Hi everyone, have missed being on here. Work seems to have totally consumed last few weeks, and I didn’t want or mean for that to happen! Had a little mini breakdown with my boss for a ten minutes and she made all the right noises etc but nothing has really changed. However I am adapting to the stress levels again and juggling all of those balls in the air at one time again!
Been back to my ps, all well, no lymphodeoma. Have decided against having nipple recon for the forseeable future. I am so over the moon with my cleavage, and its only Jim and I that will see my nippless boob, really don’t want any more procedures/ops done in the next year or so as I just want to have a few months without more hospital visits and being prodded and poked. Just want to try and put it behind me for a while and just live. Having said that we had a MAJOR panic this week, I have a hard lump grown on the side of my skull that hurts. spent 48 hours worrying about it waiting to see doc. He said it is just a hard cyst, will check me again in 2 weeks and may get it chopped out but he said it is not in a place where a new lump is likely to grow if that makes sense. It all brought back awful awful memories of waiting for results and my life flashing before my eyes. Anyway, am feeling positive now and am feeling more rational.
Its my daughters 11 th birthday next week, so that along with xmas presents, nativity outfits, xmas cards, work, new flooring being laid, etc etc etc have a busy few weeks.
Lyra hope you are happy with your nipple!!!
Nell - your weekend away sounded just lovely.
Sarah and Lenny- hope that you both had a nice evening together.
And to everyone else I send my love to you all.
Morning all…oh Heidi, you seem to have had a stressful time of it!!I’m glad in a way that you had a ‘mini breakdown’ because it might just show your boss what you have been through and need the complete support of her/him. I can really imagine the scenario, its what I’m afraid of when I go back too. As long as your boss realises that you are still in a sensitive position…I hope so…loads of {{{hugs}}} your way…You sound so busy too, probs the worse time of year to get back to work too!!
I feel exactly the same about more ops and hospital visits. But roll on 2010 its gonna be a brilliant year!!! I’ve written this year off!
Happy birthday to your daughter next week Heidi!
Well I’m off for yet another weekend away…just like buses eh. Nothing all year then two long weekends within a month. Still would like a ‘proper’ holiday…sigh…will get one next year. My sister and hubby booked a cottage in the dales and very kindly invited us to go away with them. So will practise my walking for longer spells…its a challenge!!
Had my biopsy results, its skin cancer, basal cell type which evidently is good, so now on chemo cream for five days per week for 6 weeks and then if not gone will have it surgically removed, maybe along with my proposed/delayed uplift. Am still getting my head around this, my third cancer, (really must have pssd someone off in my previous life) and am so annoyed cos I’ve had this for eight years, first biopsy totally wrong so not been treated correctly and could have been removed long ago. Grrrrr.
Anyway, enough of my gripes, it could have been an awful lot worse and I need to get my head around Christmas. Heidi and all of you who are working, my hat off to you and Helen you have a lovely peaceful weekend, you deserve that holiday, re the walking, hope your weather is better than it is here - better take your wellies!!
hi everyone so glad to catch up with you all…what busy people we all are. i guess we all want to get on with life and whatever happens it is good to be living it!
ann, so sorry about the diagnoses but glad it is being sorted, hope the cream does the job…3 cancers you are right it isn’t fair. sarah and i had good evening at the mothers do… not a lot of time to talk tho’ so will have to meet again soon. heidi you did well only breaking down for 10 mins, i lost it a week or so ago for over an hour and you are so right about your cleavage, it is stunning, you do what is right for you and happy birthday to your daughter. lyra, wow the 1st one of us with a new nipple, can’t wait to hear how it goes, let us know when you can. helen another weekend away, you so deserve it, enjoy. hi signet hope you find our thread helpful. tracy and cathy take care of yourselves.
me… well still waiting to hear when the ‘finishing touches’ are to be done. my ps (same as sarah’s) is happy with the size of both boobs and only wants to lift the old one plus nipple. i have had trouble with shaky legs ever since chemo and was referred a couple of weeks ago to a neurologist, nothing sinister but i have an mri scan on christmas eve!! hey ho. the puppy arrives next tuesday and this fills me with excitment and panic… my lovely new house! but the joy it is already bringing my youngest boy is worth it. christmas prep… well i keep thinking about it,
take care everyone, 2009 is nearly done bring on 2010,
Got home last night from hospital and I’m feeling fine. I had to stay in overnight because they operated too late on in the day for me to go home on the same day. I got quite nervous beforehand - same hospital, same ward etc as my op in the summer, so it brought back alot of memories and the fear of feeling as bad as I did gcomimg round from that op. However it was nothing like as bad. I didn’t feel any nausea and had a clear head on coming round. What a relief! And I still feel clear headed, not confused and disorientated like last time.
