Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Thanks Karen. Please let us know! I have some in readiness as one of my friends gave it to me.

BANG! Was that you exploding, Shonagh? I wont make a joke about roast breast, poor you with the injection. It is weird isnt it, waiting to see what happens period wise? I had to have my coil removed, had a 10 day horror and now am overdue the next one though not in a hurry to have it, with any luck chemo has zapped my ovaries as well as everything else.

You’re not shallow, you’re just normal. I remember Maddy using baby wipes when she had her rads, that’s all, they have to be unscented though.

We managed an hour at the pub last night for our anniversary, I have some very strange food cravings now my appetite is suddenly back, Branston Pickle out the jar and even fishcakes with currry sauce for breakfast. I better be careful not to indulge or I might be sick again!

Take care, love to all


Louise - Congratulations on the “stopping of the leak” - don’t pick the scab! (Sorry, that was the mother, grandmother and teacher speaking!)

Are you absolutely sure you’re not pregnant!!! Sickness and food cravings!!! - careful - your new granddaughter could end up with an aunt or uncle younger than them! Now that really would give us something to talk about!

Benjamin has been taking his medicine well and has re-established his sleeping pattern so he’s only waking once during the night - his mummy and daddy can’t believe it - they both feel as if they haven’t had any sleep since December.

We’re all going away to the Cotswolds in a static caravan over Easter weekend - can’t wait - I’m trying hard not to get too jealous of our fellow in laws as they are able to see him nearly every day.

Went to the physio this morning - she iced my wrist and gave me some more exercises to do - she has discovered she can’t refer me for a splint (budget) so has had to get my doctor to refer me (!?!) I don’t have to see her again until after Easter and she hopes that I’ll have the splint by then so she can see what the pain’s like after I’ve been wearing it. I think I’ll just get a stretch bandage for the short term.

Hope everyone is keeping well, despite the treatments you are all undertaking.
Best wishes
Maddy xxxxx

Hi all,

Just a quick catch up. I’ve mainly spent this week on the M56 and A556 on the rads route. 5 down 14 to go a bit pink and prickly but slapping on the aqueous cream.
Thanks for all the hints and tips ladies.

I’ve been a bit down for a couple of days, it seems to run in cycles and am puting this latest down to my period/tamoxifen/zoladex cocktail. I’m much better today I had a good nights sleep apart from the earthquake. Wierdly I woke up 5 minutes before it happened feeling a bit anxious and then bang. I thought it was the wind on the windows, got back to sleep quite quickly though which I am classing as a personal triumph and ignoring the temazapan assistance. Went to my mums this afternoon and invited her for dinner on Sunday. I have got two older sisters who both have kids so have decided my present to them is to have Mum over for dinner and give them the day off. Its mothers day for them too so no reason they should have to cook.

Louise…thanks for the baby wipe tip, I didnt even know they did none scented versions but now have two packets and a none BO pit. Havent exploede yet but there is some serious gurgling going on. Phil keeps expecting me to have an Alien moment. My oncologist did say as I was grade 2 the only reason for chemo in my case would be to shut of the overies(hense the zoladex) so it probably is the chemo shutting them down for a bit. I’m a bit worried aboutyour stomach though fish cakes and curry sauce.Need I say more. Thats not a good combination at any time especially breakfast. That earthquake anything to do with you!!!LOL

Maddy…The Cotswolds for Easter, sounds lovely and unrestricted Benjamin access too, sounds like you will be in choctastic baby heaven. Can I ask you a rads question. My armpit feels a bit like after the WLW/SNB a bit swollen and the shoulderis a bit stiff. Is that normal. I am on 5 of 19. Your advice would be really appreciated. S x

Hope all the rest of you are feeling ok, Dyzee, Wendy, Julie, Rachy and all. Dilys if you are reading this when you get back I’m not missing you out I am just assuming you are well and having a lovely time.

Well back to my list of things I have to do before I go back to work , I have got some wedding stationery to finish for another order and must tidy the kitchen. It looks like a bomb site and I cant blame it on the earthquake.

