DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Hi everyone
Hope all are well. Not posted for a couple of weeks as I have had a combination of work,2 funerals,hospital appointments and husband’s op to contend with !!
Last week I had my oncology check up. Just wondering if anyone is in a similar position to me. November 2010 I will have been on Tamoxifen for 5 yrs and thought that I would stop taking them then but the onc said we will have to decide what to do then as they won’t know whether I am still pre menopausal or post menopausal. If post I get the impression I would be given arimidex. She said if on tamox a blood test doesn’t give a correct reading for pre/post menopausal ? I may have to have injections to stop my ovaries working or have them out. Seems neverending…

On Monday I had my PS apptm and I now have to decide whether to have my other boob tweaked and nipple on new boob. He thinks my natural one is a little bit bigger than the new one and then relayed my options. Could have new one made bigger by injecting fat from tum and then lift old one or have old one lifted and made bit smaller! More decisions !
He needs me to measure the difference between them using a freezer bag filled with 200ml of rice,mould around each boob and then somehow by adding or removing rice you get the difference in volume between the 2. Anyone else been told this ? Lenny ?

Helen - hope you are recovering well and will be back on here soon.

Trying to find a date when Lenny,Heidi and me can get together - not easy !

Hope work is going well for those gone back. My brain is just starting to function again !

Love to all

Hi everyone!

Had my first night out with my boob last night!Went into town for a friends birthday and danced the night away. I bought a gorgeous dress especially to wear and I felt a million dollars. I can’t quite describe the joy i felt of being able to go into a shop and choose something i LIKED rather than something that didn’t show that I only had one boob. Felt a little self conscious wearing it at first last night, as new boob bigger and I thought everyone might stare and notice, but I only got admiring glances so chuffed to bits about that!

Sarah - sounds like you have had a blooming hard week! hope you are coping with juggling work/home etc.

Lenny - did Tom hear back from the latest auditions that he has done?

Lovely sunny day here in Southampton, looking forward to x factor and strictly come dancing tonight!

Lots of love to everyone - Helen, hope you are continuing to make steady progress.

Heidi xxxx

Hi Everyone

Thanks Lenny and Anne for sharing your decisions re “tweaking”. I feel a bit more prepared now for when I see my ps in October, and clearer about what I would like to happen. I see what he suggests, but I think they need to match nore for my liking.

Well, went back to work this week. Only did half days, and even with a lighter load when at work, yet the tiredness took me by surprise. Had to have a nap on getting home on wednesday afternoon!! Doing half days again next week whilst I build my energy levels back up, and then we’ll review at the end of the week. Took my eldest/first son to uni yesterday, so I guess getting all the stuff ready for that over the past week in addition to going back to work, has also made it tiring. I’m so excited for him and proud - but today it’s really hitting me and I keep feeling the tears coming. My daughter is very amused because he was quite often a pain in the **** at home and it’s beyond her why I’m missing him so much already! But I really do miss him badly. He’s been away before on holiday, but this is different.

Anyway, trying to keep myself busy and distracted, but also trying to rest up cos my tummy has gone all hard again and feels swollen (does any other dieps have this) and I’m becomimg paranoid that I’ll lose my newly acquired flat stomach, plus my breast is a bit sore towards the armpit. I’m also getting all fuzzy-headed again. And keep wanting to cry (missing my first baby…)

So, now I’ve offloaded all of that, how’s everyone else doing? Love to Helen if you’re checking the threads - hoping you’re recovering well, and keep checking myself in the hope of hearing from you. Lenny - sorry to hear about your fall - I can imagine that must have been such a shock. Hope you’ve recovered from that. Heidi you look absolutely gorgeous - stunning photo. Haven’t heard from Cathy in a while - hope it’s just that work and life are so busy at the moment there just isn’t time to post rather than anything being wrong.

Lyra xxxxxxxxxx


Hi Lyra and everyone!

I’ve been to Jersey for a few days and have been busy at work hence no posting but all’s well.

Lyra, you brought back memories of my 1st week back to work (w/c 24 Aug). I went back on week 15 post op and was totally shattered after 1st & 2nd week working 1/2 days, then last week did 9/2. I’m on leave again and then go back to 9-4. Watch out for the tiredness and it’s best to listen and have a little kip if you need it (some days I don’t but more often need an hour or so here & there). Fuzzy head - oh yes, can fully identify with you there. As for ‘hard tummy’, I had this (in area below new ‘teenager’ belly button!). My tum’s softened up a bit now (week 19) and I’m walking like a demon as the softness seems to have encouraged a little ‘sticky outness’, mind you, have been o/d’ing on chocs!! Hope work continues to go well.

Lenny - oooops, what are you doing throwing yourself about. I remember falling over a few weeks back - terrified me but also helped me not be so ‘precious’ about tummy but it was shocking when it happened. Do hope you’re better from that misadventure.

Helen - oh, lots of hugs to you! Can’t imagine what your recovery’s like or how you feel but know that there’ll be a hell of a lot of love and support waiting for you. I’m trying to be clever like you and remember everyone but know I’ll fail, ah well!! Take care x

Tracy - hey, how’s work going? Did you brave it in the end? If you did, hope all went well & you didn’t overdo it (oh good grief, don’t I ever stop?!)

