That’s obviously shead (sorry)
And not for the hair … must check before post x
OMG and Goni- it’s the painkiller s im going mad !!
Morning everyone
Welcome to Sarah (if welcome is the right word!!!). None of us want to be on here. We have been planning for about 10 years to put our house in Shropshire on the market in 2017 (when I got to 60) and move to West Wales (to the sea). With some money from the sale we were buying a campervan and having a gap year all around the UK. All that totally put on hold.
I haven’t noticed any hair loss yet. I use a non SLS soap to wash my hair (have done since May - not connected to BC at all) and I’ve stopped using a blow drier. I have a nice wig ready although I haven’t taken it out of the box since I brought it home! I must try it again and get used to the feel of it.
Hop on to facebook and join our group if you do FB - find me Julie Owen via Broseley Totally Locally.
Love Jules 1
Hi ladies and thank you for the welcome xxx
Jo and Zena I have sent you fb friend requests xx
I will be back on later to chat
Sarah xx
My nose has been running all day … was it you Tessa that said that or jojo ? Odd ?! …, is that it-from now on ? Tissue up sleeve - wig on - eyebrows on - hat at the ready and no parabens (so crap basically) deodorant on - and lopsided or boobless bras …
Oh Zena I think you’ve had every side effect available! Don’t forget you will lose you nostril hair (oh yeah) & will just snot everywhere because there’s nothing stopping it any more. Lost count of the times friends have told me I’ve got a dewdrop.
Even the lovely downy stuff on your face will go leaving your skin with a feeling that it doesn’t belong to you. But downstairs will go or at least thin & underarms & legs too! Positives from negatives ladies!
Jojo xx
Ok forgot lizard mouth too ?
Does anyone know why or if painting nails dark colour helps or why ? X
Hi Zena
My nose was dripping on Saturday but that was because my lack of first aid couldn’t stop my nose bleed :( but a quick call to the ooo nurse sorted me out.
Yes, I’ve heard we will probably have runny nose and streaming eyes - not sure if I’ll get double the dose as I reckon it will all coincide with the start of hay fever season…oh the joys
I think the reason they say paint your nails dark is for two things - hides the discoloration from the chemo, and protects the nails from UV. I’ve heard that moisturising them from now onwards (i.e. before the nail problems start) can help, but I don’t know what the best nail oil is - there are loads available, and being free of chemicals doesn’t always mean it’s the best. Any ideas ladies?
Arrr thanks Tessa …
I’ve got a top-tip …
baby oil and a few drops of essential oil if you want for sent … makes whole body including nails hands and feet lovely and soft and keeps moisture in .
Highly recommended for lazy people like me as it’s an all over body moisturise without the bother of standing doing it x
Seriously I’ve just taken my painkillers again 10 minutes ago lol
That was about putting in oil in the bath and then getting in and just lying there as it’s sort of just get all over the skin …
fairy liquid for rinsing bath afterwards thou x
Yes I was told chemo can make nails sensitive to light & can actually drop off. Didn’t happen to me first time round but they went very brittle & weak. Not sure if that was chemo or constant nail varnish use. Some ladies lose toenails too so there is differing theories as toenails tend to be always covered! Keep moisturising under the nail (the bit that hangs over your pad) Mine are ridged though.
Jojo xx
Hi everyone. I’ve just had my start date confirmed as 15th Feb so I hope you don’t mind me pulling up a chair in here…
I’m feeling pretty scared about it all but I’m putting my brave face on for the world. Looking forward to getting to know all you lovely ladies. If it’s OK could I also jump in on the facebook group?
Hugs to all x
Hello Lexxy
WElcome our little club, our Facebook page is coming along very nicely and is great for getting to know each other and put faces to names.
I was a bundle of nerves before my first chemo on 26th Jan, and I can feel myself getting a bit nervous before FEC 2 next week, but I suppose all this is par for the course in having to manage something we are just not used to, and never thought we would have to go through.
Feel free to ask any questions, as quite a few of us have had our first chemo and we all probably have different experiences.
Hi Lexxy!
Welcome to the Fab Feb ladies. We’ll all get through this together don’t worry ?
Jojo xx
Hi lexxy …
welcome and sorry …
It’s a proper bummer chemo … but gotta be done xxx
What are parabens?? And what doesn’t have them?? Have u all stopped shaving pits cause of node removal?
Have I read somewhere that there are fake eyebrows too…?? The mind boggles… sorry for all the questions.
Levy, hello, it’s scary stuff, what are your results and chemo programme? I start the day b4 you… xxx
Lexxy. Sorry. Autocorrect ?