hair growth after treatment for bc

I too will watch this post with interest, tho im told my Sinead O’Connor impression is great, i cant wait to have hair, simple things like the wind in my hair, running my fingers through it when i wake up etc, but Daisy, you say u have had 3 fec and now tax, me too, but not had first tax yet, its on Tuesday 17th how was it, how do u feel? is it better than FEC re se’s - i know we all react differently but just wondered. sorry to ask so many questions, had bad time fec and now i am back in land of living so full of enthusiasm!!Shar x
Lots of nice products, minoxidil is a proven ingredient for hair growth.
Good luck. x

Hi Silvershar

I wasn’t too bad on FEC, was quite tired for the first few days but always bounced back by day 5, worst thing for me was slimey wallpaper paste mouth, eating was horrible for 7-10 days.

What can I say about TAX? I have found that it is not called the TAX truck for nothing, it hit me hard and I went to bed as soon as I got home on the Thursday and found it difficult to get up and stay up until the following Tuesday, was just like a floppy doll and even sitting in a chair was too much, it took until Friday before I started to feel better.

There are a number of different SEs that can occur with TAX and my Onc team talked me through them at my pre-assessment. There are 3 current threads on the forum that cover most of them, but the main SEs are, problems with the mouth, stomach, nails and bone pain. Look out for my thread on Stomach pain - Tamoxifen, there is also one for sore mouth and the cosmetic tips thread and Nails - Help also deal with issues with your nails. I will bump the treads so that you can find them easily. I have my 2nd on 19/05 so will be thinking of you.

DasiyGirl xx

Great news!!!

Onc team has agreed that I can start to use the following products now but must tsop using them immediately if I get any kind of reaction on my scalp. If I do I will need to wait until 3-4 weeks after last TAX before trying again:

Schwartzkopf Active F Tonic Women
Alpecin Gaffenie Shampoo C1

both are available from Boots

Will keep you posted on how I get on!

DaisyGirl xx

Hi DaisyGirl

I’ve been using the Alpecin caffeine shampoo and it is brill. I finished chemo in mid-March, having used cold cap but had bald patches. 5 weeks after last chemo my hair was still falling out in significant quantities. I asked at the Macmillan centre in hospital what I could use and they said the Alpecin. It’s about £5 a bottle but lasts a good few weeks using every day as recommended.

Hello Nottsgal, may i ask what conditioner you use too?

ive just finished (tuesday) my last fec and i too used the cold cap, i know i will still loose some hair over the next few weeks and will be so excited to use a shampoo that will encourage hair growth, as it’s gone thin on top, i have bought a bar from lush which also contains caffine,

when can you start to use these shampoos?

thankyou for all your help
take care ladies


Hi Donna

Congrats on finishing your last FEC. Hope the ses subside soon and you start feeling more like a person.

I use Simple conditioner because I didn’t want to use anything too strong that might wash away the effect of the Alpecin. I’ve also been using the Alpecin liquid that you leave in. I got that and 2 shampoos on a 3 for 2 in Boots. So my hair washing goes: Alpecin shampoo leave in for 2 mins while wash rest of self, rinse out, then Simple conditioner to stop hair being tangled nightmare, rinse out, then apply liquid stuff to areas where hair is thin and don’t rinse out. Seems to be working well.

I don’t know how soon you can use the shampoos. I didn’t ask til 5 weeks after last FEC when I was so fed up of hair falling out. You could try Macmillan, or ask one of the chemo nurses if it’s OK to use soon after last FEC.

Hello ladies. It’s a long time since I’ve looked in on the this site, as I am now 4 years past diagnosis. I had mx, lymph nodes removed,4 each of FEC and TAX, radio, a year of Herceptin and am now on Arimidex (until next January when my 5 years is up). They threw the lot at me!!

Having seen this thread, I thought I’d post to say my hair started to return whilst on the TAX, it was very patchy, and as it grew I developed a head full of curls! As you can see from my profile pic (taken today) I have my hair back just the way it was before all the cancer malarky although it’s a bit finer because of the Arimidex. I didn’t use any special treatments just an ordinary shampoo and conditioner.

Just thought I’d give you all a glimpse into the future, and wish all of you the very best of luck. xxx

Hi justme

So good to read your post! I originally started this thread and am nowing seeing significant progress in the hair department! However, even more inspiring than your hair growth is your 4 yrs. post diagnosis. I too am Her 2 pos and Oestregon pos and now have completed chemo and rads and am on Hereceptin. Sometimes the whole thing still overwhelms and I worry about the future, so your posting was a very welcome read.

