Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Dear Louise

Great stuff. You will be amazed at how soon it is over my dear. Wishing you luck for tomorrow! Will be thinking of you.

Much love


Just a quick one to say good luck for tomorrow Louise, Hope you had a lovely weekend as planned and all systems go for tomorrow.

I’ve got another mad day at Christies tomorrow, rads, 2nd marking up and oncologists appointment. Shouldnt grumble only 6 more to go!!!

Fill you all in with news later. On a roll and just popped in to have a nosey and am so easily distracted away from my task in hand!!!

Good Luck again Louise. S x

Good luck for tomorrow Louise, and Custard good luck with marking up tomorrow.

Dilys I’m also taking pics of my hair on the move and now it looks really passable. In fact when I go away for the bank holiday weekend with boyfriend I may just go commando!

Love to all

Ruby xx

Dear Ruby

Aren’t the pics good? I always forget to take “before” pics when we had decorations etc done. I cringe at them now (my hair that is) but hopefully it will be ok soon. Where are you going with the new man then? You SO deserve a lovely time, and great hair. Just watched Jo’s husband on TV. Wow! Did you see him?

Feeling vile after HUGE inflation today but it will pass eventually. Only one more to go thank heaven.

Much love dear Ruby


Hello lovely Dilys

The pics are fab. I was chatting with Cecelia on Messenger last night and I sent her a pic of me with short hair! Boyfriend and I are going up north to Hebdon Bridge sp? and really looking forward to it. I can’t go abroad right now so this will be a nice break as not had one since last March. I did see Jo’s hubbie on tv and only knew about it because Cecelia told me whilst we were chatting otherwise I would have missed it!

I really hope your discomfort eases very quickly. Do you think you should take something for it if it’s that bad?

Lots of love to you too.

Ruby xxxx

Hi Ruby

Hebden Bridge is lovely. I know what you mean too. We hadn’t been anywhere since last February until this last holiday (unless you count a weekend in Bognor with my brother!). Hope you have a great time - you so deserve it. Lucky man he must be.

I am ok - think this was bound to happen as it got fuller, and I am popping the paracetamol as if there was no tomorrow! Good excuse not to clean the oven though. Can’t wait for the last fill up next Monday to get it over with. Mind you - herceptin again before that. Don’t we lead an exciting life??? The surgeon still reckons I could go topless in France by September so it is all in a good cause.

How are the bloods?

Much love


Hello hope everyone is Ok, sorry about the pain Dilys. ((HUG)) Hope you get a decent sleep.

When do you go for next tests Ruby? Hebden Bridge is luvverly, about 40 miles from here.

Hope the mark-up went Ok today Shonagh and you can get set for the final haul.

I am Ok, l feel bit wowy after chemo, had a nap and some tea before the POW hits in, There were lots of other people on the ward today, all much older than me, all looked very ill and all having long-lasting things like blood transfusions or 8-hour chemos. I felt guilty that I skipped in and out in just over an hour. The nurse said for all to hear “this may be quick but it is no less severe”. Mind you, I made a faux pas: my next chemo is scheduled for April 1st, my husband said “What if we get here and they say April Fool?” and I said “yeah, April Fool, you don’t have cancer after all” AAAGH I mentioned the C word, there was a stunned silence. It is all sooooooo sanitised somehow, even calling it chemo sounds quite harmless!

Love to all


Hi all,

Well I am on the home straight now. Had my marking for my electron boosts today, I now have a very large black felt tip rectangle over my nipple and the surrounding tumour area. They then took a photo of my boob and then traced onto an acetate sheet the rectangle my nipple and the scarandmy two tattoo spots for a template and instructions to not scrub the felt tip if possible!!! They were all very impressed with my skin which so far so good has held out. Is a bit pinker than normal but not sore at all. The oncologist has warned me my nipple will be sore after the boosts and has given me two tubes of hydrocotisone(spelling??) but its only 5 to go including the 4 boosts.

Louise: Glad to hear the chemo went well, sounds like the oncology departments inthe north were on the ball today cos I was expecting to be there for at least 3 hours and I was in and out in less than one. Oh no you didnt mention the C word. Naughty you. Me too, I said it in a kind of jokey way in the doctors when I was booking my next zoladex injection (a week Thursday) and was given a polite but uncomfortable titter.
The nurses are right just because its quicker doesnt mean its any less severe. Be good to yourself.
We organised the drive being widened yesterday and they are putting a base in for a shed at the same time so Phil too is now on shed search. He’s thinking of going to a local man and having a made to measure thing with a veranda…its never simple is it??

Dilys: Oh hun it all sounds really uncomfortable but at least its just one more re inflation. Not long to go now. Your holiday sounds like you had a fab time and lucky you going back in September. The only thing stopping m being green is my hol is in September too. How excited will we be by then. Your hair sound like its coming along nicely. I bet it will need cutting before you know it.

Ruby: Have a lovely time on your jolly to Hebbdon Bridge. I’m off to Yorkshire at the end of April for a week for our wedding anniversary. Cant wait. Well done n your commando trips. Every lady I have seen at hospital with short hair always looks great and I’m sure you do too. You go girl!!! Good luck with your bloods.

Maddy: I cant believe when I first arrived here you were counting down to the end of your rads and here I am now doing the same. I just cant believe how fast the last 3 months have gone by.

Julie…Hope you are doing well. Are’nt yuou due for number 4 soon? Thinking of you hun.

Tricia, Maureen and Rachy hope you are doing well and things are going ok for you both. If i’ve missed anyone out I am really sorry.

Well I have an early start tomorrow, and have anappointment with my HR manager. I have decided to try to get back to work for the 1st April…I dont know who will be more anxious, Louise or me!!! but I am hoping for a phased return of 3 days a week for 2 weeks and 4 for the next two weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me I’m useless at asking for anything.

Love and luck to all. Shonagh xx

Hello everyone

How are you all? I am still doing Ok, bit sicky this morning but the meds are definitely better. Mind you I finish my steroids this afternoon so it may hit harder then. At least this time I know I will be Ok in a week so can plan things.

Shonagh How did the meeting go at work? Hope you can ease back into work, not just in terms of time but in terms of the emotional journey. It has all been a bit of a whirl for you hasn’t it? And the enormity of what has happened may not have sunk in yet. Personally, I intend to get some counselling as I go back into “normal” life, as I think it is going to be hard to put it all behind me and not get paranoid and let it continue to dominate my thoughts. WOW your last few rads, good luck that your skin will hold out. We are doing our shed base on Good Friday, our 13-year old is being employed as a labourer lol, he rubbed his hands when the suggestion was put to him and gleefully asked “Is a sledgehammer involved?” Typical boy.

Dilys How are you settling back to life in London? So you are due to go back in September? That’s wonderful. You were right about chemo (as about everything), it is passing quicker than I thought and it is do-able, phew. How is the inflation? Less pain I hope. Have you heard from Dyzee at all? Hope she is not too poorly.

Ruby How is it all going? I have lost track of dates, when is your next blood test for WBC? That bloke in Holby City collapsed last night with neutrapaneia (spelling!) thought it was a bit over-dramatic after just a single gum-bleeding episode!! Hope the Hercpetin is Ok anyhow and that you are looking forward to your Hebden Bridge jaunt. We are planning to go to Malta in October when all this is over and also hoping to have a short break in between chemo and rads, maybe in Lincoln. My poor old Mum is coming to look after my two teen boys while we go!

Maddy, Julie, Maureen- Hope you are all Ok. Rachy- Have you got a date for your first chemo? Tricia thinking of you on your hols.

Love to all


Hi Girls and welcome home Dilys I missed you,
At last the yukky english weather is moving on and spring is here at last, nice to come home to.
Ive just had no 4 chemo, good memory louise! and not long back from a look good feel good day at the Marsden Chelsea, great session and lots of great goodies to take home which was a surprise free bonus all good ranges of cosmetics and skin products.
Im shattered most of the time, doing things in 2 hr bursts, am even going to ask for less time in work now, as chemo fatigue has definately set in.
Off to meet a friend and 2 month baby, i last saw them when babe was 6 days old aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh,
love and healing wishes to you all, wheres Dyzee any one heard???

Julie xxxx

Hi Shonagh, Louise and girlies

Julie and Louise I hope you two aren’t feeling too bad following your chemotherapy.

Louise you’re right - Holby City is so over dramatic but I always remember that when I watch it and in fact I’ve recorded that episode so will watch it later.

Shonagh congrats on doing so well with the rads. You are really lucky that you’re being allowed a phased return to work. My work just don’t want to know and I’m going to have to go through the grievance procedure with them now - not something I’m looking forward to.

