Hi ann , just lazy staff night before .so come in to picking up there slack x
Ah right Jo thanks. Might try it neat then when I get some.
Meant to say before, does anyone take any supplements/vitamins? And if so, which do you recommend?
Max x
Well FEC actually is FECin FEC.
I have horrendous nausea. I think I’ll see how I am tomorrow. Rubbish.
Sweet dreams
Jojo xx
Hello all,
Jojo do you have Emend? That’s meant to be the best one for nausea, but due to cost won’t be prescribed in all nhs areas. I have it and have had no nausea but no idea if that’s because of Emend plus all the others, or whether I wouldn’t have had nausea anyway.
Re working during treatment, I work for a large FTSE100 company and they are flexible re working arrangements. Your employer has to make reasonable adjustments if you want to work, which could be reduced hours, a mix of working plus sick leave, working from home etc. The Macmillan website has quite a lot of good info on it, as I had a look last night. My original idea was to take all the time off as sick leave, but I am now thinking that I might have some of the time each cycle as sick, and work adjusted hours the rest of each cycle, but that depends on whether the side effects carry on through the entire cycle or not, and how tired I get as time goes on. My job is desk based with no travel, and I work from home already so my set up is probably easier than other jobs. Your GP can give you sick notes, or fit notes as they are now called, and they can always state that you might be fit to work with adjustments, and then list what they might be. Your employer should also give you time off for treatment but I can’t remember if this has to be paid or not. Mine is, but might not be a legal right.
Max, the only supplement I am taking is ferroglobin otc liquid iron, as I have been prone to anaemia in the past, but not sure how effective it will be ( it’s otc so much lower iron than prescription iron pills). My onc had no problem with me taking it so we’ll see any effect when I next get bloods on 14th.
i am now day 9 after first FEC and today was the first day I felt kind of normal, albeit a bit breathless going upstairs but that’s probably low red blood count.
Hello lovely ladies, iv been catching up with your posts over the last day ot two and I think you are all doing so brilliantly.
I just wanted to let you know that at last i finally had my oncotype results today and they were low and therefore I won’t have to have chemo (don’t know exact number yet as I was told today by the breast team whilst I was in the unit having my prosthesis fitting), I have an appointment with oncology next Thursday to discuss things in more detail and next stage of treatment, they think it will probably be radiotherapy and Tamoxifen for 10 years.
Thank you for chatting to me and keeping me sane. I guess I’ll be dipping my toe into the radiotherapy threads but I shall certainly keep popping back here to read all about your progress. Much love to you all xxx
Hi all
Quick post …
Yaayyyyy Mrs c I’m so pleased for you hunny … to hear you don’t have to go through this is amazing … and only come back and check us if you want to, ( think I’d run to the hills from all this if I could )
Sending you massive hugs z xx
Tessa ( so intriguing at which company) anyway my advice for what it’s worth as I’ve been bedridden for a week … is take the days off after chemo i.e. A week then go back till next one … as I’m feeling better now and even got up yesterday ( hurrah ?)
It’s very tiring and you need to preserve your strength for it and work as important as it is … is not your wellbeing and health … god ! lecture over lol,sorry I sound like my mum x
I’m craving honey now girls x
How are you ? I truly hope that it’s not too bad … but I know nausea is …
it’s a week after my chemo and nausea has lifted finally.
A week is a long time but I didn’t know if it would ever stop so it’s something…
They are looking at a patch for next time and maybe syringe driver … if you get very bad, nozinan ( Kardashian pill) totally knocked me out so no nausea but it was like a dead mans sleep for me so not nice … and woke up to nausea returning within the hour…But at least I got done rest , even if the kardashians did crash my dream ?..
I now have toothache and sorry to say pile pain ( bit embarrassing) and been told to go in to emergency chemo ward for test … my mouth is ok apart from that as using salt water / baking soda and water and biotene throughout the day seems to help …
Blood count starts to get lie after day 7 so they get more worried about stuff …
Il let you know how it goes xxxx
Thanks Zena very much, I felt so guilty saying it as you’re struggling ? I hope they help you with the toothache and the pile pain, both awful. You’ve been through so much this last couple of weeks and im so glad to hear that the nausea has finally let up. I am sure that they will get your meds right for the next one, no Oncology team in the land would ever want you to feel that rubbish. I hope I don’t sound patronising but be proud, you’re strong and doing so well.
I got my lovely new prosthesis yesterday, oh wow, how good does it feel. I had a bit of a cry in there, poor lady fitter, tho I bet she sees it a lot. It’s made me feel balanced and completely restored my confidence wearing my clothes. I feel normal again. It was affecting my posture just having the one boob and a softie the other side, not wildly I guess as im a 38DD but enough to give me backache so im a happy bunny now. She said that i can make an appointment in 10 months time to go back to get a contact form (the stick on boob) when I have healed more as I wanted that type as I don’t want reconstruction. She thought my scar was amazing. It’s in the shape of a smiley face and very flat and seroma gone now, so im fine with it now (never thought id be saying that 7 weeks ago as I was horrified by it and couldn’t look at myself or barely touch it). True what they say though, time is a great healer, it had to be done and my surgeon did a truly excellent job, god bless the NHS.
