Hiya everyone
Went to have my large bruise drained again tonight. They hope it wont need doing again, but can’t guarantee it, but nothing major to worry about.
Ended up having my post-op check tonight instead of tomorrow. I can remove corset YES, can drive locally YES, and can start exercising my arm properly. So pleased with all that.
Helen - my surgery used stiches that dissolve and over the top of those was glue, which is gradually peeling away when I shower. I still have some marker pen on my stomach. My breast is swollen, feels tight - not so much now that I have had a bit drained - and bruised when I have the haematoma, but still brilliant - really can’t get my head round my tummy being on my chest!! My tummy is sore but mainly from the corset rubbing.
Anne x
hi Helen and Anne you sound to be recovering well and hope it continues, its the annoying plaster thats left on your skin from the dressings and you cant scrub too hard!!
Mounties will be thinking of you monday, All the best Helenx
Hi girls…Helen you’re right about the plaster and black marker pen, it takes some scrubbing eh!
Anne is your bruising and draining under your arm. Thats where it is the most uncomfortable for me…but won’t get to see anyone till next Friday!!
Hey there Sarah if you are home and about, hope all it going well for you!
Will be so thinking of you on Monday Mounties, take it easy!
Have just sussed we have two Helen’s - thought I was having senile moment!!
My haematoma is on my cleavage area, but I know that strange feeling under your arm. Totally numb and feels really quite puffy. Felt a bit like that after my mastectomy, hopefully it will gradually deflate a bit, probably exercise will help. If you get too uncomfortable Helen, can’t you call your BCN just to check?
Have managed a slow walk to the local shop to restock on mags today and feel quite proud - and quite shattered! Still, will aim a little further tomorrow.
Anne x
hi Anne…Yep theres two of us…had you fooled for a minute!!teehee
If things remain the same with my breast I’ll wait till next week when I’ll see the doc, if they get worse I will call my Breast nurse.
Hey I went for my first walk today with my hubby who took the afternoon off. Granted I only went a hundred yards to the nearest field, looked over the edge to the valley and then came back again…but its all progress. And yep it was also pretty slow too…sigh!! But well done you Anne…did it on your own too! In a few weeks time we’ll be running to the shops and back…well maybe!!
Hope you don’t have any more problems with your haematoma.
catch ya later
Thanks Helen for your message. Still here and still panicking but it is good to read everyone’s reports about how they are doing after the op. Reading about your walk I wondered how many weeks are you now since your op ?
Going off to have my yearly mammogram this morning.
Have a good weekend everyone - I’m hoping for some nice weather to get some planting done in the garden as I won’t be able to do it after next week !
Hi Sarah nice to hear from you. This is my 3rd week. 1 in hospital, and 2 out…well from Monday.
Good idea getting your planting done, then you can just sit back and enjoy them when you come out.
Your op is on the 13th isn’t it or is it 11th? Sorry forgot.
Hope the mammogram went ok love…and good luck for next week. Don’t forget to join us with your ‘stories’ afterwards…
be thinking of you
Hiya Sarah
My recon’s two days older than Helen’s and we seem to be making a similar recovery. I walked again today adding a bit further each time - mind you, nearly got blown over out there today! Good idea with the planting, we managed to dig out a new bed before I went in and now I keep looking and am itching to go out and buy up the local nursery. All the very best for next week and look forward to hearing all about it soon.
Helen - walking on my own, but hanging on to mobile with friends at the ready to come and rescue! Had a good clear out of all my mastectomy bras yesterday - how liberating is that. OH needs to watch the credit card as I can feel retail therapy in the underwear section is vitally necessary hehee.
So far haematoma (now known as heemy) is behaving itself, fingers crossed.
Anne x
Hi anne…good idea this retail therapy …will probably do it myself when I feel less tired. Funnily enough our garden was having some digging and preparation done to it…readying it up for some decorative bushes we want to put in for more privacy. But all I did was watch my hubby from the window hahaha lol 
I tried my new chillow pillow out last night. I don’t know whether I was just too tired and zonked…but it was the best nights sleep in 3 weeks. Mind you I did wake up at 5am and didn’t get back to sleep!!
Helen how long was it before you went back to work?
Mounties good luck love for Monday and pace yourself this weekend, keep quite busy but remember to relax too. will be thinking of you Monday!!!
