thought maybe Im sensitive to Dexamethazone, and to mention it next Onc visit before FEC number 2. I cant go thru this again.
My gp was lovely, and tonight I will sleep 6-8 hrs zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, its hard with working too, and making me over anxious about the next chemo day, Im also ‘waiting’ for my hair to fall out, today is day 12…
I bought some paints today!!! feeling very inspired lately creatively… spent sunday day walking in greenwich park with oh and joey- ginger lab battersea boy, pm with girlfriends and OH for a while, great to get out of the BC bubble… prepared a lovely supper for us all and had a glass of the white grape !
i had a call today about my critical illness claim, it was positive, theyre still waiting for other info to arrive, before considering the final decision, fingers crossed.

Have a good week everyone- thanks for bearing my rant,sometimes I need to rattle on to others that ‘know’. Know what I mean??

Julie xxxxx

Hi Jules,

Just a quickie.
Do you take your Dexamethasone at night? My Onc told me to take mine first thing in the morning and NOT at night as it would stop me from sleeping.
Just a thought my love. Let me know.
Glad to hear you bought the paints but must admit the “white grape” sounds better!!!

Love ya loads,
Dyzee. XXXX

Hello all,

A bit peeved today, sat by the phone all day waiting for the outcome of treatment multidisiplanary, could wait any more and rang them at 3pm,left a message no answer by 5.30. OH rang the unit and left another message (bless him the wait is driving him mad) anyway long story short they are waiting for staining histology results (not sure if she meant the dreaded fish test or not) and will probably be next monday now when I have an appointment with the oncologist). Not really a surprise as I always seem to be waiting for somthing to happen in a weeks time. To be fair even if it is chemo it wont be starting until Feb and same for rads so there is no reason for them to rush but as we all seem to say its the waiting!!!

Julie: I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight, I was given 10 zopiclone tablets when first diagnosed and have had another 10 since but not even half way though them and although I am a bit nervous about getting hooked there is nothing to beat a good nights sleep. I try to do without them but if it gets to 1am and still no sign of dropping off I give in and take one. Its strange really I have ever been a good sleeper but was always tired. I dont know if its because I am still off work so not burning enough energy but I am never tired since the operation even without sleep but always feel in much better spirits when Iget a full 8 hours. Good luck with the critical illness insurance, my BC nurse is still chasing my surgeon up to make sure the paperwork hasnt got lost. The walking and painting sounds good. I need to get out of the house and live right on the canal tow path but this bloomin weather is driving me mad far too windy today. Kepp your chin up you are being a little trouper still working you and louise are an inspiration.

Louise: So its looks like you will be getting your treatment before me after all. Good luck for tomorrow. I’m not sure what you are hoping for but I hope the news is what you want. I looked up the USA version of this web site as they have live chat rooms and had a look around hormone therapy and ther is a really good explanation of how it shouldnt be thought of as secondary treatment. It says for er+ tumours with no lymph involvment and radiotherapy it is just as if not sometimes more effective so it certainly made me feel a bit better about the whole thing. I am still on the food issue mission. I willl let you know as soon as I find anything concrete but 3 cups of green tea a day is something that shows up everywhere but is really high in caffeine so not before bed time.

Dyzee and Dilys thanks for the congrats about sleeping on my side. I felt like it was a real triumph . Its amazing how this thing has made me appreciate the little pleasures in life. I hope I can hold onto that feeling its quite a nice one to get. See another good thing to make me happy its never ending.

Well off for a bath and to wash my hair I have a few girls from work over tomorrow inthe afternoon so thought I would make the effort and put some real clothes on instead of jogging bottoms and vest.

Hope all of you are doing well , Maddy and Wendy hope you are feeling OK and taking it easy.

Love and luck to you all. Shonagh


Hello to all BC Babes
I haven’t been on for a couple of days because I was hoping I’d have news today from the surgeon about my hormone receptor status…Guess what?..Still no news!!!

Todays appointment was just another opportunity for yet another registrar to fondle my breasts - good job I’m not shy - I have to ring the oncologist in another fortnight to see if the results are through - if they’re not I’m taking it to the top!
The good news is that the rads redness is disappearing fast and the skin under my breast is beginning to heal - I’m grateful for small mercies.

Off to see Benjamin tomorrow - can’t wait

Love to you all
Maddy xxxxx

Hello all babes

Maddy I can’t believe they STILL haven’t got those results, I thought you had had some assistance in chasing them up? Obviously very effective then…not. Glad you are finally healing and do have a wonderful time with beautiful Benjamin! My healing has gone wonderfully, once I got over all the leaks, the blister under my boob has completely gone, hooray.

Shonagh Aww how frustrating! If it is any consolation (I know it won’t be…ha!) I have always thought when reading your posts that you have been able to get to each stage very quickly compared to the rest of us, I felt as if I was waiting for ages for surgery whilst I was impressed by how quickly they operated on you. Another week, though! GRRRRRR. I have tried green tea, and hate it. Can you actually bring yourself to drink it? Mind you, if I knew it was a “cure-all”, I would guzzle it regularly.

Julie You rant away, honey! I can’t believe you are managing to get through working. Sorry to hear you are so tired, hope the meds help and that you can start to feel more human. It is so hard when you are tired but can’t sleep and you seem to be the only one awake in the whole world. ((HUG))

Dyzee How are you doing? Marbella sounds nice, and a dream for you to hold on to with all this terrible rain. It is forecast to be much better today so I hope you get chance to have a bit of (winter) sun on your face? I had a terrible night last night, partly cos of stinking cold and partly worrying about seeing the onc today, so it will be 7pm jamas again tonight! I am sposed to be going into work tomorrow but won’t go if I don’t feel any better.

Dilys Glad you had a good time with your friend, I think you mentioned him before…relationships are strange and wonderful things, aren’t they? A couple of people to whom I was not close have really come up trumps for me during the last few months and I have been touched and comforted. Of course, a couple of others have behaved as if I have bubonic plague but hey! At least now we get to find out who really cares!

Wendy Sorry that this has knocked you for six, it can’t be easy having the Hickman in, either. Just remember, each one you “do” is one less to face and you will be on the downhill straight very soon. Sending you hugs and very best wishes

I will let you all know the outcome of my hospital appointment, talked to the GP yesterday and they are recommending chemo, so we shall see.
Take care, all

Love, Louise

Dear All

Oh god all this waiting for everyone! I am so sorry. It is obviously that time of year. It must be awful. And chemo Louise - well, if it has to be, then it has to be. And yes indeed people are a constant surprise aren’t they? Mostly for the good, I have to say.

Julie - how on earth are you working??? Are you sure it is wise? At least try to get some good sleep tonight as you say. Greenwich Park with OH and a ginger battersea boy sounds like heaven. I am not a million miles away in Stratford! Love Greenwich Market.

Maddy - glad the rads redness is healing up. Me too! See the onc tomorrow and hope to get the go ahead to carry on inflating the implant.

Shonagh - hope you have a good day with your friends today and can concentrate on something else for a while! Green tea??? Eurgh!

Dyzee my love - how are you today? The weather is a lot nicer here today so hope you are getting the benefit too.

Off to do a little light shopping now. Love to everyone


Hello again

Just reporting in with results. Start chemo on 5th Feb (6xEC) eeek! The specialist said it was because the cancer is Grade 3 and I am pre menopause but mainly cos of the higher grade. HER2 negative. 15 rads after chemo. Am glad it is all proceeding apace. Diet-wise he said don’t worry, follow the diet you want to follow, he is not convinced that phyto-estrogens are harmful. I have to have my Mirena coil out though (BOOHOO).

I have bought a “buff” to try it for size, I love it and will order a few from the Net. Also a couple of turbans!

love to all


Hey all,

Got a call from my BC nurse today, the HER2 status is negative Woo Hoo!! and I know some people are crying out for it but but it was a relief its at least one treatment programme less to have so now I just have to wait for next Monday to see if its chemo too and even with chemo it means hopefully chemo and rads will be over with by June and I can have my 40th without too much fuss and Italy in September here I come. DOUBLE WOO HOO!!!

