Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Rachy,

Sorry you have had to join us but hello and you are not alone. I am 39 was diagnosed on xmas eve with grade 2 1.8cm ductal invasive. I have had the WLE and sentinal node etc. I am er+/pr+ and as no node involvment am on tamoxifen and zoladex and am having my radiotherapy planning on the 19th Feb. Hoping to be back at work mid April. I have been really lucky so far if thats the right way to put it .

The BC babes in here have kept me sane. There are far wiser women than me out there and the girls who are undergoing chemo and herceptin are an inspiration. My treatment programme is very do-able and thats what I mean about being lucky…so far.

Like Dilys says we are all at different stages on this thread but I have found support, understanding, fun, joy, congratulations and we have even had the birth of two grandchildren since I joined in. Its all go go go in here.

Love and luck to you and everyone else in her too.
Shonagh xx

Hello Rachy and all

Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, Rachy, I expect it came as a great shock and you will have all sorts of feelings to cope with. My own experience is that things feel a little better once the treatment gets underway, just use this site for support and know that you are not alone. What are the details of your BC? Do you know yet? I am 47 and had a Grade 3, 27mm tumour with no spread to the lymph nodes. I had the lump removed and am about to start chemotherapy then 15 sessions of radiotherapy then 5 years of hormone treatment.

Ladies: I saw the McMillan nurse yesterday after being told by the practice nurse that my wound was worse, she saw me v quickly and said she thought I could still go ahead with chemo on Tuesday as the hole is now so tiny, she is visiting first thing Monday morning to check and then if she is happy then she will tell the chemo unit to go ahead. Fingers crossed!

Hope you are all Ok

Love to all


Hi All

Just had a lovely day seeing a work colleague for lunch. Honestly Rachy you will get through this thing. I can’t believe I am here now from diagniosis last April.

Louise - awful to say but thank god you can go ahead with chemo. It is not fun but it is do-able. Stay with us my darling.

Shonagh - how are you then? Glad we kept you sane. I would be bereft without this site. Was the best advice my breast nurse ever gave me!

Dyzee - where are you? Are you ok?

Much love to all


Hello all,

This is just a chatty catch up really.

Dilys: Well I use the term sane but I think I may get done under the trades description act. Phil decided I was ok to drive yesterday. Bloomin mother hen that he is. Because the BC nurses wanted me off for 6 weeks minimum after the WLE he decided I wasnt allowed to drive for that long either!!! I didnt point out it has been 5 weeks but I have now got the keys to freedom so drove over to my mums and popped into work to say hello. I even drove the new car only problem is I was so nervous I must have been clenching my teeth and gave myself a migraine DOH!!!

Got a busy weekend ahead. Off to my sisters tomorrow Phil is doing somthing to their computers that I just dont even begin to understand and then we are going out for supper with sis, hubby and the nephew and niece and on Sunday we are off to some friends who Phil is sorting out their electrics for them and we are being rewarded with Sunday dinner so basically poor Hubby has to sing for his supper all weekend and I just sit there chatting. Great isnt it.
We were supposed to be going to another 40th birthday tonight but Phil isnt home from work yet (on lates) and with the migraine by the time we get there its going to be time to come home again so I have e mailed our apologies. To be honest not sure if its the tamoxifen or the dusolepin but I feel a bit not quite with it. Almost like I’ve has a glass of wine at lunch time but permanantly. Good news today though my fantastic new GP (bless his cottons) has prescribed me my tamoxifen for 6 months at a time to cut back on charges. I suppose he will be seeing me every month for the zoladex so can check up on me then. What a star!!!

Well I hope you all have a lovely weekend and hope the sunshines on everyone. love and luck to all Shonagh

Hi Shonagh

Sounds a great weekend to me! Wish I had your Phil to sort out my laptop’s habits.

I feel like that a lot. Thought it was my glasses but may be it is the Arimidex?

Enjoy the driving my love


Rachy - welcome to our little party - I’m sure that you will have been drawn to us by the light hearted banter which fills our pages - we may be (occasionally) down but we’re definitely not out! Keep us updated with your diagnosis and we will support you whenever you need.

Shonagh - how lucky you are to have such an understanding doctor - 6 months supply at one go is phenomenal - the most I can get from my doctor is 2.Can I assume that your car has power steering ? My Fiesta tired me out when I first drove as it doesn’t.

