Max, I’ve not been given info on wigs but know a couple of people locally who have been to local NHS approved hairdressers. I called them to make appointment, and going to call chemo ward about getting a voucher. In Wales we get £90 towards cost, don’t know if different in England. Look up the website ‘look good feel better uk’ there are centres all over country that do these sessions, it’s all free, and I haven’t a clue how to make my eyebrows look normal lol so thought it a good idea!
I work for council, they’re being very supportive but I’m going to try go to work on 16th (chemo 14th). Who knows. It’s the constant being signed off and back on again that’s flummoxing me! Lucky for us in Wales all prescriptions are free, as is hospital parking!!
It seems there are endless combos of drugs, I’m going to wait and find out what other concoctions I get lol.
So glad you are feeling ok, and you JoJo, a trip to the shops is great and fresh air will certainly help!! Tho you saying TC was tougher makes me nervous lol. I’ve taken an A4 page a day diary to keep track of SE’s and what I’ve achieved each day.
Rambling again, sorry, back to rugby ? Xxx
Vouchers for wigs seem to depend on the nhs health trust. I opted for chemo via my employer’s healthcare scheme as it avoided another 2 week wait on nhs, so I don’t get any vouchers. However we don’t pay vat on wigs for medical reasons, so if you have to pay extra on top of the voucher then vat isn’t charged. I went to a local wig shop that a friend recommended and they said even within East Anglia where I live, the nhs trusts vary with the value of voucher. I was really amazed with the choice and quality of wigs on offer, so many styles and colours it was hard to choose! I also ordered a (different) spare online, which was cheaper but looks not bad, as long as I get my hairdresser to chop the fringe!
Max, yes the jabs to boost white blood cells are GCsf and they do cause some stiffness and pain. Mine wasn’t too bad, it lasted about 4 days and was mainly in my bottom, neck and shoulders. Some people suffer more, some less. I had a single slow release jab, but others are daily for 3-7 days. Looking back, I can definitely relate to the feeling of being wobbly and not quite right, a bit sluggish. For me that lasted about 5-6 days and then lifted at the same time as the fluid retention from the steroids. Was very glad to be able to see the bones in my ankles again!
Hi Ladies, feeling sorry for myself at the moment and can’t motivate myself… I have joined FB page set up by Julie… thanks Julie great page… Catch up soon in here. Take care everyone… ANN xx
Hi all,
I’ve been absent for a few days so hope everyone is well. I haven’t quite caught up yet. I’ve had a busy few days with one daughter home for the weekend from uni and my 17 year olds birthday today.
Feeling more like my old self day 8 after chemo. Braved the shave today and I now have a very greying buzz cut which I actually quite like (would rather it wasn’t quite so grey!).
Julie, I seem to be having problems friend requesting you but I’ve tried again. Do you need to add me to the group or can I search and find it?
Ann, sorry you’re not feeling on good form. Do keep coming on and chatting if you feel up to it.
Looking forward to meeting you all on FB if I ever get there.
Jo xx
Hi all
Ann I’m sorry and I know how you feel, some days are harder than others and it can take all we have and be exhausting just to be and stay ourselves.
we fight on together X
Go jo !! I hate my hair now it’s itchy and cold … look I’m moaning again!!!
Went to docs about the broken glass feeling in my butt .?. got stronger cream ??
My nausea is doable now and enjoyed a smoked salmon salad .mums Veg soup and French stick and also a packet of frazzles ( gotta love frazzles)
Mum has also made a cottage pie for our tea … anyone think I’m milking this lol ???
Anyway I’m still in bloody bed and fed up … butt hey … at least I’m not so nauseous I can lift my head of pillow and watch rubbish tv (Netflix Borgias )… I’ve read all posts and glad everyone is doing so well and getting out and about… I find it hard on my phone as can’t look through posts as easily… but wigs sound good and thanks for the advice Tessa and max and jojo …
I don’t mean to miss out anyone , as you are all amazing and I love reading the posts …
Does anyone feel the pain come back about a week after chemo ? I haven’t had op so 6cm tumour and lymph still in me … they hurt now so I’m worried chemo is not working and just putting my through hell !!
