Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi all, 2 epi down 2 more to go !!! Next one on Monday. Cannot wait until they are finished and go to tablets. I am feeling ok at the moment as not working. I hope everyone is ok and good luck to everyone having surgery, chemo or awaiting results.
Rach xx

Nice to hear from you Rachy, well done on your progress, good luck for Monday!

Louise x

I have started tai chi classes and this has sorted my head out alot recently.

Rachy, the chilled out one

Hi All

Went to see dear Ruby in hospital today and she is fine. Looking and being as gorgeous as ever. It was so lovely to see her and see how well she is looking. I for one had been worrying about her. She is hoping to be out again and back at home tomorrow. But the hospital seemed great. Met her mum and lovely little niece. It was brilliant! Ruby was asking after you lot!

I am ok too. Had a bit of a day out really. Herceptin this morning and another bad vein day. Ouch. But through it now. Then straight on to see Ruby. Am tired now but just fine. Off to bed…

Love to all


Hi Dilys,
that was such a treasure of you to visit Ruby , you are lovely.
Julie x

Oh please give my love to Ruby if you are texting her, Dilys. I bet she was delighted that you visited, hope she gets out today.Sorry to hear that herceptin was a bit ouch (my veins are getting worse with the chemo I must say), just think that’s another one over for you.

Tai Chi, I am impressed Rachy. I am doing oil painting and singing very loud hymns, have just discovered a little tin of dressed crab my Mum brought me for a treat, guess what I will be having for lunch? yum

love to all


Hello Ladies,

Just popping in to say hello and to say well done to Julie for getting this far and thank you for being such an inspiration to me with your determination to carry on with your life regardless of the chemo etc. May may not realise it but you and Louise still working through chemo gave me the added courage I needed to get back to work and although I still have moments when I suddenly think about the last 4 months(usually when I’m poring over speadsheets!!!) getting back to a routine other than This Morning, Loose Women and Dickinsons Real Deal has definately helped me. So a big thank you and please be good to yourself, you deserve it.

Dilys glad to hear your herceptin went ahead but sorry to hear it was so painful, I am a real mardy pants with needles and cringe every time I have my zoladex so goodness knows how you ladies manage especially after chemo. Please pass on my best to Ruby, how lovely for you two that you can meet up even though the circumstances are not what either of you would wish for.

Rachy I used to do Tai Chi we did the long form but the classes clashed with my shift patterns so it went by the wayside, I still do the section I can remember when I am in my kitchen when I’m waiting for the kettle, I get some off looks from the people passing by on canal barges but hey ho who cares!!!

I dont know if anyone has seen the thread but I saw a mesage from someone the other day saying they had had a private message from Dyzee but its gone now I hit it purely by accident. Just in case you are reading this hope you are doing well.

Well I’m off to pack now, going to Yorkshire in a log cabin with hot tub and massive jaccuzzi bath for our wedding anniversary. My rads skin is still a pit pink as its new skin but I managed to wear a bra for the first time this week so am going to make the most of it. Hope you all have a good weekend and week ahead.
Love to Trish and Maddy too. See you in a week or less if we have broadband at the cabin as Phil is taking his laptop to learn dreamweaver to update our card business website. Love Shonagh xxx

p.s scrap that last info about Dyzee, its just popped up again and it was an old post just bumped up due to a recent posting. Sorry. S x

Hello all

Just a quickie for now. I’m back and doing fine. Thanks for all your lovely messages. Dilys was just such a star to come all that way to see me. Dilys it really was so lovely of you and your hubbie. Hope you aren’t too tired now after all of that!

Shonagh hope I haven’t missed you. Hope you have a fab weekend - it sounds amazing and happy anniversay.

Louise hope you enjoyed your special lunch.

Rachy good luck for your chemo on Monday. I’m impressed to hear about your tai chi skills.

Wishing everybody a lovely weekend

Ruby xxx

Hi Ruby
Been following this thread,hope you don’t mind, but wanted to wish you well


ah thanks so much Mary. I just replied to you on the other “Terrified” thread. That’s very sweet of you.
Hope all is ok with you and please do read what I’ve said on the other thread.

Very best wishes

Ruby xx

Oh Shonagh I am so worried about Dyzee! She is such a lovely lady. If you ever track her down send her my best love. Her friend Lynne seems to have vanished too and it is very concerning.

Have a great time in Yorkshire!

Much love


Hi Ruby
Have replied

Keep Strong


Hello Ladies,

Just to say hello and pass on best wishes to everyone,

Ruby… so glad to hear from you and hope you are feeling a bit better now.
Dilys…I know what you mean about Dyzee, i hope she is ok too.
Louise and Rachy hope your next lots of chemo went ok and on schedule.
Maddy,Trish and all hope you are all doing well too and the improvement in the weather has happened in your necks of the woods too.

Yorkshire was lovely, the cabin was a bit under par compared to some of the ones we have stayed in in the past but we had a lovely time anyway. The jaccuzzi bath was enormous so we were incredibly lazy and could watch films while we were in the bath!!! how self indulgent was that. We went to Scarborough for the day on our wedding anniversary and re visited a fish restaurant we went to over 10 years ago and had a lovely meal. The rest of the time we just went for woodland walks and were very lazy with 2 hour hot tub sessions and even managed to get some sunbathing and lots of reading. Just what the doctor ordered before I go back to work full time. I’ve got another short week this week due to the bank holiday and then its back to full time!!!