Heidi - well, you’re just too fabulous girl!! Lovely photo and so glad you had a lovely night out, what a boost!

Anne and everyone else (I know I’ve probably forgotten names), hope all’s going well and recoveries are smooth!

By the way, did you all see the ‘My New Breast’, especially all you DIEP/LD flap ladies - wow, so that’s what they got up to when we were sound asleep, I’ve been itching to at least see some of the op!!

Lots of backdated love to everyone. Cathy xx

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been back at work for the last week so have n’t had much time to post.

It was awful the first day I went back, I didn’t know which way to turn or what to do first and ended up in tears on the phone to my boss (very embarassing) but the next day I had calmed down and all has been fine since.

I am going to start making Christmas decs next week, and then the Christmas windows go in the 3rd week of October so I’m really run off my feet. I am getting help, so don’t have to lift or carry anything.

Hope you’re all well,

Lots of love,

Tracy xxxx

well we finally have a date to meet up… sarah, heidi and myself… perhaps we should all where yellow carnations!!

good to hear everyones news concerning work and further surgery… well done tracy for making it a week into work… i do think it will be a while before we are back to full strength… i still get really tired and tummy begins to hurt… i love shop windows it would be good to see yours.

lyra my neice has just gone to uni for the first time and my sister in law is in pieces… so i know something of what you are going thru… your boy will be ok coz you brought him up to be…

cathy the break sounds great we are counting down to our trip to gran canaria in october…you are so good at knowing what week you are at.

helen not heard anything in a while… hope all is going well and we will hear soon… you are missed

sarah… rice? freezer bags? are we seeing the same mr birch? nothing as exciting was said to me… mine i think is the right size and i’m having the good one lifted.

heidi so looking forward to meeting up when do you actually go back to work? and anne keep moving forward.

i’ve recovered well from my fall and have now made the floor safer… just my tummy that hurts and not sure if that is work related or the aftermath of the fall. tomorrow i’m off on a date with my hubby, while the boys are at school… supposed to be nice weather i hear…

lots of love and hugs to all,


Hi girls…thank you for all your kind messages and thoughts. I haven’t felt up to posting until now…you all seem to be just fine and are moving on with your reconstructions. I have my plastic surgeon to see next week…but to be honest, I find that hard to be my priority at the moment…I’ll just see how I feel when I see him next week.
The tumour was benign so everything is clear and fine!!!
My eyelid is a bit droopy as a result of the op. My mouth won’t open very far either …but hopefully time will mend the nerves …will start with some eyelid pushups eh!
My walking and speech are nearly ok now…made big steps this week. I get tired real easy, but again thats just time. Feel a little teary at times, but I know that that is the process I have to go with, and its a relief letting it happen, and it will get better.

take care all, I will keep posting now and then.
catch ya all later

Hi Helen,

It’s so good to see you back on the forums. I am absolutely delighted that the tumour was benign - what a relief!!

Take it easy (I’m sure there’s no need to tell you that) and let everyone look after and pamper you for a good while. You are always so caring and thoughtful to everyone of your friends here on the forum.

Sending you a great big cyber {{{{{hug}}}}},

Love and best wishes,

Tracy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

cathy was that you on the telly this morning?.. so exciting to see the ladies from this forum making a differance in this world. if it was you, you were amazing, well done and if not then the other cathy was too… saw the cleavage!!!

lots of love,


Hi girls…I saw the katie price thing too…I went for the 8.30 airing rather than the 6.30. You’re right Lenny it is great to see these girls speaking up for the rest of us and making complete sense.

Hi Tracy…back at work eh! take it easy, pace yourself if possible, although you sound like you are run off your feet…make sure you have restful breaks…Hi Lyra, you are back at work too, take it easy too and cat nap when you can. Sleep the weekends away and build up your energy levels…

Hi Cathy, Anne, Sarah, Helen, Heidi…sorry girls I hope thats everyone…If anyone is going on holiday or just been, good for you…well deserved breaks!!!

Is anyone having their ‘tweaking’ done within the next month or two, if so I would be real interested in exactly what is being done. Anne you are the closest in op date to me…have you had your appointment with your ps yet? I’m seeing mine this Friday…

Sarah have just read your ‘tweaking’ session with your ps. How innovative…rice eh! my natural one is a bit bigger too and it was briefly discussed last time…ie lifting the ok boob and putting a nipple on the other. He also said it would be a local anaesthetic…

have a good day all
catch ya later

Hi everyone!!!

What is this about Katie Price!!! What has she done?? And was it Cathy on tv? If so will she be on the news or something later? Do tell!!!

Helen - great to have you back, thanks for your message, so glad that you are ok… xxxx

Meeting up with Lenny and Sarah this Friday, am so looking forward to meeting them and having a natter.

Had Meg off school for last few days - bit unsure if it has been swine flu, guess i will never know but it certainly fitted all the symptoms.