I need to keep as busy as possible this weekend as at the moment all i want to do is ring and cancel.Then the sensible part of my brain kicks in and i know i am doing the right thing having the op on Monday.
I know i’m probaly being silly but i worry about daft things like not waking up after the op or even worse waking up during the op. Is it just me that gets scared of these daft things or does anyone else feel the same before their ops?
Will be fine on Monday and can’t wait to join all of you rejoicing in your recovery.
Thank you so much for all your support and advice. Thank you xxxx
Can i just ask on final question of you experts please?
When i went for my pre op assessment last week i had all the expected tests done, except the breathing test. Can i ask did you all have that test done prior to your recon and is it something i should raise with ps on Monday? Especailly considering i’m a smoker, though i have cut down drastically.
Would really appreciate knowing your opinions on this point as i am aware you need a lot of oxygen input during the op?
Hiya mounties
Never heard of the breathing test. Didn’t have one during my pre-op. Bloods, MRSA, Weight, height EGC, BP, I think was about it. I actually had the beginnings of a cold when it came to the op and they seemed quite happy with me. They will be in control of your oxygen input during the op and you will be given oxygen afterwards, I had those little nose things.
Have a lovely weekend, try to stop worrying, stupid comment I know, and yes I certainly was scared of some daft things beforehand, but so very glad I made the choice I did.
Thinking of you on Monday
Anne x
hi Mounties…course you’re gonna be nervous…but try and have full confidence in the staff that do these ops…they do know what they’re doing and won’t take their eye off you. You’ll probably get real tired of them doing all kinds of observations before and after,the op. I don’t remember a breathing test either…and I also had those that Anne had. To be honest…the easiest part for us is to go to sleep which will only take seconds…its harder for our relatives, standing by waiting for us to come round. I personally couldn’t wait to go to sleep knowing that when I woke up it was all finished with…apart from the recovery bit of course!!! but make sure you ask any questions that are on your mind…write them down…so the plastic surgeon, anethaetist…wrong spelling…and nurses can reassure you as far as possible. You have oxygen through the op and after…I had the mask!! It was just fine! Your not silly just nervous…this time next week you will be here sharing your experiences too!!!
Take care …try not to worry too much!!
Hi all its the other Helen here, hope you have all had a nice relaxing day and still recovering well.
Mounties i also didn’t have a breathing test, but like Helen says if your not sure about anything just ask and i do agree to write things down so you don’t forget. I was so scarde when i had mine so it is normal to feel this way but please don’t worry you will be fine.
Will be thinking of you on monday and i can’t wait to hear how well its all gone Helen xx
Hi Helen…Have you gone back to work? Thats the thing I’m quite worried about now…I know I’ve lots of recovery time yet…but obviously thats the next step!!!
Thank you all of you for your reassuring replies. I know in my heart of hearts i’m doing the right thing and as you all say they would think i was strange if i didn’t go into hospital on Monday nervous.
I will miss my cup of tea when i wake up so much but i know i will have plenty of chance to make up for it once op is over.
Thank you again all of you for your help in making me confident enough to go through with this op. Can’t wait to see my new boobie!!!
Christina xxxx
Treat yourself to a really quality tea when you get out. I just drank juice or water…I only drink coffee and I went right off it in hospital, and only drink it once a day now!!! Go figure!
You’ll be fine Christina…all the best for Monday!
HI all, I am not working at the moment i actually lost my job as my managers were not very understanding of me having reconstruction they saw it as more for cosmetic reasons!! so had no choice but to leave, so Helen i haven’t had that problem, dont go rushing back till you feel fully fit, your body will tell you when you are ready.
Christina, you just enjoy being waited on abit and having your cups of tea made for you!! I must say i quite enjoyed that part when i was in hospital as i am so use to doing everything for myself!!
Best wishes to all Helen xx
Helen thats awful!!! Bet your managers were men…sounds sexist I know but how insensitive!!! Sounds like you did the right thing love.
I hope that you use this time for you Helen…there are times in our lives when we have to think of ourselves as individuals and this is definitely one of those times!!!take care now!
Thank you again to all of you for your lovely wishes.
Right now i am terrified but i know this time tomorrow it will be all over and i will hopefully feel a right fool for getting so scared.
Looking forward to that first cuppa after i come round and meeting my new boob, it will be like seeing a friend again after 2 years since my mx.
Will let you all know asap how it all went.
Lots of love
Christina xxxx