With the stick on one you can wear normal bras and I didn’t know this before but you can even swim with them on, the other breast forms u can’t and have to buy a special swimming prosthesis if u want to swim or you can wear a softie in your cossy. I think id need the weight though else wouldn’t you swim round and round in circles ?.
NHS give you one nice free pocketed bra too ? which they order and deliver to your home address. They come in a good range of colours, but I chose white as iv already got blues and blacks and haven’t got a white one. I normally avoid white bras as even if I just put the white bra in the washer on its own, it will come out grey and with one black sock stuck to it despite checking machine beforehand ? I shall take good care of this one, may even lovingly hand wash it!
Been having a lurk on the radiotherapy threads. Dare i say it but It sounds a lot less involved than chemo. I might have to have it over the mastectomy site because of my age and size of tumour, im 44 and tumour was 7.5 cm. Will see what Oncologist says. Had a read about Tamoxifen side effects and having a shudder, nurse thinks I’ll have it for 10 years. I shall knuckle down and get on with it.
Right, id better get up and feed the cat, she’s patting my face bless her and is now using one claw to really tell me that its time ? ha!
Take care all, big hugs Xxx
Hi zena , sorry this is hitting you like a rock .you do seem too also be awake at all times , bet you are shattered .so hope mine dont go this way as they are 1 every fortnight instead of 3 weeks .its come around so quickly now little scared about the long list of s/e’s .I also going to try the honey anything is worth a shot …hope you have a better day today xx
Morning Team!
We’ll I’m here & alive after an horrendous day of nausea. Not a FEC fan so far…I was given something similar to Emend but it’s one tablet to take one hour before treatment. I don’t think it was enough. I’ll be having words next pre chemo. Took half lorazepam to help sleep & it seemed to do the trick. I’ve woken up feeling a bit more human & have downgraded the feeling to queasy now. I’ve also dug out the travel bands!
So this morning I’ve had me dex & ondansetron so should start to feel better soon but just don’t have an appetite. Although I had cornflakes for brekkie which I enjoyed. Couldn’t stomach my usual porridge.
Zena I hope you’re up & about soon. My issues seem nothing compared to yours. I do hope they can manage it better next time.
MrsO well done you! What a relief & please don’t feel bad for any of us still going through stuff. The more people that can avoid this crap, the better! Keep in touch about the rads. Mine will start in May.
Thanks Tessa for the Emend suggestion, I’ll have to insist!
Take care ladies, happy world cancer day!
Jojo xxx
Hi all.
I’m new to the board but have been lurking around the Jan and Feb boards until i got my confirmed chemo date. I start on 14th - happy valentines!
I am 44 and live in Edinburgh. I was diagnosed in November and had a lumectomy in Dec. Cells found in one lymph node and so my Christmas was jolted a bit with the news of having to get chemo - alsonleant telling my oldest child who is 9. I had to have a second op in Jan to imrpove the margins which put back my chemo to Feb.
I still feel like i am in a bubble and its real but now real. Does that make sense? Am sure the chemo will bring it crashing down to reality tho!
Anyway i wanted to say hi and pluck up the courage to stop lurking and get posting!
Hi liddy
Glad you came on here . I’m sorry for your diagnosis it’s very scary we know …
and for your kids too Hun.
Chemo seems to be hitting me the worst and all other ladies seem to have varing degrees of SEs … try not to panic as I’m sure you will be in the latter group… I’ve been told I’m in the 5% ??.
I feel less sick today but my butt kills like mad !!!
I had aches and pains this morning and bcn said SEs from gcsf injection so that makes sense. It’s like flu aches … ( honestly will it never end for me!!)
I’m upon the night which is a pain but need to sleep when I can do not worried about that …
Mouth is ok apart from wisdom tooth playing up but I always get that . Seems chemo finds your weak spots !
Shaved my head and it’s soooooooo cold I have to wear cap even in bed … I’m glad it’s done tho and kids are getting used to it Already xxxx
Hi everyone
Sorry - been a bit absent for a few days.
Hello to the new ‘girls’ too.
I’ve just been achy today and I’m tired but okay.
I can set up a secret facebook group but you will all need to Friend me so i can add you. Find me (Julie Owen) via Broseley Totally Locally
Jo your friend request seems to have gone - can you do it again.
I’ll set a group up and we can all share photos and maybe some fun stuff too. Ann sent me a great email which i’ll share with you on there.
