You will soon get to know the forum. Think we all just about getting the hang of it!
I’ve started using the @ sign more to reply so can tag a few relies in at time. Not sure, I think it’s working.!
Think we all having similar side effects. It’s nice to share our experiences.
Good you managed cold cap.
I Went to Bromsgrove to Wills Wigs to get my wig. Know your Worcestershire, not sure if close to you.
They were brilliant there. X
Welcome to the forum, it’s definitely helped me so much. What part of Hertfordshire are you?
Know you read the previous posts so you know how we all finding the treatment so far.
It’s doable, yes, you will be anxious Tuesday I was the same. I’m 3 down now 9 to go on
My first lot so far.
We all here to share & support x
Hi all and welcome @tigertot@zookeeper to Feb 25 Starters, really sorry you find yourself here I haven’t navigated off this page really and as @wba said you will pick it up easily enough.
I had my first session on Thursday and it is definately the fear of the unknown that is worse than the reality. Well done with the cold cap @tigertot you would never of known had you not tried.
You are similar and close by @zookeeper, I have 3 adult and one teenage child, I’m an animal lover too but unfortunately I lost both my cat and dog last year I’m in Aylesbury, Bucks.
As we’re on different regimes our side effects will differ but the insomnia! last night was an all nighter, used to mean something very different back in the day I had a bright red rash on my face and neck, called the helpline, was recommended anti-histamine which helped. I also had tinnitus (blood whooshing) so found it difficult to relax, tv on helped mask the noise. Managed around 5 hours till midday, no appetite and a little sickness and indigestion but made myself eat so I could take anti-sickness & antacid Oh the irony! Just a little pins and needles today so think I’ll try and get out for a walk as can’t imagine sitting around is helping. Could this now be my new normal? just hard to know when to add all the “Amber” side effects up to make the 'Red" call. Has anyone tried to change there own PICC line dressing? mine is looking bloody around the entry point
@pineapples123 How are you feeling today? I hope you’ve had an easier ride
Before I worry anyone with the PICC line, I rang the help line and was told to never ever do myself so I have just had it changed by the Haemotology dept at the hospital
Hi yes, im going to book with Wills Wigs too as its the closest to me. Glad to hear they hav good reputation! I think i have to phone the hospital first to let them know which wig shop ive chosen, then i believe it takes a couple of days for the paperwork to go through. Then i can get an appointment.
Did you actually walk away with the wig or do you have to order them?
Thank you for the welcome @zoemac .
Its day 2 for me now , and believe me although the insomnia is driving me nuts, i wierdly feel less anxious now ive done my first cycle.
You know when youre body says ,“please i need to sleep!”
And your head replies , “I just want to make a list of what i need from Tesco, even if it is 3.30am !!!”
So sorry you’ve had a difficult 24 hours. Sending hugs
You’ve had a few side effects to deal with. Hope you feel better now. & that you
have a better night sleep tonight
I’m just waking up at 4am then struggle to go back off.
Glad you got your picc line sorted today. I know it’s a just another worry.
Mine I was same, had dressing changed a few times. It’s still sore 3 weeks on & bleeding slightly.
I had my voucher form the hospital when I went to my appointment with oncologist, the nurse who goes through everything gave it me.
It was one for wills wigs anyway. I am at the Queen Elizabeth. Probably be the same if your not far from there or I think they just give a general voucher anyway.
I went over for fitting and consultation first with Pauline she as lovey and so helpful, then they ordered a few in. I only live 30 minutes drive from Bromsgrove to easy for me to get to.
Its took a bit of getting used to it, been wearing it for last few days as my hair was getting very thin, good job as only 3 weeks of treatment and my hair now coming out in chucks today.
Upset, but I’ve prepared myself for it.
My hairdresser going to cut the lot off next week or me.
Bless you, i know its not easy. x
Its a big thing that many of us have to deal with. Its upsetting, no doubt about that, and i know that in the next week or so i too will be experiencing this.
My hair was pretty long , way passed my shoulders and when they told me about the chemo. I Gradually had my hair cut every couple of weeks until it was short. Truth is , i really hate it, but it makes it less traumatic to lose, not only for me but my special needs kids too. I guess thats how i needed to deal with it.
Hard bit of it is knowing im highly unlikely, after 8/9 years of being single to ever find a partner now.
But together we can all help each other through by sharing our thoughts and looking out for one another. x
You done the right thing going short. Know it’s hard having young children.
Don’t let this make you think there isn’t someone out there for you.
I live just outside Birmingham I’m right in the middle on boarder of Halesowen, & Sandwell close to junction 3 if you know where that is.
so very easy to get to Bromsgrove for me.
Thank-you @wba it was a pretty rough night! Much better sleep last night and I hope you did too? Only just found out that the anti-sickness is also a steroid, last ones today so that may help with the early waking, 5am for me!
Yes the PICC line is a pain I really hope they settle down as need to be in for a long while, did you get any of the patterned covers? Also, how’d you get on with the PICC line tops you bought?
So sorry you’ve had chunks of hair out and good luck with the hairdresser. I’m dreading it so will succumb to a wig and book tomorrow.
You sound like you’re in synch with me on the antisickness steroid. My last lot is today too. The insomnia is crazy. But i managed to drop of at about 2am and slept through until 5.30 ish. Which was better than yhe first night!
Is yours Dexamethasone? I think I actually slept from around midnight which was a huge improvement from no sleep the night before! Is your treatment weekly or 21 days? mines weekly so hopefully get into a pattern over the next 12 weeks, then it’ll change
@tracey80 Hope you are well? nearly 4 weeks post Chemo has the PICC line area healed OK?
I am at the beginning of my year long PICC journey so would appreciate the covers you offered, if still available please? If not then where did you purchase/recommend? xx
I can’t believe it’s been nearly four weeks since I finished! Starting to have some days where I feel “notmal” again!
My picc line was removed last week and the area has healed beautifully. A year! Wow… but so much better than cannulas and much better for your veins.
Of course they are still on offer. Pop your address in a private message and I’ll get them in the post first thing tomorrow xx
Good to hear you had a better night.
I was still awake at 4.30 this morning
Yes, I’ve got a nice cover over my picc line. It’s so much easier with that in as doesn’t catch on your clothes.
The jumper from Primark is ideal, I just needed a short sleeve blouse underneath at neck was a bit bare for me.
The shirt was rubbish, not enough gap & if you needed your dressing changed you would have to take the shirt off.
Plus it’s brilliant white so any blood spillage from picc line would look terrible.
Hope you have a better day today x
@zoemac I’m 21 day cycle of EC x 3 then swap over to 3 x 21day cycles of Docetaxel. So in total 6 x cycles of chemo.
Yeah I’m on Dexamethasone steroids.
Ive noticed that my face starts glowing after taking them and also noticed my face is slightly puffy. Just enough to smooth out my wrinkles
Knocks my concentration levels terrible, so try to get a few jobs done in the house before taking them at 10am and 2pm. x
Hi @zoemac .
So far haven’t felt too bad. Had a couple of nights waking up at 4 and struggling to get to sleep. But I was like that sometimes before chemo. I’m managing to inject myself. I’m feeling quite tired today but not sure if it’s chemo or just me.
I’ve read that chemo can have a cumulative effect. That you get tireder and weaker after each one.
Have people felt that? Who have had a few.
Nice to have @tigertot and @zookeeper
For@ zookeeper it is truly more scary before. Once first session over you will feel much better.
I was so worried about cold cap. But managed it much better than I thought I would.