Love and luck to all. Shonagh xx

Hi Shonagh,
I think you’ll find that the underarm feeling is down to the rads - it seems to depend on the specific areas being targeted - as my lymph nodes weren’t involved they didn’t radiate that area - you should really check it out with the rads staff - they’re the experts.
Good Luck
Love Maddy xxx

Hello all

Well I even managed a night out last night, it was a curry night with six friends, I just stayed a couple of hours and had a Gaviscon moment at 4am but some of my friends have got really bad tums this morning so I think I got off lightly. I have got lots of social things arranged over the next week or so leading up to next chemo. I think I have to crack on while I am feeling well. Everyone seems to expect me to look deathly white, gaunt and suffering, whereas I look the same, but bald. I am also managing to do some work (from home) so I am keeping my hand in.

We must be the only family that did not wake up with the earthquake! Colin and I had only been in bed since 12.30 (stayed up watching the new episode on Shameless lol) so I expect we were very deeply asleep…unless my street was the only exempt one in the country…or as Shonagh says, there are so many explosions from Yours Truly that no-one thought it anything out of the ordinary!

Maddy: I bet you are soooo looking forward to the holiday all together. It is strange thinking about the “other” grandparents in the situation. I remember when my eldest was a baby, my Mum saw him every week without fail and yet when the “others” (who never saw him) had a load of posh photos done with him, it really upset her. Nowadays, as you know, life is even more complicated. Evie Rose has three sets of grandparents and so my stepdaughter must feel she has to be very careful. It is the christening in a few weeks and I am not going, apart from the chemo, the ex wife was bad enough at the wedding, I can’t face the whole lot of the rellys, wearing a bl**dy headscarf!

Sorry you are no further forward with the wrist treatment. These things are all about budget, maybe the GP has the budget the physio doesn’t have? As for being pregnant, Colin would be dragging me on the Jeremy Kyle show, as he has had a vasectomy lol! And I promise I haven’t picked my scab!!

Shonagh: You are bound to be up and down with all those hormonal changes, and all so sudden too. If we had our menopause naturally then Mother Nature would more likely wind things down gradually whereas you are being hit with it like a bolt of lightning. I am sure the stiff/sore feelings will be the rads, though as Maddy says, do check with them. My physio told me there is a tendency to stiffen up and it is important to keep the shoulder mobile (do the walking the hand up the wall exercise you got post-op). Hope your skin’s not too sore.

That is good of you to have your Mum over. My Mum lives too far away but I have sent her some flowers and hope she will be here next Wednesday, if my sister brings her. How is your friend who is having the baby? If my next chemo goes to schedule then I should be well over Easter so I hope we will get some days out then.

Love to all


Hello all,

Good grief how windy is it. I was in the middle of typing on another thread and had to leave it half wayto rescue my gate. It is now firmly wedged shut with a recycling box full of water to stop it banging.
My skin seems fine. I get hot about 7 o’clock but just slap on the aloe vera from my trusty plant or the aqueous and all seems well. I’m not wearing a bra at all and just wearing the M&S vests with a cardi. The rads girls are very impressed by my quick change routine as all I do is pull it up after the zap and I’m ready to go. The machine broke downhalf way through today so had to lie there for ages while the IT department sorted it out, or rather turned it off and on again!! I dont know if its because of the break but I didnt have my hot boob moment at 7 today.

Louise: I know what you mean about the bolt from the blue, I think it was just a mad rush of everything like you said but my period has now finished and I seem to be a lot better. I’m never sure whats just general BC blues or what is hormones but either way I needed to snap out of it.
I had a good chuckle at thinking about you on Jeremy Kyle. Its filmed not far from my mums and she has been to see it be filmed, she was not impressed but you know what pensioners are like if they get offered afree ticket to somthing they dont like to turn it down.
Good girl re the picking, I resisted mine for ages and then I was having a bath and it just fell off in one go I nearly fainted and couldnt look. Had to get Phil in to tell me if it has split or not. God I’m such a wimp!! The pregnant friends are doing really well, he is training for the London Marathon at the minute, running for leukimia reasearch as he has a friend just diagnosed with a really aggressive type. He is in Christies in isolation as the chemo has completely wiped him out. The poor lad can only have immediate family and he is in there for the whole course of chemo.

Maddy: Thanks for the help, it was loads better today and completely forgot to ask today. I was just so glad to get off the bed after lying there for ages I flew out the door. I still cant get over the obsessive thought my pits stink even with the baby wipes. Its all those years of my Mum checking we were wearing deoderant as teenagers. She had a real problem with worrying people would think we smelt so consequently we are all now paranoid about BO.
Glad to hear Benjamin is on the mend and mum and dad are getting some sleep. You must be really excited about easter. Bet you cant wait.

