Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Hi ladies

Just dropping in to say a quick hello. What a lovely day it is again today please may it continue.

Julie, it’s great you’ve got through the chemo. It’s a good feeling knowing that you won’t have to have it again.

Louise wishing you the best of luck for this afternoon.

Shonagh, Rachy, Maryfrod hope you are all going strong.

Love to all you wonderful lot.

Ruby xx

Hi ladies all,
Had my last epi yesterday. Hooray !!! then xeloda. This time next week I will feel ok again I hope. Yes, it is a lovely day today. I have had my schedule through for rads for Sept-oct so things are moving along nicely. I hope everyone is feeling well today.

Love to everyone

Rachy xxx

Well done on getting your last epi done, Rachy! I have done EC number 5 now and struggling with the usual BLEURGH. I trapped my finger in the wardrobe door last night and this morning it is swollen and got yellow pus all down one side of the nail, so although it sounds stupid, I am off to the GP to nip it in the bud (as opposed to the wardrobe door, lol)

Hope you soon get over the worst epi effects.

Hello to everyone else, how are you doing Ruby? Any more news re work?

Louise x

Hi everyone,
Its good to read that you are all nearing another milestone.

Ive got my Tamoxifen in hand as we speak, start today. 2ys of his then 3yrs of Aromasin. Some nipple recon in Septmber - perhaps, Dylis where do you buy stick on ones from???


happy days everyone,Im fighting through feeling exhausted at the mo, returning to work slowly full time - between now and mid june, but couldnt move today, where are the steroids!!! no seriously glad to be not taking all that junk, and just want my natural body back… though i believe tamoxifen could well add to it in weight. hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.
julie xx

Hope your finger has recovered now, Louise. it sounded nasty !!

Rach xx

Hello all,

Well I managed to get through my first full week at work but by Saturday evening I was absoluely shattered. One bonus is that I had a really good nights sleep.
We have booked a long weekend at the end of June for my 40th. We are off to London to watch Chicago and have a champagne flight on the London Eye. My oncology appointment went well, just more lying around with my bits out, he seemed happy with everything so its just the tamoxifen and zoladex now until the 23rd June when I have my next check up. Work is going well shame my memory is still shot but never mind.

Louise…really sorry to hear your chemo number 5 has laid you so low and the finger accident sounds nasty. Did you get it sorted.
Dilys…so glad the deflation went well. Is it all a bit more comfortable
Julie…Wow back at work already well done. I’ve not been too bad on the tamoxifen, I’ve managed not to put too much weight back on just a couple of pounds but it seems to have levelled off now. I am going to get my stepper back out next week and try to get another half stone off before the big 40 at the end of |June.
Rachy… Gosh didnt realise you were half way through chemo already, Time has just flown for me since I went back to work, I just hope its gone as quickly for you too.
Ruby…How is the work meetings going. I hope it all went well and the outcome was what you were wishing for.
Hi too to Maddy and Trish hope you are ok and making the most of the improved weather.

Well got to go and get to grips with some ironing, I am on a late shift this week so get all morning to pootle about.
Love to all. Shonagh xx

Hi there BC Babes,
Sorry I haven’t been around for a chat for some time - it’s good to see that you are all still keeping this thread going and that your treatments are continuing well.

I have been working quite a lot at the museums lately so have not had a lot of time for surfing the internet.

Benjamin is now 5months old - how time flies. He’s 18lbs, enjoys sitting in his “Bumbo” (whatever happened to supporting them on pillows?) and is “talking scribble”. He’s also slowly taking pureed vegetables and doesn’t seem to spit out too much ! He has visited several times and actually slept in the cot - grandpa was very proud that all his hard work has not gone unrewarded.

Louise - how goes it as a grandma.

Still not got a splint ! The physio referred me back to my gp as she didn’t feel she was helping - I’ve now got an appointment at the hospital with Orthotics the day before we go on our summer holiday - I only plan to wear it during the night to avoid getting a strange suntan ! It’s only been nearly 12 weeks since I was referred !

I have tried to contact Dyzee several times via email but no reply - it may be that she’s just exhausted by chemo - but it doesn’t bode well that she’s so quiet across the web. I did have a mobile number for her on my computer but seem to have lost it - I’m searching hurriedly.

Yes - the weather has been better more recently and we have been doing longer walks and gardening - but I can’t wait till we move to Spain to get more of the same !!!

Take care all
Love Maddy xxxxx

Hi All

Just checking in. I am fine and trying to wean myself off this site! But like you Maddy, still very concerned about Dyzee and her friend Lynne002 who has also vanished. Benjamin sounds just wonderful and about the same age as a good friend’s grandson, also called Benjamin

Shonagh - well done being back at work! I just spent an afternoon with two ex colleagues and am so very glad not to have the pressure any more.

Love to all


Hi there ladies,

Well I’ve discovered the answer to sleepless nights, get back to full time work, I am shattered and looking forward to a long bank holiday weekend. I dont care if it rains or not as long as I get an extra day off!!! Lol!! Luckily my job isnt particularly stressfull and these days I just dont seem to have an annoyed by trivia button to be pressed anymore.