Louise - was the surprise from Evie Rose too embarrassing to tell us about or have I missed your post? Hope your finger is now out of the dyke with regard to leakage and that you are well and truly healed ready for chemo. Good Luck.

I’ve been given different exercises for my wrist and have been told to carry on with the ice packs and not to do things which hurt!!!Easier said than done as I don’t know what hurts until I do it ! I’ve been referred for a splint for my wrist. And now my foot has joined in ! I can’t walk properly without a pain shooting up from under my big toe ! Last year it was my shoulder which needed cortisone so it can’t just be because I’ve become a grandma! Ben is still beautiful by the way!

Love to you all
Maddy xxxxx

Hi Rachy,

Welcome in, sorry you needed to join us.Im 45 ,I was diagnosed in Oct 2007, 30mm Grade 3, Invasive ductal, nodes clear, I had a mast and recon and now mid chemo, 6 FEC, Ive had 2.

We are all in the same boat, and this site is a god send, you will find lots of info, support and concern here. I hope you have a good BC nurse, they were brilliant at the beginning, which is when I think you may need more support.I found the first 3 weeks really difficult, it does get better honest. Stay with us.x.

Hi everyone else, lovely to read all your news, Im ok, dreading no 3, on wednesday, but then Ill be half way through so its a milestone day!!!

LOL Julie xxxx

Hi All

Julie - yes indeed a great great milestone to come. It passes, honestly. Cannot believe now that it is very nearly a year since I found the damn lump. What a lot has happened since, but here I am still and alive and kicking.

Love to all


Hello everyone

Firstly HOORAY, HOORAY, HOORAY!!! The nurse says full steam ahead for chemo tomorrow at last, wish me luck, ladies (xx) My wound is still leaking an odd drip but she says very soon I won’t even need a dressing YEY YEY YEY YEY. I think you can tell how hysterical I am here, thank God the little b***ers will be getting zapped tomorrow.

Julie Good luck for number 3 on Wednesday, yes halfway through, well done!

Dilys OOOO not many days till your hol now, have you started packing? How wonderful for you to get some lovely sunshine. You so deserve it.

Maddy how yukky to have all these aches and pains after you have been through all the surgery and rads. Hope the splint will help, it must be so frustrating (HUG). Yes my prezzie from Evie Rose was a beautiful photo, not a dirty nappy or anything, lol.

Shonagh Did you enjoy your busy weekend? Or should I say Phil’s busy weekend, haha. You have your rads assessment tomorrow I think? Good luck for that.

Dyzee Awww looking forward to you joining us again when you feel up to it.

Love to all


Hi there ladies,

Louise: Fantastic news, thank goodness for that. It must be such a relief to be able to start the treatment. I know its tough for all you chemo girls but I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Yes I am due at Christies tomorrow at 3.10pm for rads planning just hope I dont fall asleep and snore while they are marking me up. I have been slapping on the aqueous cream for 2 weeks now after being given the tip from a girl in the rads thread so its wagons roll for both of us. Good luck and hope you dont feel too yuk. How lovely a photo of Evie Rose, the friends we went to yesterday are the ones who are due a baby in June and we saw the scans. Because they thought they were 12 weeks but turned out to be 18 they are really clear and you can see the facial features in profile really clearly. We think its a girl because it looks just so pretty but both the parents are really lovely looking too!!

Julie: Well done nearly half way there. I’m sure its not going as quickly for you but it only seems like last week you were going for your first. Hope your temperature behaves this time. I will be thinking of you too. As I have said before you chemo girls are an inspiration to me.

Dilys: Have you packed the Jackie O sunglasses and massive sun hat. Very Chich and oo la la!!!

Maddy: Sorry to hear you have so many aches and pains, could it be the frosty weather. I have a metal rod on my spine for scoliosis and as much as I love this sunny frosty weather I always know before I get up whether its crisp by the aching shoulder blade although shooting pains from your toes sounds very nasty.
The new car has power steering but my trusty old chuggaboom (nissan micra over 10 years old) is manual steering. I went shopping to Tesco last Thursday in it and not sure if it was the driving or the shopping but felt completely wiped out after it but it was nice to have the freedom of the road again. Glad to hear Benjamin in thriving, I gather the jabs went ok, not too many tears.