Well must go, have a busy day of cleaning tomorrow, I am having Mum over for dinner on Sunday. As my sisters have both got kids its their mothers day too so thought I would give them the day with their families and have Mum over. Got a few crazy busy days with appointments, oncologists, rads and physio appointments next week. Blimey it will be April before I know it and wil be back to work.
Happy Mothers Day to you all. Love Shonaghxx

Hi Everyone how are you all,
BO and jeremy kyle, Cotswolds and Mums grandchildren and husbands , I love reading everyones news.
Im fine a bit awake post dexamethazone/ chemo no 3, but horlicks and insomnia lounge posting helps. OH is snoring away, wish I could sleep like he does he slept thru the earthquake, I was reading and thought it was a ghost! well we live in a 150 yr old house, the bed shook , it was a real exocist moment. when it stopped , I said bye to the ghost. OH thought it was so daftof me he blogged about it,
well the night before Id dreamt about my brother who died in his early 20’s , so I thought it was him. very daft.
Otherwise alls well in the julie camp.We are off to a ballroom and latin night tomorrow- the bald head isnt quite ‘strictly dancing’ and my wig still hasnt arrived, so i will need to be creative, talking of which did anyone watch masterchef the other night, fantastic stuff.that James fella was quite nice too. well i can look.
Weve booked a w/end in a spa hotel in Tonbridge for OH birthday end march , cant wait, and friend s 40th mid april in Wiltshire, might try wig, it feels good to be doing scial things a bit more, im a bit quiet in the winter.
Listen to that wind, good job i havent got my wig yet…imagine it flying off…
Happy mums day to all you mums,
Glad to hear you are all managing gently and getting on with life, take care,
lol julie xxxx

Hi Ladies,

Had a really great day yesterday - Benjamin and his mummy came to visit - he got to sleep in our family cot for a few minutes although his mum was a bit worried about the distance between the bars - he shuffles about a lot and she was worried he would get stuck - strange to think that I slept in it, and so did both our daughters - and we’re still here.

Shonagh - I felt exactly the same about my armpits whilst having rads - I have always used pink Mum rollette (how dated is that?) and hated not being able to use it - I didn’t feel that the wipes and Pit Rok were doing the job at all - I kept visiting the toilets before going into rads just so I could wipe under my arms!!! People must have assumed I had a bladder weakness!

Louise - hope you haven’t read Shonagh’s comment about her scab coming off in the bath - it really made me cringe - I know I would have reacted in exactly the same way.

Julie - know what you mean about Masterchef - it often has its rewarding moments ! Several years ago we actually knew the winner who came from Newtonhill where my brother in law lives so we watch out of curiosity just to check the standard hasn’t slipped !!

Does anyone have any information on how Dyzee is ?- she seems to have slipped under the radar recently and it’s quite worrying as she initially started this thread.

Wishing you all a great Mothering Sunday tomorrow
Love to you all
Maddy xxxx

Hello all

Hope the weekend is going well so far, I have been into town and had lunch out (again!)and then met up with an old college friend, he is now at Uni in a different town and is a very clever bloke so the conversation is always stimulating, mind you I am knackered now!

My scab is tiny and the rest of it is so well healed that I won’t be concerned about it. Also my BCN explained that the chemo had given it a final “sizzle” lol so it’s nice and dry.

Confession re BO, once I was dx I decided to stop using deo altogether and see what happened, the reason being that otherwise I could just put it on by mistake one day knowing me. And do you know what: I don’t smell!!! So try not to worry too much, Shonagh.

Julie you are off out dancing again, you little minx. You are getting through your chemo slowly but surely, is that halfway now? Well done! I watched Masterchef also (or as Terry Wogan calls it, “Mastershout”) I am horribly fascinated by the way the judge without glasses shovels food into his mouth. Mind you, I was eyeing up the food rather than the chefs, lol. I slept though the earthquake as well and feel a bit cheated, I would have thought The Exorcist too.

Maddy you always make me smile when you tell us about Benjamin, and of course all the things as a Grandma you know are Ok (sleeping in the cot) but can’t always undertake. Such is life. Not long till Easter now. Evie Rose and her Mum are planning to come for the day soon, guess it will have to be worked round my chemo though. Deep joy, only 10 days till the next one!

