Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Julie and Maddy

Oh I recognise that niggly feeling. I am usually the most placid of people but the tiredness sometimes meant I didn’t bite my lip, and snapped back at my husband. It does pass. I apologised and cried. Works a treat!

The expansion is fine though it sure doesn’t look like a boob yet! It feels a bit tight but not bad. I’ll let you know after Monday’s filling. It does have a port low down under my ribs, but I haven’t ever really been aware of it and it doesn’t stick out.

Thanks for that about radio. I will have three weeks of it, and it will be at Barts which is in a lovely part of London near St Pauls, so I will take you up on that tip of visiting something nice each time. Barts is actually a lovely building too and has its own museum, which I want to see.

Husband is now picking up after the colonoscopy. Poor man. He had a very sore bum and violent stomach pains which are only subsiding today. He doesn’t usually make a fuss but he was very poorly. Results in a couple of weeks.

I have now lost the nail on the index finger of my left hand! I had heard this was a possible side effect of taxotere but thought that I had got away with it with just some interesting stripes. Most unfair given I have fnished taxotere now. I am now worried that it will happen to the others. Aargh!

Have a nice haircut Julie and enjoy the sunshine

Much love


Hi Dilys -

my husband sends his sympathy and best wishes to your husband - fellow sufferers

Sorry to read about your nails - do they grow back curly like hair does? - could be interesting after the stripes!
Best wishes,
Maddy xxxx

Hi Maddy

Will pass your husband’s good wishes on to mine. Still trying to hang on to the remaining nails! I’ll let you know. If I can keep the departing one till Monday I am going to ask the breast nurse about how to cover it up! Curly nails? Now there is a thought!

Take care Maddy. You ok Julie?



Hi Everyone,

Home from hospital yesterday afternoon. Me and anaesthetic just don’t get on ! Feeling like c**p. Sleeping most of the time.
Will speak when | feell a bit better. Thanks for all of your kind thoughts.

Hope you are all feeling ok.

Lots and lots of love and hugs,

Hallo Dyzee

Welcome home! That was quick! I bet you feel poorly. You sleep as much as you can, and get back on here when you are feeling better. We were all thinking of you and sending you our strength, and that won’t stop.

Much love


hi girls,
wellcome home dyzee, looking forward to hearing from you when you’re ready,
-dylis did you save your last eyelash for the eyelash fairy, !!!, has your regrowth started yet do you think, evryone mentions that it comes back in wavy, is that true.
im watching kylie on tv with OH.
-hi maddy how are you feeling.

we’re off to oxley woods tomorrow with our lab-joey, hope the weather stays good,
lol julie xxx

Hi Julie and all

Can’t sleep! Think I do have some fuzz on my head but my husband reckons it is wishful thinking. When it does come back I’ll let you know if it is wavy. I hope so. Would make a nice change for me. How was your haircut?

Enjoy your walk tomorrow (well this morning)



Hello Dilys, Julie and Maddy,

Feeling much better today. Glad it’s over and I am back home with my family.
The area they cut is much bigger than I expected (top of cleavage down under breast along to other side of breast and up - like a horseshoe shape).
Didn’t get to speak to the consultant or BC nurse afterwards so no opportunity to ask questions. Will call BC nurse tomorrow.

Hey Dilys, How’s the fuzz forecast - is it making an appearance? If so, it is cause for much celebration!
Do you have another expansion tomorrow? How is hubby feeling after his ordeal?

Hi Julie, How are you, you sound good hon. Did you enjoy your walk? We have a lab, they are gorgeous!

Hi Maddy, Hope all is well with you.

Lots of love and hugs,

Me again!

Has anyone seen any posts from JillyB.
I hope she is ok, she was due her first chemo last time she posted here.


hi everyone,

how are you all, how do you feel dyzee, are you very sore, how quickly did you get to see your scars? what procedure did you have.
i havent seen jillyb any where lately, though i do browse around other threads too , i will let you know,
my hair cut is neat, very victoria beckham all i need now is her recon boob look. im off the idea of recon again, plastics appoinment tomorrow so all options will be discussed there and here.
anaesthesia is so drainning im so tired all the time, i had to come off hrt so thats not helping im sure, lovely walk today, and great lunch.
simple pleasures are the best for me.
speak soon to everyone, hope you get some sleep tonight dylis,
i was very constipated after the sentinel node biopsy is this normal- blue everything. most amusing!

have a good monday , thinking of you all
julie xxxxx

Hi Julie or should I call you Posh!!!

I feel loads better today. The anaesthetic makes me soooooooooooooooooooo sick. I told the nurse, consultant and anaethetist before my op but hey it’s over now.
I had a WLE and SNB (yes with blue wee). I’m not to sore, its not bad at all really. I seen my boob scar the day after, when I got home,as I had an allergic reaction to the dressing so I took it off. I must admit I got a shock! It didn’t occur to me to ask about the size before hand, I just wanted it out. Not really bothered about it now. It is what it is!
Oh the flamin constipation got me too! (and yes… that was blue too).

God luck tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you.

Take care Julie,

Hugs and kisses,

Hi Dyzee

Sorry for the silence. Had a tough day. For some reason the last inflation this morning knocked me out. Just tired really. Hopefully it stops now for a while during radiotherapy. First planning appointment on Thursday. I had an audience of students this morning as well. Funny how you give up caring! I swear I will take my top off in the local shops at some point soon.

Hope you are still on the up, Dyzee my love? It matters, you getting better.

