Love the quote Heidi…glad you are feeling a bit better today!
All the best Lenny…{{hugs}}}
Love the quote Heidi…glad you are feeling a bit better today!
All the best Lenny…{{hugs}}}
Just to let you know that I had a text from Lenny this afternoon and she had just eaten cherry pie and custard !
She said could I let you all know that she loves her new boob and cleavage and she also sends her love to you all.
Hope everyone else is doing ok. The sun was shining this afternoon and I decided to go for a little stroll but the next thing it started raining - it’s not as if I can run for cover either !!
Just wondering how long it takes for the wounds to stop oozing a bit. I’ve got one bit on my tummy and a couple around the boob although not too bad. I had a flappy bit under my arm after mastectomy which the PS removed so I have a scar running up from the boob to my armpit and that still hasn’t closed up completely 4 weeks later. I suppose it is because of all the arm movement.
My son and husband left home this morning and about 15 mins later I could hear noises downstairs. I stood at the top of the stairs looking down into the hall where my cat was frolicking about. The next thing he tossed a mouse into the air ! Luckily it was dead by then as I couldn’t manage chasing a live one around the house !!!
Sarah …don’t think chasing mice around counts as your excercises. I can just visualise it ! hahahahah…hope your cat took it out in the end!!
Thats great news about Lenny…the only thing I remember eating was a sandwich here and there, nothing else provided. So glad she is feeling the ‘I’ve got two boobs and I’m loving it’ feeling! If you get in touch with Lenny …tell her we’re all thinking of her and to take it real easy!!!
Thats the thing though isn’t it…I find if I’m crossing a road, I’m much slower than usual…can’t run or go faster…gives you an idea what its gonna be like when we’re older lol
You take good care of yourself too Sarah. Are ‘they’ keeping an eye on your wounds…hope so. I was lucky…I’m a good healer, no real problems.
Thanks for letting us know Sarah. It means your cat loves when they bring you a present(mouse) bet you got a right shock!!
Well girls got good news today go in for my op next Thursday!! absolutely over the moon!! Hope your all ok today Helen2XX
Oh Helen thats just great news…made up for you. Bet you’re pretty excited about doing this next step…and completing what you started …must seem like ages ago!
Do you go in on Wednesday…or Thursday morning? and how long will you be in?
Hi Helen,
So glad you have a new date and don’t have to wait too long. I don’t know if you saw my post but I got cancelled again this afternoon - I am still fuming!! Apparently I am now going in on the 30th June and will - allegedly - be operated on the next day. I’ll believe it when it happens.
But I’m delighted to read your good news and hope all goes well for you.
Tracy xxx
Sarah, thats brilliant news about Lenny, thanks for letting us know, and send her cyber hugs - cherry pie and custard (amazing). You keep an eye on those ozzy bits - my PS did say that I might open up a bit with the haematoma, but up to now all ok. I took ages to heal totally after my mastectomy, over two months, but should have asked for help earlier, as nurses eventually dressed it with seaweed!! and it healed virtually overnight - so do see if they can help you.
All systems go for next Thursday Helen2 - all the best.
Helen (nell) hiya, feeling like I’m really getting there now, just not able to do heavy things and if I sit too long tummy feels very tight, but walking, using indoor bike and now wanting to start swimming, so all ok. Went to look (briefly) for outfit for daughter’s up and coming wedding and felt so pleased with cleavage, and because of flat stomach tried something on that was extremely fitted, and was gutted that one boob hung lower than the other!!
Will need to get a good bra (how do I get measured?) can you imagine the woman’s face in M&S when she sees my belly boob!! heehee.
Cheers everyone.
Anne x
Hi Anne I was wondering the same thing about getting measured. My origninal boob hangs lower than the other…are there special places where you can get measured…maybe theres a market for reconstruction bras etc.
Great to hear you feeling so good. An indoor bike no less…impressed. You are going to be so happy to be the snappiest mum at the wedding ever! You go girl!
I’ve been lying in more these past few days…feeling more tired again…its not like I’m doing much…aha maybe thats it, not doing enough, my metabolism must be slowing down. Right more excercise and stuff to do tomorrow!
Good luck with your outfit hunting. When is the wedding?
Tracey…thats absolute rubbish news for you…isn’t this the 2nd time. What are they playing at??
catch ya later
{{gentle hugs to Lenny}} and a Yipee!! for Helen
Hi everyone!
Great to hear that Lenny is thrilled with the op!
Its so great that we are all at different stages and can give advice and then support when been through different stages.
Must admit, still not up on all your abbreviations!!
If I am having an implant under the chest muscle, and then skin and muscle from my back - what is that called as an abbreviation! Am so confused with who has had or will have op same as mine. They are not sure where they are taking my skin and muscle graft from yet as for the first time in my life i have been told I am too thin for something as there is no excess fat/skin on my back or tummy! Not sure what they will do.
We are off to London tomorrow for the weekend with the kids. Saved up our tesco clubcard vouchers for the last year and it has paid for a novotel for 2 nights. The children are very excited as they have only been to london once before. It will be good to have a bit of a break.
I apologise for not remembering all your names, promise i will do so as time goes on!