I FINALLY had my herceptin today plus an injection to bring up my white blood count but oh no things couldn’t be simple…the herceptin was running through me when I had a reaction to it and felt faint and heavy and not at all right. I called the nurses and they rushed over and stopped the herceptin and they took my blood pressure ON THE WRONG ARM! but I was too out of it to stop them and pulse which were both racing and measured oxygen levels. Anyway it was all over pretty quickly once they’d stopped the herceptin I started shaking and was rather out of it for a while and then I settled down. I had these red welts on my neck as well. They kept an eye on me for a while and then decided to restart the herceptin but much more slowly this time. I was fine after that thankfully! Couldn’t believe it when it happened as I was beginning to think the herceptin was just not meant to be. Anyway later on I asked the nurses if it scared them and they said that they have to remain calm but it does get their adrenalin going and that they had all the meds ready for me just in case I had a more severe reaction. They told me to please not do that again on a Friday (they finish early on a Friday). They also told me that my reaction may have been because the dose I had was called a loading dose which is larger than subsequent doses and that hopefully it won’t happen next time. It better not.

Anyway hope the rest of you ladies are doing ok. Have a lovely evening.

Ruby xxx

Hi Ruby my love

How scary for you. I thought those reactions to herceptin were very rare. So sorry you had one. Hope they take very good care of you. How are you feeling now? I was just great yesterday on herceptin and all seems well. Last painful inflation on Monday. I have already arranged to go to the cinema that afternoon so I won’t mope.

Take care my love


Hello all,

Louise and Julie hope you are both feeling ok after your chemo and looking forward to the weekend.
Louise a sledge hammer and a shed sounds just like the perfect anger management.!!

Ruby…oh my goodness that sounds like a really scarey day in hospital. You sound quite chipper for someone who has had a scare like that. I think my employers have been so understanding because its been such a short time I’ve been off (a week short of 3 months) I’m not sure how they would have been if I had chemo and I’ve been there 10years too with only 15 days off sick in 10 years. Really sorry you are having to go through the grievance procedure. As if you dont have enough to cope with.

Dilys…only one more inflation, gosh that seems to have come round quickly although I’m sure its not been quick for you. Good Luck for Monday. Hope you enjoy the film. No throwing popcorn I hope. What did you go to see.

Maddy, Trish, Maureen hope you all have good weekends too. I’ve not seen Dyzee anywhere in the site. Hope she’s ok.

No news really on this front. Only two rads to go. I’m not sure if its my imagination but I seem to be really tired at the minute. I was fine until yesterdy and WHAM just havent got off the sofa since and keep dropping off. I’m sure it will pass. Not as if I’ve got anywhere to go this weekend so think I’ll have a couple of duvet days.

Lots of love to all Shonagh xx

Hi Dilys and Shonagh

I’m really ok now and thanks for your lovely messages. I didn’t have a terrible reaction and the nurses were amazing and reacted really quickly by stopping the herceptin immediately and getting all the equipment they may need ready just in case but it was pretty scarey but i was also a little out of it.

Dilys I think it’s great that you’ve arranged to go to the cinema on Monday after inflation hopefully that together with some painkillers will take your mind off it. The only thing I can think of that was painful to do with the body and having things moved around was when I had braces as a kid! My teeth killed as they were being moved around and were incredibly sensitive. Poor you but we are all fighters and we just deal with it.

Shonagh it’s really good to hear that some employers can be good like yours and you are right - this is the last thing that I need!

Speak again soon lovely ladies

Ruby xx

Hello all

How are you all doing? I have finally been out today, just to Morrisons and Matalan, whoopee. Feeling much better healthwise than last cycle, but very weepy and over-sensitive, not me at all. Lots of quite alarming pains in my scalp and yesterday pains in all my bones, better today thank heavens.

Ruby: How utterly scary for you, hope you are feeling calmer now and reassured that it was the extra high dose that did it!

Julie, Glad you are ok, well done on number 4, wow you are getting there. Bet the baby was lovely!

Dilys Good luck for Monday and I am glad you have a special treat planned for yourself afterwards, what will you go to see?

Shonagh Only two more to go, wow, life has certainly taken a turn for you and is about to do so again. I am planning to go in to the office on and off between chemos. I am not surprised you are knackered; I understand rads can really knock it out of you and the tiredness can peak about 10 days after the end so please do take it steady.

Maddy Trish Rachy and Maureen hello to you all

Love to everyone


Hello Ladies

Have been weepy and oversensitive and havn’t even started chemo yet ! Lack of oestrogen and history of depression do not help as well as bc. Hope you are all doing ok. Chemo will soon start and will be less worried then.

Hi all ,
Lovely to be flowing in the thread again Ive been a bit out of it this treatment time. Tho reading everyones news, glad to see some old names back , tho Dyzee is quiet, does anyone have news?
Im extremely tired and a bit weepy today too rachy, similar history too to you.When does your chemo start hon?.
A writer on another thread is having a hard time and its made me realise how precious life is.
Im off to see niece for 15th birthday soon , and going to a pirate 40th party! Aalways good to have fun in the pipeline for those energetic moments!!!
thinking of you all,
love Julie xxx

Dear All

Yes I am worried about Dyzee too. I am now officially overinflated until 12 May when he lets it down a bit. Ouch and double ouch but it is all to the good. He took photos too! And The Other Boleyn Girl was great. Love being able to go to the cinema onthe cheap day!

Rachy - it will be good for you in the end. And Ruby - how goes it? These employer things take so much time and energy.

Much love


Hi all,

I’ve been scouting around the other threads and cant find Dyzee at all sorry. Will keep looking.

Rachy, Louise and Julie…sorry to hear you are feeling a bit low at the minute. I feel so badly for you chemo girls and am constantly amazed by how you pick yourselves up on your good weeks. Keep going girls,you are my inspiration.
Julie…a pirate 40th what a fab idea sounds just what you need to perk you up. Phil has got a really silly pirate joke but it needs to be said out loud to make sense (its all in the accent).
Louise…are you ready for your shed weekend. I think you need to get hold of that sledgehammer too.
Dilys…I’ve read the book for “The other Boleyn Girl” and seen the previous film made for TV which I thought was a bit wet so it will be good to see a more Hollywood production. You sound like you are being your brave usual self about the inflation. I really hope you are ok and not just putting a brave face on it for us.
Rachy…Be easy on yourself you are allowed to cry and be angry, blimey New Years Eve I started crying on my way home from work at 5pm and didnt manage to stop until 1am.
Ruby…are you feeling back to normal now after your Herceptin scare. I am really grateful for my employers stance on this thing. I feel like I can never complain about work again. (remind me of that when I’m in here complaining)
Maddy…How are you. is your wrist still bothering you.

Well no real news from me, I am on my last rads tomorrow…if I never see that junction of the M56 again I will be a happy woman. I planted up some goosberry, raspberry and red currant bushes at weekend and am hoping to growmy own lettuce, rocket, beetroot and radish. Fingers crossed they all grow. Considering trying a pumpkin too for Halloween.
I’m a little bit tired but so far my skin seems to be holding up, I get an ache in my armpit and it feels like pins being stuck in my nipple but nothing too bad.
Ive got another zoladex injection on Thursday. Easter is over at my middle sisters house for dinner. Got an appointment with surgeons and breast nurses on the 31st March and then back to work. Starting to panic a bit about it. I had a dream last night that it was the first day of term and I couldnt find my uniform. YIKES!!! at least I wasnt naked.LOL.!!

Well thats all from me so far. Hope everyone is doing as well as they can. Be good to yourselves ladies. Love Shonagh xx

Hello babes

How are we all?

The sun is shining and (just for a change) I am going out to lunch! At last I feel more like my usual self. I got really, really down on Saturday and just went to bed and cried. I must remember that these feelings pass and I bounce back again and blimey no wonder sometimes we feel down when you think of what we are all dealing with. So you are not alone, Rachy. You WILL feel a bit better when chemo gets going cos at least something will be happening, I am counting down to each one now.

Maddy When do you go to the caravan? Have a lovely time with Benjamin.

Shonagh WOW and YIPPEE you’re nearly there, I know the last few weeks have gone quickly for you but it is tiring pogging up to the hosp every day, take it easy. I can see you will soon be making your own episode of The Good Life with all your home-grown goods. I think I will use that sledgehammer on anyone who makes insensitive remarks about BC, that’ll teach them!

Dilys How’s the inflation? Eeurgh it makes my eyes water, roll on 12th May honey. Glad you enjoyed the film, I went last week to see it. I don’t know if you have seen (think it happened when you were on hol) but there is now a facility for the website masters to send personal email addresses/details to members, maybe we could do that with Dyzee just so she could say hello via one of us, if it is hard to log on to here, maybe her computer broke and she hasn’t got online yet?

Juile what a party girl you are! As you say it is important to make the most of the “good “ bits, sorry to hear that you have been low, as I said above it is not surprising considering everything that’s being thrown at us. Take care of yourself.

Ruby Hope you are a feeling bit better and looking forward to your break in luvverly Yorkshire.

Love to all and everyone else not mentioned above
