DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

yes we have the heating going! and the gas fire… which i can hardly believe after the wonderful weather heidi, sarah and i had on friday. we had such a good time… chat chat chat chat! exhausting. anne the topic of conversation wasn’t the only thing that was of interest to those nearby… it was when we started showing scars/cleavages and proding boobs that we gave the best entertainment! not sure what it is about this disease that either produces beautiful women or perhaps only happens to the beautiful… you know i don’t mean just physically… i felt really blessed on friday.

how exciting about the tweaking… nearly at the end of a very long journey… i was told that they would mammo the new one as well as the old, every area is different.

just to keep you all up to date on my boy tom… he has just landed to role of gaston in beauty and the beast. so we will all be singing new songs until march next year.

hope all is well with those at work and going back to work and stars of tv!and recovering helen,

lots of love,


Morning all…like Annes says , what a lovely pic of you all…Heidi, Lenny and Sarah. I bet the other diners were really interested in what and why you were showing your scars…you will have made their day!!!hehehe Heidi when do you have your breast sorted out…

How are you doing Lyra, Tracy, Helen and Cathy …hope the work is not too tiring for you…Cathy are you back at work now? Still got the image of you sat on that tv seat!!! proud missus!
I think I’ll be going back to work after Christmas now…but will go into school to sort some things out before that…hopefully!

Anne good luck with your mammo next Friday. My tweaking now is going to be in Jan next year so think thats probably when my mammo is, even though I had it in November last year. My ps said he isn’t doing anything to my other breast, and I am very relieved now, bit fed up with ops…Its only going to be a day surgery and a local anaesthetic too…so shouldn’t be long either…phew!
Glad your mum is fine Anne…one step at a time with the technology thing eh! I’m just getting there with it myself!! heheehehe

Take care all
catch ya later

Lenny just crossed…bet you were all hoarse after your meeting, sounds brilliant! Well done to Tom…Gaston eh, a prince charming in the making! Congratulations Tom…acting gives you such a buzz eh!

Hi everyone

Heating on here too, thankfully no rain today!.

I saw the dr on Monday, and he wants me to see ps about it so have an appointment in November. To be honest I think he isn’t sure if its swelling from op or something else. Have put it to the back of my mind anyway for now. He has also signed me off till 2nd Nov. I am so enjoying being off work, having time to myself which i did not give myself after the diagnosis last year. I am able to cook proper meals, pick the kiddies up from school, catch up with friends. I need to make the most of the next 3 weeks now as it will fly by and i will have a MASSIVE workload waiting for me when i go back.

Nell - do you not think that January is to soon to go back to work given everything that you have gone through?? When are you going to take that sunny holiday you promised yourself?

Hope everyones recovery continues to go well - Lyra, Anne etc

Lots of love to you all

Heidi xxxx

Hi girls…Hope everyone has a good weekend. Rest up especially those back at work!! I’m going to my sisters caravan tomorrow, just overnight, coming back Sunday.A bit of a change!!

Heidi love, I had and still have a swelling on my breast. The ps knew that it was fatty tissue that hadn’t settled properly and now won’t. In time, with massaging it may go away, but he gave me an ultra sound to check it out, for my own peace of mind…but he was 99.9% sure that that is what it was before the ultra sound. He was a bit diappointed, me too, but not so bad, everything looks the same. Now that was my experience, hope you don’t mind me sharing it, but I’m glad you are seeing your ps to check you out and reassure you. So quite right about putting out of your mind until your appointment.
Go girl!!

Its funny about the work thing…if I think back, quite a few people have tried in a tactful way to tell me that they too think it is too soon. I guess I will have to reassess in a few weeks time and see how I feel then. My sick note runs up to Nov but I will be asking for another until at least up till Christmas!

It is nice having time to yourself, but if I spend too much more time I probably won’t want to go back…hehehehehe

Take care all catch ya later

just listening to my son and hubby practising for a lunch time concert they are doing on monday for breast cancer and realised how blessed i am! and needed to share with people who know exactly what i mean… which of course is you guys or should i say girls. i know i will cry on monday…it is the 1st time they have sung together.

hope you are having a grand time at the caravan helen… lovely day here hope it’s the same for you. about the time off - as long as you are completely honest with yourself you will know when is the right time to go back… jan is a bit of a grim month tho’ heidi goodish news about your swelling and definately good news about the time off, enjoy every minute. anne i’ve forgotten when your next op is? can’t be too long i’m thinking, then you will be all done and dusted. sarah hope your weekend is going well maybe see you on monday. all the rest of our working girls…cathy, tracy and lyra, rest up and enjoy the weekend and let us know how you are getting on when you have a moment.

i must now get back to the task in hand… booking accomodation for our holiday in just over 2 weeks time!!!

love to you all,


Evening everyone.

Just had to share - just had the most brilliant couple of days. Got so uptight about my mammo, stupid I know, but just getting into that damn machine brings it all back, but thankfully they tell you the results there and then, and all ok so next step is the “tweaking” next month.

Today, my daughter and son-in-law (first time writing that!) came over and we went through all the photos resulting in her and I blubbing yet again. Like Lenny says, only my friends on here can understand how it feels when you experience something you thought at one time was out of reach… enought of that, I shall be off on one again!!

Where you holidaying Lenny? We’re off soon for a few days, then back ready for my op - looking forward to it, how strange does that sound?
Hope you had a good time at your sister’s caravan Helen, a break is good as a rest.

Good weekend to everyone.
Anne x

Hi Everyone

Not had time to post much recently - work has really exhausted me and have been feeling a bit depleted. So good to hear from you Helen, sounds like you’re doing so well - I thought it would take much longer before you would be regularly posting - you must have such resilience!! Heidi, hope all turns out to be fine for you. I saw my ps on wednesday - for the first time since my op in July and there was talk of it still being early days, and the New breast still needing to settle and I thought how long does all this take!!! It’s so difficult to know if that’s it or the size/shape might still be changing. He’s given me a couple of options re: tweaking and left the decision to me (why doesn’t someone just tell me what to do!!!). I can go ahead and have a nipple reconstruction now (couple of months wait) and than in a year’s time adjust the other breast (slight reduction and uplift) - he says that would get the best match, and each op would be a day case and local anaesthetic. Or, I could have both done together - probably wait of @4 months - and that would be a gen. anaesthetic. I worry that he’s hoping if I leave it I won’t bother with the other breast. He said the discrepancy between breast would be about half what it is now. I feel like I want it done all in one go, and don’t fancy only a local - feel a bit squeamish about that. But the sensible thing is probably to have it done in 2 stages and wait… How do others feel about their tweaking? And have any of you been suggested to wait? I keep deciding one way and then changing my mind!

Cathy - sorry i missed you on the telly, but it sounds like you did a grand job, and if it was anything like the warm, reassuring and sound comments you make on here I can well believe you were brilliant. What a good role model and advocate you are.

Glad you had a good meet up Lennie, Sarah and Heidi. This sort of thing creates such strong bonds between us all, don’t you think, and a level of understanding that is quite rare to find.

Anne - glad the final stage is nearing for you, it’s such a long “journey”, and gives us such a different perspective on life.

I feel like I’m only now fully acknowledging the emotional impact of all of this; up till now my focus has been the physical element - coping with the surgery and recovering physically. Yet now - even though physically I feel fine again (albeit tired), i keep feeling like crying, and feel so vulnerable and deeply sad at times. I am thankful and the outcome is good for me, but I still feel really sad and at a complete loss at times. I’m sure this is natural, and I think it’s also partly because as life begins to get “back to normal”, it sometimes feels as though the cancer thing never happened and all that awfulness is forgotten - which in a way is good, but in another way takes away from what an awful experience it is to go through, and how it changes you.

Anyway, getting a bit sad and down now, so I’m going to get on with preparing myself for going in to work, and comfort myself with the thought that i “know” all you beautiful women (good description Lennie) on this site!!

Lots of love and healing vibes,

Lyra xxxxxxxxxx

hi girls…Lenny hope the concert went well. How proud you must feel, not one musical person in the family but two. Do you sing as well…bet there were a few happy tears shed by you eh…families are real special…

Heidi hope you are feeling ok about your breast, not worrying too much. Keep that abundance of energy and positiveness going, all will be fine…i’m sure.
Hi Lyra, my ps is just doing the nipple recon next Jan. The doc I saw before told me I would have an uplift in my good breast…but it wasn’t even mentioned this time and I’m ok with that. It is hard to make decisions so I’m glad that one was taken out of my hands…my breasts are slightly different, but I’ve had enough done and feel they will ‘do’…You could try asking for a general if you are uncomfortable with a local…worth trying. We are each individual Lyra so its hard to help you with a decision…its your body and whatever you decide is right! Try resting when you can…getting back to work must take it out of you.

Tracy, Cathy, Clare, Sarah, Anne, Helen…Hope your getting on with your lives just fine. Rest when you can those who have gone back to work, pretty soon it will be all of us…so take care all…
Anne just remembered…so so pleased about your mammogram, great news, and you got it straight away too, think thats a good idea. Now you are ready for your next step…
catch ya later

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to tell you how excited I am! I have got a place to do the moonwalk in May next year in London! Am so pleased, it will be a huge challenge but no doubt incredibly emotional and rewarding!!
I will let you know how the training goes! 26.2 miles!! Yikes!!!

This is just a quick posting, have a party here tonight for a close friend who is going back to Australia next week.

Love to you all, - Lyra, great to hear from you.

PS - I got an email from Asda saying that they will contact me soon with regard to shaping next years Breast Cancer month.

Have a great weekend

Heidi xxx

Morning all…phew you are one busy lady Heidi!!! Never heard of the moonwalk but its obviously a marathon…you brave thing you, the best of luck with your training. What way are you involved with ‘shaping’ next years breast cancer month?..They certainly chose the right girl to help them…deffo…go girl go!!
Enjoy your party tonight…

Have a nice day everyone

Hey everyone!

Miss coming on here so often but now I’m up & about & working, time seems to fly. Just a quick brag … I can pretty much sleep on my front!!! Well, with the help of a V pillow but hey, not bad. Also, I managed a 10 mile canoe trip with 11 mates the other day - really chuffed but at the back of the pack all the way so guess I’ll just have to take it easy! Went to hospital for check on ‘good boob’ as it felt a little strange and was told it was a ‘busy boob’(!) so had a mammo, hey ho, better to get checked.

Helen, it’s to good and reassuring to nip in and read your posts. I hope all’s going well with your recovery and good luck with recon etc (I get my ‘finishing touches’ next summer (may try and get sooner)

Heidi, moonwalking eh? You’ll be fine - oh & fab that you’re getting involved with ASDA campaign, hope they use you in piccy’s, you’d be perfect!

Now here’s where I’ll try (& probably fail!) to mention everyone else:

Lenny, Lyra, Tracy, Anne (oh heck, I’m stumbling already!), hope you’re all doing well.

Lots of love & hugs to those I haven’t mentioned.

Take care. Cathy xx

Hi everyone

Cathy - great news that you can sleep on your front!

Nell - the moonwalk is organised specifically for raising money for Breast Cancer. You walk the London Marathon route 26.2 miles - but at midnight and you walk in your bra! I started my first day training yesterday - did 3 miles and I already have a blister!! Its going to be hard work but am really excited about it.

Our friend goes back to Oz tomorrow, had some horrible goodbyes to do on Sunday, its such a long way away and we will miss him terribly.

Less than 2 weeks now till back to work, dont feel exactly thrilled about it, but not because I don’t feel physically well enough - just that I think that it may be time for a new job, I want to work less hours and not have such a demanding career. Time to make some decisions soon I think,

Right, its off to Tesco I go to do the food shop (groan groan groan, its pouring down with rain and windy).

Lots of love to everyone

Heidi xx

Hi everyone…Cathy have read some of your posts on another thread regarding KP and the ‘pink thing problem’…you make a lot of sense, hope you are still representing us girls here in the future…you did a ten mile canoe trip!!! mouth open…impressed or what!!! You go girl, sounds like you are getting your life back on track.

Two weeks Heidi…not long and I understand perfectly about having time for yourself, and thats one thing this disease has done. Time to think differently about the future…I know eventually when I go back it will be part time…it feels the right thing to do now…

Heidi walking in your bra eh…well show em off girl and choose yourself a cosy, but stylish bra to do your walk in hehehehe…

Hope everyone else is resting in between your work. Take care all.

Just had a meeting with my neuro surgeon yesterday. All went well, first time I’ve seen him in nearly 7wks, so had a few questions ready for him.
Will see him again in 6mths and if my droopy eye and my jaw/mouth (which I can’t open properly) are still the same, then some more plastic surgery will be done. He said these symptoms happen to 1 in 50. All the other SEs should settle down too…hopefully. I have small titanium plates in my head, but they are not magnetic so should be just fine passing the alarms at customs, if we ever get to arrange a holiday abroad that is…

catch ya later

hi all,

ages since i last posted, life seems to have kicked in big time and i’m still not quite up to full speed… maybe never will be, but i am slower at the things i do and i need more sleep than before…

nell thank you for asking about the concert, we raised £123 wich was good as there were only about 40 people there… my men were brilliant, not biased in any way! sarah came with her lovely mum, which was so lovely and i think she would agree that the high light was the duet, bridge over troubled water, wish you could all have been there. i do hope all your treatment will goes well helen and you do not need any more surgery but if you do… you can do it! and we will support you all the way.

heidi… so admire your commitment to the moon walk and training… go heidi go! can’t believe it is only 2 weeks til you start work, time flies, take it steady and use this experience to help you make decisions about your future. i too have been contacted by asda so maybe we will do something together! maybe we can arrange a meet up before christmas.

cathy 10 miles… wow! in a canoe, amazing, the only time i was in a canoe i capsized within 15 mins… i was 16 at the time and haven’t tried since, you are wonderful and an inspiration, i get tired just thinking about you and heidi doing all that excercise… maybe i feel a new years resolution coming on?

sarah i had my bra fitting at our m & s this week… but was really dissapointed with the choice of bras… lovely lady helped me who told me she had just found a lump, so sad. anyway did an internet search and found some really nice ones on simply b (i know they are only for 14+, so if you are blessed to be on the smaller side it is no good) and the prices are good to.

tracy, lyra and anne sorry if i have forgotten anyone… hope work is going well and no news is good news.

i saw my onc this week… all is well and i don’t go back for 6 months, good boob is fine and she really admired my new one…she reckons in a couple of years i will be taken off tamoxifen and put on the other one as i will be post menopausal (can’t spell it)
i had to laugh at the thought of you setting the alarms off at the airport helen… and that brings me to the info that i am off to sunny gran canaria on tuesday for a week… can hardly wait, lots to do before we go tho’ so will need the rest when we get there.

hope you are all having a good weekend,

lots of love,


Hi everyone

Yes, it’s getting harder and harder to find time to check the site and post messages. I’m up to working full time now, and although I get really tired, I still feel I am gradually getting better cos a few weeks ago it would have been impossible to do these hours. I agree with you Lennie - everything does take me longer than it used to, but I get there in the end. I am feeling more positive now, though still haven’t decided whether to have surgery done in stages (probably the sensible option; what I “should” do…) or have it done all in one go (what I “want” to do…). Waiting to get a clearer feeling about it.

Congrats Heidi on going for the moon walk. You’re an inspiration - so much energy - I’m now taking active measures myself to exercise and walk more rather than just talk about it. A walk is planned for each weekend as part of a commitment to taking better care of my body.

You must have been so proud Lennie of your “boys” - it’s priceless what we get from our kids.

Anne - your surgery must be soon … let us know how you get on. And Tracey - haven’t heard from you for ages; I hope work is going ok and not too exhausting. I know this is a really busy time for you workwise and hope the pressure isn’t too stressful.

Hi to Sarah too and anyone else I haven’t mentioned by name.

Love to all

Lyra xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hi all,
just wanted to say that i will be thinking of all of you as i sun myself in gran canaria…be good and don’t let anything awful happen while i’m gone!

lots of love,


Lenny have a great time love…you really deserve it!!!
Hope everyone else is resting as much as they can…especially those at work.

catch ya all later…got another meeting to go to…

Hello Everybody.

I’m afraid haven’t been on here for a while. Had a bit of a family crisis. Mother-in-law has had stroke a fortnight ago and normality has flown out of the door. I hope all is well with everyone, haven’t really had chance to read through all the threads, but do think of you all.

Not sure if I will get to have my “tweaking” yet, as need to be able to drive at the mo, but things may change. If anyone out there has had a reduction/nipple done can they tell me how long the recovery was it would be really helpful.

Love to all and hope to catch you again soon.
Anne x

Hi all
It’s been weeks since I have posted - work takes up too much time !
Had a great day when Lenny and I met up with Heidi in Newbury and hopefully we will meet up again soon.
Lenny told you that I took my mum to listen to the concert that her husband and Tom gave for BCC. We both really enjoyed it and Tom is very talented.
I’m back to 6 hour days at work, not too bad as long as I remember to get up and walk around otherwise the tummy gets stiff.

I’ve got my apptmt with PS on Monday, got to decide what tweaking I want to have done on my old boob so I have to get on with the rice bag test this weekend !

I had this week off work as it was half term but both my husband Steve and I have had a flu bug so spent most of the week indoors coughing and spluttering. We did manage to have a day out in London with teenage son and girlfriend at Madame Tussauds.

I hope everyone is doing well. I still keep wondering when the tummy stiffness will disappear - just got to be more patient I guess.

Love to all

Hi girls…Anne when I saw my ps, he said the nipple would be done with a local anaesthetic, and on Friday afternoon so I would be ok recovering for work the following week. From that info, I guess he means it doesn’t take long to recover…but we’re all individual, so don’t know till I’ve had it done!! So sorry about your mum in law Anne …hope she recovers soon, and fully.

Sarah its a pity about your time off…but hope you are feeling better now. The tummy thing is funny isn’t it…if I sit for long its really very stiff…you have to unroll yourself slowly heheehe So don’t know how long its going to be before it becomes more pliable!!

Hope all you workers are doing just fine. Gonna be a busy time for you with the run up to Christmas so take it easy. Heidi are you back at work now…hope you are managing ok with the back to reality thing!

Lenny hope your holiday went well…back to some miserable weather if you have just got back today!!!

Relax when you can everyone else, and hope life is getting back to normality for you all…

catch ya later