I found a blue tits head in my trainer once that my cat left me - YUK!
Lots of love to you all, take it steady all of you, listen to your body and if it tells you to take it slower then do so!
Hides xxxx
ps. I am being sent privately for my op - did/is anyone else get sent privately? xx
Hi Heidi,
The op you are having is the LD flap, I’m hoping to have the same one soon (have been cancelled twice).
Have a lovely weekend in London, the weather is supposed to be really nice Sat and Sun. It’s a fantastic city and I am lucky enough a short tube journey away (when they’re running!!)
All the best,
Oh Tracy i am so upset for you how can they do this to you again!! it is disgusting dont know what else to say! sooo sorry.
I am trying not to get all excited again incase something goes wrong!
Heidi i have had Ld recon in november the same as your having so feel free to ask me anything you need to know and it wont be long before Tracy can help you out too when she has had hers!
Good news about lenny she seems to be doing well.
Helen,anne sarah sarah christina hope your all staring to feel better. I use to work for m&s as a bra fitter so any advice feel free to ask! Love to all Helen2XX
Morning all…Helen you seem brighter, thats great! And a bra fitter to boot! Are you in proper bras yet and if so how did you get measured. Think mine and Annes boob are still at the settling in stage…but not far off getting a real ‘grown up’ bra teehee!
Heidi…have a lovely time in London. The weather looks like its going to be good …fingers crossed.My recon was on the NHS. They only started offering immediate recon this last 12months or so.
Tracy fingers and all crossed they don’t cancel again. They can’t do …morally!!!
Morning …Anne, Sarah, Christina, Sarah …have a good one
{{gentle hugs}} to Lenny…hope you are continuing to recover and eating well.
Hi Helen. We have the same problem, one hung low!. Have talked to the BCN who recommends buying a bra that fits the bigger boob then padding other side with “chicken fillets” - all good fun, and still better than that rotten prothesis. The big day is August bank holiday so still some time to find an outfit. Trouble is that now I have a lovely flat stomach, my legs look huge - when I have the left side lifted, maybe they could do something with my thighs, … and then there’s the scraggy neck…
You listen to your body, if you need rest, go for it. I’m lucky with the bike, its a sit down job and was my daughter’s, I’m babysitting it, much to hubby’s disgust, it takes up too much room in the lounge, but I need to watch TV when I’m peddling.
Helen, a bra fitter, wish there were more out there that have been through this, maybe we should all take it up. I just couldn’t bear to go and be fitted, especially with a mastectomy scar.
Heidi, I am with BUPA and have been treated privately, please feel free to ask any questions. Have a good time in the City - the Eye is brilliant if you get a chance.
Thinking of you Tracy, still can’t believe it, are you still having it at Broomfield?
Sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone.
Anne x
Hi Anne,
I am still going to the Broomfield, but I’ve no doubt it will be under siege by aliens from a distant galaxy or something like that the night before I am due to go in for my op - I hope they don’t take Mr. Dwiezulski away in their spaceship, I couldn’t bare to have to go back down to the bottom of the waiting list for a different surgeon!
I now have a new date, 30th June. I got a letter today - which was a lot sooner than I anticipated, I had to wait 5 weeks for any kind of acknowledgement last time.
Helen, I hope all goes well for you next week - I shall be thinking of you. Shame we don’t all live close by we could visit you in hospital you en masse!!
A fab weekend to you all,
Tracy xxxxxxxxxx
Hi there all sunshine again at last lets hope it stays for a while.
Helen i am in proper bras now and they are underwired! I am able to measure myself which is handy. Haven’t spent alot on bras because of my forth coming op. They now measure band size but not cup anymore you have to guess the cup size! sounds strange but they say you have to be fit to a certain bra as they are all different shapes and of course so are our boobs! By getting the band size you measure then if its an even number add 4 and if its an odd number add 5 and that is a rough guild to your band size. Hope this helps very hard to put into words! Have a nice weekend all Love HelenXX
Must of crossed you Tracy!! yes it is a shame! thankyou so much. Im sure things are going to happen for you this time!! take care HelenXX
Looks like we are in for sunshine this weekend - hurrah !
Sent Lenny a text this morning but haven’t heard back from her so hope she’s ok.
Went to my GP this morning to get sick note for work and she has given me antibiotics as she said the oozey bits probably won’t heal without them - probably slight infection.
Helen - how many weeks were you before getting into wired bras ?
Have a good weekend everyone
Oh no sarah hope the antibiotics clear it! yes the sun certainly makes you feel better. It was 3 months ago and had my Ld end of November last year so was about March do look forward to taking it off though!! Hope the sun keeps shining for you. Love Helen2XX
Morning all…its lovely here again…hope it keeps up, makes you feel better. Helen not long to go now…my fingers are so crossed!
Is it an overnight thing, sorry if I’ve asked that…can’t keep up always. Tracy not that long for you now too…again fingers crossed…
Lenny hope you continue to recover well…you will probably be out anyday soon…all being well. Can’t believe you’ve got it over with…now comes the recovery part…so be easy on yourself!!
Hi Anne, Christina, Sarah, Sarah and Heidi…hope you are enjoying the sun too. Heidi chose the right weekend to go to London!!
take care all