I am off to see the breast care nurses next week - am a little concerned that i have lymphodeoma in my new breast, trying not to panic but am bit worried, i don’t want to have to lose this breast again now i have got it back.

Lots of love to all - will be interested to hear about the katie price thing.

Heidi xxx


Just read through the whole Katie Price thread thing… Cathy well done! Am going to search for you on bbc website.

I am sooooooooooooooo proud xxxx

Hi all…Oh Heidi love…it must be a worry, but you are in good hands, they do know what they are doing. I have some very caring breast care nurses who will answer most questions I ask. Make sure you think about questions before you go and ask them…its your body and your worry. I’m sure it will be just fine though…let us know!
Take care everyone else


Hey everyone - good to see you back Helen!

OK Heidi and Lenny, time to 'fess up - yes, it was me on Monday morning, sitting on the ‘Red sofa’, trying not to make a complete fool of myself!!

BBC1 approached on Friday(!) me as they’d read through the posts following Debbie’s contact with them and said that they’d like me (along with others here) to ‘add’ something - little did I know they had the ‘red sofa’ on BBC1 breakfast in mind! I was also asked to have a little chat on 5 Live with Nicky Campbell at 7.40 (I’ve listened to this… its very unnerving to hear yourself on radio!). I really want to watch back the interview I did with Diana Jupp (Director of Services as BCC) to make sure I didn’t make a complete ass of myself but can’t find it on i-player (it was the 8.20 slot but they may not have included it. Anyway, that’s my confession.

I was proud and flattered (and ever so slightly terrified!) to be asked to do this and will happily do anything to raise awareness of this disease and get people talking and thinking about it and most importantly, acting on any ‘unusual’ symptoms etc.

Must nip off for now as have to get back to work but hope everyone (especially Helen) is doing well. Heidi, I hope they sort your recon out and it turns out to be ‘part of the healing process’ and nothing that needs surgery. You look so good, it would be a shame to ‘mess’ with it so good luck.

Lots of love to everyone. Cathy xx

Hi Cathy…was that really you? Brilliant it was…what a caring super way you came across. You should be very proud of yourself. They actually mentioned that they may do more with you talking about the subject…it was on at 8.20. Again well done girl…we need someone like you speaking out for us…we are all very proud of you!!

hi, everyone… i’m a clever girl coz i realised it was you cathy, i said to my husband that’s one of my cyber friends!! well done again.

heidi and sarah only 2 sleeps till our lunch! so sorry about the lymphoedema heidi, i have it in my arm but don’t know anything about it in the breast. i did see a post on the furums a while back about it tho’ . when we meet we can talk properly. see you soon.

helen you have no idea how good it is to see your face on here and to read your posts… hope you are still progressing. what a year you have had!

lyra and tracy hope work is going well and anne i hope life is good.

still so proud of all the ladies on here who made a differance this week, we have something special on these forums.

well look after yourselves,

lots of love,


Hi all…Have a relaxing time this weekend all…especially those of you who have started back at work!!! Lenny. Sarah and Heidi have a lovely meet up…think these meet ups are well special…hugs to all.

catch ya later

Hi Everybody.

Have been away looking after my mum who doesn’t have a computer, felt really lost, how awful is that!

Have sat and read through the postings and am amazed at how much has happened - well done to those on the TV, Cathy you go girl, shame I missed it all.

Helen, good to see you posting again - I’m down to be “tweaked” 16 November, but am seeing my original breast surgeon this afternoon just to clear up bits - will I have mammos again after? Will it increase chances of problems in good breast etc etc. My PS says my op in Nov. will be about hour and half, needing an overnight stay and about 2-3 weeks to recover. Must get Christmas shopping done beforehand she says hopefully…

Heidi, sorry to hear about your problems, fingers crossed for you, let us know how you get on. Have a lovely time when you meet up with Lenny and Sarah, would love to be fly on the wall.

Love to all.
Anne x

Hi everyone

Lenny, Sarah and I met up for lunch today, it was so great to finally meet them and have one of those hugs that we are always all giving each other via cyber space. We didn’t stop nattering and I had a really lovely time. Hope to meet them again soon! (don’t know what the diners thought of us all comparing bits of scars! ha ha)

Have Drs on Monday, will discuss the swelling and see what he thinks it is, and also get signed off for another 3 weeks, don’t feel quite ready to go back yet, I am enjoying being off and finally having some time coming to terms with the last year!

Anne - is your mum ok?

Nell - great to have you back. x

Love to everyone else.

Heidi xxxxx


Lovely picture of you all - would love to have seen the other diner’s faces when earwigging your conversation hehee.

My mum’s ok thanks Heidi - she’s in her eighties, and lives in Hampshire, couple of hours drive, so I try and go and stay for the odd week now and then. This time was on mission to get her new TV - she keeps wondering if she should have a computer, but only just getting to grips with a mobile - help!

Saw my breast surgeon on Friday who wants me to have mammo before op, so booked in for that next Friday - will def. NOT mammo the new one, “no point doing a mammo on your belly” as he put it. And they will still do them on my good breast after it has been tweaked - ouch!

Love to all - anyone else got the heating going??
Anne x