February 2025 chemo starters

I also had my pre assessment today. I am having my first treatment on Monday I am still quite nervous but it’s the only way. I have 6 treatments every 21 days do you?


Hey @anb1
I think it’s only natural to be nervous of the unknown,Hopefully nerves will settle a bit once you have your first treatment :crossed_fingers:
I have 1 treatment every 3 weeks,
I have 7 cycles
4 of Docetaxel
3 of EC
Along with Phesgo injections as I am HER2+
Sending lots of love and positive thoughts your way for Monday :kissing_heart:

Hi @rainbowbrite10

I felt so much better once I got my final biopsy results and had the plan for treatment for the next year or so. Prior to that I felt it was all out of my control, now I feel like I’m in the steering seat again.

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Hi @zoemac

Good to hear both your sessions went ok & you found the cold cap tolerable you’ve both done so well dealing with that with everything else.:crossed_fingers:
Hope you both have a good night with hopefully no side effects. X

Yes, @zoemac I was out at 5 but still 3 hours.
My sessions will be 3 & 5 hours. 3 down 9 to go!

Hi @rainbowbrite10

I am her2+ as well. I am having 6 cycles every 21 days of Docetaxel and Carboplatin together plus Phesgo


Hello @rainbowbrite10

Good to hear you feel a little more settled after your assessment now you have your plan going forward.
I felt like you, think I felt more focused knowing my dates m.
I just wanted to get it started.

The nurse’s are all so reassuring & staff have been wonderful.
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x


Hope you got out today in good time, know long session for you today. Is you picc line ok?

Good to hear you had tea flowing, our tea and cake trolley didn’t come round!! good job I take a good supply of snacks :joy:

Snap! We are on the same chemotherapy and targeted therapy before surgery.

Round two for me tomorrow morning. Once that’s out if the way then I’m a third of a way through part one! :grin:


@pineapples123 glad they made you feel comfortable today. Hope you dont mind me saying , but you sound quite relaxed.

Im feeling incredibly anxious and not slept well in the last few days.
Im having my first chemo tomorrow morning , and also having EC. Not sure if i want to do cold cap, although they said they would have it on stand by just in case i want to try.

Its not knowing what to expect that gives me the anxiety.

Hope youre doing ok :pray:x

That’s reassuring to know we are on the same one. Hope your second treatment goes well tomorrow

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Morning everyone.


Hope your treatment goes well today


Hope your side effects were not to bad.
I just had nausea & heartburn last night.
Plus’s still awake at silly o clock!! :roll_eyes:

Welcome to any new starters in the group
Not sure :thinking: if I’ve missed anyone.

Have a good weekend all.xx

Glad you didn’t have too many side effects, were you given anti-sickness tablets to take home? I’ve been told if the ones you have do not work then there are others to try, may be worth asking? I have also been told I can take omeprozole for heartburn (have taken for years as had anti=inflammatory meds for my arthritis)
Seems my only side effect was awake at 4.45am and couldn’t get back to sleep, I did sleep lots yesterday so may be that. It’s such an odd feeling waiting for side effects to kick in. I actually feel normal today although cannot do my pilates as was told not to put any weight on my PICC line arm :roll_eyes: Do you do any regular excercise?

How are you feeling @pineapples123?

Just ordered my little lifts box, Thank-you again for the link @naughty_boob

Hope you have speedy session today @mrsjelly

Healing thoughts and gentle hugs to all :hugs:


Hi @ wba @zoemac
I slept ok. I’m feeling ok so far but as you say it’s weird waiting for the side effects to kick in.
I had my anti sickness and steroids yesterday
I have a steroid I’ve taken this morning then another before 2pm. Then no more steroids .
I have 7 days supply of injections to take. I’m building up to doing my first. I should be ok as a bit like an epipen.
Just on settee at minute. Would like to try a little walk.
Thinking of you today @mrsjelly
I think I’ll send off for the little lifts box. We need some little lifts.
Thinking of you all.
So good to compare with each other although will probably have some different side effects the feelings are all the same



Good to hear your feeling ok.
Apparently insomnia is one of the side effects :roll_eyes:
Yes, anti sickness tablets & they gave some Lansoprazole 15mg see how it goesI

I was told I could do Pilates, told me to wait a few weeks until picc line settled.
He was more concerned about me in an enclosed room. I don’t want to shut myself away. Need normality.
I love walking so hopefully better weather soon is miserable & raining :umbrella: here today.