The op itself probably took a couple of hours, and I’m really pleased. They did a nipple reconstruction which I haven’t properly seen becuase of the dressing, but there is a little window in the dressing and it looks promising. I was told it would be large to begin with because of the swelling, but it looks a reasonable size from what I can tell. The other breast they uplifted and reduced slightly I think. It too is a bit swollen (and very bruised!) but already it looks a good match and I feel so glad I did have this done now - it makes me realise how there was actually quite a discrepancy in size between the two. They also tidied up the end of my ab scar and actually this is the most painful bit. Really bad bruising. And it seems they decided to tidy up the other side too - which I hadn’t asked for, and can only think they did a bit of lipo to explain all the bruising around both hips. My breast aren’t sore, but my hips are - actually feeling more pain here than I did in the summer after the diep!! It’s mainly when I move so I’m keeping very still.
Despite that I feel really good and plan to go back to work in about a week or so, just for a few days, then I’ll have nearly 2 weeks off at xmas to have another rest. I’m so pleased it’s all over and hopefully no more hospitals. And so relieved recovery is easier than last time. Once the bruising has gone I’ll be fine.
So good to hear from people again as we all get on with our lifes. Anne sorry to hear about the skin cancer. Really hope the cream works and you don’t need surgery for that.
Welcome signet! Thanks for your good wishes just before my “finishing touches”! Like Lennie says, I hope you find this thread useful. I know I have found it invaluable.
Good to hear from you Heidi, Sarah, Lennie and Helen. Haven’t heard from Tracey for a while, so hope all is well with her. Cathy too. Going to have a little rest now…
Hi Girls…Lyra your op sounds really good. It went well and you are pleased with the result…all good. After having a diep, this must seem easy peasy…take it easy lyra then you rest up at christmas and let others do their bit!!
Oh Anne love…thats not good, yet another cancer…but thinking positively as you are certainly doing, its at last getting sorted and seems like the chemo cream will get rid within the next few weeks. Have a rant love you deserve it…
And Lenny a bit of a worry for you as well now. I am really thinking of you. Your wobbles are probably quite innocent…but I’m glad they are giving you a MRI…they are not cutting corners and are looking after you well. They monitor anything out of the ordinary…which can be a worry but is a relief in a way. I had wobbles, but you may just be very tired…keep busy, cos if you are like me you will still have it in the back of your mind most of the time. I’m sure you will be fine love…{{hugs}} and positive vibes coming your way…
I had a lovely weekend away…and hope that everyone else is getting on with their busy lives now…thats sooooooooo good!!!
Love to Heidi, Cathy, Sarah, Tracy and all…
Just to wish everyone a really happy Christmas…I hope next year is everything you want and need it to be…
Lenny I hope the wobbliness has worn off, let us know how you are doing.
Heidi hope the cyst op went well…if you had it! Belated happy birthday to your daughter.
Just writing to wish you all a very Happy Christmas!
All well here, haven’t made second appointment about the cyst on my head yet, will get christmas done and dusted first, but Dr seemed happy that it not a nasty so its not preying on my mind to much.
I have 2 very excited children! Think they may possibly spontaneously combust before xmas day! Am pretty organised (I think), all wrapped up and secretly stashed away. Food in the cupboards and lots of bubbly!! A busy few days ahead and very much looking forward to it.
Enjoying being off work for 2 weeks, lots of ice and had lots of blizzards but its not laid down here which is a shame!
Anyway, boiler man here in 5 as Our gas central heating broken down! Typical!
Lots of love to you all, have a wonderful time and here is a happy and healthy 2010.
Hi Heidi…Enjoy your Christmas holidays…and that goes for everyone else too. We have had big snow falls here in good old Yorkshire!! I’m just the opposite now…yes its like a winter wonderland…but getting cars out, in up to and over 8inch of snow is difficult…mind you I’ve been out making snowmen, snowballs and snow angels with my grandson…
Heidi hope you get your central heating fixed before chrissy!!
Lenny good luck love with your MRI tomorrow…hope all goes well, will be thinking of you…
Hope everyone has a very happy chrissy and the new year has just got to be better than this…it will be. Here’s to a peaceful and healthy 2010…
Just finished work yesterday and looking forward to all the christmas things. Being with family and friends having a happy time takes on a special significance with all that we have been through don’t you think?
Thinking of you Lenny and hope the scan goes ok and that they are able to reassure all is alright as soon as possible.
A big thank you to everyone on this thread for all the support and kindness - it has made a big difference to me and I know others feel the same.
Just a very quick wish to you all for a very Happy Christmas day. Going to bed soon before Santa comes ! Every year I say I wll start wrapping sooner but I was still wrapping at 6pm tonight.
The church bells have started ringing so I suddenly feel very Christmassy.
Hope everyone has a VERY healthy 2010.
