General chat

Hello Spudgirl welcome

As Carolyn says rant and rave as much as you like we all know what you are going through. The dx of secondary mets are frightening and moving from another country back to the UK will take its toll on you I hope you have a warm loveing family and friends to come back to. Other ladies will join in to give you love and reassurance and help in living with this awful desease many ladies have lived for years with what you have right now so please try to relax when you can. Don’t let the ‘C’ get you down it loves stress enjoy your move and I hope the new hospital will be a great help to you.

Come back and join the girls on here and on the Bone mets they are mad but lovely.

Love and ((((hugs)))) xxx 

Thank you ladies for welcoming me.  I’m having good and bad moments but I am sure once I am back and have the body scan and I know the full picture that I’ll start to feel more in control.   :-) 


Ellie, I read on another thread that you stopped teaching and became a TA.  I am currently a TA for Maths at a secondary school.  I have only been doing the job since Sept and just finished my Cache Level 3 qualification.  I absolutely love the job (my previous job was for an IT company and massively stressful ).  


Anyhooo, because we are having to return to the UK next week I have to leave my job.


i was really hoping that when I have gone through initial treatment ( I am guessing chemo will be involved as my primary was TN ) , that I could apply for a TA - Maths job, but no idea if they would even entertain me with secondaries.  I’m just wondering what your experience in applying was.  I was thinking of perhaps volunteering part time, just to get my foot in the door perhaps ? 



Thinking of you big time /I found my primary while living in Malta and flew home as you will do.Its such a shock but you sound brave . I have no idea who my Oncologist will be or what my chemo will be so its that limbo stage.Thinking of you - big hugs D

Sooooo. .I get into bed last night and settle with my book ( book club one) and then the humming sound .yes its mosquito time again. They love me …last year woke up with thirty odd bites. Anyway hubby and I chasing the thing around bedroom with magazines and anything to swot it …no luck so fly sprayed the whole room. Coughed a bit ( me not the mozzy) and it seems it did the job.
Summer nice but the little tikes are a nuisance.

Spud girl when do you return to UK? X

Hello moijan
Welcome …you will see loads of different threads here in our private little haven.
Please feel free to join us in books, arts and word games etc.
We love to have members …the more the merrier
Hugs xxxc

Not sure if I’m allowed to post this but I have no financial gain I promise.
If any ladies get night sweats or hot flushes a site "" do a pack of three cooling scarfs which you can put on your neck, forehead or wherever …they have gel crystals in them to stay cool for two days
Haven’t seen them before .
Hugs xx

Well it’s exactly a year now since we got back from my niece’s wedding and found an urgent appointment for a bone scan in the post. Bone irregularities had been picked up in a CT scan for something unrelated. It felt like an immediate death sentence but, one year on I’m still functioning normally except that my joints ache and I get more tired. So, after the initial shock, life goes on with a few ups and downs.

Its nearly a year since I had the devasting news of bone Mets …didn’t think I would c xmas , nephews wedding in April or grandchildren birthdays in May .but every day is special …the saying …stop and smell the roses comes to mind .
Hugs xx

Ok…Barton I will rise to your bait …I’ve studied it and can’t really see what its supposed to represent ? Don’t know about boobs…could it b a Olympic games thingy for breast cancer ?? Or fish bubbles that we are in a big ocean swimming again a large tide of cancer …
Don’t know …

Yes boobs are very much in our minds! Am i the only one whonotices nice boobs? Now im prosthetic, i feel. A bit deprived…but we have to cope??



What i mean is,  I suppose I envy those with two real breasts…but feel fortunate in lots of ways.

Yes often feel like saying to people like Katie price etc …leave them alone stop having them increased and decreased etc …at least you have two healthy ones !!

Just come back from boots …heat pads ( in case of bad back …ok at moment) scented panty liners (in case of dribbles) tea tree foot soak , rennie tablets and two bottles of vitamin c…how very exciting …not …a year ago it would have been make up and hair products!!

How our lives have changed .xx

Well…here I am, sitting waiting to see the lovely onc. Awaiting mri result and also fed up because am worried about possible bowel wall weakness. So i guess i will be having another of those lovely tests again soon

( colonoscopy)  which I have grown much less partial to, over the years.


i am always pleased to see the onc, who is the loveliest man, but will ask to see a lady doctor if he thinks I need a closer examination below…and my crystal ball tells me I am destined for one! 

If any of you are about/ online, please say a little prayer for me this amxxc

 thank you Moijanxx

Hiya moijan
All the very best for today …hope it all goes ok for you …
There are better places you would rather b.
Carolyn xx

Thank you Carolyn and Julie D, my onc was…very pleased with the result of the mri…t.markers are 300circa wheras before I started they were 1014. Also the largest met had reduced by .5 of a cm. they usually measure them in mms so I was a bit confused…but onc said he will put the figures into my gp letter…and I will be able to see them there! 


Re the bowel, well we had a chat but he said that because things are dramatically improved he wasnt worried…my symptoms were not very bad anyway, but you know. We think, maybe i should mention it!


so thank you for your prayers lovely ladiesxxx


Hiya moijan
Well good news today …cant get involved in measurents as I only understand feet and inches …never gone metric in my world !!!
Hence the reason we have a lot of mistakes on things I order online but won’t mention that !!

Thank you, lovely Barton,  yes, im not very good at adding up today. I wore a b* wig all day and couldnt wait to tear it off my head!


tonight im due at a bar be que, which may be better, but am being plagued by wasps this week and I hate them, so not sure how tonight will go!


was struck by the quiet website during the day today…I do hope some of you went somewhere nice?

Love and hugs, Moijanxx 

Oh Julie D, just realised you mentioned ‘dentist’ , thats my other pet hate, good luck with that and am glad you are going to the hairdresser…I wonder if I will ever need one again?


hugs Moijanx

Hello moijan
I must be some sort of witch …only said today hadent seen a wasp all year and then u mention it !!
I hate hate hate them and can do a really good wasp dance too !!