Anne - sorry to hear about your mother in law - hope that she is making good progress.
Lenny - have been thinking about you sunning yourself on holiday - well deserved and I am sure you had a brilliant time.
Nell - hope you are ok, I am still deciding whether to have a nipple or not - see my ps in 2 weeks.
I think I am delaying going upstairs to switch my work computer on. I start work in 20 minutes. Am absolutely dreading it. Seriously. Have enjoyed not having to juggle work/kids/home and I don’t miss the stress. Last year when i was off i had 430 emails in my absence and i know this time will be similar. not feeling a very happy bunny this morning at all. Would quite like a part time job that has no responsibility and I just go to work, do my job, come home and forget about it until I go to work again. Sorry, not a very positive post today.
Lots of love to everyone i have and have not mentioned.
Hi all…completely understand about the no responsiblility Heidi. Eventually when I go back, I’m hoping things will be less…doubt it though. If it doesn’t work out though, I will think seriously about giving the job up!!
What do you do Heidi…that sounds like a major ‘do your head in’ job having to answer that many e.mails. Pity someone else couldn’t have taken over that responsibility while you were off. It wouldn’t have been as stressful right from the start. You should be eased into it!! All the best love.
Hi to everyone else working hard too…take it easy… And to us that aren’t …yet!..take it easy too…
i’m back,actually i’ve been back since wed but on friday george my youngest had an op on his tendons and as i write we are still here!! he can’t come home until he can walk… maybe tomorrow. we had a brilliant holiday, plenty of sun, sand, pool, food etc, just what we all needed.
anne so sorry about your mum in law… illness of a close family member takes over everything. helen just wondering how your health is are you recovering well? and heidi, so sorry that is is work again tomorrow… good job you are a strong person so i know you can do it! sarah hope your weekend has gone well hope we can meet up soon.
lyra, cathy, tracy hope all is well,
o by the way i’m using the laptop provided by the ward for my son to post… not bad hay? i get to sleep on the sofa next to his bed… brings back lots of memories,
Hi girls…oh Lenny, lifes problems never stop do they. Hope Georges tendons mend themself enough so you can get home! Poor soul…bit of a sour end to what seems like a lovely holiday…and a much needed one too. Take care Lenny and family.
I’m doing ok thanks Lenny…getting there! Various aches, throbs, pains at different times in my head…but they just need the settling down time …also planned my ‘come’ back to work…possibly next Feb now…so all good!!
Heidi how are you managing the work thing. Bet you are too tired at the end of the day to do anything but rest…a good policy…make sure you do!!
Anne how is your mum-in-law, hope she is recovering ok…how are you Anne…what is happening to your recon breast, are you sorted now?
Sarah how did your appointment go with your ps? Hope you got it sorted out too. Hope you are feeling better…this cough, sore throat bug is going round…both my two have it!!
Hi to Lyra, Cathy, Tracy,Rest well, take it easy, you and your health come first!!!Hope I didn’t miss anyone…
Glad you had a good holiday Lenny, and wondering how you’re managing work and taking care of George etc? Hope you’re still getting support for you. Once life gets back to “normal” it’s easy for us and others I think to forget what we’ve been through and that we are still recovering, even if we can do most things now!
Anne - so sorry to hear about your mother in law - hope things are settling a bit now. Regarding “tweaking” - I too was told the nipple recon would be a local anaesthetic, and no over night stay, and that recovery was quick, so may not even warrant any time off work. I’ve decided to delay mine and have it done at the same time as they make any adjustments to my other breast, and rectify a “dog ear” at the end of my abdomen scar. The wait for all that being done together is about 4 months - so the end of Feb, and that feels fine for me. It gives me a bit of a breathing space, and also doesn’t feel too long.
Cathy and Tracey - haven’t heard from you for a while and hoping everything is going fine, that you are taking it easy and not letting work get too stressful.
Good to hear from you Helen, and hope all your aches and pains settle - I think you’ve had enough of all that and deserve some respite from it all. Any chance of a wee holiday for yourself?
Sarah, I too had the halfterm off as the kids were off, and although we didn’t do much it was good just to have a breather before the next stint of work up until xmas. Can’t summon up much enthusiasm for xmas at the moment - i think it’s the prospect of the organising, shopping etc’, ie. work involved that is putting me off!! I’d like to keep xmas really simple this year so that it’s a relaxing time - but I haven’t managed that so far!!!
Any way, off to work now. Love to all - hope everyone’s pacing themselves and continuing to get the support form others they need.
Hi girls…Lyra it sounds like you are settling into work, but are pacing yourself as best you can. Glad you managed a week of reasonable rest…although children do have a lot of energy!!! I have a ‘dog’ ear at one end of my tummy scar too. The ps never looks at my tummy or says anything…don’t think he’s interested in that part of the op…Good choice about delaying your op…gives you time to think and you have to get xmas over with…never easy to keep xmas simple …sigh…
How is George Lenny? Hope you were able to get home and get life back on track again…well for George anyway.
I’m going away this weekend…Fri/Mon…Meeting up with the girls on the Stormrider thread…its been organised since early in the year…looking forward to seeing faces to go with the words. I won’t be doing loads, still get tired…but will do some major chatting…but it will be great to share with people who have been through similar experiences…
Hope everyone else is pacing themselves with work and rest. Very important. Take care Anne,Cathy,Sarah,Tracey,Heidi …the run up to xmas is a busy busy time…
Good to hear from you Lyra, was thinking about you the other day, glad to hear that you are doing well.
Lenny - hope George is starting to feel a bit better and that the operation was successful.
Nell - how lovely that you are all meeting up, have a glass of wine for me!
Work… hhhmmmm. Spent first 2 days in tears, all to much. My bossess keep saying that I need to take things gently but then they still keep piling more and more work ontop of me! Which way do they want it? I am trying to just focus on one thing at a time now, rather than the bigger picture of my work because it makes me panic. Pathetic of me really, but I guess I got used to just thinking about me and the children in the last 3 months and now I am back to having to juggle all those balls in the air again.
As for training for my marathon - its going great so far, walked 7 miles last Friday in an hour and a half, so thats only a quarter of the distance but its a start and its not until May next year so have plenty of time to get myself into some sort of shape!
Tamoxifen seems to be making me very tired at the moment, and very emotional, and weight still just keeps piling on. not good.
Other than that, am trying to be a bit more organised for xmas this year and buying things online! Am determined to have xmas all sorted by xmas!
Off to see my ps tomorrow for the first time, looking forward to seeing him and showing him his handi work.
Off to get the kiddies from school now, lots of love to one and all
Hi Heidi…just wanted to respond to your post when I saw it…its bound to be a tough road for you…especially the first few weeks. I’m not looking forward to it I tell you. Could you have a word with your boss about easing off some of the work, and over the next few months, you may take it back on again when you are ready? Make sure you don’t overdo it Heidi…get talking to them love.
Hope your ps appointment goes well. And you walked 7 miles, blimey moses, you are a star. By may next year you’ll be walking dozens of miles. So proud of you girl…
Oh do your firm know you are taken other medication that has some unfortunate side effects…one of them being tiredness…if you explain they will understand better and ease of the workload…think a good chat is in order!!
thanks for all your good wishes for george, he is doing great and like kids do adapting and getting on with life. i expect he will be back at school next week.
nell have a wonderful weekend full of lots of fun and laughter, you so deserve it.
heidi, i’m with you all the way it is so hard to readjust to being back to work especially after all you’ve been thru’ priorities change don’t they? hope all all is well with your ps.
lyra i’m the same about christmas… the best thing for me this year is that i have a lovely new house to celebrate in! but all the work involved…
well everyone mentioned and not mentioned keep on doing what you are doing to make everyday count and don’t forget what an amazing acheivment is ours!
Hi folks…had a wonderful weekend, meeting 16 other people was so good putting faces to the words…we had lots of fun, laughter, tears and constant chat, loads of good food and drink. Although limited my drink intake…also a hot tub, a park opposite and lots of talented people…in the lovely very large roomy house!!! Thought I’d just give a whistle stop description of the weekend… it was as active as we wanted it to be, mine was very chilled, loved it…lovely ladies!!
Lenny you must be planning a lovely Christmas in your new house, a proper christening of it this year eh! Hope George is ok now…
Heidi hope you had a chat with your work and that they listened to you and eased off the workload…
Good wishes and thoughts to everyone else…take care Lyra, Cathy, Tracy, Anne and Sarah,
Sorry for not coming on here for a while. Still have mother-in-law in hospital, getting better thank goodness, but now have a skin complaint on good breast (one thats been sitting there for about 7 years, but PS not happy about operating until its sorted. Long story, but it didn’t like the recent mammo on it and its been playing up ever since. Today had a biopsy, stiches out on Thursday and results the following Thursday so bit sorry for myself at moment.
Sometimes it feels like one thing after another, but there, you all know what I mean. Am going up pub tonight, need a few stiff drinks me thinks!
Oh Anne…thats a worry for you love. Hope your results are fine…Will be thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed. The waiting game again…big sigh for you Anne. Sending the most positive vibes your way…
haven’t posted as work and son on crutches seem to have taken over my life!! george is doing good his casts come off next week and then a lot of phisio.
helen so pleased your weekend away went well there is nothing like quality time with friends.
heidi keep meaning to sponser you for the moon walk… just hold on on the work front… you are doing brill.
anne lovely to hear from you and so pleased your mum in law is getting better but sorry about the tweaking complications, if it’s not one thing it’s another.
some of my news well we are getting a puppy!!! a black labrador in 2 weeks, scary and our boiler has broken and we need a new one!!! not sure which scares me most
sarah hope all is well will text soon and cathy, lyra, tracy and anyone i’ve forgotten hope you are having a peaceful and healthy time,
Hi all…awww Lenny a little puppy, what a lovely addition to your family…it’ll keep you on your toes though!!! Glad George is better, although still on crutches.
Hope everyone is managing their xmas shopping. I’ve got quite a few pressys and wrapped em. I want to be organised this xmas, all done and dusted well before…
take care all, remember to rest as well as work, yep if thats possible hehehe
catch ya later
Sorry haven’t logged on here for a while - back working full time so been busy, but energy levels seem to be improving. Just thought I’d let everyone know I am going in to hospital tomorrow for the “finishing touches” - prefer that to “tweaking” which sounds a bit painful! Got a call a couple of days ago so out of the blue and much sooner than I expected. However, that also means I haven’t had much time to worry, and have spent the past couple of days frantically reorganising work etc. Will let you know how I get on. Now it’s starting to feel a bit “deja vu” like - as I remember the night before my major op in July… I keep telling myself this is going to be nothing like on the same scale and recovery will be much much quicker.
Hope everyone is well and starting to really enjoy life again,
Hi Lyra, i am new here but want to say good luck!!! I think from what i have read I had same op as you - tram flap/free flap recon. I have a dog ear at my ab scar and have to go back after chemo and radio to have it corrected, my other boob lifted very slighty to match my perky one and a new nipple lol. Its a whole new world x
Hope it goes really well. My friend had a double mastectomy two years ago and has had the nipple recon and said it was fine but he henna tattoing hurt. She asked for more pain relief and said to me that i should too when i get it cos she said it can sting like mad. But its all down to how much sensation you have in the breast are by that time. She had the dorsal? back flap recon so different to mine.
Anyway i am sure it will all go well and best of luck xx
Hi all
I haven’t posted for a while either, the days are just whizzing by.
Lyra - I shall await with interest how your ‘finishing touches’ go. I am on the list but it may be a year before I get a date. I am going to have a lift on the other boob and a nipple on the new one. My PS also wants to fill in a slight dent with fat taken from the side around the hips - not sure how I feel about that. If he had his way he would also decrease my old boob a bit but I said I don’t notice any difference in size between them and when I said I’m not looking for perfection, his reply was ‘we are’ ! I think they can get a bit carried away!
I am back at work for my 3 days now and am also back playing my weekly session of badminton which I really missed. I think my immune system is still not 100% as I have had achey bones with cough in Oct and then had 3 days last week with dizzyness and nausea !
How is everyone’s Christmas shopping going ? Well I hope. I have done quite a bit from Amazon.
I’m meeting up with Helen tomorrow night. We’re going to an evening called Motherhood - a Roller Coaster ride 2009 being held in Oxford.
Anyway must go to bed now.
Love to all.
Keep healthy !
Hi all…Christmas is nearly upon us! I am nearly there with pressies, and this year I have wrapped them as soon as I’ve got them. Want them out of the way so to speak and sorted!
Anne I’m thinking about you today. Hope the results are just fine. Let us know love…
Lyra that was quick, not given you much time to think, but sometimes thats a godsend! Hope it all goes smoothly for you, I’m sure it will, let us know how you go on.
Sarah, the days do whizz by don’t they. I know what you mean about ps and ‘their work’, its a work of art to them, they do forget its our body. I have my good boob a bit bigger, no real difference, and a dog ear on my ab. but my ps didn’t mention them, think he realised that I really have had enough of ops this year and those things weren’t important! Will get nipple done next Jan…
Well done with the work and badminton!! Great! Your stamina will take its time, but it sounds like you are getting there…go girl!
Hi Signet…hope your ‘tweaking’ goes ok too.When are you due?
Hows the little puppy settling in Lenny?
hows work Heidi? Take it easy and all you other workers too.
Hi Cathy and Tracy and anyone else I may have missed…keep going all…