Shonagh Hope there wasn’t too much wind damage. Our garden this morning looked as if we had had a fab all-night party, with cans and bottles from the recycling box scattered all over the garden. We have the most ramshackle shed in Yorkshire and every time there is more than a slight breeze the roof blows off. Colin has repaired it time and time again and has been out today eyeing up a new all-singing, all-dancing one. The neighbours are mortified as our shed is legendary and no-one wants to see it go, we have even been asked to have a farewell party! Why didn’t your Mum like the JK show? I watch it avidly, with the same horrified fascination as watching the Masterchef judge’s mouth. In the olden days I bet I would have been one of the crones sitting round the guillotine, knitting.

Happy Mothers Day everyone, whether Mums, Grandmas or simply fab ladies!!!

Love Louise

Hello everyone, rachy7 here. I have to go back to the hospital on 6th March as had wle on 21st Feb so full results will be in then. I AM SCARED ! The op went ok as nothing extra was taken out and all healing very well. But still very nervous about Thursday. Hopefully after 6th will know what the next stage is in my treatment and will be a bit more relaxed and can contribute more to all the threads. The wind here was very strong last night and kept waking me up !! Thanks custard for asking after me !! I was feeeling very anxous earlier but alot calmer after reading all threads and words of support and encouragement. Rach xx

Nice to hear from you Rachy

yes the waiitng for the results is the scariest bit.But then you will know exactly what your treatment will involve and it is much better once all that gets started. We are all here to support you through it, as you can see by the many threads from the wonderful people on here

Let us know how you get on, won’t you?

Louise x

Morning all.

My saga seems a bit long winded, I had my first routine mamogram in Oct and was called for follow up 2 wks later - nothing to worry about - had core biopsy and aspiration, went 2 wks later to see consultant who was concerned about tiny lump which shouldn’t be anything and even if it was it would be subtle but would have lumpectomy just to make sure couldn’t fit me in till 21st December - Merry Xmas - supposed to get results on 27th but they weren’t back from lab so had to go in on 3rd Jan instead or, as nothing to worry about, I could just phone in for results luckily husband insisted that we go in as was told that have grade 3 invasive tumour of twice the size originally thought so would have to go in for WLE and node sampling 28th Jan, still not worried? Had to have my beautiful elderly dog to sleep on 9th so cried for days!! Had op, nodes clear but breast now full of DCIS so have to have mastectomy and borderline for chemo. Saw Onc and he advised that as hormone negative should have it, this starts tomorrow followed by op. Am I worried? Of course not… I lie badly, but I have a wonderful supportive family and my work colleagues are great, I work in a GP surgery and they are just superb although they don’t want me to go into work during chemo due to risk of infection. So I am glad I have found this site to have people to talk to who understand everything.

Good luck to all and keep smiling, it’s the only way to go. P.s my next door neighbour just been diagnosed too - spooky


Hi all,

Well just got back from rads for the day, I had an hour delay as we were on a different machine due to softwear upgrade but it gave me an opportunity to have a scout round and find out where my physiotherapy appointment is. We went up a glass corridor and it was like we were in a different hospital, found a lovely garden with a conservatory a coffee bar and a gift shop so at least while I am in pysio tomorrow Phil can hang out with a coffee and a magazine. Got a mad day tomorrow. Physio at 11 - 12 rads at 12.25 and oncologist at 2 hey ho at least we are getting out monies worth out of our parking ticket.

Louise: I dont know men and their sheds!!! Phil has allocated a corner of our garden and is also looking into the all singing dancing variety. I must admit we do need one so we can stop using the garage for mowers and chairs etc and perhaps put a car in it one day so I am leaving him to it. All the research gives him something to keep him amused. You definately have to have a farewell shed party perhaps a viking send off?? Mum wasnt amused by JK as she felt the participants were all too similar but she was on a bit of a rant and wasnt really listening to be honest just nodding and mm mming. Really glad to hear you feel a bit perkier.

Maddy: sorry to have turned your stomach, it was very clean honestly its just I’m a wimp and been such a good girl not picking it gave me a bit of a turn. How lovely to see Benjamin and not long to easter and your triple Benjamin fix.

Julie: Ballroom and Latin get you. Bet you managed to pull off the elegant scarf thing to perfection and glad to hear you are up and about again after number 3.

Rachy: Good luck for Thursday, it is the waiting that can be the worst thing sometimes. I would have gone mad if it hadnt been for this lot in here.

Maureen: Hello and welcome, sorry we have had to meet under these circumstances but hello anyway. Hope you and your neighbour are both doing ok and goodluck for your chemo tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and sending out good vibes.

