Ola everybody - I’m back home and have been reading all your chats - its brilliant, feel like we really know each other and firstly the most important:
No 36 Heidi for me please - my age (I can dream!)
Hope you’re all enjoying this brilliant weather, must admit its nice to come home to. My break in Spain was absolutely brill. Did virtually nothing but relax, eat and drink. Saying that I did try swimming, bit of a joke really, forgot that one arm hasn’t had much use and wouldn’t propel me along so hubby had to do his baywatch bit and save me. After a couple of days trying I was able to do about half a width so now must get to the pool at home to keep it going. Sooooo nice not to have that hot sticky prothesis, those of you you’ve had them know what its like when you’re in a wet cossy and it droops everytime you bend and not worrying if someone can see your scar all the time was just amazing.
Lenny - moving house? You practice your delegating skills girl, no lifting anything too heavy and hows the tummy?
Christina - real shame about the holiday thing - can’t you organise a girls weekend away when you’re all done and dusted to celebrate?
Helen2 - glad to hear you’re home and all went ok.
Sarah - that puffy, red area - I have it. As long as its not hot to touch, very red or painful I wouldn’t worry. I had the exact same thing after mastectomy and to be honest the more I exercised the better it was, just keep an eye on it. How many weeks will you be by your Spain trip?
Helen - when’s your ultrasound? I’m got a bit like that around my belly button, which I must admit no-one has ever looked at, nor my stomach scar either. I’ll get it checked in August I suppose when I see him again.
Apologies if I’ve forgotten anyone - saying that, Tracy are you out there?
Enjoy the tennis everyone, Murray on soon, time to put feet up (again!). hehe.
Glad you had a lovely, relaxing break - sounds idyllic!!
I’m getting myself psyched up for next week, I’m going in on Tuesday and being operated on on Wednesday (alledgedly!) I am still a bit anxious incase another ‘big emergency’ crops up and I get cancelled for a third time - I’m dreading someone offering my PS free tickets for the centre court at Wimbledon on that very day!!!
I’ve loads to do at work between now and next week, including ordering all my Christmas stuff for the windows so I shall have lots to take my mind off things.
Hope you have a lovely weekend, the weather is supposed to be great.
Helen, Glad you’re home and feeling ok.
Heidi, Can I have no. 23 please (not my age unfortunately!)
Lenny, Christina, Sarah and Helen - hope you’re all well.
Our WINNING numbers so far are 23, 36, 39, 9 13, and I chose number 4. Think I need one more - so Lenny, if you don’t log on in the next day i will chose for you!
Sounds like you had a great holiday in spain, swimming is a great exercise isn’t it? I joined a gym in january to try and combat the weight that i am piling on with tamoxifen, I havent been for 2 weeks so am currently paying out £68 a month for nothing! (Must make the effort to go on my day off tomorrow!)
It is going to drive me nuts if i can’t drive for 6 weeks!! I am a shopoholic - will have to take up internet shopping during my rehabilitation i think!!
Very hot and sticky down my way of the country tonight, shame weather yukky for weekend, am out for a friends birthday tomorrow night for a spot of dancing and wine glugging and then Saturday night there are 9 of us doing a bike pub crawl round our village - should be a giggle.
Lots of love to you all, will buy our WINNING ticket on saturday.
Hi there, Heidi could i have number 21 just my age! i wish.
Not long for you now it will go so quick! is it the Ld recon your having?
Tracy good to hear from you only a few days to go sooo exciting! keep busy and it will be here before you know it.
Lenny hope your still doing well and getting lots of rest.
Helen,sarah and christina hope your enjoying the sunshine lets hope it stays for a bit longer. Love Helen2XX
Hi all, isn’t it sad about Michael Jackson. Can’t beleive he has died so suddenly and so young. Not forgetting Farrah Fawcett of course.
Heidi thanks for doing the lottery, maybe we should start a syndicate where we all take it in turns to buy the winning ticket.Wouldn’t it be a great laugh to win and go on that carribean holiday together. I am sure we would all get on, we know each other so well now. Have a good weekend Heidi, it sounds a fun one.
Tracy, just think this time next week your op will be history and you will be chuffed to bits with your new cleavage. Hope all goes well for you and you let us know you are ok.
Anne, good to have you back and glad you enjoyed your break in the sun. Raining here today, must feel cold to you after the spanish sun.
I know it sounds pathetic but sadly i have no mates to go away with. When i lost my job my so called mates/colleagues went with it.So no chance of a girlie holiday unless i go alone and do a shirley valentine.
Helens x2 hope you are well and life is treating you good. Always good to come on this site and read your postings, always.
Morning all…Tracy not long now…Wednesday will come and go so quickly…after all thats the best bit, you’re asleep…Fingers crossed that this is the lucky three…I’m sure it will go ahead!!
Ola Anne…half a width girl, thats fantastic,it’ll be a length next then the world is your oyster!!! Keep it up now you’ve started! Your hols sound like you did the right thing…pamper, pamper and pamper.Good for you love.I don’t know when my ultrasound is not got the appointment yet…still waiting…and waiting heheheehehe
Lenny how goes it with you. Bet you’re tired and wondering why! Bet you’re impatient to get your body going and do things! We all were, give it time and sleep when you have to…I mean you’ll soon have a house to put in order! It will need all your brain power, and your ability to direct your hands eg ‘yes that goes there…and that goes there…no not there…’ etc heehhehehe
Helen…21 is a good age to be! Don’t change it. How are you doing, well I hope…Are you going anywhere this summer?