More moaning lol ? x
Hi Zena
re the pain,when did you have biopsy, and did they put titanium markers in before chemo? My core biopsy was 9th Jan, and marker went in 26th Jan, and it’s taken until now for the pain, bruising and swelling to go…after all the steroids it was worse.
It sounds like you are feeling a bit better, but if you need to rest or stay in bed then that’s obviously your body telling you what it needs. Everyone reacts differently to this and I don’t think it’s easy for any of us regardless of how little or great the side effects are.
Ann, hope you are ok. I have moments of wishing I could just walk away from all of this but I can’t.
I had biopsy 28th Dec - Hereford hospital was so slow that I moved to Cheltenham.,
Yes it hurt for 2 weeks after biopsy.,
This is different it’s like I can feel the cancer aching again … and my armpits feel swollen…
I’m having an MRI I think after 3 Fec … just my mind is now telling me in dark moments that I’m the low %again that chemo doesn’t work for .
I hate cancer xx
I had some pain in lump & armpit pre surgery. Wasn’t horrific, just a few twinges that lasted a few hours. My brain told me it was the chemo working it’s magic & shrinking them. Turned out my brain was right!
Feeling the FEC today. Vary fatigued. Just chilling today & start g-csf injections tonight. While I was on the TC I always felt tons better when they had finished. One more week then!
Jojo xx
Ok il think it’s them shrinking … but it feels weird like swelling so I may call my bcn again (think she’s fed up of me already) …
not that it will change anything as I still have to have 3 before they check …
good luck with the injections and I agree I definitely started to feel better after stopping them … except a day of flu like aches …
it’s so strange the tiredness isn’t it … hard to explain to anyone., I have a like a burst of energy then wiped out and just goes on and on like that xx
That pic of you jules just loaded on my page - I wanna come visit when you are back there … just my sort of thing xx
I thought I would post this as maybe useful to us and anyone else going through chemo xx
Drug treatment options for nausea and vomiting. Source: patient information UK
* Cinnarizine, cyclizine, promethazine – these medicines belong to a group of medicines called antihistamines. The exact way that they work is not fully understood. It is thought that antihistamines block histamine 1 (H1) receptors in the area of the brain which creates nausea in response to chemicals in the body. They are thought to work well for nausea caused by a number of conditions including ear problems and motion (travel) sickness.
* Hyoscine – this medicine works by blocking a chemical in the brain called acetylcholine. It is a type of medicine called an antimuscarinic (or anticholinergic). It works well for nausea caused by ear problems and motion sickness.
* Chlorpromazine, haloperidol, perphenazine, prochlorperazine, levomepromazine– these medicines work by blocking a chemical in the brain called dopamine. They are useful for nausea that is caused by some cancers, radiation, and opiate medicines such as morphine and codeine. Prochlorperazine (or brand name Stemetil®) is one of the most used medicines for nausea. It works for many causes of nausea, including vertigo, ear problems and sickness in pregnancy.
* Metoclopramide – this medicine works directly on your gut. It eases the feelings of sickness by helping to empty the stomach and speed up how quickly food moves through the gut. It is often used for people with sickness due to gut problems or migraine. It is not usually used for more than a few days.
* Domperidone – this medicine works on the CTZ (an area of the brain known as the chemoreceptor trigger zone). It also speeds up the emptying of the gut. It is not usually used for more than a few days.
* Dexamethasone – this is a steroid medicine. It is a man-made version of a natural hormone produced by your own body. Dexamethasone has a wide range of actions on many parts of the body. The reason why it reduces nausea isn’t clear.
* Granisetron, ondansetron, and palonosetron – these medicines work by blocking a chemical called serotonin (5-HT) in the gut, and the brain. Serotonin (5-HT) has an action in the gut and the brain to cause nausea. These medicines are useful for controlling nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.