Zena - I’m loving the badge idea. I must admit it is nice being waited on. Going down to my Mum’s next weekend for more!! LOL
Done Jukes. …I’m jo sheppard
Morning all,
Just sent my FB request too Julie.
Zena, the butt pain will go! I had it for about 2-3 days then it eased off. I also had a feeling like I was getting a cold, a bit of a runny nose, and my lymph glands came up. The GCsf will give you some aches and pains, but if it reduces the risk of infection, I will suffer the aches.
And ladies, don’t do what I did, and blow your nose too hard , as we are also prone to nosebleeds…just what I did not need yesterday …
Hello Liddy, I am originally from Fife and half of the extended family lived in Edinburgh so I know your part of the country well. Do you know yet what chemo regime you will be on? I think a number of us are on FEC-T, but it depends on many things.
Have a good day everyone!
Morning ladies
jules I’ve just added you… I’m Laura Crosbie x
Morning everyone
Hope you are all okay today. Sunday so no appointment and no fecking fec going on!! Hope you are all able to spend a nice day doing whatever you love best today.
I’ve set up the facebook page so look for me via broseley totally locally - Julie Owen
Jules xxx
I’ve sent you a friend request Julie, Sarah Hannah ? Xx
Liddy, we start on the same day! TCH for me, I’m 42 but no kids… and never going to b able to have them after this now either…
I’m physcing myself up for it, concentrating on keeping active - with 5 dogs I’ve got no choice but to keep walking…, but actually want to do more during this to get it out of system effectively … xx
Day 3 of FEC. I’m not feeling too bad! Stomach still feels sensitive but keeping the food light & coping ok. Put my face on this morning & strolled to shop. Feel much better for doing that.
How is everyone else doing? G-csf injections start tomorrow so I know that will affect me. Looking back on my diary from the TC regime, I was feeling alot less perky! Long may it last (minus the hideous nausea)
Love love
Jojo xx
Hi all,
Hope you all ok today.
Liddy - welcome x
Jules - I’ve sent you a FB request. I’m Maxine Keane x
Tessa - cheers re your supplement info x
Zena - I like the badge story lol! Hope your toothache & bum pain are easing. Well done on your brave step with hair. The GSCF injections, is that the same as the white blood cell injections I’ve to take for 7 days after treatment? If so, didn’t realise these gave you pain too? x
Mrs Orange cat - Fab news re no chemo!! I’ve been on Tamoxifen trial for pre-menopausal women for 5 years, with no side effects, Just periods slowed down, until I’ve not had one now for over a year. So fingers crossed for you x
JoJo - Hope your nausea is easing. I was given Emend to take 1 hour before treatment and 2 more to take home for the next 2 days along with Ondansetron for 2 days for nausea (plus steroids Dexamethasone). Todays is my 3rd day so have finished these & I’ve got Metoclopramide now to take if needed. I have to say so far I’ve not had nausea, so not sure if this is due to meds I’ve had or just lucky so far? x
Sparkydee - I’m on EC-T, 3x EC & 3x T. Took me a while to realise that T is the other name for Docetaxol! No F for me on the FEC. Yes, having the caravan will hopefully be a good place to escape durng this. Lovely area around there. I’ve never been given any info off anyone re wig appointments or the therapy/make-up sessions. I know I’m trying cold cap but thought I’d still be given info. Not sure who should be telling/giving me this?? My job is accounts, so not a streunous job and I work in an office on my own. My bosses have been really flexible so far through my appointments and operation. I’ve said I’ll probably be off first week after treatment & then go in weeks 2 &3. But we’ve also discussed getting my work home to do there. Then I’m not worrying about my hair even if I feel ok. I’m taking time off as sick leave.Yes, you get sick note from GP & ask for medical presciption exemption form to not have to pay for any extra presciptions x
Ann - How are you doing chemo buddy? x
Well I’m on day 3 after 1st treatment and so far I’ve been ok. Dreaded waking up Friday & seeing how I was going to feel!! But was fine. Took my tabs & injections etc & ate ok. I did totally mess up my first injection though…I only pulled the plunger out instead of push, so none went in & was wasted…doh!!! So frantic call then to Christie to organise another for 7th day, as had to use another up…what an idiot I am!! Did think today I would feel worse as finished the main nausea tabs & a lot seem to say day 3 hits them worse. So see how I get on. Probably feel more tired than normal and have a feeling inside that I can’t put my finger on, like I feel a bit weak or wobbly?? Hope I’m ok to attend my daughter’s assembly in the morning. I really didn’t want to miss things like this. Plus, the topic is inspirational people and she has only gone & done me! That brought a tear to my eye! But now I’m also thinking is this the best thing to sit in a hall full of kids with colds etc?? Still not washed my hair either, as they recommend not to if possible after cold cap, but I feel minging and certainly wouldn’t want anyone to see me. I’m really sorry to those if that sounds selfish, who’ve lost their hair too.
Take care ladies.
Max x