Thanks. J.

hi finished chemo in march hair growing back nicley now so just wondering wen i can start to colour it and wat i should use, i would be very grateful of your help/advice

I have no idea when you can start Id ask your onc nurse as for colour have you heard of herbatint they are ment to be natural with none of the chemicals but again Id ask a proffessional about it 1st. Well done on getting through your chemo thats great

mekala x

Good thread here. My last chemo (Tax) was on 1st April and I am still completely bald with no eyebrows and one eyelash! I have given up hats as they are too hot in this weather. I’m not a very confident person and I felt terrified the first time I went out, so just walked to the end of the road and ran back. I am now comfortable with nothing on my head. I would urge others to have a go - it really is liberating. I concentrate on really good skin-care and if you add a bit of lippy and some sunglasses it is a good, strong look. (and absolutely NO ONE has stared or commented).


hi all, i ventured out hatless for the first time today went to the hossi to get measured for my rads and then a walk round were i live felt ok with it so goodbye to the hats…


Warning for cat lovers?

Just been reading this thread with interest and decided to google minioxidil co I hadn’t heard of it before.

Think I may give it a miss because, according to wikipedia, Minoxidil is highly toxic to cats and rats and may cause death - Just in case my moggy comes into contact with it!


well done Avril, I haven’t worn a wig, wore bandanas in the winter for warmth but now always go commando! i had my last Tax today, my hair starting sprouting after my 2nd Tax (had 4 fec and 4 tax, now on herceptin for a year). My hair is about 4mm now all over, eyelashes small stubble and eyebrows too. I just wash my head still with my face soap all together, face first and then up and over. I rub essential oil into my palms afterwards and put that all over the boob ready for rads, round my neck for neck wrinkles as my hair can’t get in it! and then over my fluffy hair!! Seems to do the trick!! Good luck xx

Lizzyspain - which oils do you use? I will rub pretty much anything on my head to encourage it to grow back!

DaisyGirl xx

Hi Daisy girl

I read somewhere on one of the threads that rosemary oil was good for getting hair to grow. I put it onto my head “neat” then had second thoughts so asked my sister-in-law who is a Naturopath.
This is the reply I received from her-

The Rosemary oil should be fine. I would only recommend discontinuing it if it was causing you irritation. A very ‘classic’ recipe for hair oil is a Tbsp of Jojoba Oil mixed with approximately 10drops of Rosemary and 7 drops of Lavender Oil. You can mix it in a bottle in larger quantity and then use it on your scalp and through your hair. I would always put some in my palm and then rub my hairbrush through the oil and then brush my hair. So you get the idea… The jojoba helps to normalize sebum production, but I am sure there is no harm in applying the Rosemary ‘neat’.

I also bought the Lush shampoo bar which is supposed to help. I had my last Tax on 30th of April and my hair started off quite well but now seems to have slowed down -I have the tennis ball look which somebody else mentioned on this thread- good for Wimbledon I guess but I do wish it would get going again.

hi all

I am now 4 months after last chemo and my hair is doing really well, despite the fact I am on Herceptin and there appears to be some who say the herceptin restricts the hair growth or thins it. I could go without my wig as I now have a full cover of hair, however I chose to get a new wig and lauch myself as a brunette,as that is primarily what colour my hair is coming in! However, I do have quite a bit of grey at the side! No real surprise there though. I have coloured it with a wash in/wash out henna and this has been really effective. I kept it on for 45 mins and the clour is holding well, one week later. I happily go about the house displaying my short hair, but still stick to wearing my wig for work and outings.

Eyelashes and eyebrows coming along nicely as is the rest of my body hair. Good luck everyone with the new hairstyles and colouring!

Hi Daisy, the oil I have is by a company called Nuxe, it’s french. It’s ‘multi usage dry oil’ for face, body and hair. It just says 6 precious oils and vitamin e. you might find it on the website. it smells lovely and sinks right in.

lizzy x

Hi all,

I’m now 8 weeks post chemo (AC-T) and my hair is only now starting to put in a proper appearance - I’m just hoping that ‘piebald’ will suddenly become popular! :slight_smile:

I’m using the Lush stimulating spice solid shampoo and I’m sure it’s helping as there is a distinct improvement on just using baby shampoo. I’m thinking that I’ll probably have a go with the rosemary oil as well though, anything to help. I also brush my scalp regularly with a baby’s hairbrush which I’m sure is helping keep the flaky, scaly stuff at bay.

Nymeria x