February 2025 chemo starters

Morning :sunrise:

I’m glad you are getting sorted too, you have been on my mind. You take care and rest as much as possible. :heart:

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Morning, @pineapples123

Hope you’re feeling ok, this morning, & hospital breakfast’s are good!

I’m going ok, awake again half the night :roll_eyes: fell off eventually at 5.30am according to my fit but. This insomnia won’t go away!

Had my 4th sessions Thursday, so on my second cycle now. 8 to go for this lot.

Just nauseous :nauseated_face: again & my liver enzymes are raised, told to drink lot’s of fluid.
Apparently it’s a common thing to happen.
Still makes you worry.

Hope your levels have improved now. Bet they taking lots of bloods.?

Take care, hopefully home soon. Xx🥰

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Morning @pineapples123

Yes we’ve all been thinking of you! xx
Hope you’re feeling well in yourself and they’re treating you well in hospital.
Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: you’ll be home pretty soon xx​:heart:

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Morning @wba sending hugs, - nausea sucks I know . xx❤️

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I hope they are treating you well.

I have filgrastim injections. I’m on my 2nd EC cycle and both times I’ve had bone pain at my last, 7th injection. In fact I have it now. It’s in my legs, hips and sternum but worst in my lower back.

Ask for painkillers. Paracetamol on its own didn’t cut it for me and the first time I added in ibuprofen. The helpline weren’t happy about that and told me to get cocodomol for the next time. I’ve been using it since last night and just have twinges in my back at the moment so it seems to be doing the trick. For me it lasted about 24 hours, so hoping it will be the same this time but I don’t have any more injections this cycle.

Hope all goes well for you.

@pineapples123 You’re in the best place, hope they can find where the infection is to target it.
Yes I am taking Filgrastim and have been getting leg and hip pain but not too bad (I have arthritis is my hip, shoulder and hands so used to the pain)
Take care and hopefully you’ll be home soon :crossed_fingers: :heart:

@heya_25 go steady with the cocodomol as combined with everything else it gave me really bad constipation. Warm baths help, although arm hanging out doesn’t make it as relaxing! I have also downloaded some mindfulness podcasts that help with pain management :+1:

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@pineapples123 and all the strong and inspirational ladies on here… sending you warm fuzzies for a comfortable weekend.

I’m reading through this thread (and Jan 25 and August 24) making notes about things to prepare for. In the hope that “knowledge is power” gives me a sense of control.

Know that everything you’re sharing is helping the next round of us to come through. :muscle::heart:


@wba so sorry you’re still suffering with the insomnia, less sleep makes the days so much fuzzier I find. What are you trying to help? I’ve been staying up really late watching TV, drinking herbal sleep teas and then using a sleep podcast to get me off. Think I managed to get off around 3am and got woken by my 15yr olds head banging music at 8am!


Yes i do a lot of Meditation and chakra balancing, which really helps the insomnia. Im still up all hours but I’m nice and relaxed which helps to get an hour or two in. :+1:x


Hi everyone, it’s the middle of the night I can’t sleep, which I guess is the same as a lot of people here. I’m on a huge rollercoaster which I jumped in October having found a lump. Sadly, it’s not very smooth and full of bumps this rollercoaster. Biopsy showed I had DCIS told no apparent lymph nodes. Had a lumpectomy and guess what a huge bump they found the lymph nodes were involved. Sent off for Oncotype scoring and yes another bump it came back mid 30s. As I’m in my 70s I was given the choice which hole do you want to jump into? Chemo or a high chance of recurrence -I chose the Chemo route and although terrified had my first EC early Feb and due my second next week. Had really sore bone pain from injections and couldn’t get out of bed or move. I don’t think I’ve taken so many tablets in all my 70+ years. Not finding it easy but reading these pages really helps.


Morning Lovlies,
@pineapples123 sorry to hear you are still in hospital,Fingers crossed they get to the bottom of things soon and you can attend your next chemo session :crossed_fingers::kissing_heart:

I had my first session yesterday,
Docetaxel with the Phesgo injection-My word that was quite the needle :rofl:
No issues really during treatment,Sent home with 5 days worth of Nivestim injections.
I was very tired by about 7pm last night,But think that was more mental drain than anything!-However I was then wide awake at 4 this morning :woman_facepalming:t3:

Not feeling too bad so far today,A little bit more tired than usual,And my tounge feels a bit funny,I kind of feel like I’m just waiting for the side effects to start!

Wishing you all a restful and positive weekend :heart:

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Hey there, welcome to Feb starters.
Glad to hear all went smoothly on your first round.

A liitle advice on the tongue sensations …

I had exactly the same and by day 4 my mouth felt like i had an old tramp living in it😆.

Just make sure you brush, teeth as regularly as possible. Use salt water mouth wash , and try to let your mouth get too dry.

Ice lols, or chewing gum , or sugarfree sweets can help. But everyone is different.

This is to reduce the chances of getting oral Mucositis, which can create nasty ulcers in your mouth, and in my case, throat and in to my food pipe. Which is painful.

Just thought I’d share that with you as no one educated me on this until it was too late.


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Thank You,That’s good advice :kissing_heart:

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Thinking of you @pineapples123 and glad youre being looked after so well.

Hi hope everyone is ok.
@tigertot that sounds really painful! My gums are aching and I think mouth could quite easily become sore but not too bad at minute. Hope it eases for you.
@pineapples123 i hope you are ok I’ve been thinking about you it’s worrying isn’t it. Do you think you will have to stay in all weekend?
@rainbowbrite10 glad to hear you got on ok yesterday and yes it was some injection the phesgo :joy:. I had mine Monday same as you but with Carboplatin as well and I’m ok still at the minute. I had to phone the advice line up as I woke up with migraine but that’s just normal for me and I wasn’t sure if I could take my migraine tablets but I can so that’s good.


My friend had it and was in for 6 days. You have done all the right things and are in the right place. Thinking of you :two_hearts:

Thanks @warmfuzzies I had first EC on Thursday. I had a cold cap and wore an electric throw so was quite toasty. This is Day 2 after and so far so good. Drank 4 L of water Day 1, felt normal… today… mildest of headaches this morning but not drunken much. When I drank loads yesterday, pee was not red…

Resting… I read to try walking every day, no matter how poorly… walked 30 mins on treadmill and tired but should help with sleep tonight.

Took liga wotsit injection yesterday… no rash, no bone ache yet. Overall, early days but no ill effects. Hoping it gets no worse than this!!!


A lot of us found Epsom salt baths helped with the bone pain that felt like being squeezed in a vice caused by a the jabs, just wanted to mention :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Hi @oldgirl1 welcome to you, even thought its not where you want to be. I too am older but never taken medication all my life so I can empathise with that one, its such as shock. I have to be grateful for many fit years. I await results of my 2nd excision and hopefully?! can get my chemo plan - so you’re a bit ahead of me, not sure I’ll make it into the February starters at this rate. Hope things get a bit easier for you. @pineapples123 hope you’re recovering and I add good wishes. Everyone else -you’re giving me tips and insight for when I get to the next stage and you do make it seem a bit more possible to get through.


Old girl sorry you find yourself here, the Feb chemo gang are taking care of each other lovely and plenty of help and support from everyone else in the forum :two_women_holding_hands: bcn’s got you :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx