General chat

At last someone like me …
I’ve chosen one from Argos as I’ve told hubs that my nectar points will pay for it …haha and pigs will fly but it will do for now.
My house is beige too as we only.moved in last June and haven’t done any real painting but I put loads of black and pink things around. Tacky by me …

Thank goodness for our wonderful nhs here in the UK.
I some times just dip into a website called inspire and its sad to see ladies in the USA having to battle with their medical insurance to get their vital chemo etc treatments paid for.
One lady has only been given six denosumab injections within her insurance whereas here I think they r on going? At £340 a pop.
They do have the wonder drug ibrance available where as here I think its still being trialled but its only a question of time. They seem to have it on expensive medical plan insurance but without much support of side effects etc.
Hugs xxx

Hope u have your secret shopping trip organised this week. Got to be done.
I have ordered my book for the club online and another tapestry kit as its sort of my new hobby. Everyone is fed up with them
though now and dread them.Grandchildren love them so I tend to do teddys and cars etc.
Hugs xx

Excuse the duplication ladies as I’ve just posted on bone Mets thread.
Is anyone still in touch with finty as she was posting on the inspire website about her treatment in Germany and a lady ( hamster 39) is trying to contact her for info. Her account is now marked inactive.
I know she was quite active here a few years back and hoped someone might still b in touch.
Hugs xx

I’m back from Cyprus, can’t believe how quickly it went. Sunshine was nice and ate too much. Managed to slip in a few cocktails. Done 2 days back at work, hard going. Glad it’s the weekend. Now got a sore throat and feel a bit rubbish so a restful weekend. Had 1st cancer marker blood result since going on Letrozole and it’s gone up, but early days as I’d only been on it 4 weeks when I had bloods done, far too early. Have bloods done again 14th May so hopefully things will stabilise. Went with my friend to Cyprus and we had fun time doing A - Z, I always fell asleep first ? xxx

So glad u had a good hol. Cyprus is lovely and just what the doctor ordered …vitamin d.
I hope the letrozole starts working soon. It does take a while before it kicks in.
I’ve been on it six months now and waiting for my scan appointment to c if its done what it says on the tin!
Glad a to z thingy works ! I’m more active and alert at 2am than any other part of the day. Don’t do early morning’s anymore .in fact still in Pjs now braving the shower and getting dressed.
Hugs xx

Victoria Wood


Well ladies another lovely lady lost to Cancer. Not sure if it was Breast Cancer but  she will be missed in the comedy world. I still miss Jackie Collins as I was a big fan of her Lucky books !!


Hugs xxx


Just thinking ladies ( dangerous) but I don’t think I have ever heard of anyone in the royal family getting breast cancer not even the ladies that have married into the family.
Guess they must b just lucky.
Hugs xx

On the forum list is something called " talk to people like me" then there is something called games and chat.
There is little word games that have been going since 2008 and it would b nice to get it all active again …if you have five minutes here and there.

Or of course we could set up our own on this private forum ?
Interested ?

Anybody else think of any other ideas as threads here ? Running out of ideas and we have lots of new members now.

Hiya chocolates . It’s difficult if you are using your phone. I have all the threads set up so replies ping into my e mail box and then I reply on them.

Good morning ladies.
I see we have 89 members in the private forum but only about 20% actually post here.
Please feel free to join in …we have threads for most topics and welcome everyone.
Don’t b shy.

Yes I agree. When I had the primary bc …I literally fell over bcn and they rang etc all the time.
Since secondaries …haven’t seen one !! Get more help and advice here than at hosp.
I think we spoil the stats for survival rates of bc!!

Hi Ladies,

when i was had primary diagnosed in Jan 2011 i was assigned a BCN…but to be honest I didnt really have much communication with her. I always saw a different BCN when I went for my oncology check ups…But since having my secondary diagnosis in Oct 2015, I am now on first name terms with all 4 of the BCN’s at my local hospital…and every month i see one of them for my Zoladex jab…and they are always at the end of the phone if I need to ask them anything

They definitely seem to be more friendly and approachable since my secondary diagnosis.

Karen x


Karen that is really good that u have bcn and a good relationship with them. What I do have is community nurses that come to the house monthly and do my blood tests for my bone injection which is done at chemo ward at hosp.
I think in time this injection will b done at home by them too. Although cancer isn’t their sole task …they are wonderful and helpful.
At the moment I am only on letrozole and bone inj so i expect once I have to have the strong stuff …there will b a better support team in place.

Hiya ej81
Didn’t realise you were at Exeter too. Both Barton and myself are under cherrybrook oncology. Small world.
Barton and myself meet for coffee often so maybe you would like to join us too. We can put the world to rights between us.

Hiya Barton.
Glad u have a new booby which sounds long overdue …five years is a long time.
Well I’ve heard of " new home …New baby"
Never " new home …New booby" .

Hi there


ive just joined the private group.  Just looking for a bit of positivity I suppose.  Not sure I should have put it under general chat. 


I am currently living overseas.  I had DCIS in my left boob in 2010 then TNBC in my right boob 2013 but it was less than 2cm and no lymph node involvement so I was utterly shocked last Monday when I found out I have a 1cm lung met and 1cm bone met.  I knew there was something wrong but never expected mets.  We (myself, my husband and young daughter) are being sent back permanently to UK next Sat, and I have a hospital appointment on the Wednesday.


My doc here has told me the hospital will try to biopsy the Mets and do a full body scan to check if anything else is going on.  


 Just feeling a bit lost, and scared of reading stuff in case it’s something I don’t want to know, but then feeling I need to try to find something positive until my appointment. 





Welcome to the private group. You can rant and shout as much as you like as we all know what u r going through …it’s the fear factor but the nhs is here and they will put you on the best treatment for your Mets.
Enjoy all the threads here as we have all sorts going on.
Hugs xxx