DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Hi everyone.

I’m off to sunny (I hope) Spain in the morning until Wednesday for a much needed break. I have checked with my BCN that its ok to go swimming in pool and sea so looking forward to that. Have been trying on some tankinis and my belly button’s not where it used to be!!

Helen - I haven’t had a SNB, some were taken first time round and then the rest went after that, but my BCN did say that the blood vessel connection for the recon went from under the arm, so maybe yours did too. Thats the one place I get tender if I do any lifting - went supermarket earlier in week and really must of done too much cos it became hard/swollen and sore again for a couple of days, settling again now.

Hope you all have a good week, rest up those that need to and look forward to catching up with you again later.

Anne x

Have a great break Anne, hope the sun shines for you and you enjoy tanning your new boobs.

Look forward to hearing how it was when you get back.

Safe Journey

Christina xx

Have a fantastic time Anne…what a good idea…show those boobs to advantage and flaunt them girl!!
Hope all are feeling fine…Lenny hope your 1st weeks recovery …is coming along nicely!!

Oh the surgeon thinks the hardness is necrosis…a damaged lump of fatty tissue…he looked disappointed but said it should ‘melt’ away in time. But just to be 100% sure he’s sending me for an ultra sound!

Enjoy the weekend all

hi everyone,

so good to hear all your news… so jealous of you anne - spain is one of my favourite places, do you need an interpreter, i speak spanish!!

heidi, you sound good… yes i am in pain and no i’m not sleeping well but all in good time. i do have strong pain killers as i have a bad back. it is definately the tummy that hurts most, no real pain around my new boob. i am being looked after really well.

thank you for all the advice sarah, it was good to talk tonight. christina i’m sure something will come out good eventually on the job front… in the mean time you deserve some me time! and i’m sorry about your son… you know what they say ’ the only way is up!’

helen i’m sure the surgeon is right and the ultra sound will just make you doubly sure…

ooh my big news today has nothing to do with boobs… we just got the keys to our new house!!! so just the minor problem of moving now… hey ho,

have a great weekend everyone,

lots o love,


Hi Lenny, good to hear you sounding so cheerful so soon after your big op.

I know it is hard when you have to sleep on your front and the pain is wearing but 6 weeks on i am almost pain free and just about sleeping on my left side again. That feels so good.You will get there to just be patient with yourself.

Congrats on moving, wish i could persuade my husband to. We live in a 5 bed and there is only the 2 of us. Seems mad to me but hey ho!!

Thanks for your words re me having some me time. I know its true but at the moment so concerned about son still with him being so far away and alone.I know i have to let him grow up but i can’t bear thought of him being lonely.

Anyone got any tips on how i persuade my hubby to take me abroad? After 30 years of trying maybe its time to admit defeat though i would love to show my new boobie off to the sun.

Hi mounties!!!

Just go and book the holiday and then tell him!!!


Morning all…Heidi, good advice!!! Is it because he doesn’t like flying Christina? And it doesn’t matter how old they get, children are still your babies, just more grown up! So understand how you feel Christina!

Lenny you sound real ‘perky’, great stuff. Moving house! Congratulations…I assume its happening soon if you have the keys. Let others do the fetching and carrying…you do the supervising!!
Take care not to overdo it! Rest up even if its on the sofa as they are moving it! lol hehehehe

Helen…hope all is going well with you love, look forward to ‘hearing’ from you.

