DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Good Morning!

Have just returned from a lovely stroll over the park with the pooch, had to fish him out of the lake after he fell in - he’s a year old Yorkie and couldnt climb out himself, still saves bathing him!

Helen - I’ll be thinking of you this week, so pleased you didn’t have to wait long.

I’m more positive that I will go in for definate on the 30th June, I was due to go on a lovely boat trip up the Thames from Tilbury to Chelsea Harbour on the 2nd July but will have to cancel now.

Hope you all have a lovely day, I’m off to Connaught Waters with my tribe later for another long walk.

Love to you all,

Tracy xxxxxxxx

What a fab weekend!

We went to harrods on friday night, and talk about right place at right time - al fayed walked out of a door, approached us, shook our hands and chatted to us and my 2 kids, gave them a lollipop and had a picture taken with us - he was a really nice man!

Then on saturday morning we decided to show the kids Buckingham Palace, not realising it was trooping of the colour, found a front row position and ten minutes later saw the queen and prince william!

Did the dungeon, and london eye, rainforest cafe, covent garden, piccadilly, all the main stuff. We are all absolutely shattered but break has done us all an immense amount of good.

I have to go away with work tomorrow for a few days so will post a note later in the week to you all. Enjoy the sunny weather. PS - are any of you on facebook??

Hides xxxx

Heidi - you picked the best weekend to go to London obviously. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.

Lenny had sicky day on Friday but ok yesterday. Then had a sicky night last night. Feels better now though and very happy as had a hair wash ! It’s funny that she has the same nurses looking after her as I had.

Gorgeous weather. Made my husband take me out yesterday to our local shops so managed a slow walk around them. Then last night I treated Steve and my son to a meal out at the Trout pub outside Oxford - it’s by the river and was featured in Morse. It was nice to go out.
My trip out today was to Sainsburys for a capuccino and pannini and then we were going to the garden centre but after having a nose around the clothes and stopping to chat to a friend my tummy had had enough and wanted to go home ! Keep thinking it is 4 1/2 weeks and I should be stronger but I think I must stop being impatient !

Heidi - I’m on Facebook. Will send my email to you on PM so that you can find me.


oh my god Heidi you have been mixing with the stars this weekend! so glad you had a nice break. Well Tracy its strange but i also feel its going to really happen for us this time!! Helen think i will only be in one night 2 at the most if its up to me will be home the same day!! Dog sitting for my parents 2 weeks after op they have 2 westies and they are very spoilt so need to get fit and healthy for that and i have to even cook them meals! chicken, pasta, rice etc and i get the left overs!! lets hope the sun lasts love to all HelenXX 4 sleeps to go!!!

Hi all…what a fantastic weekend Heidi…Helen bet you are raring to go…Sarah thanks for the update on Lenny…she’ll be ‘out’ soon. I couldn’t wait to wash my hair…first thing I did when I came home.

Sarah…I think its hard to be patient, you can walk about so you do do, but the energy levels don’t live up to the mobility level. I still get very stiff if I sit for any length of time…which I find annoying now that my energy levels are up as well. So patience is something we have to have…sigh… But I found at week 6/7 things seemed to pick up for me…give it a couple more weeks and rest when you have to.

Anne, Christina, Tracy hope the weather where you are is as nice as it is here…ooops the sun has just gone in…won’t tempt fate anymore.
Anne when do you next see your ps?
catch ya later

Hi all, Lenny should be back with us soon hope your recovering well.
Helen im all set for action and counting down the days! Hope everyone is ok Love Helen2XX

Hi all.
Text from Lenny this morning and she was coming home at 11.30 today.

I think I’m getting used to all this sitting around - going to be tough when it’s time to go back to work !
Hope it’s sunny where you are

Thats good news Sarah…thanks for the info. If you are up and about Lenny…which I’ll be surprised at…take it really easy and sleep when you have to, and excercise too…says me who forgets most days heheheheeh
How are things doing with you Sarah? You’ll get there!
OOOOh Helen one more home day and then thats you off too…not long.
Hi anne … I have a bone density scan tomorrow…routine…because of the arimidex…but on Friday I see my onc.Think he will have to drain fluid again…its got really hard now! How are you doing love?

Hi Christina, Heidi, Tracy…hope your day is great!!

take care all

Hi Everbody

Welcome home Lenny look forward to hearing all about it and good luck Helen2, not long now. Sounds like you had an amazing weekend in London Heidi that will take some beating.