* Aprepitant and fosaprepitant – these are newer medicines and work by blocking a chemical that acts on neurokinin receptors in the body to cause nausea. They are sometimes called neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists. They are usually given to people on a certain type of chemotherapy.
* Nabilone – it is still not clear how this medicine works to control nausea. It is normally prescribed for people who are having chemotherapy.
Medicines for nausea are available as tablets capsules, liquids, suppositories and skin patches. Some are given as injections into the muscle or directly into the vein
this is really useful, thanks. I had to look up Emend, it’s the one called aprepipant. I suppose this list helps explain what they each do, and I am not convinced I need them all, but frightened not to take at least some for fear of suffering nausea.
Hi everyone
How are you all?
The facebook page has eight of us on there and it’s lovely to see photos of you all with your families, dogs and cats. It won’t replace this page but will be useful to add stuff and be able to private message if anyone is feeling really low.
I have a bit more energy today so feeling happy.
I’m reading a book by Sian Williams (Breakfast TV etc) about her double masectomy and dealing with all sorts of stressful situations. Some of it has been hard going and I was wondering why I was reading it but now I’m finding it good. I’ve been bought about 4 colouring books and pencils and there were times when I thought I should be doing that instead LOL.
Keep strong girls - we are the Fab February Girls!
Anyone new please find our facebook page by looking for Broseley Totally Locally where you will find me - Julie Owen
Jules1 xxxxx
Hiiiiii, had a little tip toe in last week as I wasn’t sure whether I would be having chemo or not and was waiting for oncotype result to come through … anyway, here I am and start chemo next Wednesday 15th Feb … I’m devastated at the moment so been reading through your posts to make myself feel more positive about the whole thing … I don’t know why I am so shocked as it had always been mentioned but I suppose I was just really hoping for a low score …
I’ve also added myself (friend request) to your fb page, I hope you don’t mind … Sarah bowker
live to all of you … Sarah xxx
Love to all of you (that should have said) xxxxx
Hi Sarah
Sorry to hear that you’re joining us on this journey (if you know what I mean!) but we’ll be here supporting each other every step of the way.
You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to stay alive. It’s all a huge balls ache but there is really no other option.
There will be good days though! Its not all bad & spring is on the way. Yay!
Jojo xx
Morning all
Sarah, I don’t think any of us want chemo, but If we stick together we can help each other manage it as best we can. I wish I could have avoided it, but can’t. I have a little chart counting the days off, as every day I get through is a day closer to finishing chemo. I have everything else after that too, surgery etc.
Julie, Zena, you had first chemo same time as me. Have you noticed any hair loss yet? I seemed to lose a few fine eyelashes yesterday, and my head hair is definitely weakening, as I am losing more hair than normal when brushing. Strangely I have had a headache and slighly runny eyes the last couple of days and wonder if it’s related.
Hi Sarah ,
So sorry your here …it’s not where we want to be at all so we understand your pain …
Saying that we can get through this and come out with some new stories,some more wisdom and at the end victory dances and drinks ?? x
sorry I have to say this as it may help ?
It’s not from the chemo it’s just my bad Luck the doc said ?
Can you believe I get my worst bout of piles since pregnancy now !!!
I’m gonna sound like my 4 year old but ITS NOT FAIR ?Xx
Ps live to you all is good too Sarah ?Xx
Hi Tessa
No no hair-loss yet !!
Just joking around with Jo c about what if we are the ones to keep it and we’ve buzzed it all off for nothing lol ?
I’ll be surprised if any of us who aren’t using the cold cap end up keeping our hair :( I’m not brave enough to get it buzzed off yet, but am preparing for it some time in the next week or so.
Yea don’t do it till you are ready tessa as it is a bit hard and I did sheaf some tears … not got the hair as much as what I was Goni through., but then my Hubby said I leave the house from Scarlett johanson and come back to Demi Moore … bless him I think he’d spent all day thinking that up