First FEC 2nd October

Just started a thread about filgratrim injections. Anyone else on them? They ve made me so bad and been naughty and not had my 2nd one today. Couldnt cope feel felling that bad again.Think I may be just unlucky with the side effects.

Hi Emelf,

Sorry to hear you’re feeling so crap, as if chemo isn’t bad enough we then have to put up with other things which are supposed to help. I’m not sure if the injection you are taking is the same but I have had to have a neuprogen injection to boost my white blood cells. The first one I took was a fast acting one and caused me to have deep bone pain in my pelvis. After my last kimo on 4th Nov I was given a jab which slowly boosts white blood cells and had no pain at all. I know not all PCT’s offer this but it may be worth asking your BCN.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Oh and I’m haveing Life mel honey too. Not sure if its doing any good re white blood cells but haven’t had many other side effects from chemo. Even if physically it isn’t doing anything its good for my frame of mind in that I feel I’m doing something to help myself stay healthy.

Take care
love caz x

Hi Ladies
I should be tucked up by now as I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I,m off to Antalya which is 3.5 hours each way.
I,m off for tests as some of you know. I,m sure they are nothing to worry about but there is always that niggle in the back of your mind.
I,ll get the results when I go for chemo next Weds/Thurs.

Hope everyone is feeling as well as can be expected.

Soo xx

Hi Soo

Hope all goes well tomorrow. Hopefully all just routine, now go to bed and get some sleep :0)

Caz x

Morning Everyone…Cat should be in the kimo lounge this morning, so hope it is going well for you. Also Soo…hope you have a safe journey.

God, I have been sooooooo tired last 2/3 days. Feel a bit brighter today, but could quite happily get back in bed!

Onc appointment tomorrow - hopefully just routine stuff but I have a nagging feeling she will bring up the dreaded hickman line subject. I so don’t want to go down that route if i can help it.

I did loads of crimbo shopping yesterday - my niece works for bodyshop so I got 50% off everything…just can’t be arsed this year so peeps will just have to have what they are given…which happens to be Body Shop. Very unimaginagtive but do I care??? I just have my kids to sort out now…

I’m trying to work out when to get the Christmas food shopping as I have a kimo on the 18th and am bound to feel rubbish for a few days after…looks like it may be an M & S on line jobby!

Hi gorgeous girlies!

Just a quickie, not going to reply individually cos I’m feeling a bit pants. Just had the third and final FEc, so hoorah, yippee, etc., I am half way through!!! Got lots of sorting out tomorrow for blood tests and the icky Neupogen shots, but all doable since my Ma’s come up to stay for the weekend. Will read everyoe’s posts later, probably at 3am since I never seem to sleep these days, and will catch up with you all later.

Do I owe anyone a reply to e-mails, I’m muddle-headed at the mo and have lost track?

Hi all,

Hope you feel OK Cat… I really don’t know how you do it all… hopefully you will get some rest with your Ma there x

Pheebs I don’t mind Bobyshop gifts :o) I have been shopping online myself today… 20% of M&S so guess what my family are getting!

Had 3rd FEC yesterday… and although no vomitting through the night… this time it was the other end… although I can live with that… especially as my chemo Nurse (lovely Ben… I think I’m falling for him… but hes only 25!) said it’s best to drink as much as you can after (before is good for the veins) after to get rid of those NASTY F’s E’s and C’s! and same for bowel movements! so was happy it was coming out that way! sorry ladies :o) wired as usual… weird as just as I was about to drop of I had that sensation of when you are dreaming and falling… and that woke me!

am happily taking my 3 lots of antisickness this time +steroids… still nauseous… and only managed crackers and rich tea!

When I had my bloods down Monday… the HCA found a big vein fine… but blood wouldn’t flow… she messed about making it really hurt… and then made up all sorts of excuses … and said it was because I was cold (yeh you try having no hair!) finally a nurse took it from my wrist… no problem… makes you wonder… I never have problems with bleeding!!! perhaps it wasn’t her fault… and just my body protesting… bit like “letdown” when breast feeding… if not in the mood No milk… perhaps that’s how my blood felt :o)

O I still had my 2nd period!! no let up there!

Hope all went ok for you Soo…

And everyone else… chins up half way!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!

L x

Hi Cat & Lorna, well done today, half way through - Brilliant!!! Cat get rest when you can not that you need telling of course, will catch up later in middle of making cookies with daughter!

Blood results were good today so on course for 3rd FEC Tues.

Bye for now Caz x

Morning everyone,

Brrrrrrr! Staying in with the fire on today - its cold outside!!!



Can I stay in with you Caz, it’s jolly cold! Alas, I’m taking my son to messy play now so we’ll be freezing out various bits off :slight_smile:

Hello Girls…Glad to see everyone is plodding along nicely and bloods and kimos seem to be going to plan. I had my onc appointment today - we must have been going over stuff and chatting for about 50 minutes, which was nice…she really makes you feel like she has all the time in the world, which is so rare nowadays. I have been so tired this week so bloods must have been pretty low over the last few days - just hope they recover in time for kimo#3 next Thursday?

She went over all the radiotherapy stuff with me today and my treatmen is planned to start on 23rd Feb for 5 weeks…hopefully there will be a few of us doing rads around the same time on here? That will be around 3 weeks after kimo gets the boot…yay!!

Am going to work this afternoon then have the house to myself this evening as OH paying respects to a dec’d distant relative and kids elsewhere, so it’s just me and Four Legs Pheebs with a bottle of something white and cold and a whole Pizza Express to ourselves!

