Thank-you, I’ll just take one in case anyone else would like one. I will message addy now x
@tigertot My regime was due to be the same as you but had a call the day before starting to change to immunotherapy Pembrolizumab every 21 days and weekly Chemo for 12 weeks then every 21days for 4 cycles! Then further cycles till surgery, and more immunotherapy after radiotherapy - Still hasn’t really sunk in as had 6-8 months in my head and now looking like 2 years!
I had to call the helpline due to really red swollen face and neck and my tongue was tingling! must be one of the common side effects, concentration levels are aways all over the shop for me anyway as menopausal
Morning everyone.
Know there are a few starting their first chemo sessions this week.
@anb1 think your today
Hope all goes smoothly for you.
I think your perhaps on same treatment plan as me now?
I’m on phase 1
12 weeks Paclitaxel
with Pembrolizumab & Carboplatin added in every 3 weeks.
Phase 2 EC
every 3 weeks for 4 cycles.
Is it your 2nd one this week?
Hello @wba
Yes I am in at 1pm thank you for the mention. I don’t really know what to do with myself this morning. Hope I calm down abit once I start treatment. Hope you are ok? Hope everyone else is doing ok. Lovely to have you all for support
Hi! Yes, my 4 cycles of AC every 2 weeks and then taxol once a week for 12 weeks will start tomorrow, February 11. I am still a bit nervous. I hope everyone else is doing well!
@wba - Hope you managed a good nights sleep?
My phase 1 = Pembrolizumab and Carboplatin every 3 weeks but could be either for 8 cycles or every 6 weeks for 4 cycles and Paclitazel weekly for 4 cycles
I’m booked for a review after 6 weeks so could change, also I suppose they will decide if I have 3 or 6 weekly based on my blood results. It seems more ambiguous than yours but that could be due to the change last minute.
Phase 2 EC every 3wks for 4 cycles. So thats the same.
Do you know the full length of your regime? will you be having more Pembrolizumab after surgery?
Yep a couple of days of no take home meds then back in on Thursday
What day are you? Other than insomnia and hair loss have you had any other side effects?
Only had 1 chemo so far which was 10 days ago. Today have developed watery eyes, stuffy nose and little bit breathless. Looking it up they are all side effects of chemo. Has anyone else had this?
Similar treatment then, I’m not sure yet what’s happening after surgery yet.
I’m seeing my oncologist tomorrow so perhaps know more.
I go every Thursday, got my long session this week 5 hours! Start at 9.15.
I have had a few more side effects, I’m getting nauseous most day’s so taking the anti sickness medication.
Upset tummy a couple of times.
My hair has been a bit upsetting last few day’s even though I was expecting it.
My hairdresser coming Wednesday & probably be all gone by then rate it’s shedding.
Have a good day x
Hi Chemo Gang,
NGL I’m sad I’m rolling into this thread. Some familiar names/faces in here .
I’m Kath (warmfuzzies) based at RUH in Bath.
Diagnosed 6 Dec 24 from routine mammogram. Had surgery to remove lots of tumors on 27 Jan. Got clear margins and a ,uch smaller perkier boob. Was told lymph nodes clear on biopsy results but both lymph nodes removed have cancer so I’m being referred to oncology.
I am ER/PR +ve and HER -ve and told I’ll be eligible for the Optima trial. I can’t start chemo til I’m healed so maybe 4-6 more weeks but I’m feeling ready to start engaging in what chemo involves.
I only read up to that chapter in the book before results last week as I was hoping not to have to read it. Initially they said grade 2, early stage, probably not in lymphs so 3 months and I’m all done. That bubble just burst.
I’m told to expect 6 lots of 3 week cycles with half day infusion each cycle but I don’t know anything more until the oncology appointment - hoping i’ll get a date for that soon.
Anyone else know anything about the Optima trial?
I’m not too worried about losing my hair but I hope I have a good shaped head!
I’m not even too worried about the fact it needs to be done (its not really an option) but I’m bummed out about the fact I won’t be able to do the things I absolutely love - volunteering with Mencap and playing padel tennis. I’d just lost 2 stone, felt really fit and now I’m going to feel like crap for 5+ months and have to stay away from my utterly wonderful (but germy) mencap family (grump grump!)
Anyway, if I have to be anywhere I’m glad to be here with you guys as you’ve all supported me through surgery - which wasn’t nearly as bad as I had in my head!
Kath x
@mrsphughes77 hope it goes well tomorrow. I had my first treatment today was a long day. I managed the cold cap so hope I maybe keep some hair. Xx
Good luck @mrsphughes77 for tomorrow
@anb1 are you feeling a bit better first one over.
A few side effects kicking in for me today . Day 5. Mainly feeling tired and a bit achy like I’m coming down with something. Also a bit of a fuzzy head. Spaced out sort of feeling. I think someone else mentioned that.
Hopefully be better in morning . Fingers crossed
@pineapples123 I’m on day 5 now and had fuzzy head ( from the srart) and furry toungue.
Developing a bit of a sore throat this morning, but no nauseous feelings as yet. .
This is my first cycle of EC (1 of 3) then ill swap to Docetaxel for 3 cycles.
Whats your treatment plan? x
I am pleased the first ones over I was very nervous with it all. I am ok at the moment didn’t sleep but don’t really anyway with having to come off hrt suddenly and then the steroids I suppose. I just have headache this morning but then that’s not unusual for me.
I found the cold cap not too bad. I really hope it helps keep some hair but I did go and choose a wig last week and bought a really nice sort of turban. I’m not really sure that they left the cold cap on long enough after the last bag of chemo!! When I was checking on Paxman website to see the efficacy of my combination it said 90 mins after treatment. They said 30. I know it was 6.30 and they shut so maybe wanted to go home
I hope you are both ok today? Are you getting ok with the Filgrastim injections? I will start mine tonight.
Hi yes I had a fuzzy head but its clear since finished injections and steroids for this cycle. Yesterday, day 10, had watery eyes, runny nose and a bit breathless, but today seems ok so far! I was warned by consultant about watery eyes but got drops from chemist that were very helpful.
Hi @tigertot I’m day 6 today. I’m on EC for 4 sessions every 2 weeks and then paclitaxel for 4 sessions. I think doxetaxel and paclitaxel are similar. I didn’t exactly have nausea but yesterday I just wanted to eat like when you’ve had a drink night before. I took an anti sickness.
Are you every 2 or 3 weeks?
@anb1 ive got 3 injections left and managing ok. Not sure if my side effects chemo or the injections. How are you feeling today?
@anb1 I know for my EC it is 90 mins after treatment. Will it be late next time for you. Maybe talk to your breast cancer nurse or McMillan nurse about it. They might be able to support you if they try to say just 30 mins.
@dkc66 how many days did you take steroids. I was just given them for day after treatment. Everyone seems to have slightly different things to do.
I’m off to do my injection now.
Although it’s fine I still get nervous before doing it.
Thinking of you all xxxx
I was given 3 days of steroids and 5 days of injections. I spoke too soon in my last message saying all good today. My eyes arent watery today and runny nose has stopped but im losing my voice and slightly breathless this afternoon. Hard to know if ive picked up a cold or its treatment related.
Hi I’m not bad today hope it keeps this way but sure something will kick in at some point. I think I might give the oncology ward a phone at some point about the cooling time in the cold cap but I don’t want them to think I’m being cocky and trying to tell them their job but it’s a waste of time if they don’t do times correctly
Hope you are ok now?