Love Sarah
Sorry for my absence of late, but since I went back to work and started planning Christmas I have been run off of my poor old feet.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, my Christmas day was lovely but then it all collapsed around my ears yesterday - my boss called from work to say that a very good friend (and colleague) of mine had died on Christmas Eve as the result of a fall in the snow, she was truly a lovely person and was one of my rocks during my treatment. She leaves two children aged 21 & 23, whom have already lost their father. It is so tragic and unfair, she was only 50.
Anyway, I apologise for making my first message after so many months a miserable one, but I know you will all understand.
Love to you all and may you and your loved ones new year be full of happiness.
Thats so very sad Tracy. {{hugs}} to your friends and family and to you as well love…life throws such heartaches, and makes us aware of how precious life is …I’m pleased that you at least had a lovely Christmas day…
Hope everyone else had a nice Christmas …My day was lovely too…lets hope the new year is a good one…here’s to a positive and healthy new year to you all…
Lenny I hope your MRI went just fine…fingers crossed for your results…
i have had connection problems just recently and then christmas wildness set in, hence not posting for a while. i am well and have had 2 lovely days with family in my lovely home…so good to have space to have everyone round.
my mri went ok… don’t like them… but have had worse. not sure when the results will be. they are not expecting anything sinister but the thought is always there. thanks for your enquiries helen. if it is what the neurologist thinks, my shaky leg is something i will have to live with…
by the way we now have the new member of our family, he is a 9 week old, black labrador puppy called jet… he is stunning adorable and o so naughty… he has brought us much joy already!
and that is my wis for us all,that 2010 will bring us much joy, love,peace and health.
if i don’t write before, happy new year!
lots of love,
ps lyra so sorry about your friend… love and prayers coming your way…
I hope all are well . If you are out and about this weather , take care, the black ice is dangerous!! Sorry for stating the obvious. Its nice to know that all are getting on with their lives…normality is good!!
happy new year! Hope that you all had a lovely time with your family and friends… feels like a long time ago now doesn’t it?
Its been hard to get back into the swing of normal routine with all the snow problems, school closures etc. Feels like its all back to normality this week.
Diet began yesterday - have put on a stone and a half in a year so its time to knuckle down and shift some of it. Have started training for my moon walk so am hoping that it will kick start it a bit!
Have my oncology appointment next week, will be my first one in a year. Feeling a little apprehensive about it, not sure if i will have a mammogram etc but it will be good to get some reassurance and to finally talk about the side effects of the tamoxifen. its been a year that i have been on the hormone therapy now, can’t believe how quickly it has gone! My gp is not too knowledgable about tamoxifen and I have never had a review from being on them, so it will be good to discuss it with someone.
Tracy - that is so sad about your friend, what a terrible tragedy. Hugs xx
Nell - you are looking so well in your photo - how are you doing?
Lenny - have seen the photos of your pup on facebook - he is adorable.
We have booked our summer holidays to Corfu, i worked there for a couple of years in my twenties so we are going back to see friends. Have not been back for 14 years so can’t wait to show the children off as they have never been there. Its so nice to have something to look forward to.
Lots of love to you all… Think about you all often.
Hi all…hi there Heidi. Good luck with your onc appointment next week. I had mine last week and he made me a mammo appointment there and then for Feb…so make sure you ask about it when you go.
Its been a funny start to the year …weatherwise, you’ll soon get back into the swing of it. I will be having my nipple recon next Fri, but like you I’m not bothered one way or another, and that sounds silly having it done. But with all thats gone on this year, I felt that I’d go with the flow and its a lesser op than the others, so I will cope.
We haven’t had a holiday for a good long while, so will be making plans for one for this year …at last !!! yeah.
Corfu is a lovely place I’ve been told …and what a lovely thing for you to be able to do. Introducing your family to your friends, how proud you will be and emotional…enjoy it Heidi!!
I will be starting work after the Feb half term. I’m not up to speed stamina wise, but hopefully that will build up while I’m on the job!!
Good luck to you Heidi, nice to hear from you…and hope Lenny, Cathy, Sarah, Tracy, Lyra, Christina, Helen and Anne are getting along just fine…all back to normality…a good thing!!!
Just a quick message before I head off for work. The nipple reconstruction was fine Helen, though I did get very anxious afterwards about dressings and aftercare - but mainly because I was going to my practice nurse rather than the hospital which was far away and she didn’t have a clue ( didn’t even know what DCIS was) - so I went back to the hospital and am now an expert on dressings etc. So anything you need to know just ask. It looked a bit strange at first, but now looks really like muy other nipple. I had my op at the beginning of December.
As for going back to work, it feels fine now and that fuzzy, confused brain thing has gone and I feel back to normal. Be aware though it has taken months of being back to start feeling this way - at times I thought I would never be able to think straight again and there’s alot of thinking required in my job - but be assured it will all come clear.
Hope Lenny, Tracey, Sarah and Anne you are all ok. Lovely to hear your positiveness again Heidi,