Much love


hi ladies sorry not been around my other half cut through the virgin media cables so we got no phone no computer and alas no sattelite television, the kids are not impressed!!! anyway chemo went really well im just waiting for something to happen but so far NOTHING!!! Have had my hair cut really short too in preparation for the fall out but am experiencing no nausea or fatigue yet (wont speak too soon tho!!). on the subject of arguing i think me and my boyfriend are masters,that seems to be my only side effect. we havent been together long and this is proving really tough but im muddling along and the kids are a real source of support. hope you are all ok and lookin after yourselves. love Jill xx

HI Jill

Great to have you back. What on earth was he doing to cut through the cables? I bet your kids weren’t impressed! And glad your side effects aren’t too bad. I was ok on FEC - it was the taxotere that got me worse. My nails are falling out now, just when I thought I had got away with it. Damn chemo. Sorry it is putting a strain on the relationship. You don’t need to be arguing at this time, do you? Have a big hug

Dyzee - how are you doing? Are you still feeling ok? I hope so. This miserable weather doesn’t help. It was so lovely yesterday too. Did you see the pictures of the fire in Stratford yesterday? It was really dramatic round here - like the end of the world for a while.

Much love


Hi everyone.

JillyB - Good to see you back. What a nightmare having your cable cut! We were getting worried about you hon. It’s great to hear that the Chemo went well and you are feeling good. Let’s hope it lasts.

Dilys - Oh poor you. I do hope your are feeling better now. I hope the inflation doesn’t take it out of you to much my love. On a lighter note. Don’t be getting them out in public until they are fully pumped!!!

I have been a bit off the last couple of days, nothing I can put my finger on, just felt poorly and miserable, which is not really me at all. My hubby went back to Norway today, so that didn’t help but Mam and Dad have been here for the whole day (bless them). Anyway, I have just given myself a good talkin to and I am going to feel better tomorrow!!!

I did see the fire on the news - did you think the end was nigh?

Lots of love and hugs,
Dyzee. X

Hallo Dyzee

So glad you are ok and I do understand that “off” feeling. It passes, like everything does. I do find that if you talk about it,and make it a joke,it helps. Everything that is apart from the really down moments. Yes the end was nearly nigh! It is awful but you really think terrorism before accident these days. Thank god it was an accident and noone was hurt.

You take care Dyzee my love.


What a busy week for us, eventful in many ways for all of us and hubbys,dyzee i hope each day you feel better, and the anaesthetic =groggyiness passes soon, it feels like fog for a while eh? and can have an affect on mood temporarily im sure. hope everything isnt too blue for long- in more ways than one! when does hubby come back? , glad your folks are helping when they can, my mum is coming around op date- 30th nov.

dylis- the expansion can feel a bit strange and tight i believe, is this how your skin feels at the moment? rest well during rads, youll need all your strength to ‘flash’ in the shops!!! yes the smoke from the east could be seen at london bridge, worrying for a mo i agree.

hello jilly , good to meet you. any thing we can do help you with just yell.this must be a tricky time as your partner is a ‘new’ one, my relationship is only 3 yrs old,still quite new in some way, so i do understand.

maddy how are you and OH? hope alls ticking along.

Im off to wales tomorrow until sunday, to see sis, mum,gma, friends ,and go to a wedding.Then i’ll come back and sllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp zzzzzzzzzzz

night night bless you all, Julie xx

Hi Dylis, Julie, Jilly and Maddy.

Dylis - How are you feeling today my lovely? I have been thinking about you. You give so much love and support to so many people, I want you to know how much I appreciate you being there and I am sure there are many, many others who feel the same - Thank you and a huge hug.

Julie - Have a brilliant time in Wales. It will be great to see your nearest and dearest.
My hubby will be back a week Friday. He didn’t want to go, alas no work - no pay. The good news is, he is waiting to hear about a job at home - fingers crossed. I will keep you posted.

Jilly - How’s ya cables? Have things settled down at home now? How are you feeling?

Maddy - Hope you and your OH are ok.

Well, I don’t know what it is like in the South, but her in the North East it is cold and damp (brrrrrrrrrrr)! Keep warm and cosy.

Lots of love and hugs to you all.

Good morning everyone

Hallo Dyzee - strange, it is a lovely sunny day down here ahain, though very cold. We seem to be getting one bright day followed by a miserable one at the moment. I got up full of good intentions of cleaning the house, but so far have sat in my dressing gown reading and drinking tea! Must get going. Having all this time makes me very lazy, I find! Feeling pretty cheerful though (if a little guilty). What is your husband doing in Norway? Shame for you that he has to dash off though.

Julie - have a lovely tme in Wales. Sounds a really busy schedule! But fun. And yes the expansion feels a bit weird and tight but at least I have a bit of a rest from it now when rads start. Can’t imagine that they are going to make to much bigger but they will!

Jill - hope things are settling down at bit for you, and that the side effects are staying away.

Maddy - you ok?

Much love to all


Good morning ladies,

Sorry for not being in touch - I check out so many posts I forget which ones I’ve contributed to even though I’ve bookmarked them !!!

I am fine - well…fed up of waiting for the radiotherapy planning session next week, fed up of hot sweats, fed up of not being at work, fed up of being asked how I am - so fed up that I even revisited my old Spanish class (and got homework!) and have begun a blitz on the house - definitely not me - I have a fridge magnet which reads " Boring women have immaculate homes" -as I’m only bored (not boring) the house isn’t immaculate but I’m finding this Spring Cleaning lark quite exhilarating.

One of my friends is taking me out to lunch today - I can drive my own car and did volunteer but most people seem to think I shouldn’t/can’t as I’m ill (*?!*) - I’m making the most of it until they get fed up!

Best wishes to you all
Maddy xxxx