Dilys…Like you I am not here as often, mainly because I am am shattered after work and just crawl into bed.Glad to hear you are feeling ok.
Louise…funny you should dsay that about the porch, although I thought it was more the Beverly Hillbillies. I cant complain though as its keeping Phil busy.
Maddy…Lovely to hear from you and so glad Benjamin is thriving. Our friends who are due 14th June came for dinneron Sunday and brought their 3D scan with them. It was amazing, almost like we have met the baby before it arrives.

My oncologist appointment went well, just the usual grope and are you ok questions, they all seem really please with everything and the pesky cyst seems to be behaving itself. We have booked a long theate break in London a the end of June for the big 40 so am really looking forward to that. Tried to get an appointment or Rigby and Peller for a made to measure none wired bra but they only do fittings mon-wed so I suppose it will just have to wait. I just fancied a bra with odd cup sizes that fitted without having to be filled with something else. But never mind there are more imortant things to worry about that wonky boobs.

I hope everyone is feeling well and taking care of yourselves. Love and Luck to everyone. Shonagh xx

Hello everyone

Nice to catch up on news from you all. I have my final chemo in about 10 days TAN TARA can’t wait to get the thing over with. I saw onc to get the rads info and am waiting for the planning date to come through. Whilst I take heart from what Dilys says about rads, I have a lot of travelling to do and that’s the bit I am dreading, I have a few good people who will come along too. It will also be hard for me to take such a “block” of time off work; throughout chemo I have worked on and off, as you know but it is impossible for me to get from the hospital to work in the same day and do anything productive so I will do what work from home that I am able. Oh ell, the most important thing ios to get the treatment and get my health back.

Dilys I know what you mean about weaning yourself off the site. We are going to a cancer support group this afternoon, they offer alternative therapies and counselling and relaxation classes. I said to OH well I hope it will be helpful and if so I will continue to go whilst I feel the need but unless I am unlucky enough to develop secondaries then it is important to move my life forward from this illness so I wouldn’t go long term. When is your mammogram?

Rachy My finger is all healed up and so is my foot, thanks for asking. When is your xeloda? Hope you’re having some good days in between.

Julie It is good that life is moving forward for you, hope your check up went well, I can’t wait to finish like you.

Ruby Did you get sorted re work? Hope you are well at the moment

Maddy Good to hear from you, glad Ben continues to be such a joy. Evie is almost 5 months now, she is very determined and is rolling over to get around. We have a grandson due in about 3 weeks so we have had an expensive few months. Sorry to hear about the continuing delay in splint-fitting. Honestly, they can throw mega expensive treatments at us for BC but a more straightforward thing like a splint (which still affects your everyday life considerably) seems elusive! When are you moving to Spain?

Shonagh Wow I am not surprised you are tired after your return to work, when you think about the contrast with being off for an extended period (not that you were off as you did your stationery business) Your London break will be a fantastic treat. Whilst we have the Malta break booked much later in the year, we are dying to get away somewhere before that but have to work it round rads and also when my Mum can come and supervise the kids. The week we were thinking of, she forgot she has said she would come- and now is having a new bathroom fitted lol. I have been much more sleepy with the latest chemo and I spose the effects must be cumulative in that respect. I even passed up the chance of a Friday night out to sit and nod on the sofa, not like me at all. How’s the garden coming along? I watched a programme last night called The 1940s house, it was from about 8 years ago and they made a family live for two months in wartime conditions and there was a lot about digging for victory, I saw a preview of next week’s where the carrots come out miniscule, that’s what happened when I grew veg before so it put me off!

Hope everyone has a good Bank Hol weekend and gets some sun, I know we are luckier with the forecast up here.

Love to all

Louise x

Hi all,
just a quick one, louise good luck and fantastic news that chemo is nearly over,hope its bearable- it will be being the last I can tell you xxxxx


Hi everybody

I haven’t popped onto this thread for a while but just wanted to say hello.

Louise fab news that chemo is finished - how are you doing now?

Rachy, Juls, Maddy, Shonagh and lovely Dilys hello to you all and hope you’re doing well.

love to you all

Ruby xxx

Hello Jules, Ruby and all

It is my last chemo this afternoon WAY HEY I am so glad and am truly grateful that I have had no delays with infections and have gone straight through. So in about a week I can hopefully start to think “the only way is up”. Rads start on 16th July.

Hope all is going well for you and that the work situation is a bit easier Ruby.

love to all,

Louise x

Dear Louise

Oh great to finally get to the last one. It is a great feeling isn’t it? Hope the rads go well for you - and try to take it a bit easy with work while you are doing it. Traveling every day is the hardest part as you say. Keep focused on that holiday! Have you managed to fit anything in before Malta? We are looking at Corfu in September when herceptin will be over.

