Diagnosed 29th - Hello Ladies.

Dear All

Lovely to hear from you all, and yes having hair again is great. I can’t believe I have got there at last. Still takes me only 30 seconds in the morning so am going to keep it short (just not THIS short). You will get there everyone and it is so very liberating. And no grey for me!!!

Louise - glad you have the next stages sorted out and the last chemo doing its worst at the moment. You really will be fine with rads, especially if you are not working. I have no idea how you and Shonagh do it! Must be superwomen. Enjoy that break away in the Dales.

Maddy that is so worrying about Dyzee. Can understand her not posting but odd not to reply to a text or e-mail from an individual. Saw Lynne002 on her a few weeks back and pm’d her but no response.

Shonagh - deflation is ok. It still looks well weird undressed but is fine when I have a bra on and am dressed. I am aware of it all the time still but it doesn’t hurt so fingers crossed. Don’t want any more messing about with it though the port has to come out at some point. I see the surgeon again on 1 September so we will see where we go from there. He still wants to lift the other one…

Rachy - good luck with type two chemo! You are nearly there my love

Lots of love to all


Dear All

Hope everyone is fine this morning? I have news. I had a pm from dear Lynne. She is still at work and fine, and withdrawing really from the forums, as we will all tend to do. She also gave me news of Dyzee who has had a bad patch and prefers to stay away from the forums too until she is feeling better. So we reckon it is best to leave dear Dyzee in peace until she wants to be in touch again. I for one will respect that - she is a lovely lady and was marvellous to me. Sure you all know the feeling where she is concerned.

I have finally taken the first step towards getting back to work myself (sob!). Have my first appointment with recruitment consultants on 4 July! I am going to feel well weird in a smart suit again…

Much love to all


Hello Dilys

That’s good to know news of our friends. Poor Dyzee! it must have been a really bad time for her not to want to chat, I am sure she will let us know when she is feeling a bit better.

Gosh 4th July…Don’t forget that is INDEPENDENCE day, I wonder if that has sone significance as you move on from (most of) your treatment? GULP, it is is a big step for you, you will be fantastic, just don’t take on anything too hectic. I will have done my rads planning by then. Am feeling bit stronger each day, not sleeping too well but so glad to be casting off the gloom of chemo. Back at work part time from Monday, which I am looking forward to (and then off for rads again)

Love to all

Louise x

Dear Louise

What a great thought - Independence Day! Thank you! You are getting through it all now too aren’t you? Nothing is as hard as chemo. And you have worked as well! I have no intention of doing anything hectic…

Much love to all


Hi there Ladies,

Just a quick one, I was working until 4 today and have just dragged myself inside after grabbing the last couple of hours of sunshine before we nip off to the local for the boat and folk festival.

Dilys…thanks so much for passing on the news about Dyzee. I’m really sorry to hear she is having a bad time, and her friend too. Its such a shame and I really feel for her, If she pops in for a peek every now and then I hope she reads these messages and feels the good vibes I am sending her way.
Good luck with your appointment, honestly going back to work isnt half as bad as the thought of going back to work.

Well Hope the rest of you are doing well, I am building up to my next poke and prod on the 23rd June, hope its all AOK as it will be my 6 month appointment and only 3 days before the big four OHHHHHH!!!

Love and luck to everyone. Shonagh xx

Hi Shonagh

So lovely to hear from you. Guess we all leave Dyzee in peace now, poor love. You are so right. I seem to have lost confidence about work. But it will be ok once I get going again. Can’t believe I was such a big shot big earner before all this!

Good luck with your next appointment - and birthday!

Much love


Hi all,

Just a quick hello before I head off to the big smoke and a quick catch up. Nothing really to say, work is going well, but I would say that it was pay day today.
I had another check up with the surgery team ans everything seems ok. I have been asked to be part of a trial for women who were diagnosed at 40 or under. Its just giving blood and permission for them to use my tissue samples for research and filling out a questionaire a few times a year. It seems a small price to pay when past trials etc have done so for much for me so I said yes. The paperwork says its following 3000 women for 20 years so I’m taking it as a good sign they hope I will be around in 20 years time.

Louise…I harvested my first rocket and radish this week and my second lot of rhubarb. Its all growing in pots on my patioeven the rhubarb. It means ther are no slugs getting to any of it too. The rocket and lettuce are growing in a window box under the kitchen window. The wormery produced itsfirst lot of liquid plant food so even thats organic too!!! Hopeyou are enjoying your time before your rads slog up the motorway.

Dilys…thanks for the birthday wishes. We are going to see Chicago on my birthday and am starting to get a bit excited now, well I will be when I have finished packing!!!