Have a lovely day all

Hi there girls, Im back its over at last it looks fantastic!! thought it wasn’t going to happen when i got to the hospital there was no bed for me! waited all morning sat in the day room feeling so alone thinking i was going to be sent home was so upset!! got a bed at lunch time then finally went for op at 3.30 was so hungary and thirsty! Strange but it has been so painful do not understand why! guess what girls i fainted in the toilets on thursday night think it must have been the lack of food and the anesthetic.
Feel bit better today thank god helen2xxx

Hi there Helen…was thinking about you earlier and wondering how things were.You sound full of positiveness (mmmm is that a word?).
Great to here how pleased you are. Not so good with the fainting bit! did you hurt yourself !! Bet you you stuffed yourself once you got home…hospital food is not all that!!
Take it easy now , no running or dancing for a bit hehehehehehe…

take care all

hi everyone,

so good to hear your op is over and done with helen and you’re home safe and sound. christina hope you get your man abroad, why not try a long weekend somewhere that has something he is into… eg football - barcelona has the most amazing football stadium that you can visit and you can always go to europe by train!! sarah hope you’re still progressing well. anne are you back from your trip to spain yet ?.. not jealous at all. helen (nell) you are so good at keeping our spirits up… thank you. heidi enjoy these balmy summer days before you have your op.

i am progessing slowly…too slowly! had an unexpected trip to hosp yesterday, as my tummy wound is weeping, yuk! got to dress it everyday, don’t like things like that. mother and brother in law arriving today to help with sorting new house… not sure if it is a blessing, we don’t always see eye to eye!! the house is really exciting, we have been trying to move since the beginning of last year and now it is going to happen. yes i will be directing everyone but that is also what my mum in law likes doing…we hope to move at the end of july, hey ho.

well have a great day all of you,

lots of love,


Hi Helen 2, so glad your op is behind you. What a relief it must be to know that is it now no more men in masks. The food in hospital does leave a lot to be desired. What ever happened to these chefs they were paying to funk it up a bit?

Lenny you sound brilliant so soon afer such major surgery, as everyone else has said just take it easy. I know us women get very impatient and feel guilty letting everyone run round after us but we do enough of it when we are well, so make the most of it. Good luck with moving. Whereabouts in the country are you?

Thank you for all the tips on getting husband abroad but as neither of us have passports be very difficult to take him. He refuses to get a passport as he has no interest in seeing the rest of the world and what it has to offer. A very selfish man in that area unfortunately. He did fly over 30 years ago, didn’t enjoy the experience so refuses to do it again. So looks like Norfolk again this year. I could always get a job as a tour guide been there that often. lol.

Heidi, not long now. Are you getting excited or more nervous?

I went to my Gp yesterday and he was fascinated by my recon said he had never seen one before and couldn’t stop touching my new boobie and going on about me being bra less !! Not sure what effect it was having on him.

Oh the vision of your doc poking and prodding your breast Christina, a gem heheheheh. The medical staff are fascinated though aren’t they? When I was in hospital, visiting medical staff would come and have a glimpse and a prod…you get used to pulling up your clothes for just about anyone…mmmmmmmmm, does that make us ‘flashers’.
Shame about the holiday Christina but Norfolk is nice and flat as well, which might be a bonus when you are walking long ways.

Lenny…sorry to hear about your oozing wound…hope it takes a turn for the better soon!! So not moving till the end of July eh! Well that gives you a bit more time to relax and recover. And even then you might just want to be the coffee/teamaker and sit and direct. take it easy!!

Yep I bet you’re getting all excited now Heidi…not too long to wait!!
Hope you’re enjoying your hols Anne, Hi to Sarah,Tracy and Helen…take it easy too love, have a good day all.


Hello girls, feeling good today got a more supportive bra that holds me in the right places, all this talk about holidays makes me really want to go somewhere! but dont think that is going to happen this year! glad to hear your all doing so well lenny hope the oozing wound gets better soon. Helen did you get your bone dencity result. Christina just tell him if he wont go with you then you will go with
out him!! Not long for heidi and tracy, tracy will be thinking of you next week hope your ok. hope Anne is having a lovely holiday and sarah hope your doing ok take care all love Helen2XX

Hi all

OOh, Lenny, an oozy wound, why is it oozing? You sound very upbeat, it must be very stressful having a move admist all of this, I suggest a large glass of chilled white wine as often as possible!
Hearing about all your ops makes me feel soooooooooooo excited! 5 weeks 5 days to go!! whooooooooooppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Mounties - sounds like Norfolk is not top of your list of paradise places! If its going to be Norfolk, i reckon you should book THE most luxurious and restful hotel you can find with all sorts of pampering treats, you deserve it. Actually - we all do!!! If my numbers come up on the lotto this week I promise I will take us all! (not if i only win a tenner tho) lol.

Lots of love to all of you!!!

Ps, what a load of rubbish on the tele tonight.

Hides xx

What a great bunch you all are on here. Definitely worth having recon just to get to know all of you.

Heidi i will be watching this site with baited breath after Saturdays lotto results waiting for u to ring to say what time the flight to paradise is. Good luck with the lotto numbers. Not long for you now is it till your b day (b + boob), hope you are feeling confident and excited at the prospect. Did you get your childcare sorted for the school hols?

Anne are you back from your spanish break yet? Hope it was everything you deserved it to be.

I went to see plastic surgeon yesterday for another expansion, told him about how excited the Gp got at feeling my new boob and he had a good laugh at it too.He is hoping to do 3 more expansions then second op in August.Really looking forward at being evened up again.

At least if second op is August i can have good reason not to go on hols this year.So no more Norfolk yippee.

Lenny hope you are ok and wound is drying up. It is such a confusing time isn’t it when you don’t know whats right or wrong.

Wow Christina…thats fast work…getting levelled up super quick…great stuff. Will you be getting a new nipple or do you have one…not sure now. And your other breast is the one thats the surgeons altering? Have I got the wrong end of the stick!!I’m asking because my surgeon hasn’t discussed any of this yet! Mind we did have different ops. You mean you really really don’t want to go to Norfolk!!! lol :slight_smile:

Hey Heidi…not counting the days down then heheehehe 5wks and days, it will go pretty quickly…especially if the weather keeps good, you can enjoy the best of it then have the op. Fingers crossed for the lotto then!!!
Hi Helen…you sound real ‘perky’, great stuff!!You get off somewhere, even if its in ‘bits’, do you the world of good. How is the op holding up? The bone density results will only be given to me if there is something wrong. I can choose to ring bcn up. But this time I’ll leave it up to them. I’ll receive results when I get my 4 month check up with them anyway.

Don’t forget to bring rock back Anne heheehe
Lenny take care and pamper away…you’ve got great weather to recuperate…take it easy!!
Hope all is ok with Tracy and Sarah too.

Right going to catch some more rays…can only do it in bits…it gets too hot for me…sigh…

catch ya later

ok girls. all pick a number each and i will put them on the lotto saturday night and see if we can come up with winning numbers between us all!!!


Morning all…I would choose 13 Heidi…its just got to be lucky sometime hasn’t it?
Have a good day all

Heidi - I’ll choose 9 please !

Happiness is wearing a v-neck top and not having to worry when you lean forward ! Think of the shopping sprees we can go on when we win the lottery.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine - I think it is disappearing for the weekend. We are having a family party for my father in-law’s 80th birthday on Sunday eating out but then everybody is coming back to our house for cake. I will be delegating the teas to someone else !

Drove my car for the first time yesterday (6 weeks) just up to our local shops and it felt good to get a bit of independance again.

Lenny - hope the oozing is slowing down. I had a few oozy places for several weeks and one bit of my tummy scar has taken until this week to finally dry up.

Question for those that have had op. I have a light red area, slightly puffy, spreading from the outer edge of boob ,under my armpit and round a couple of inches on my back. It’s not sore, no open wound so don’t think it is an infection. Could it be a build up of fluid or would that be more recognisable ? Any advice gratefully received.

Finally we booked our flights to Spain on Tuesday for the 3rd August. Just hoping I can walk pain free by then…

Love to everybody

Could i have number 39 please if there is still one going spare. Always thought of it being my lucky number and could certainly do with some good luck now.