Dyzee: Hope you are feeling Ok Hun. Thinking of you and hope you are not feeling too grotty in fact hope you are feeling fab and just too busy to be logging on. S x

Rachy: Hope you are feeling ok too. Do you have any ideas when you are having treatment or are you still in the shock stage. Say hello and let us know how you are getting on.

A quick question, when you have rads planning do you see the oncologist too. My GP still hasnt heard anything about the Zoladex injections. I was told it would be 2 weeks but its 3 today and I also have a sore area on my ribs, not sure if its wearing a bra all the time and wanted to have a word about it or do I ring the BC clinic? Its only when I touch it it feels kind of bruised (I know stop poking at it!!! but you know how obsessed we can get with aches and pains).

Well off to de fuzz. I suppose I had better make the most of it its the last time for about 6 weks isnt it? If I start the rads in the next week or so will I be OK to get in a hot tub at the end of April. Phil has booked a cabin in Yorkshire for our wedding anniversary with a hot tub. It would be a shame not to be able to get in because of the chlorine.

Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely sunshine. Watching the first barge pass in the morning is quite dramatic at the minute bcause they are having to break the ice but everything white and frosted looks fantastic. Love and Luck to all as ever. Shonagh xxx

Hi everyone,
Sorry I dont say very much sometimes, Im so tired when I get in after work or appointments like today,

Im about to have fec no 3 on wednesday, I hate it, but am trying to visualise it as something positive, its the insomnia i cant hack, all my counts are ok 1.4 neuts, 10.2 hb , im so tired I think no 3 is really going to knock me out fatigue wise, my head is shaved, i go commando sometimes when my head is too hot, i havent picked up my wig yet, wearing beanies and caps etc… Im off to a healthy living day organised by BCC in SE1 on friday anyone else going? Also discussed nipple recon and tattoing today, going to talk to the plastics Dr again in August as cant bear the thought of a GA just now.

Good luck and good health to everyone this week,
love julie xxxx

Hi just checking in

managed my first EC today-at last. I was fine at the hospital, just feel very sick and fuzzy headed now

love to all


Hi there ladies,

Louise: Hope your arent feeling too yuk but well done at least you are on the treatment road now. Take care of yourself I will be thinking of you.

Julie: Good luck for tomorrow. Half way there. Hope you dont feel to yucky either.

Dilys: Blimey it only 2 days to hols isnt it. Make sure you have a lovely time.

I had my rads planning yesterday and have my first session on Thursday so its all systems go. Went to the Traford Centre afterwards to buy some more yoga pants, m&s vests and cardigans. It has become my permanant wardrode at the minute but it is the easiest outfit to get in and out of and comfy too. I’m dreading having to go back to work and wear office clothes again. I am also booked into a physio class on the 4th March and have got an appointment on Monday 25th for my first Zoladex injection. I spoke to my oncologist yesterday and asked the “what happens in two years when the zoladex finishes” as I will be pre menopausal and we discussed the oopherectomy (sorry if thats spelt wrong). I think I would like to wait until after my hols if possible. It feels a bit wierd now, after 3 weeks off nothing its all systems go.

Well hope everyone else doing well. The sunshine has gone today and I miss it already. Love and luck to all. Shonagh xx

Hello BC babes

First things first:

DILYS Have a fab holiday, you so deserve it, get away to warmer climes, it is 14 degrees there today and sunny. We will all miss your love and support but will look forward to your return, refreshed and rested. Have a wonderful time(XX)!

Shonagh Glad your rads session went well, and you will have your first Zap today, Good Luck!!! I understand from other ladies that the appointments will be straightforward and it is the travelling that is the worst. There is one lady on other threads, who lives in Scotland and because she has so far to travel, she has to stay Monday-Friday in a hostel! My heart goes out to her.

Julie Hope your chemo went OK yesterday and you’re not too wiped out.

Maddy How is your wrist?

Dyzee we miss you, hope you’re Ok. Sending you lots of love.

Well I feel a lot less sick today, but I feel like a dishcloth wrung out (and look like one). I am telling myself that this is GOOD in that it means my body is regenerating itself already. I only managed to get out of bed at noon. My eldest son has done all the ironing (ha!) and poor Colin is still sleeping on the floor, bless. I am concentrating on arranging some nice things in week three and in week two there are a couple of meals out I have been invited to so I will see how I feel.

Still, I am so relieved to have got the first one done. The MacMillan Nurse is coming in the morning to check my wound. Also I have a close friend popping round this evening so will look forward to that.

Love to all


Hi all,

Well my first rads is over. All a bit of an anti-climax really but its made me feel like I’m moving forwards again. The clinic people were lovely felt nothing but am starting to get an itchy nipple now so will slap on the aqueous cream. I was lying on the bed listening to the radio and thinking about a thread I read ages ago about appropriate songs on the radio whilst being zapped and I think I may just be able to join the club with “The Heat is on” from Beverley Hills Cop playing on radio 2. They are having a systems update tomorrow so I have been booked in at 8.45am!!!means we are going to have to leave at 7.30am to get through the rush hour on the M56 into Manchester so by the time I meet up with the girls at 1.00pm time I am going to be alseep in my lunch.

Went for some retail therapy after radiotherapy (felt they kind of went together) I have finally found some jeans I like and also some new sketchers (a bit addicted to them… shallow but true) and also a big slouchy bag to stick all my BC parafanalia. I dont know if its standard practice but Christies give you your gown at marking up and its yours for the course so along with file notes, gown, water, DS lite and reading material my little black leather bag was starting to feel the strain.

Louise: You sound like you are coping well and kicking the a**e off this thing as usual. You and Julie both amaze me with how active you are. I hope your leak is nearly healed now and result to have your ironing done by one of the men in the house. I think I know which lady you mean in Scotland. If its the same one she is having rads in the middle of chemo and as ever you chemo girls just blow my socks off with how brave you are.

Julie: Hope you are feeling ok. Thinking of you as ever.

Dilys: Bon Voyage Enjoy yourself Hun.

Dyzee and Wendy: Hope you are both ok and just too busy with every day to be posting.

Maddy: Hope the wrist is ok. I had to book into a rads physio session today but cant get in until the 4th March so hope I dont seize up before then. Just watching a recorded Primevil and thinking of you with your fossills. Were you at work last week and was it mad with all the kids off for half term.

Well thats all for now. If I am missing a while I will be stuck somewhere on the M56. Love and luck to all. Shonagh xx

Hi ladies,

hope your treatments are going well and that you are all in ‘fine fettle’

Wrist still hurting - seeing physio next Tuesday - she had a half-term break so I had exercise homework to do - no improvement though - can’t wait to get the splint to stop the movements which cause the pain, but no appointment yet. Think I will have to go to the doctor with my foot now though - we haven’t been out for our walks this week as I was limping so much I had to walk sideways with my right foot and developed a big blister on the side of my foot - hope its not bunions !

Hope your leak has finally been plugged Louise and that you don’t get too many side effects from the chemo.

Shonagh - We too were given a gown to wear for the rads sessions - but as we didn’t get changed until we were actually in the room with the machine, and everyone saw you undressing, I ditched it after the first session - lying on your back with both arms above your head they still have to uncover the other half to check the marks so what’s the point?!*?! I then felt I had to apologise to every new crew before treatment - even though I know they’ve seen it all before - but they hadn’t seen mine ! I can heartily recommend putting stickers on your breast to break the ice!

As half term is different across the counties we don’t really get a break from the hordes of children - if they’re not on holiday they’re at the museum with their school, parents or grandparents (Louise, that will be us in a few years!). But as I’m only employed on a sessional basis I can pick and choose when to work (or not!)

Hope none of you were watching last night’s Emmerdale. Haven’t cried so much in ages - it was possibly quite therapeutic after the past year but I was so pleased that Karen hadn’t watched it - Benjamin has not been well for a few days and is now on antibiotics for an ear infection poor little thing - wished we lived nearer so that I could just pop in for the cuddles he needs at the moment.

Love to you all
Maddy xxxxx

Hi all,

No news really. Went out for luch with some girlfriends on Friday but I had been up since 6am to make the 8.45 appointment I was a bit tired I actually fell asleep in the waiting room using my gown as a pillow. By boob was fine until Saturday when it started to prickle a bit and I keep getting sharp pains too but not too bad. The scar around my nipple has kind of sunk and the whole WLE area has gone rock hard.

I am really paranoid about not being able to wear deoderant on the affected pit and keep thinking I can smell myself. Those poor radiographers must have to put up with some awful wiffs in there. We booked a cabin for our wedding anniversary in April so hope I am allowed to use the hot tub by then. I will have been back at work for a few weeks by then so will probably be craving time off already. I have a feeling its not going to take long for me to wish I was’nt working again. I will be careful what I wish for in future!!!