Hi Helen, good luck with the bone density, I have those as Im on Femara. How often do you have to have them? My tummy seems really strange, soft and squidgy in places and rock hard in others. Boob is gradually settling, still can’t sleep on my side, but getting better, do know it if I try too much, gardenening and shopping yesterday was definitely too much, ache some today but on the whole improving gradually. Wonder if you’ll be drained again? that sounds really awful when you read it back! Whatever they do I hope it makes you more comfortable.

Had my heart check this week, all ok, so another box ticked (my heart had reaction to chemo) so no reason to not get on my bike a bit more often. Do want to start swimming again, but keep forgetting to ask BCN - anyone out there know when you can keep soggy for any length of time after recon??

Hello to Sarah, Tracy, Christina, sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone.
Anne x

Hello hope your all ok today,
Lenny hope you are home and doing ok and resting lots! and most of all hope you are happy with the result so far. Thanks all for your good wishes had an upset tummy today think its excitement!! Helen hope the bone dencity scan goes ok i had one in Feb showed thinning of bones so they have changed me back to tamoxifen from arimidex! have to have another in two years. Hope it also goes ok friday and he makes you feel more comfortable. Anne dont be doing too much!
Let you know when i get home love to allXX

All the best Helen…catch ya when you come back…{{hugs}}

Hi ladies,

Hope you all had a lovely day, what beautiful weather! Not much fun being stuck in the window though as it’s like working in a green house*.

I got myself a parking ticket today, which was very annoying, but typical of my luck! I honestly think if it wasn’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck at all. I’ve contested it so hopefully they will cancel the blooming thing.

Helen, good luck - not long now!!! We’ll miss you on the forums while you’re in hospital - can’t you take a lap top in?!!

Love to you all,

Tracy xxx

*I just realised that sounded a bit odd, I am a visual merchandiser which is why I was in the window.

Morning all…thought you might be a window dresser Tracy…is that the same? bummer about the parking ticket though. Good luck Helen…all ‘batting’ for you. Have a nice day all. Its pretty cloudy here though!
Anne did you have a SNB at any time…it just dawned on me in the early hours…as it does…that this 3 inch hard tissue in my breast, could be a result of the small bit of radiation they put in me to ‘find’ the sentinel node during my first op, it leads to the axillary scar… if so it might be a permanent thing…hope not its a bit tender now.

Have a good day all

hi everyone,

i’m back!!got home yesterday before miday and vegged for the rest of the day, can’t believe how tired i was.

just been reading all your poasts and thanks for all the cyber hugs, well wishes etc. especially thanks to sarah for keeping in touch with me… just think we could have worn the same pink nightie!!! now there’s a thought.

first things first, i hope i’ve caught you before you go for the op helen… this one is plain sailing, i had upset tummy right up to the day of mine and i’m certain now it was anxiety… you’ll be home soon all done and dusted… lots o love.

just thinking, this time last week i was in op. theatre… didn’t get admitted night before as there was no bed but was so relieved that op wasn’t actually cancelled. all went well i think i was boringly easy (i knew my lovely pear shape figure would come in useful one day) came round from anesthetic with hardly any probs… but she did say the next couple of days could be worse and they were.
took a bit of getting used to all attachments and bed baths etc, especially when i couldn’t get back up the bed and 3 nurses had to slide me on the sheet back up! the most exciting thing was when my dupla (no idea how to write that) machine broke sat/sun night. i then had a series of drs including the on call consultant to check if my new boob was still ok… it was and is…
i’ve kept the best to last… the new boob, so cool, how do they do it? sarah i think we have a wonderful surgeon! saw him yesterday and i couldn’t stop smiling. i keep looking at it and flashing it, my son had to remind me that he is my son and it is not cool to look at mums boobs!! it’s just so natural looking, can’t wait to have the other one adjusted and what about the belly button? somewhere in all the info i missed the bit that said he would build a new one, incredible!
my stomach has never been this flat in living memory, in short i’m sooo pleased i had this op it is the most positive thing that has happened since i was diagnosed.

now the down side is the pain… when does it start to get less, how anyone has a tummy tuck cosmetically i don’t know. and any tips on how to sleep would really be gratefully received

tracy and heidi hold on, your turn will come and it is so worth the wait. sarah hope the oozing is better, helen and anne hope you are having a good day…christina haven’t heard from you for ages are you ok?

well must shut up now, how can you tell i’m half irish? good to be home and back connected with you all,

lots of love,


Hi Lenny

Welcome back, glad you’re pleased with the results - its amazing isn’t it? I never would of imagined just how thrilled I am, how its made a huge difference to my confidence and how brilliant the surgeons are.