Talking of which I had better get going. Love to all. Shonagh xxx

Well that it all really, same old same old

Hi ladies

Just popping by to say hello to you all and pleased to hear things are good with you all. I’m pleased that you managed to get in touch with Dyzee - it’s always very worrying when somebody just disappears when they’ve been chatting such a lot - it makes me very nervous. I’m back at work now so not online so much and it’s hard to keep up with all the threads.

Sending you all lots of love

Ruby xxxx

Hi all you lovely ladies

I have spent the last half an hour reading through your messages to each other and from one who has recently been diagnosed, had a mastectomy and full node removal 2 weeks ago, and still waiting to see the oncologist - WOW what confidence you all exude (is that how to spell it). As a newcomer it seems to me that you ladies were disgnosed and have gone through your treatments together and have been such a comfort to each other. It is also really good to know that the treatment will actually come to an end - at the moment that seems light years away for me - but if I can get together with some ‘new kids on the block’ who are as supportive as you have been towards each other then the journey will be that much less devastating.

The very best of luck to you all - you are a brave and caring group.

Take care all



Hi Girls,
thought Id pop in to say hello.
So shocked at hearing about Lisa dying, I havent been on site for weeks - bless her Mum and Simon they were/are rocks.

Like you D my hair is growing back , yep grey and so thick , I like it short but curious to grow it to see if it curls! Think GI Jane- then you have the picture.
Great to hear that Dyzee has benn in contact, send her my love I hope she picks up soon.
Im working 4 days full time a week now, its hard going sometimes , but Im feeling that my mojo is returning at last.
-Shonagh happy belated 40, chicago is fantastic isnt it, glad you had a good time in london.
-Louise,Maddy , Rachy hello to you all too.
Take care all,
Julie xxxx

Hi ladies - back after four weeks in Spain to find both good news and bad on this thread.

I am sorry to hear that Lisa had died - suppose it happens to us all at some time but I’m quite sure none of us are quite ready to give up yet!!!

Louise -
a grandma again - how lucky are you? Jenson is a great name - do I assume that the family follow Formula One? Good Luck for your first rads on the 16th.

Dilys -
what a relief that someone has finally managed to contact Dyzee - we were all so concerned. I’m sure that all our positive thoughts are winging her way now to help her recover. Hope your first few days at work have gone successfully - I’m sure you have found it a challenge to get back into the routine (and tiring!)

Shonagh -
Happy Belated Birthday - 40 - wow - I remember that (just!) - I had a day at the local karting track with loads of friends and also a balloon flight over Leicester - think I’d have preferred a trip to see Chicago!!! (joking!) I saw it many years ago in Leicester and met the cast afterwards - those lovely McGann brothers (that shows how long ago it was!!!)

Haven’t seen Ben (hoping to visit on Friday) yet but we’ve been told he’s sitting up, has two teeth and can roll over by himself - he also loves being in the walker we bought before we went on holiday although he tends to go backwards at the moment!

Going topless on holiday wasn’t a big deal - both breasts have a nice brown tan - I was a little cautious to begin with due to the rads ‘damage’ and used a high factor sun tan lotion to begin with but it wasn’t a problem - I soon reverted to type. I was also careful how I lay to avoid pulling the scar - thankfully I didn’t catch anyone giving me sideways glances! They may have been looking at the additional weight I put on over the holiday - half a stone!!! - can’t understand why because we’ve been cycling, walking and eating more healthily (ok - we did drink rather more than normal - but Chris has lost weight!!!) I’m sure it must be the Tamoxifen finally getting it’s revenge - still getting the hot flushes ! GGGGRRRRRRRRRR! Must try standing up and walking on the spot when I’m on the computer to up my exercise regime!

Lots of love to all of you “Dyzee’s BC Babes”

Maddy xxxxxxxx

HI p4d

Like you I’m a ‘new kid on the block’ too. I was diagnosed with BC in May. I had a WLE, sentinel node biopsy and lumpectomy a week and a half ago. The women on the web site have been fantastic. They all give out the message of hope and positivity. I too shall be taking that journey like you so you’re not alone.
Would love to hear from you

Sunbeam xxx

Hi there ladies,

Just a quick hello before work, I havent been on line for ages and have just had to slog my way through a load of e mails too.
London was great, we had really good weather and I walked my legs down to the bone…nearly…but not quite. Did get a few blisters and would just like to recommend Compeed Blister plasters to everyone.

It just goes to show we are all moving on with things when after only 6 days of not posting our thread moved to the bottom of page two but I am hoping thats a positive thing although it does make me sad to see how may new girls there are in just 6 months and as Sunbeam and some others have read the whole thread and got some comfort from our rants, raves, tears, good news, babies etc I thought I would just pop in and say hello to all.