Maddy I hope that Benjamin is ok. I always feel sorry for babies when they are poorly because they cant just go to the fridge for a cold drink or tell you whats wrong. It must be so fustrating for them. I couldnt watch Emmerdale. I cry at the least thing on telly at the best of times so have avoided anything with sad story lines so also missed Veras exit in Coronation Street.

Louise and Julie hope you are both OK. I have just got my copy of Cancer Vixen and read it this weeks end and the authors decription of Chemo made me think of you two even more than normal.

Dyzee and Wendy and Rachy. Hope you are all OK too. Dilys even though you wont read this for a while. Green with envy at the thought of you sipping the red in a pavement cafe.

Love and Luck to all. Shonagh xx

Hello all

Hope everyone is as Ok as they can be under the circumstances. I keep thinking of Dilys and hoping she is having a wonderful time, it prompted me to start thinking about a holiday of our own and we have found a lovely break to Malta in November, still trawling around hotel-wise before we book. We would also like to have a short break between chemo and rads and I will start surfing for that soon.

The good news is that my leak has dried up and there is even a little scab YEY.

I have been amazed how debilitating chemo is, I have such a strong constitution, never even get colds, throw off all infections very quickly and so I have been disappointed to have been laid so low by this thing. Oh well! After the first awful five days, yesterday was better and I felt reasonable from about lunchtime, rather like pregnancy sickness. I must get stronger meds next time. It was Colin’s birthday yesterday and is our wedding anniversary today, so much for celebrating but Colin said it was just a nice gift for him to see me more cheery yesterday and able to eat my first meal since chemo. I wonder if I can manage an hour at the pub tonight (tonic water only, about all I can stomach lol)

Shonagh Glad the rads are going ahead now, take good care of your skin. I wouldn’t worry too much about your armpit, firstly it is not hot weather, secondly you can always give it a bit of a going over with an unscented baby wipe through the day and thirdly only stale sweat actually smells so you could give it a wipe before you go into the waiting room. There is some stuff called Pit-Rock which is salt based and I have got some ready for rads but I don’t know how effective it will be (my rads will be in scorching July eek!) What time will your appointment be usually? The same time every day? I have had a letter from Jimmy’s in Leeds (where I am having rads) just saying that I have to advise them if my chemo becomes protracted, spose for their planning purposes. It is a new centre, handily built in a concrete bunker, lol.

Maddy : Hope Benjamin is better? It’s the time of year for all the bugs unfortunately. I know what you mean about Emmerdale, I avoided it. My first baby was stillborn and I can’t cope with storylines that remind me too much. How is your wrist? Hope she gets you a bit more sorted out tomorrow, doesn’t it seem ironic that they appear to be able to treat cancer more effectively than your wrist and foot ? (although thank God they can, obviously!) Have you got any plans for hols away now?

Julie How you doing with your chemo? Is it better than last time? At least you are halfway through, well done, I am so glad I have got the worst of the first over with and five more to go instead of six. Certianly a baptism of fire! Sending you cyber wishes ((HUG))

Love to all, including Dyzee, Wendy and Rachy


Hi all,

Feel like a roasted bird today, cooked this morning and then pricked this afternoonwith my first zoladex injection. Thank god the GP took pity on me and gave me a local first its bled quite a lot!!!

Louise …Glad you are feeling a bit better and Happy Wedding anniversary. Colin sounds like a swetheart what a lovely thing to say.
Concrete bunker??? are you sure its the rads department and not some mad goverment experiment. LOL. I took your advice and wiped my armpit before I went in today. I think its me being paranoid but am getting obsessed. How shallow am I??
Happy hunting for the holidays and congratulations that the pesky leak has finally dried up too.

Well fingers crossed for little or no menopause symptoms tomorrow or any other day. So far the tamoxifen seems to be ok but I am due a period tomorrow so worried the zoladex fighting to stop my overies with be just too much and I will EXPLODE!!! not being dramatic or anything.LOL

Hope everone is ok and doing well. Love Shonagh xx

Sorry to but in on your thread but I bought some Pit Rock today from Boots for 1.58 reduced from 7 something!!! (Pound sign wont work) It is supposed to be really good will report back