Glad you slept well.
Hopefully you will soon get used to the injection.
I used to give my mom insulin injection & was quick & painless it’s just building up your confidence. You’ve got this :muscle:

I had my gift box of the QE hospital.
Well it was a bag full
If things. Lovely thoughtful items.


My hair has started to shred slightly & gone very thin. I’ve started wearing my wig to boost my confidence with it.
I stress at first getting it right when I first put it on it’s like a big mop on your head lol :joy:
Have a good day sending hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x

@wba hi good point about normality, I am really struggling with that at the moment and want to do things but then can’t face them. We have a Caravan at the coast and have come for the day to drop my daughter off, my husband wants to stay for the night but I just can’t seem to face it. I think I will speak to the oncologist next week and see what I can and can’t do. It’s all about trying to get used the new normal. Sending you and all the ladies much love. @rainbowbrite10 @pineapples123 @zoemac i am glad you all seem to be doing ok, I can’t remember everyone so hi :wave: and all take care :heart::heart:


Sending lots of :heart: to you xx


Its a week since my first chemo. Ive had a week of low level headaches and feeling out of it but unsure if its chemo or steroids and injections causing it. Sleeping very badly but i never sleep well and been up and down with anxiety. Finished injections and steroids for this cycle so hope to feel more myself until next chemo on 20th Feb. Glad to hear everyone seems not to have too many side effects so far. Off to cinema now. Trying to get out and about but have to admit ive mostly beenbin watching tv, reading, dozing. Reading Miranda Harts book about the debilitating years shes experienced with lyme disease and how she coped, its interesting how she coped emotionally, its helping me realise its ok not to be ok.

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Sounds like you had a few ups & down’s.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Hopefully you will feel better now over weekend.

A few of us having sleep issues. :roll_eyes: :crossed_fingers: for a better night’s sleep :sleeping:
Take care

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Hi everyone,
I had a left mastectomy couple of days before christmas, and managed to get through my first chemo of EC yesterday, (Docetaxel, to follow after 3 cycles). Had a slight anxiety attack but nurse quickly helped me control that.

I also decided to brave the cold cap at the last minute, even though all this time i said i wasnt going to bother putting myself through it. Tough going at first but eventually managed the full session. Im quite pleased with myself .:slightly_smiling_face:
Although i know theres no guarantees with cold cap im glad i give it a go.

Side effects so far is fatigue with insomnia and slight nausea and cant seem to string a sentence together with out forgetting the first part of the sentence. :rofl: .So low cocentration levels.
Kind of on stand by for any other side effects as i wait for the nurses to come to give me my injections for next 7 days.

Anyway still trying to get to know the forum as im fairly new to it. So apologies, as i think i should have introduced myself properly, rather than jumping into other peoples conversations. :woman_facepalming:
Greetings all :pray:
Hope you are all coping ok. x

(From - Worcestershire)


Hello lovely February friends, this is my first post, but I have read almost every part of this forum and it, and the clever knowledgeable people on it have really saved my sanity on this adventure! So much to worry about and I managed to squeeze most of it in! I live in Hertfordshire with my husband, we have 3 young adult children - 2 are studying so home in the hols mostly, the eldest is only 45 mins away, and my lovely dogs and cats. I was diagnosed after a routine mammogram in October 24, DCIS grade 2 stage 1, Her2+ and 15mm lump removed, lymph nodes all clear. So am about to start 12 x pacitaxal (cannot spell that!) 1 year of Herceptin, then radiotherapy and hormone blocker. Had my PICC line in this week, which was not as horrid as I imagined, and start the regime on Tuesday, feeling a little scared I have to admit, but it’s so helpful reading how others got on, thank you so much for sharing. Sending love to you all and hoping the treatment is kind to us all x