Maddy…well done you for the topless sunbathing, I never had the courage to do it before (nipple issues although now a silver lining to the grey cloud as I lost some in the surgery I quite like the naughty boob now as it seems to be 10 years younger than the left one).
Louise…I know you were starting your rads in July…hope its going well and the lack of sun ismaking it a bit more bearable. My main aim in life is to keep cool these days. The zoladex is realy kicking in now and the tropical moments are pretty regular. Congratulations on the new arrival. My friends had their baby on the 24th June…a little girl…Neve Elizabeth. We went to see her last week. She is perfect, but arent they all.
Dilys…Hi there, hope the world is being good toyou and your crop of hair is coming along. How did your appointment go about getting back to work or are you now the MD of a multinational company now!!! LOL!!
Julie…great to hear from you and really please your hair has come back now too. You and Louise were always an inspiration to me working through chemo so hope your mojo is still coming back. I have been full time now for 2 months, I’m not sure if its the shift patterns I work but I seem to be very tired a lot of the time but I suppose the 4am hot flush isnt helping.
Pam, Sunbeam, good luck ladies sorry we had to meet like this and glad we have helped in a small way.
Ruby…Well done for getting back to work. Hope everything is well. Its the thought of getting back thats the worse isnt it once you are back in the saddle its same old same old.

Well thats all for now. I am counting the days to my next holiday in September (Dilys arent you off to France again then?) I have a load of e mails to send but will have to do them tomorrow now.
Love to all, be kind to yourself girls… Shonagh xx

Hi Shonagh and other ladies

Everything is going really well work wise and I’m really loving it - it’s the perfect job for me. Sorry to hear about your flushes - I have vague memories of them now thankfully and my periods came back in April and are regular which is a good sign. Got an appointment with fertility specialist on Friday so will probably find out a little more about my fertile state.

It’s my birthday tomorrow so am celebrating all week as this time last year was literally a nightmare as I was just about to start chemotherapy - what a contrast.

Love to you all

Ruby xxx

Hello everyone, I always forget which thread I have posted on. I don’t feel newly diagnosed any more as seems so long ago in February. The xeloda was going ok until this 3rd cycle. The onc increased the dose due to a bit of weight gain !! I now have horrible lizard tongue - have corsydl to help it. Blood to be retested on Thursday as white cells may be low hence lizard tongue. I have the last chemo due on 28th July- hope it doesn’t get postponed. I am so nearly there now. happy birthday Ruby for tomorrow.

Love to everyone on this thread.

Rach xxx

Hi BC babes!

Hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunshine (I say lovely but I am not one who likes the heat myself)

Did you have a good birthday Ruby? Glad you had such a fab celebration, Shona, sounds great. I am sure when I go back to work properly I will find it tiring too. I expect your garden is really lovely now. How are you, Dilys? Any plans or having a bit of a break over the summer? Rachy good luck for LAST chemo tomorrow…hooray. Hope Maddy is Ok too.

I am halfway through rads, we get it in 15 doses up here, I presume higher doses then? So…just got 7 rads to go, I finish on 6th August, which is my birthday, what a gift to finally finish! Boob Ok so far, touch wood, but the worst time still to come. The end is in sight! I am still working at home, as much of my work can be done here but it is such a pain going to the hospital each day, it takes nearly 4 hours out of the day including travel.

Love to all

Louise xx

Hi Louise

Lovely to hear from you and those rads will race past. I am fine. Just spent the day with my sister in law, step daughter and two grand children. Just wonderful. And came home to the news that I have a new baby cousin - welcome to Thomas Edward!.. Am still working at going back to work. Serious stuff this cv writing. I am back on parade this next Wednesday to get my weedy cv looked at.

Otherwise all is well. Looking forward to Corfu in September and then I MUST bring in some money!!!

Much love to all


Glad all is progressing well Dilys. Many congrats on your newborn cousin, what lovely news! You will be really looking forward to your holiday. We go to Malta at the end of October so that is a beacon shining down the tunnel of radiotherapy for me. I am sure your CV is fine, you just had to take some time out in the last year or so, just think how many people have donkeys years at home if they have small children etc…Good luck anyway

Love Louise x

Hi all just a quick one between packing and ironing.

Hope everyone is well and getting over chemo and rads now,

I am finally off to Italy tomorrow. It was my target when I got DX to go on this holiday come what may and hereit is already.

Woo Hoo!!!
Love to all, I pop in here so little now but always have a scout round for you all. Oh andmy friends baby news was a little girl, Neve Elizabeth. She is lovely…but thats an understatement.

Shonagh xxx

Hi Shonagh

How lovely to hear from you. Enjoy Italy my love and have a great time. We are off week after next to Corfu. Minding the rads!!! Louise will be away at the same time.

Much love and thanks for getting in touch.