Hope you are all being good to yourselves. Love Shonagh xx

Hi Shonagh!

So lovely to hear from you. No news from Dyzee, or from Lynne for that matter. I remain worried about both of them. But lovely to hear you are ok. So glad you had a good time in Yorkshire. Watching films in the bath is under par??? Sounds great to me. Good luck going back to work full time. I am starting to look for a new part time job but am still not hair confident. Thought today might be the day but no - covered up again. Vanity eh? At 56??? Must be nuts.

Otherwise I am fine. Getting the yard and the house in order. And enjoying life generally. Social life getting better and better. It had taken me all this time to realise that I HAVE time for friends now. All those years working were great but there are other things to do.

Over-inflated implant gets let down a bit on 12 May. Yippee! How are you Shonagh my love?


Hello Shonagh, Dilys and all

Great that you had such a relaxing holiday Shonagh, I know you were really ready for it and don’t forget that it will take time to get over the fatigue of rads. I used to live in Scarborough and my eldest was born there. We are hoping to go to Dublin between chemo and rads and I have already told Colin that I am going to do as little as possible, he is quite glad of this as usually I tend to be a bit hyper and get easily bored, whereas nowadays staring into space is a very interesting thing to do, lol.

Dilys it sounds as if you are starting to look at how you want your life to be, I have seen other people do this but I haven’t had the inspiration to do it myself. You will go back to work as and when you’re ready, as you say it is nice to spend time doing other things and I must say I will find it hard to pick up the pieces of my life again, I think I did too much and it is time to slow down.

This chemo (number 4) was much easier to cope with so I will see how I go for number 5. I am very tired these days, not surprisingly. My eyes feel glued together in the mornings! I am working two days this week and also am seeing the counsellor again as well as having an acupressure massage AAAH,

Hope everyone else is Ok, Rachy, Maddy, Ruby, Julie. Trish I have lost track of the date of your op, wishing you all the best

Love to all


Hi there,

Well another week over and the last of my short weeks so back to the real world on Monday with a week of early shifts and Saturday too. The good thing is I finish at 1pm so when the weather is nice its great to finish at lunch time and get in the garden al afternoon.
I invested in a couple of chillows this week as the hot flushes were becoming a bit uncomfortable. I am having trouble getting used to the one in my pillow but it is amazing and use it all the time at work on the back of my chair.

Louise…Glad to hear you are coping with your chemo and treating yourself too. The shed is now in place and I spent yesterday re painting some wooden recliners we had that were past their best but now they have has a couple of coats of oak stain they look much better and fit on the decking porch on the front of the shed perfectly.
Phil took Thursday and Friday off so he could tinker with the electrics so it now has power, lighting and an alarm and even led lights on the edge of the deck too. I dont know you leave them at home with the switch card and they just cant help the B&Q fix!!!

Dilys…I certainly will let you know if I see Dyzee. She just seems to have stopped posting on all her threads. I hope you deflation goes well tomorrow and you feel a bit more comfortable.

Well off to the garden making the most of the sunshine, I’ve got my factor 50 (I’m very fair skinned) a magazine and a big jug of water. I am going to sow my salad, radish and beetroot seeds too. The rhubarb is coming along nicely. I’ve got an appointment with my oncologist tomorrow, not sure what for to be honest. I seem to have an appoinment every 6 weeks with either the oncologist or the breast clinic team. At least I seem to be being well looked after.

Hello to everyone else too, hope you are all feeling well enough to make the most of this weather. Love to all. Shonagh xx

hi dylis hope you are more comfortable since your slight deflation!
thinking of you all,
having tamoxifen appointment and post chemo check up on the 19th may, i feel so much better psychologically now chemo is over.
julie xxxxx

Hello all

How did yesterday go, Dilys? Hope you feel better for it!

Hi Julie, well done you, I am looking forward to chemo being over, off for number 5 this aft (phew) and can see the light at the end of the tunnel

Shonagh your shed sounds like the house the Waltons used to live in, do you remember, with a porch to sit on? Good luck with the gardening. All our outside jobs are finished now. I did try to grow my own veg once but I failed abysmally, now I am concentrating on finding ways to eat more veg as since I have been doing chemo I have gone off them, so trying to sneak them into bolognese and sauces etc and to up my fruit intake to compensate. I had some lovely rhubarb yesterday so I hope yours turns out Ok.

Love to all

Louise x

Hi All

I am deflated! It feels much easier and now moves and is a bit squishy instead of being rock hard as it was. It is still sitting very high and doesn’t look at all like a breast to me when undressed. I think perhaps it may take time to droop a bit. But clothed it is fine. I have to see the surgeon again on 1 September so we can decide if it is ok, needs a bit more inflation, or more deflation. He seemed pleased with it though. We are still talking about lifting the other one, and this time he mentioned creating a new nipple! I think not… I can get a stick on one for those special occasions…

I also have to have another mammogram on the other breast. The thought fills me with horror. Can do this once but the very thought of doing it again is awful. Mind you, surely nothing could have survived that chemotherapy? And the herceptin (on again for that on Thursday).

Isn’t it a lovely day again? This weather is so great it really cheers you up. I have been planting gently in my yard this morning - flowers rather than veg in my case. That shed sounds brilliant Shonagh - probably bigger than my house. You enjoy it, and don’t overdo it at work.

Good luck with the chemo this afternoon Louise, your are early there, and well done finishing Julie. It is a great feeling isn’t it?

Much love