Well Had Mum over for Dinner yesterday and she stayed overnight, just a roast dinner but did make chocolate mousse with strawberries and balsamic syrup and whipped shortcake biscuits and although I say it myself it was a triumph. Poor Mum has rhumatoid atheritis(sorry for spelling) and has had a bad winter with it so is a bit grumpy most of the time these days but she perked up after a G&T and bottle of white.
An old work friend called me on Saturday, she was dx 4 years ago with grade 3 and 7 nodes and her sister was 17 years ago same dx. I havent been in touch other than xmas cards for years but a mutual friend passd on my new number. It was lovely to speak to her and I realised its the first time I have spoken to someone else rather than via the net. It was lovely to actually hear someone say I’m not going mad.
Must go now, its not like me to ramble on(NOT MUCH I HEAR YOU SHOUT!!!)

Hope everyone is well and feeling well too. Hope all you Mums and Grans had a lovely day yesterday. Love Shonagh xx

Hi guys. I’ve been reading the comments on this site for a couple of weeks. I never added anything cos I thought I’d be sort of jinxed whilst awaiting a diagnosis.However, I’ve found it all very informative (and highly amusing too!). I got DX today anyway. Great plan eh? See I’m even learning the language.Have to have lumpectomy in a couple of weeks and rads to follow. I’m trying to be positive-I never get sick,don’t smoke and had my kids without any painkilling drugs.(not because I’m brave, I just didn’t want to say anything daft under the influence) and survived. 50 years young, fab hubby,four great boys 15,19,23 and 29.Full time trainer. Generally happy with life (until today!) Can do with all the advice you guys have as I don’t want to turn into a crabby old misery guts cos I’m supposed to be sick.Actually I feel great.Is this normal,or am I a wee bit odd.


Hello to you all
Hope everyone is Ok…ish. I was at the onc yesterday and got my meds sorted out for the next blast of chemo. My Mother’s Day was Ok and the boys got me a CD and some flowers. The effect was ruined the next morning by my eldest appearing with a pair of dirty shoes on my BREAKFAST TRAY. Yes, my hands are raw from washing, I have antibacterial wipes everywhere and even do door handles and wear gloves when I go on the bus…and I get shoes on my tray. The air was fair blue, I can tell you, which is unusual for me but really!!!

My head hair is still intact (although cut to skinhead by choice) but my pubes are falling out. Why can’t they do it SYMMETRICALLY? Lol a Brazilian on the NHS.

Colin has ordered his shed so he is a happy bunny. My Mum and sister are coming over today, haven’t seen my sis for three years!!! This evening Colin and I are going out to eat as we did not really celebrate either his birthday or our anniversary because of chemo. I think we will go to the Chinese Buffet as it was gorgeous last time. Even though I still feel sick in the mornings, I manage to stuff down a full meal at night time!

Shonagh How did your appointments marathon go yesterday? Hope you made headway with the physio and didn’t have the same probs that Maddy is having to contend with. Your meal sounds very posh, I am a rubbish cook and leave as much of it to my butler as possible

Maddy How are you? I hope your wrist and foot are both a bit easier. Did you do anything for Mothers’ Day?(Grandma’s Day hehe)

Julie: Hope you are over the worst of Number 3. Are you still wearing your fried egg T shirt?

Rachy: Good luck for tomorrow ((HUG))

Maureen: Hello and welcome (if welcome is the right word!) In a perverse way, I am glad that you and your neighbour have both been dx at the same time, as this will be good support for you both, of course I would give anything that NEITHER of you would have got it, but what a strange coincidence! Wow you have really been through the mill with all the delays and as you say “nothing to worry about” (oh yeah?) I am thinking of you as it is your first chemo today and hope it is not too bad for you. What regime are you on? I have done the first of 6 x EC 90 and the second is due next week. Let us know how you are doing. Don’t forget, however yuk you feel, it DOES eventually pass (that was the hard thing for me, not knowing when the post-chemo yuk would pass) Good luck.

Tricia: Welcome to you too and no, you’re not odd, I found a sort of energy when I was first dx, I think it was to do with adrenalin or maybe just anger, well it helped me anyway. Do all the boys still live with you? That’s quite a household and I can imagine cooking a massive roast dinner for them all (sorry, I can imagine my butler cooking it haha) This damned BC is no respecter of persons and even if we look after ourselves then it can creep up on us. Me, I never even catch colds, I work with families with kids who have constantly runny noses and tummy upsets and I sail through it all unscathed (and then I get BC!!!) You have come to the right place for support. What have the docs said to you about your dx? Are you having surgery first?