It is a bit of an experience those first few days isn’t it, but what the heck, its like giving birth a bit, absolutely worth it all.

The pain got better about two to three weeks in, do you have a corset to hold it all in? If not “hold it all in big knickers” really help. Re sleep, its the pits if you normally sleep on your front - I’m still on my back but thats due to my heamatoma, I’m sure Helen in sleeping on her side again by now. A V shaped pillow was a boom for me - bought it from ebay.

Just you take it easy, so tempting to try to do things when you get back, but don’t, give yourself a few more weeks and let the family run around and pamper you for a while.

Nice to have you back.
Anne x

Hi Lenny so great to have you back…bet you’ve had an ear to ear smile on your face since the op!!! As Anne says take it easy these first few weeks…let others run round after you…I do sleep on my side now and its great, have done for a few weeks!!Clever surgeons eh!..Both breast and tummy will take a few weeks to ‘settle down’, but all is good. Have you come home with a drain Lenny?
Enjoy your two boobs…you’ve waited long enough so enjoy them now.
Nice to look down and see a cleavage isn’t it…

Take it easy now and sleep whenever you need to…you will feel tired …
catch ya later

ps …I didn’t know about my tummy button until the first check up, it just felt strange and a bit higher up than normal, makes you wonder what else they do while you’re under…heheheheehe

Hi all. Just to let you all know i am back.

I have been to nEwcastle for the last 10 days looking after my son and sorting his flat out since his gf left. I cried most of the way home after leaving him. They are alwaays your baby aren’t they and its awful to leave them alone 200 miles away.

Went to hospital yesterday for my first pump up and it was so weird. Felt like i had a football on my chest watching it get bigger as the consultant put the fluid in.

I am now nearly pain free and i wake up every morning feeling so confident and happy at my new boob.It really is a miracle what these fantastic Drs perform on us. God Bless every singl one of them

Lenny fantastic you are home and happy, well done you.Helen have you had your second op yet?

Hope everyone else is blooming with their boobies and as Anne so rightly said it is just like giving birth, they even look like a babies bald head!!!

Hi all

Lenny - great to have you back - you sound thrilled with the results, it makes me even more excited about mine - 6 and a half weeks to go!!! Are you still in a lot of pain? Have they given you strong pain killers to come home with? Which hurts more? The boob or the tummy?? Hope you manage to take it easy and that everyone is looking after you. How long are you taking off of work?

I have had a very busy week at work, but have tomorrow off thank goodness. Am getting my nails done first thing and then have to tackle the housework as nothing has been done for a week! Nothing much planned this weekend, hoping for sunny weather again.

Lots of love to you all

hides xxx

Hi all
Lenny- I took 2 paracetamol 4 times a day for about a week after I came home. Then gradually reduced them so now I just take 2 at night (5 weeks after op)and I could possibly do without them. Last week on some days I took 2 early evening because after being for a walk my tum was really stiff so I dosed myself up.
As for sleeping - when I first came home I always woke at about 4 or 5 and took tablets. Have you put pillows under your knees ? I have gradually reduced those as well but still have to sleep on my back - so now rather than tummy pain waking me it is backache !!
Hope you have all your boys looking after you. My son was on tea and coffee duty.

I have had lots of friends coming to visit me and find it funny that I am so ready to flash my boob at them (and the flat tum) - still find it so amazing that my tummy is now my boob.

Hope everyone is well.

Had another present from my cat today - dead mouse.


Hi all. It is so good to read your posting Lenny. You sound so chuffed to bits with your new boobie and rightly so.
It does take it out of you in many more ways then you realise i think. But then you look down and see that cleavage and it is wonderful.

I am virtually pain free now nearly 6 weeks since op. I can’t believe how quick the time flies by. Especailly given the nervous wreck i was just before it. Sorry Ladies, i know i was terrible bag of nerves.

Heidi, the time will fly by till you are waking up after your op, looking down and having the beaming smile that only us brave lot are entitled to.Makes everything worthwhile.

I feel ready to return to work now, pity i no longer have a job to return to but i am starting to look.