Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Hey! Ca125 is a Cancer marker… I want my dr to do the test! Don’t worry! Will be good to see the markers come down! Means those Cancer cells are well and truly zapped!! Xx

Ladies I’ve not heard of that!
Will everyone get that test as you move on to further chemo?
I see my onco next week Wednesday before Fridays chemo I will ask.
Well done to everyone who received chemo today xx

Hey Becky?
That’s good you didn’t have too many symptons…I was wondering if the 2nd will be any different?
I’m eating for England too!After the first week I literally could eat mostly anything!
Xxx Rachel

Hey Judi?
Only 2 more to go …yay!Bet you can’t wait?I’ve never heard of that test neither Simone,Ill ask my Onc also like you.See him 24th Feb for Bloodtest.
Xxx Rachel

Hey Becky?
Are you doing FEC T?As I think the first 3 of the FEC is more Nausea…but you said you haven’t had that too bad?The last 3 are the T part and think that causes more aches and pains.I’ll expect everyone is different,but mostly seen to have an appetite!I try to drink lots of water?X

Yes same one Becky?..no it’s good that your doing okay.I had sicky feeling,sore throat and ulcers for first week,then it’s worn off and feel okay at the moment,next due on 26th.When is your 2nd?My hair has started to come out a bit.X

Hello everyone.
Thank you, Yankee, for calling in with such encouraging news.
Due to have second FEC next Thursday so making the most of this ‘normal’ week. Have forced myself to stop taking temp every couple of hours and just twice a day. Getting too neurotic about it. Friend who had BC says her cycles were all the same and the diary was very useful as she could remind herself of what would be happening the next day etc.
Went to see BC physio yesterday. Apparently extra soreness in underarm and scar normal after chemo and we are to gently massage the area as much as possible. I certainly get some ease after my visits to her.
Whilst in town thought I’d treat myself to a (unusually for me) bright lipstick to help cheer up days when feeling wan. As I was being served by the impossibly glamorously well- groomed Chanel assistant, my softie made its way up out of my bra, out of the top of my poncho and onto the floor! Stuffed it into my back pocket and paid an extortionate amount for a very loud lipstick! Walking away, realised I must look as though I’d had a breast reduction and a buttock enlargement…
Came home to find body hair has decided to leave this sinking ship. Must have been the mortification. No head hair loss yet. Hoping the cold cap has been worth it…
So, let’s see what today brings !
Love Natalie

Hey Yankee?
Thankyou for coming to say Hi…how lovely you met up with the ladies you made friends with.So good to hear you are all doing well…be nice for us to be saying the same thing 2 years from now?
Rachel X

Hey Natalie?
You did make me smile when you said about your softie popping out and putting it in your back pocket!Good on you treating yourself to some lovely lipstick…i should do the same,although I don’t usually wear makeup,will most prob need it once my hair all falls out and the pasty skin days.Did you not get your Prothisis from the BC nurses,the gel type?I picked up mine last week.
You and Becky have our 2nd Chemo on the same day…good idea with the diary,I’ve been doing the same?
I’m glad you’ve got a good BC nurse and she’s helping you with your scar and soreness.
Take care,Hugs Rachel X

Hi Ladies,
That’s really nice of you Yankee to say hi and that you & the other ladies still meet up gives us all hope I have 2,friends who have passed over 15 & 20 years and a friends mum died in her 90’s of old age, but got bc when she was in her 40’s had chemo the lot.
Natalie - that’s good to know about 2nd chemo as if it’s still continues to be the same as the first one,then it’s certainly doable , my 2nd one of 6 is next Friday and your shipping trip made me laugh!!!
Just enjoying this week before next one when fatigue sets in- that’s the only bit I don’t like having no energy.
But surprisingly it does seem to be going quite quickly!!
Have a good day ladies , off to choose my wiggy this afternoon
Simone xx

Not sure about the nails, but I have read pass threads where ladies have put them on.
Did you not cold cap it Becky?
I didn’t cause I be bothered with sitting through that , but was asked by nurses as they say it works for FEC 75
Simone x

Hi Simone?
Thanks for your news about friends that have had many years after BC ,so positive and nice to hear.
You have your 2nd chemo day after mine…it’s good to have a week or more just to enjoy feeling okay isn’t it!
How did it go with the wigs?
Hugs Rachel X

Hey Becky?..not sure about the nails either,but you could ask the nurses or look online?I wouldn’t mind getting mine done,as it’s a nice treat isn’t it??
Rachel X

Just had a quick look on the McMillan site and another site about hints and tips,looks like Acrylics and nail wraps not good because of infection ,but gels okay as it’s just polish,especially dark is good to protect nails on toes and hands?

Hi all,
Well I’m loving the wiggy… It has highlights in it
Paid £156 for it , has to look as natural as you get it… Might get another one but this time cheaper!! Even got head stand…
The joys of chemo … Lol
Have a good evening all

Simone xx

Evening Ladies,
Thanks Yankee for the encouraging message, it sounds generally like we are all coping which is great news!
I’ve been bowling tonight, great fun but had to come home and whip off my bra because it felt so uncomfortable!! My knitted knocker had ridden up and was sitting in my cleavage, oh the joys!! Lol
I’ve been wondering where we are all based, what a nice idea that one day we could all meet!?
I’m an Essex Girl ??? !!

Sorry to hear that your not feeling well Gazzlyn
I was sick with my first one had to be treated in hospital, but for my 2nd chemo they will put it right with expensive anti sickness drugs.
But it does get better once you get the right sickness pills. I just can’t take the fatigue but it’s doable and only last 10/11 days them your back to yourself again!!
Becky I got my wig from s shop called Trendco London but Google them as, they have a few around.
I’m out tonight with friends as well for a meal
Enjoy yours…
Have a good evening ladies & rest up all those who received chemo the last couple of days.
Big hugs
Simone xx

Hey Simone…your wig sounds lovely?,I’ve got an NHS one on order,but my mum is coming over from France for my 3rd chemo and wants to treat me to a decent wig,so not sure where we are getting it from yet.
Hope you have a nice meal tonight?..my daughter and I are having a Chinese and Saturday night tv!
Hugs Rachel Xx

Hey Alison?
I’ve got one of those Knitted Knockers on order…best I pin it into my bra,as it’s likely to escape lol!!?
Essex,that’s great…my two sisters live near Grays…I’m originally from Brighton,but live near Glouc/Cheltenham
Love Rachel Xx

Oh Gazzlyn?so sorry you had a horrid 2nd chemo,feel bad for you lovely.Did the sickness feel like the 1st or worse?Make sure they give you decent anti -sickness drugs.Ive had probs with the Cannula too,so in dreading it a bit,the nurse had to keep pushing the needle in and out of the vein,as she was finding it tricky to get in.Did they say they would try something different for your 3rd one?
I’m having my 2nd session on the mobile unit…has any other ladies done this?
Hope your feeling better in a few days ,hugs Rachel X