Hi Christina…re Shirley Valentine, in the end she had a really good holiday didn’t she,…but perhaps not for ‘real’ life eh! Take care, sounds like your op is doing really well!!
Sarah, I bet it feels great to drive again! It must give you that bit more freedom. I don’t drive! I haven’t been in your position of having to have a prosthetic, but can well appreciate the freedom of not having to wear one now…clever surgeons eh!
Heidi I realise that you aren’t counting down the days but here’s a heads up…5 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS TO GO!!! can’t do the hours…
Fingers completely crossed for the lotto on Saturday!!! Wouldn’t that be just great!!!
Well Anne I’m not going anywhere as exciting as Spain, but I’m tripping off to my sisters caravan again this weekend and a few days next week. So take care of yourselves and I will catch up on the chat towards the end of next week. Tracy…good luck love.
ooooo i just wrote a long post and it’s disappeared! how does that happen?
well time has gone for me so here is shortened version…
heidi if i’m not too late my number is 7… enjoy your events this weekend and shop til you drop… body won’t let you post op.
anne bienvenido a casa… i can’t wait to swim with 2 boobs
tracy enjoy this weeekend… all will be well for wednesday
sarah… driving wow… see you soon i hope. and a hol in spain, not jealous at all!!!
helen (nell) have a wonderful weekend, the weather should be good tomorrow.
helen 2 you don’t say how you are hope you are healing.
christina please remember that you have really good new friends on here and we are genuine… thanks for telling me about micheal jackson.
me… my wound is till yukky and has to be changed daily and still comes thru’. my weekend is busy - my youngest is going away camping today and my eldest has his prom tonight… bow ties the lot… and tomorrow is my nieces 18th… o and yes my lovely new house… you’ll have to come for a bbq when we are in…
my last post was more interesting… but no time now,
have a good weekend all of you enjoy every moment,
Hello everyone, Helen have a lovely break away and get your feet up! not going anywhere this time think i might tag along with you Christina we can do a shirley valentine together!!
Lenny im doing ok haven’t said much about my op because it was such a little one but im healing well just very tender still but it looks so great i am delighted with the result. hope you all have a great weekend catch you all later love Helen2XX
Oh girls, I think I have had the worst day for a long time!!! It even beats getting my op cancelled twice.
I was parking in a disabled space at the supermarket with my Mum, whom is disabled, and next to us was a car with people in it who had no blue badge - I remarked to my Mum that they didn’t look very disabled and I had a mind to report them. Unfortunately they heard and got really nasty. One of them - a woman - followed us into the store and started ranting on and on, called my Mum a silly old cow and let rip, the thing was that she couldn’t make a logical argument and said the most ridiculous things, one being ‘I’m showing you up, everyone’s looking’ she was the one they were looking at because of the shouting. Anyway, I stood my ground but did feel a bit shaken and still do.
I should have kept my remarks to myself I suppose, but it infuriates me when people use disabled spaces that aren’t entitled to and that lot were the straw that broke the donkey’s back.
I am so angry and brooding over it constantly, that I am thinking of going into work tomorrow just to keep my mind on other things.
Glad I’ve got that off my chest, sorry to rant!
Love to you all and let’s hope Heidi’s numbers come up tonight - if they do can I have a loan out to hire a hit man?
oh no Tracy that is awful!! you must of felt so embarrassed i would of been so upset if someone had called my mum that!! unfortunately there are some very ignorant people! please dont let them get you down they are really not worth it! and dont go to work tommorow you need a nice relaxing day will do you good before the operation. Heidi do hope our numbers come up really need a break away!
missing Helens post today hope your having a lovely time. lots of love to you all Helen2XX
watching bruce springstein as i write… can’t imagine having the energy to be in the crowd!!
tracy you should not have to keep your thoughts to yourself… this warped world has the decent, honest and just people thinking they are wrong. you were right and they were wrong and mean and horrible… i agree with helen don’t let them get to you and rob you of quality time before your op… rest tomorrow in the sun.
i take it we didn’t win… o well. i’ve had a nice day on the outside but it is hard sometimes what everyone wants you to be when on the inside you are just not the same…
Feel a whole lot better today, I did go to work after all - I kept brooding over the incident and needed to do something to take my mind off of it, so I got loads done and it will be a lot easier for me tomorrow to finish off the rest of my list of jobs!
Hope you’ve all had a good weekend, looks a bit like a storm is a brewing though!
just wanted you all to know that i went to see surgeon today and he has decided that i have to go in on wednesday to have my tummy wound re-done! it will be day surgery just wish it was all over…
Lenny - oh no!! Think I just somehow reported your comment!!!Don’t know how, thought I pressed submit!! SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! If the mediator person reads this thread i didn’t mean to do it!!
Am all so flustered now that i forgot what i wanted to write - was wishing Lenny and tracy luck!
Oh no Lenny - not want you want to go through. I will try and phone you later or tomorrow.
Sitting in at the moment watching the tennis as I got too hot outside. It’s lovely all this sitting around not doing much but I have discovered a problem when you step onto the scales - the pounds are creeping on !!!
love to all