Love to all


Hi all,

I am now half way through my rads and so far so good. Just a bit pink but not burning yet. It definately gets hotter througout the week so I’m sure it will be glowing by Friday. Its a good job we get the weekend off. I have had a couple of delays over an hour the last few times but I have my brain training on a nintendo DS to keep me busy…its a vain attempt to get my brain working again. I was regularly between 24 - 28 (the best age possible is 20) before dx and slipped to 42 after but am back in my 20’s again so am determined to get my brain cells back in action ready for work.

Louise: Oh goodness I wouldnt like to have been your son. It brought back all those times my Mum went mental over the state of my room when I was little but after having a bit of a talk about Lymphodimia yesterday in the physio session I am completely behind you. I think I have been a bit head in the sand about what the after effects of this can be so goodness knows how you chemo girls are coping with the risk of infection.
I had a bit of a shock to hear I cant either wax/epilady or shave my armpit on the effected side and Phil is now going to get a load of aniseptic wipes from work for me to carry round. We were recommended to go to the GP for a broad spectrum antibiotic before going on holiday just in case you get bitten,burned or cut on the dodgy side which is a bit of a disaster as we live by the waterside unfortunately midges are a bit of a hazzard in summer. Luckily I already need factor 50 so the always wear high factor suncream is somthing I already do.
Is Colin happy with his shed and when is the farewell party. I was surprised you are only a week away from your next chemo, does it comeround as quickly for you as it seems to. Glad to hear you are making the most of feeling ok. Enjoy your meal you deserve it and the Butler can have the night off or does he double as chauffer!!!LOL.

Julie: If Louise is near her number two does that mean you are gearing up for number 4. Hope you are well and all your plans sound lovely. Get out there girl and shake your groove. I would love to learn to dance but all the classes are weekly and I work shift so it never works out. My Mum used to dance a lot up until very recently but has stopped due to her atheritis.

Maddy: I hope the splint helps with your wrist pain. I generally have quite a few aches and creaks but so far the tamoxifen doesnt seem to be having too much of an effect. My rads are starting to get a bit tiring now but more than liveable with. I have decided to give up on the smelly pits issue and just learn to live with it I am still using the baby wipes before I go in to keep it at bay as much as possible.

Rachy: Hope everthing goes well tomorrow. Thinking of you and will keep a look out for you.

Maureen: Have you started your chemo yet. I am being a bit thick and wasnt sure. If you have or are starting good luck and hope you arent feeling too yucky.

Tricia: No you’re not going mad. I went through a terrible time apologising to everyone when I was telling them my DX and also when they started crying I spent more time comforting them. It was a bizzarre time. I had a WLE/SNB and luckily had no node involvment and although after my op the grade went up to 2 I havent had chemo. Am on tamoxifen and zoladex with rads and am just about getting over the manic stage.
Really sorry you had to join us but welcome. The ladies in here are wise beyond their years and I know I have said it before but I’m going to say it again. I couldnt have done it without them.

When is Dilys back anyone know? has anyone heard from Dyzee or Wendy. Had a scout round other threads but cant see them anywhere. Just hoping they are feeling so fab and too busy to log on.
Well off to have a shower before todays treck to the rads. Love and luck to all. Shonagh xx

Hi Custard

Just to let you know that Dilys is away for another week lucky her!


Hi Ruby
Cheers Hun, Definately Lucky her!!.
Shonagh xx

Hi Custard

No problem re Dilys
By the way you are not too far behind me in terms of treatment. I finished rads about 2 weeks ago now. Skin went very red and pigmented and was quite itchy but is settling a bit now. Hope all is going ok with yours and that it’s not too uncomfortable.

Ruby xx

Hi Ruby

So far so good I’m just a bit pink, it actually seems to be getting less itchy as time goes on, I almost look like I’m tanning which is wierd for me as I dont tan at all.
I am slapping on the aqueous and did for 2 weeks before too after advice on the rads thread. I am using my trusty aloe vera plant too and so far so good.
I’m starting to get quite tired a couple of hours after my zapping but not sure if its the rads or the travelling or the zoladex or tamoxifen or a combination of all the above!!! LOL
Half way through today and starting to think about getting back to work. Never thought I would be looking forward to that!!!
Love Shonagh xxx