February 2025 chemo starters

Hello :wave: @pongo1
Nice to have you on the thread to share what we all going through. The support really helps.

I’ve got really good veins & also asked about not having Picc line.
However they told me that they would need to alternate hands & that bruising would not look good, plus risk of infection. So I just went with it. They do take so much blood :drop_of_blood: all the time :flushed:

I’m already getting used to it, first few day’s uncomfortable. I’ve now got a lovely cover on it, even slept with it on last night, helps a lot.

Yes, I had a good cry :cry: night I got home with it.
Like you reality sinking in that this thing is real & not just a bad dream.
Whatever you decide just do what is right for you. Be thinking of you Tuesday x

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Ive decided to stay flat. It might be different if I was younger but Im 58. I also am going to have my other breast off after all this, it will give me one less part of the body to worry about!

Pongo1 I am at Crawley Hospital for chemo. Good luck Wednesday. Im day after you. Its getting close now and Im finding it hard to think about anything else. I live in Plummers Plain, do you know it?

@dkc66 Its such a big decision for you to make and having a 2nd mastectomy.

Thinking going reconstruction at the moment. I am 64 just but think I may cope better having something there. Frightened thinking about long surgery.
Never been in hospital apart from giving birth twice!

So good to hear from you on here. Your info about Picc line has made me a bit more accepting that it might be for the best - thanks. Today I have been ‘jangly’ ( a phrase my Gran used to use) so sorted out my bookshelves . I have a nice few books yet to read so I’m hoping chemo lets me do that. You have had your line in, but not chemo yet? When do you start? Sending massive hugs xxx

Yes - I used to work on the little industrial bit. It’s weird that when I was waiting for results time went agonisingly slowly but I was only told chemo start last Wednesday and time now seems to be whizzing. Is it just me? Thanks for posting - I will be thinking of you and waiting to hear how you got on, when you feel ready to post.

Hiya. I am going to have blood count injections to take home too. Think its 1 a week? I start on Wednesday - def Docetaxol but not sure actual regime as it had to be signed off by my gastroenterologist ( I have Chron’s) and it hasn’t been sent to me. I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough - ha ha.
Sending strength snd good vibes your way
PS. Just wondered if you know if its possible to post a general post, not replying to anyone in particular or replying to all?

Hi @pongo1
I’m under the Worthing team too.
My PICC line insertion was pain free. Nurse was fabulous. Arm ached the next day but paracetamol sorted it.
Had my first session of chemo etc on 17th of this month. The unit was very calm and staff kind and caring. Feel that I’m in safe hands.

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Hi wba
Thanks for great instructions. I managed to upload a picture. Have you spoken to someone like me friend yet?
Hope your feeling ok.
Also all the people who have started chemo hope you doing ok.
I’m not till 6 th feb and just want it started.
I’m going to a workshop tomorrow about make up and skin during chemo. So hope to get good information there.
Thinking of you all.

Hi @pongo1
I had my first chemo session on Thursday, brought forward as slot available.
I’ve got 12 weeks at moment. 11 to go!
Then 3 weekly for another 12 weeks before surgery.

Your question about posting, still navigating myself but getting there.:roll_eyes:
If I’m replying to one post I just put the @ sign & click name. Or tag someone in if needed further into conversation.
I think there is just a general one as you have done that with your last one.
We all learning to navigate at moment. :joy:
Hope all goes well for you Tuesday with your Picc line, let us all know how you get on. Sending hugs :hugs: for your first session Wednesday
You’ve got this x

Hi @pineapples123
Your profile picture lovely, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: nice to put a face to the name.
Yes, I’ve had a call earlier from someone like me.
Lovely lady who made me feel hope rather than doom & gloom.

Yes, I’ve booked that course. Sounds really good they show you how to do eye brows as well & give you lots of things to use help you
I can’t get in until 28th March.

Let us all know how it goes tomorrow?

Feeling ok , that pick cover has made a big difference.
I’ll try & be clever if I can and attach picture. :joy:

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Hi there x

2nd sessions yesterday felt a lot easier than the first one and I have done loads of house work today, feeling a little tired now xx hope you are ok too

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Debly123 so glad your second chemo went ok. What chemo are you being given? Gives me hope that there is life in between cycles.

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Good to hear your session went ok.
Sending hugs :hugs: x

Hi there I am on EC for 3 cycles each cycle is 3 weeks, I am then going on paxytaxcill (think that’s how it’s spelt) I haven’t done all the research on my plan I am just trying to crack on with it as best I can. Then surgery then radiotherapy. I am hoping to be finished with chemo towards end of May :crossed_fingers:

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Wba your picc cover looks great. How are you feeling since chemo. Anything particular to mention?
Debly123 I am having EC every 2 weeks for 4 sessions and paxitaxel ( not sure of spelling ) for 4 sessions. So would you say EC has not been too bad so far.
dkc66 are you starting your chemo this Thursday. Do you feel prepared. Mine is week on Thursday.
I did a look good feel good course today about skin and make up. Got a lovely goody bag and some good ideas. Best bit was chatting to others. Ladies with different cancers. Spoke to 2 ladies who had finished treatment for breast cancer and one lady going through treatment for ovarian cancer.


Hi, still feeling ok. Only thing I keep waking at 4.m then I & can’t get back to sleep.:flushed:
Probably my mind just in overdrive at moment! Did have some strange mussel pain in my legs. Is a side effect on one of them I had, nothing alarming still at moment :pray:

That course sounds good, nice talking to other’s going through this.

Big week for you starting next week.
Know you must be just wanting to get it started now. X

Yes i start on Thursday this week. Im trying to get organised by getting freezer full of easy meals and doing all washing, etc, in case feel rough. I have a pre chemo appointment tomorrow. Nerves are definitely kicking in!

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@pongo1 Hope your Picc line goes well tomorrow. X.

@dkc66 hope your session goes well Thursday? X
Sending hugs :hugs: x

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Hello @pongo1
Hope your are feeling ok after having your picc line in today.
Hope it went well for you :pray: x

Good morning ladies,

Popping over from the October group.
I finished my chemo nearly 2 weeks ago. I had 4 x EC and 4x Paclitaxel, every 2 weeks. Glad to be out the other side but it’s more than doable. I wish you all, all the best.

I had my picc line out yesterday (For those of you deciding whether or not to get it down, it was the best thing I did!) and have a few picc line covers. I’m happy to post them all on to someone (all washed of course!) xx