Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi Rachy

I’m sure you have better things to be doing than being in here but just in case you are, I will cyber hold your hand at 12pm. hope it goes well and to hear from you soon.
Good luck Hun and thanks for thinking of me when you must have a million things to do. Shonaghxxx

Hi Just another quick one to Louise, hope tomorrow goes well and you dont feel too yucky.
Love to everyone else too and hope you are all doing well. .
3 month check today went well, the same old same old having my boobs felt by a doc, everything seems to be clear had a word with the oncologist too about the mini melt down and sorted that out aswell so early night for me, got to be up early tomorrow…5.30am EEK!!! I’m taking my friends from work out for lunch after work tomorrow I’m going t treat them as a surprise to say thank you for being so lovely and supportive. If only i could do the same for all of you too.

Shonagh xx

Oh Shonagh I do hope work goes well today, am thinking of you. Off in about an hour for chemo number three, whoopee-do!

Love to all, hope you are feeling not too bad, Rachy.


Hello ladies, Chemo went ok yestereday felt v sick all day. Today i feel ok and am at work. Had an injection at the hospital today to boost immunity.
Take care everyone


Hi lovely ladies

Dilys, again, thanks so much for updating this thread and Terrified thread.

Thanks everybody for your get well wishes. It was really nice to come back online and read them. What actually happened to me I’ve posted on the Terrified thread if you’re interested in reading it so I won’t post again.

I was released from hospital this morning and doing fine now. I was well looked after and really ready to come out.

Shonagh hope going back to work is ok and Louise well done for going back. How did was it? I had to send a grievance letter to my work and now have a meeting with them in the next few weeks. I’ve now sought legal advice and have quite a bit of work to do before the meeting. I’ll let you know more as and when. Also really thinking of you having your 3 month check up and sending you lots of good luck hugs and vibes.

Rachy hope the first chemo goes smoothly and really thinking of you. I remember my first one sooo clearly and it really wasn’t as bad as I’d expected it to be. I’m sorry to hear your return to work was not a success.

Louise also thinking of you having your 3rd chemo and hoping things go smoothly and uneventfully for you too.

Weetricia hope your op goes well.

It’s a lovely sunny day today so it’s really nice to be able to enjoy it instead of being stuck in an isolation room in hospital!

Sending you all lots of love

Ruby xxx

Hi all,

Well today went ok, got to work on time (7am) and after I had picked up 3 months of e mails!!! (they obviously chose to ignore the out of office message) back on the tread mill I went, same old same old. My supervisor (who I have had an up and down relationship with) gave me a massive hug when she came in, I thought she was going to cry Bless. My manager is a sweetheart and at 11.30 asked me to come into his office, asked me if I was tired (I answered I’m always tired on an early) and told me to go home. I declined as thought it a bit cheeky considering I was off to the pub for lunch but thanked him anyway. Double bless.
Lunch was lovely too, really nice to catch up with the gossip.

Louise…Blimey number 3 already, I’m sure its not like that for you. Keep warm, its blowing a gale here. Phil is on the hunt for a shed now the drive has finally finished today. woo hoo!!!
Dilys…Hope you are ok and the inflation isnt bothering you too much.
Maddy…my Mum has got her hand splint thingy to keep her fingers straight, they made it there and then with some stuff they put in hot water and moulded round her hand but it was a two hour appointment. Hope everything is ok after the tumble. Are you getting excited about the 7th and your adjustment appointment.
Trisia…Glad to hear you had a lovely holiday and got some sun…not sure if I can remember what it feels like to be that warm other than the flushes when I least need them. Hope you are feeling ok about Thursday. Its mad half the stress is the waiting for these things to come round.
Ruby…Oh hun I read your thread, so sorry you are having such a bad time of it at the minute but you sound like you are on the case with your questions and arguments. Glad to hear you are out of isolation keep warm and away from bugs!!! I know easier said than done.
Julie… hope you are ok. are you at number 4 yet or have I missed it. Hope you are well and looking after yourself.

No news from me apart from the back to work. Hope I sleep well tonight, I read a thread somewhere else when someone was really struggling with sleep due to tamoxifen and they went back to work and couldnt stay awake so fingers crossed. I think I am becoming obsessed with the thought ofa nice natural nights sleep, ah well at least it stops me navel gazing.

Love to all and be kind to yourselves. Shonagh xx


I survived number three though my veins weren’t too co-operative, got there in the end. Feel very woozy and OH has a yukky virus (get back, infected one!)

Ruby Welcome back, what a dreadful business for you, sounds a right shambles and very upsetting, hope the Herceptin goes Ok tomorrow

Rachy How did work go? Isn’t the sickness awful? thank heavens it passes soon

Shonagh Well done on the return to work! As for the sleep, it will come in the end, probably when you stop worrying about it. I imagine work will make you very tired at first, being out of the loop and also rads do knock you out. Glad you had a nice lunch

Trisha Glad you enjoyed your holiday, good luck for your op

Love to everyone


Hi lovelies,
Isnt it great - light ness outside at 6-7pm hoorah at last.
Ruby glad you are home and resting i hope.

Good to read everyones news.dilys how are your expanders feeling, are you equal yet, does it feel ‘stretched’, hope its bearable for a while longer, not long now.
I had chemo 4 cancelled for a couple of days, neuts are 0.9 so waiting for them to come up a bit, should be ok for tomorrow- fingers crossed, as of to wales for nieces 15th birthday party this weekend. Dont worry , OH driving , me feet up all weekend, and friends visiting.staying in a b&b sat night nr cardigan lovely.
Im finding working a huge physical struggle now even only doing 4-5 hrs 4 days a week.I ache a lot, and could sleep standing on the train…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Hi Louise, Juls, Shonagh, Dilys and everybody else

I have been to the hospital today to see my oncologist after being told that I couldn’t have Herceptin (due to low white blood count - neutrophils 0.3) and it seems that when I was told yesterday no more Herceptin, it was a bit of a knee jerk reaction (I was hoping this would be the case). Anyway had an injection to bring up white blood count and will go back next Wed to see oncologist who will then let me know if/when I can have it again so feeling little bit happier about it all.

Juls hope they give you chemo soon. It’s so upsetting to have it postponed although I had the Neulasta injection whilst on chemo so mine was never delayed.

Shonagh how was work today? Hope you managed to cope. It’s always hard to begin with after you’ve been off for a while but then you get back into the swing of things very quickly.

Louise hope you’re not feeling too bad today.

Love to you all

Ruby xxx

Hi Girlies

Julie good to hear from you, good luck with chemo 4, how annoying to have it postponed! Have a lovely time in Wales and take it easy

Ruby oh so they WILL give you Hercept after all, once they think you are ready and able. Good.

I am Ok today, can’t believe it, mind you from past experience the crash should come on Friday. Have even done some work (from home) today!

Shonagh how is work going?

Rachy how you feeling after chemo?

Love to all


Hello ladies, Had my first epi chemo Monday and injection yesterday (on arm 4 on tact 2 trial). Felt ok yestereday but today feel bad. Very tired and achy, nasty taste in the mouth and sick feeling. Temp is normal but spirits very low. Feels like a hangover without the night out. Hope i can keep going til this horrible stuff is finished.

Rach xx

Hi Rachy
Sorry to hear how rough you feel. I’ve been there and remember how horrible it was and sometimes you just feel so miserable and don’t want to carry on with the treatment but you just do because you know it’s the best thing for you. You will start feeling better very soon.

Thinking of you
Ruby xxx

Thanks ruby. I hope tomorrow will be better.


Hi Rachy

Remember it well you poor thing. It really does pass. Someone told me this treatment was brutal. But if it saves your life then bring it on. You just take care and rest. Ruby is right - you will get through it.

I am ok. Expanded and stretching! Can’t wait for 12 May when they let it down a bit. And then the lift for the other one! Oh my god! Can you believe people who PAY for all this???

Much love to all


Hi gang,
mymistake its chemo 5!!! and today , 1 more after this yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Have a lovely weekend everyone,
julie xxx

Oh that’s great news Julie. Well done

How you feeling Rachy? I am pretty sicky today but know it will pass. Just give it a couple of days, honey and it will start to lift.Take it easy and remember that’s one less that you have to do

Dilys, I agree WHO on EARTH pays for these boob things??? Hope you’re not too uncomfy, look after yourself

love to all


Hi all,
The clouds have lifted tonight and my old self is coming back. I will remember that the 3-4th day after chemo was my hard time. I think alot of my it was emotional too. Next time I will be more aware of what will happen. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
Rach x

Good for you Rachy, I am still bit yukky, but from memory this should be my last bad day. As you say, remember this next time so that you will have faith it doesn’t last long

Louise x

Hi, Had a hiccup with feeling bad again. I went to work yestereday and I think that made me feel bad again. Slept all yesterday evening and until 12pm to day and feeling ok by 1pm.Strange how it catches up with you. I get so hot and sweaty!! Will the days up to next epi be better ?


Hi Rachy and all

Rachy - work? No wonder you are tired. Couldn’t you stop for a while? It really is asking a lot of yourself.

Louise - how are you doing? I am fine - just back from a huge Tesco shopping run. Gearing up for tomorrow when the Olympic flame passes about 50 yards from my front door. How exciting! If it is on TV going through Stratford, I am the one in the crowd with a smart turban on!

Loads of love to all