Louise: I know what you mean about the green tea it seems to make my mouth dry a bit like cranberry juice but I have some flavoured ones that are a bit better. The plain one I stick a slice of lemon in (added vit C too!!!) Thanks for the info on phyto eostrogens I’m going to ask my onc about it too!! I think I am just going to try to eat more veggies. I dont really do red meat and havent done since I had the choice myself (only because I dont like it nothing ethical) but I’ve only eaten meat a couple of times since diagnosis. I’m sure the whole diet paranoid thing will wear off soon but making the most of it and losing much needed weight in the process too so bonus. I’m half expecting the same treatment as you to be honest for the same reasons but not sure as grade 2 so its still up n the air and they are not giving anything away.

Dilys: Had a lovely time with friends. I caught up with all the office gossip and had a good bitch and didnt talk about BC too much althought I had to dress to show the scars easily. Lorna(one of the friends) is the kind of girl who likes to see that kind of thing and was mightily impressed with my turquoise boob. Good luck with your re-inflation progress and gladyour rads are calming down and green tea yes it is an acquired taste but the jasmine one an apple and pear are not bad it had better be doing me good or else its back to the nescafe for me.

Maddy: I cant believe you are waiting for hormone receptor status. Louise is right my hospital is moving at some speed compared to some in here and I had my hormone receptor status from the biopsy at the same time as my diagnosis. (biopsy 17th Dec dx 24th Dec) so you go girl and demand your status. Ooo thats sounded a bit right on…sorry!! Enjoy the bundle of joy, Benjamin too.

Dyzee: I know what you mean about some sunshine, I am holding onto an image of me looking at the sea eating lots of yummy pasta and a fab sunset I’m hoing if I have chemo I’ll atleast have a short fuzz by Sept but I dont care if I’m sat in the sun it gives me a good reason to have a hat on.

Julie: How did the sleep go and hope you are rested and feeling less frazzled.

Wendy: I know you are feeling a bit grotty at the minute but just wanted to say hello and hope you are ok.

Well thats it for today. I am doing the find something positive in every day so as I got the HER2 status info and it was what I wanted to hear thats is todays and I must try to be more patient. considering I only found the lump that turned out to be a cyst on the 10th Dec I should be grateful its out of me now. I think its years of working towards targets and month end that makes me think the rest of the world works that way too. Watched pots and all that.

Lots of love and luck as always. Shonagh xx

Hi All

Louise - sorry it is chemo but we will all be here holding your hands. Amd we are the living proof that it can be done. Turbans from the unmentionable website called headcovers have been my life savers.

Shonagh - whatever is in store let’s just keep focussed on Italy in September for you. It will come roaring up. I am off to the South of France on 22 February. Can’t wait. Was meant to be there last June before all this happened!

Love to all you brave girls


Evening all,

Well, lots of news from everyone,

Shonagh - You will “Live the Dream”. The sky will be bluer, the sun will shine brighter, the pasta will be glorious and that ice cold drink will just slide down - glorius!
Hold on to it hon. It will be September before we know it.

Louise - Welcome to the “Chemo Chicks”! Sorry that is the route you now have to take, but as our dear Dilys says, we will hold your hand and give you lots of shoulders to lean on. Make sure you have some headwear to sleep in - my baldy head gets cold when the temperature drops through the night!!! By the way, your Chemo starts on my birthday!

Dilys - The weather is BLAH! It’s freezing cold and soooo miserable. I’ve been doing a bit of work at home and had a meeting here today with some of my team. It was a good diversion and I really enjoyed it.

Maddy - You been flashing those boobies off again - I don’t know woman, have you no shame!!! Can’t believe those bl**dy results are still missing. Give em hell !!!

Wendy - Hope you are having better days hon. Let us know how you are.

Julie - Take it easy tiger!!!

Take care,

Love and sunshine,

Hi everyone,
Im day 14 after fec 75 number 1, my hair is departing this world, ive a cough and cold temp 37.7, fec 2 due next wed im dreading it, doing 3-4 hrs work,
just saying how it is, i had a wee cry yesterday as my hair was falling out, OH lovely and reassuring. Its just that now I look like a cancer patient… do you know what i mean? ive got loads of beanies and hats bought from a well known auction site and usa site, and a wig fitting appointment today, so im prepared.
Had 2 assisted nights sleep and feel so much better,
Jan I had wind and burps for a while after fec 1 and indigestion for about 3 days, avoid cabbage, beans,sprouts lentils for the first week after treatment.

time to get ready , thanks honeys for listening I feel heaps better today,love to you all

Julie xxxxxx,