February 2025 chemo starters

How did you get on with your haircut @wba? I had felt indifferent about it until yesterday when the hairdresser did her best to sort it out. I think it’s because usually I go along with a photo and leave feeling better with well cut hair. Yesterday I just had a number 8 on what remained on top and a number 7 at the back. It is patchy and has gone above my ears and my temples. I’ve avoided looking at it since. It needed to be done as there wasn’t much left, I could pull,it out in clumps and it was getting everywhere.

@debly123 You look fab. Your smiling eyes are what I see in the photographs!

@anb1 I hope you’re doing okay.

I felt really rubbish yesterday. Couldn’t think of the word for camera, called it a sandwich :rofl:. It’s the post steroid dip and sleep deprivation. Want a combination!

Today had a fever. Griping lower abdo pain and a really chapped top lip. Went for my PICC flush and dressing change then picked up my wig. Was in bed at 2pm and stayed there for 6 hours. As I can’t taste anything forced down some porridge after looking at some recipes for bright, colourful fresh food. Hoping to sleep tonight and feel more energised tomorrow. Hope you all do too. X


Hi all
My temperature was 37.8 this morning. Anyone else had to ring helpline cos of temperature?

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@nomoreptosis good luck for today, you’ve got this. Let us know how it goes. Kath x

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Morning @pineapples123

My alert red card states to phone if temperature is 38.1 - have you been given specific advice? If you’re concerned phone the helpline for guidance.

My temperature crept up to 38 yesterday morning then hovered at 37.6 all day. You’ve prompted me to check it now. It’s fine. Phew.


Im still waiting for my oncology appointment (had surgery 3 weeks ago so Im likely to start chemo in March) but Im trying to get my head around a few things, if you dont mind helping me…?

Its seems the PICC line may be a necessity? Ill be having a half day infusion every 3 weeks for 6 rounds. It will need to go in my right arm due to surgery on my left side - they’ve said I shouldn’t have any needles in that arm ever! Im right handed and had just started getting quite good at padel tennis before this all kicked off. Do you know if you could still play tennis with a PICC line in that arm?

Are you able to exercise through chemo? I guess it depends on how you feel but Im hoping you guys can say that there are times you feel like exercising. Im not a gym bunny, far from it but I had just lost 2 stone and was playing padel tennis 4 times a week so ironically id never felt better when the diagnosis came. Exercise really helps my mental health and the thought of the down sides is making me feel immense dread about the next 5 months.

I know it too will pass but oomph, is there any silver lining on the way through it?

Sent with hope, Kath x

Hi @mrsjelly
Got on ok with my hair.
I had a number 2
My hairdresser got upset doing it.
I didn’t look at it again until the evening.
It’s hard to see.
It’s done now.
Hope your feeling better today x


Hi @pineapples123
Ive not had to ring them for temp. But did had to ring them this morning as my throat is giving me some pain when i eat.
( Got Drs later just to check it out) .

Hope you’re feeling ok?
Let us know how you are xx

@wba Thinking of you today , I know you were struggling with dealing with your hair appointment. Hope youre ok? xx

Hello @warmfuzzies

My picc line in right arm, which is a a nuisance :roll_eyes: told same, had to go in opposite side to effected breast.

I was informed I could do yoga or palates but to nothing with repetitive arm movement, like golf, tennis & avoiding any heavy lifting.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x

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@anb1 Popping in from January thread. On another thread I was advised to take Clarityn anti-histamine, it seems to help me with side effects of filgrastim.

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Thank you did you have dizziness or pain? Thank you for replying hope you are getting on ok?

@anb1 The first time I had tightness across the chest and short breath. I don’t know how much of that was due to anxiety. It does make me a bit light headed but so does the chemo. I had bad bone pain after the 7th injection as well. This time round I’ve 2 more injections to go and had achy thighs a bit last night. I was also advised to do the injections in the evening.

If you are worried at all, I would definitely phone your helpline. I was told to because of the bone pain and they also phoned me back the next day to check in.

Hope you manage ok.

The dizziness doesn’t seem quite so bad today. Could be from any of all the things we are having. Going from taking nothing to all this is bound to have some effect isn’t it.


Hi @tigertot and @mrsjelly
On my card it states to ring if temp goes above 37.5
. They seem to give different advice.
I went to chemo unit to get PICC line cleaned and told nurse about temperature.
She took mine and it was 37.8
She took loads of blood. Turns out my neutrophils ( I think that’s white blood cells not totally sure) are really low. They have to treat me for worst case scenario which is neutropenic sepsis. I have been injecting myself to counteract that . But worried now I’ve been doing it wrong.
Thing is I feel fine in myself. No pain anywhere. I was taken by ambulance from chemo unit to emergency care centre. ( they both on same hospital site)
I’ve now had more blood taken and an ECG.
Just sitting waiting now.
Just wonder if anyone has had this. Maybe someone on earlier chemo threads might have?


@pineapples123 oh bless you, talk about raising your anxiety levels! :man_facepalming:
How ever it is good to know they are taking care, and keeping a close eye on you.
Just glad youre not feeling poorly with it. x

Sit tight, sounds like they’re totally “on it”.

Please keep us updated how you are.
Thinking of you xx❤️

Hi oh gosh what a do I hope you are ok. It is good that they getting you checked out. Xx

Goodness me @pineapples123
You really are having an anxious time. Such a worry. You’ve done the right thing informing the hospital.

Good they treating this with urgency for you.
Please let us all know how you get on.

Hopefully you soon be back home.

Thinking about you. Sending hugs :hugs:
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x

That’s great that they’re on it and you’re being sorted. Scary though. Also interesting that what’s an acceptable temperature where I’m looked after is different to where you are.

I’m certain it’s nothing to do with how you’ve administered your injections. All you do is inject the volume in the syringe. It’s unfortunately just one of the known risks of the treatment.

Hope you are soon sorted and back at home. X

I’m feeling ok if a bit tired . Jyst waiting to go to a ward. Also waiting for antibiotics. The chemo unit were great they gave me antibiotics straight away which is protocol. But Hardly got any( by drip) as ambulance came and I was disconnected. Thought I’d get them straight away in emergency care but didn’t. Doc been. He said yes I should have had anti biotics straight away so he’s going to arrange it. It seemed chemo unit knew what they were doing .I’ve had nothing to eat or drink since breakfast. Take me back to chemo unit. You get offered tea and food all the time there. So hopefully ant biotics soon. Going to be transferred to a ward in next 2 hrs doc said and might be in for 2 days. Xxx


Good luck @pineapples123 It sounds like your chemo unit are on the case. It’s useful to hear what can happen as it could happen to any of us. I have to phone if temp over 37.5 so the same as you I think. I know they’ve drummed it in to me from the start that you must phone.

Pineapples my neutrophils went on holiday after my first chemo around day 8-9 after first chemo and I was in casa nhs for 6 days till they recovered. I had reduced chemo after that and coped fine. I did start taking life Mel honey after that first time too. They’ve seen it all before :two_women_holding_hands:we’ve got you, have they put you in your own room? :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx