DIEP booked 18 April - EEek


Go Girl!! Thinking of you tomorrow.
Anne x

Hi all, Surprise! my managers were not men just a couple of very hard faced women who have no idea!! never mind what goes around comes around! Helen thankyou for that and hope your feeling stronger today.

All the very best mounties for tommorow.Its here at last! its really strange but when the time actually comes you dont feel as nervous you just want to get it over with! Best wishes Helenxx

I hope you are all right, i really do. Roll on this time tomorrow.

Please send me some of your courage?

All the best Christina for tomorrow…soon be over with now
heres some {{[hugs}} to send you on your way. You’ve got courage in bucketfuls!!


Thank you Helen, i was getting worried everyone apart from me was having a early night. So good to see your reply.

Sitting here drinking tea by the gallon as not allowed any in the morning, how good will that first cup of tea taste.

This site and the people on it really are the best thing about bc Thank you to all of you for all your kind words.

How i wish there was someone i could ring and talk to right now.

hi christina,

i wish you had someone to talk to as well, this will have to do, not the same i know but at least you know there is someone out there listening. i’ve been following both your threads, here and about your work. just remember all you have over come and remember in this bit of your life, tomorrow is a positive thing… it is the beginning of the end!!!

you can tell me the same thing a month from now when it is my turn, just wanted you to know there is someone here just now…all will be well - my prayers are with you,


Lenny, you are a saint. Thank you so much for being there for me. With all my heart thank you.

I am sure in a weeks time i will be telling you how wonderful the op was and how great my boob looks.

Off to bed now with my last cup of tea for the next 24 hours, i have drank so much tea tonite, will be peeing all night long. Sorry to be so blunt.

Thank you again i will sleep better knowing you are praying for me.


Christina xxxx

Hi all…If your around Sarah who had your DIEP done on 23rd April, hope your doing ok and are taking it easy.
Hi to Sarah having your tram flap done on 13th May …this wed, good luck love and huggings of positive vibes to you. You’ve got your garden ready to sit in …so here’s hoping for good weather for when you come out! Take care, do everything they ask and you might be out even quicker!!!
Anne or Helen has your tummy got really tight. Mine feels even worse than it did the first week. I know my tummy is growing cos I’m actually eating more now…if not a lot…but it feels like I’m gonna burst!! lol :wink:
catch ya

Hi Helen

Re the tummy, did you have the dreaded corset?? Mine’s come off week 3 and have replaced it with “hold-it-all-in” big knickers. Know the feeling of tightness, one minute mine’s really tender, the next it has no feeling. My belly button just isn’t where it used to be lol! I have found the more I move the better the tummy is, gets very tight if I sit in one position too long. One brilliant benefit though - went up pub Sat night and put on jeans without all that fat flowing over the top - bliss!

Enjoy the sunshine.
Anne x

Hi Anne…no I didn’t have a corset, didn’t wear anything till I got home and its a crop top…extra large size. Good for you girl, I’ve been wearing tracky bottoms at the moment…will be good to get into jeans though!!! yeah I get that stiffness too. So every so often I get up and ‘poddle’ about…phoned up about a meeting with my onc. They haven’t got my results back yet…but may have by the end of the week!!!
Yep its real sunny here too…first time in weeks!

catch ya

Hiya Helen - I might be able to have a shower, but I’m not allowed a crop top - was strapped into a quite tight bra, front fastening on day 4 and have to wear it for 4-6 weeks, and sports bra when its in the wash. Swings and roundabouts heh?

Seems quite a wait for your results, fingers, toes and anything else that crosses are crossed for you.

Question - do you have scars right in your armpit, its hard to raise to even clean, let alone have a good look, totally no feeling there though.

Anne x ps wonder how Christina’s getting on (hope she’s had her cup of tea lol)

Hi Anne…I have an older scar under my armpit…but think thats from the WLE and SNB I had originally. Its semi-numb, not too bad. Thing is some areas feel number one day than the next, it keeps moving about…mind of its own eh lol :slight_smile:
I assume everything was ok with your results Anne when you got them? My husband is more impatient than me to have them…a kind of closure at last!!! Thats why he rang up yesterday! so we’ll see.
Having to wear a tight bra is harsh it kinda hurts eh!!! At least I can take mine off when it feels too tight!!! swings and roundabouts indeed!!!

Yep I thought about Christina last night thinking it was all over with now…so yes a good cuppa is ordered for her I hope…

Your turn tomorrow Sarah…Good luck to you soon be over with too!!

catch ya later

Hi again

I also had an older scar under my armpit, but this one from the DIEP is really big and kind of goes round in a semi-circle, strange!

My DIEP was a delayed one. I had my mastectomy 2007 so am not waiting on results but know exactly how you and hubby are feeling. My OH is just the same, they seem to cope better when everything is laid out in detail, what happens when and how and why. Have certainly given my hubs a few grey hairs over the years, bless him.

Don’t work too hard!
Anne x

Hi Anne…I’ve got my appointment on Friday. My bcn rung me today and said my results were in and they would discuss them Friday morning . She told me just to come and they would fit me in and discuss the results before I went in to see the plastic surgeon…and the bcn said I had to ask for her cos she wants to be there cos she is interested in the op. So roll on Friday now!!!yeh!


Hi Helen
Hope the results are good.
I’m back home tonight as there was no bed for me today having had my blood thinning injection. I have to be back in the hospital at 7am and am first on the list at 830.
Hope I get a few hours sleep !
Until next week


Hi girls…Sarah sorry you had to go through…in out in out…but you should be having the op as I post this…so good luck love, come back and chat as soon as you can.
Hope Christina is doing ok too.
Hi Anne how goes it with you? I feel just fine in the mornings…then less so after a couple of hours…depends on how often I use my arm I guess…Late afernoon and evening time is worse…but on the whole much better, progress in small steps…do for me though!!! Hope your well! Just a bit worried about my results knowing my track record…and I have one concern…but I’m sure it will be fine!!!
catch ya later

Hi there hope your all starting to feel stronger! Hope everything has gone well for sarah and christina, and hope to hear soon.
Helen will keep fingers crossed for you on friday for your results

Morning all…Thanks Helen…mine are crossed along with everything else too…this time round.
Hope Christina and Sarah are ok. Christina should be beginning to get more mobile by now and Sarah will be coming round from a heavy anaesthetic!!! Oh the memories haven’t dimmed any teehee!!

Hope your fine Anne and motoring along at a greater speed!!!
catch ya later

Morning to Helen1 and Helen2 - gettting my head round this now - I believe we have two Sarah’s aswell?

Had a wee panic this morning. OH away on business and I woke up on my side, one rather squashed recon, extremely painful, and when I looked closely, a little raw along the scar. So grabbed clothes and drove!! to emergency surgery where I’ve been put on antibiotics. Dr thinks all ok, but a bit weak due to haematoma and being squashed.
Will place books down both sides of me tonight to stop me going anywhere too far lol.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow Helen, but it can’t come soon enough. Off to have my constitutional walk to buy a paper (and chocolate!)