My god - it has stopped raining! Might go and do some weeding…

Loads of love to all


Oh Dilys it will be fab for you to have a hol to look forward to for the END of all your treatments. We are hoping to get a couple of days away in the Dales before rads. During rads, I am off work full stop as it is physically impossible to get to work as well as the hosp, and then will work from home (topless?) during the sore bit afterwards.

Well YEY I have had my last chemo, went in fine, just wait for all the effects to kick in now. Thank heavens it is all done

Love to you and everyone else

Louise x

Hi there Ladies,

Louise…Well done and congratulations on your final chemo. Hope this last one is made easier by knowing it is the last one. Like Dilys said take it easy with work and I’m really glad to hear you are off all together when doing rads. I had to travel about an hour each way too and found the whole thing a bit tiring but not too bad. How many rads are you having?
The Garden is doing really well, I wil be able to do rhubarb with everything soon, I love it stewed on top of greek yogurt and in the crumble of course. My radish and beetroot have sprouted this week and are about an inch tall already and I reckon its only about two weeks and the salad leaves anf rocket will be ready for picking. I cant wait, no more soggy bags of lettuce in the veg draw in the fridge.
Dilys…How are you now the deflation has been done. Is it lots more comfortable. I do hope so.
Hi to Rachy, Julie, Maddy and all. Hope you are all doing well.

Nothing much going on with me, had an oncology check up n the 12th May and all seemed well, got another check up on the 23rd June with the surgeon and booked in for zoladex again on the 9th June, my GP was hoping I could have it 3 monthly but the onc has decided to go back to monthly which is a bit of a pain but never mind its a small price to pay and there is alwys the bonus that I dont have periods anymore.
I finally got to the bottom of my ironing pile last week, I cant believe it, I’ve got clothes I didnt even remember I had!!! I also got my stepper out of the garage and got off my lazy butt and have done my routine twice now.

Well its 10.42pm I have been home from work about half an hour and its off to bed for me, I still seem to be really tired all the time but I suppose the lack of hormones has a lot to do with that and the hot flushes keeping me awake. Thank god for my chillow.

Love to all, Shonagh xxx

Louise - I’m sure that after chemo radiotherapy will be a breeze ! Just make sure you moisturise with aqueous cream before and after all treatments and you should be fine.
Shonagh - I know exactly what you mean about finding clothes you can’t remember - I opened a cupboard the other day …and closed it very quickly…the 70s had suddenly sprung back to life ! My stepper is under the stairs - I refuse to admit that I don’t use it !!! We are still doing our long evening walks though - fantastic when the weather is like today - not so great for most of the time in this country though - three years to go and we’re off to Catalonia - can’t wait.
I’ve texted Dyzee’s mobile and emailed her but still no reply - very worrying - let’s hope that someone who knows her will be in touch. Fingers crossed that all is well.
Ben now has his first tooth - and he knows how to use it - my index finger will never be the same ! He’s decidedly “armed and dangerous”
Have a good summer
Lots of love to all BC Babes
Maddy xxxxxx

Hello all

Great to hear how you’re all doing though I think this thread will be winding down before long as our treatment paths change/finish. What a fab support we have all been to each other though!

I am so relieved to have got through chemo and even though I feel like a piece of poo, this should be my last terrible weekend (please!) and by this time next week should begin to recover. There is a good rest before rads and we are going away to the Dales for a few days just before. OH has rented a hotel room that has a lounge attached, so I have lots of space to rest, bless him.

Maddy Glad that you are doing ok though still no splint GRRR. I have a new grandson since I last wrote, they have called him Jenson (took us a bit to used to that one!) and my OH is over there visiting now, followed by seeing Evie Rose. Glad Ben is doing so well. Didn’t realise you were taking early retirement to the sun. WOW!

Shonagh I am in awe of your green fingers< I am sure your veg are ace, is rhubarb easy to grow? I love it and it is expensive in the shops. I am not surprised you are tired with going back to work. I have only 15 rads, that is the “norm” at my hosp. Planning is 2nd July and they start on 16th. I am taking 4 weeks off sick and then will work from home. It will be good to get back to my normal routine and start Uni again in September.

Dilys I was glad to see on another thread that you have got some decent hair growth now and went commando! I have got some wispy bits although a lot of them look grey. I have got so used to being bald that it will be a big novelty to have hair (and a pain to style it again, lol I notice a lot of ladies seem to keep it short when it re-grows) Hope you have some nice plans for this weekend.

Hope everyone else is Ok. Rachy, are you getting on Ok with the next stage? Havent seen you posting lately. Jules hope life is getting back to a bit more normal. Ruby how is the Herceptin treatment, are you coping Ok?

Love to all

Louise x

hHi everyone, i am now on second round of chemo. i have just finished 1st cycle of xeloda. Final chemo is 28th July HOORAY !!! Glad to hear that you have finished Chemo, Louise. Rads for me start on 3 September. What is a chillow ? sounds like a very cool pillow to me. V much needed this weather.
Love to you all