Have a nice weekend ladies and I hope not too many of you are suffering with SE’s over the next few days…

ciao ciao

Gosh Pheebs, that’s quick to start rads. My rubbish onc said it’d be about 5 weeks wait for me. Enjoy your bottle of somethign white and cold, and yummy pizza, I’ll be thinking of you!

As to bloods, get lots of fluids in to you, that’s what my kimo nurse told me. She said any fluids were good including wine so you’re sorted on that one tonight!

Hi Everyone
A quick update. The scan thingy went well, although found it difficult downing 1.5 litres of water in half an hour LOL. The nurse had problems getting the line in but hey that normal. I could have got the results today but that would have meant ANOTHER seven hour round trip which I just couldn,t face. I was so pooped when I got home last night.

Anyway next Wednesday is No 7 out of 10 so I,ll collect the results then, just before I see my Onc.

I hope you all have a painfree week-end.


Enjoy your evening Pheebs, bliss bottle of wine and remote to yourself. Enjoy, enjoy.

Have a good weekend everyone and keep warm.

Caz x

sorry folks
I know most of you are going thru much worse than me, but, I just cannot sleep tonight. I don,t know why. Problem is I have to be up early tomorrow for work. The season here is all but finished so I am grabbing work where I can, so cannot slack off or pull a sickie. Apologies for being a moaning Minnie!!

Soo xx

Moan away, I can’t sleep either, pathetically because a neighbours’ cat keep battering and breaking in to our house to steel my cat’s food. Having finally dropped off into a steroids-induced stupor, the git of a cat smashed it’s way in through our so-called break-in proof cat flat (again) and woke me up, I thought we were being burgled, so heart rate going like the clappers now. I feel so sorry that these cats have worked out how to smash and grab food, they must be so hungry to have to do that, but it’s reached the point where I can’t handle being woken in the middle of every night. Like the rest of you probably find, sleep is precious at the moment. Going back to bed now, am blooming freezing. Moaning Minnie here, as well.

HI everyone, not too bad here, but side effects from FEC 3 are slightly different this time. I’ve also had the squits, marvellous eh? but at least I feel better once I’ve ‘been’. Sorry… far too much info!!! I feel as if my body is trying to get rid of the nasties so that can’t be bad I suppose?

I also asked about the radio regime as I’m now half way - I have to have something to look forward to, so to speak! Frankly, I am looking forward to radio as I now can’t wait to get to the end of this malarkey. Pheebs, my nurse also said I should start 3 weeks after last kimo, so that will be about the same time as you if it all goes to plan. Apparently I get a couple of planning sessions, with at least one at Cheltenham (where I’ll be going) to have the tattoos done beforehand, so look like I’ll also be starting about 10 Feb, finishing 5 weeks later around 13 March. I’m hoping to go to Tenerife with my family and parents (Mum also went through this in 07) next Easter so am really hoping it all goes to plan.

Love to all, and keep warm! Bella xx

I think you are about 2 weeks ahead of me Bella, so we can all stick to this thread to the end of our rads. I’m sure it’ll be a walk in the park compared to this kimo regime.

I might even print out this thread at the ‘end’ of this treatment and keep it as a log of this time in our lives…i hope we will continue to stay in touch though.

Aslans mum and Cat - sorry you are having trouble sleeping…those steroids are murder. As for the cats…little sh**ts…i used to have the same problem when I lived in N. London - can’ keep the little so and sos out.

I am taking 4 Legs out now and also my friends weim and then plan on a bit of retail therapy this afternoon - we have a new M & S Food just opened nearby so its gonna be the £10 jobby for dinner tonight! Tomorrow I’m visiting a friend in Streatham who hopefully will cook something nice fo sunday lunch!!!

Will catch up with you all when I get in from work on Monday - am doing a full shift so I’m sure it’ll be an early night for me!

Enjoy your weekends ladies - and all those on the steroids, try and rest when you can


Hello everyone,
Sorry for delay in posting but FEC 3 has totally exhausted me, the Nozinan (levomepromazine) worked wonders for the sickness but I have had absolutely zero energy. I now have a horrendously sore wrist (phlebitis again) and am back on the double-dose antibiotics as of today (waited 5 hours for out-of-hours GP!)
On a lighter note I answered the door bald to the postman today, thinking it was the old chap, but no it was the young good looking one! I’ve got no chance with him now! The postman always rings twice, but not for me I fear!
Hope you are all SE-free,
Irina xx

Hi Guys,

Oh Cat those blasted Cats eh!! Luckily our local neighbourhood cats seem to stay away from our cat flap.Think mine scare them off, they are rather big. Makes you wonder if they are being looked after properly. Hope you managed to catch up on your sleep.

Yum yum Pheebs M&S food I love it. And being cooked for tomorrow lucky you hope you have a great time. Aslansmum hope you manage to get some sleep.

Bella and Irina from what you say seems FEC 3 has been different in its side effects, hope you are not suffering, got my No 3 next tuesday so am a bit nervous now. Have got quite sore eyes at the moment, they feel as though I’ve been watching tv non stop for days right up close to the screen. ( which I haven’t).

Am planning a quiet day tomorrow with hubby and the kids.

Hope you have a good weekend all.
By the way Pheebs great idea about printing off thread as a keepsake but would also hope that we’ll keep in touch.

Night all
Caz x