Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Hey Becky?..how you feeling?
Enjoy your nice meal lovely
Love Rachel X

Hello everyone, just popped in to see how you are all getting on. I’ve just completed 3rd chemo session. Have them weekly. Week off this week! I have not had operation yet. They are trying to shrink the tumour. Had CT scan on Friday. See onc on Thursday and have appointment to see wig lady straight after. The hair on my head not coming out yet but eyebrows and eye lashes are thinning. Have got appointment to have marker pins inserted to mark tumour. Anyone else had these?

Hey ladies! Thought is drop by and wish everyone good luck for next week… If you’re in the same boat as me cycle 2 next week :slight_smile:

Thought is also share my good news… Went to see my oncologist on Friday and she agreed that my tumour (10cm at last examination) has definitely shrunk by at least half!! She also cannot feel the enlarged lymph node under my arm at all anymore :slight_smile: let’s hope cycle 2 gets me even better results! Can’t believe I’ve had such a good result after just one chemo! Xx

Hello everyone,
Good news Dennymac!
Anniegran glad things are moving in the right way.
It’s just an emotional time for us all with the hair loss.
I’m having 6x FEC, 2nd on the 27th, ( day after you Rachel, have to let me know how u get on) has come around quickly can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but hope it’s like the last one & sickness is controlled.
Don’t know about how many sessions of Rads I’m having will ask on Wednesday & it’s Tamo for me.
Just like to know how they monitor how’s the chemo’s working. Will we get more scans I.e CT, chest etc when treatments finished.
Questions, questions but I will ask when I see her on Wednesday.
Simone x

Rachel I’m not sure I doubt il get a lumpectomy as I was diagnosed with secondaries at the same time as primary so I think they may still do a mastectomy :frowning: to be honest I think I’d rather a mastectomy if that sounds mad? Just want them to remove as much as they can! Xx

Hey Simone?
I’m wondering that too…I’ve not had any scans or anything and had my lump removed with the Madectomy,so I’ve no idea how they get results after chemo whether you have Radiation etc.
I’ll let you know how 2nd one goes,got bloods Tuesday.My wrist and hand is still tender from Canula,so hoping that’s not going to hurt!
Rachel X

Hey Dennymac…that’s the decision I made about the Masectomy when I first got my diagnosis,just wanted the lump gone…could have had Chemo,Lumpectomy then rads,but chose Masectomy.Where do you have secondary’s?X Rachel

It doesn’t sound mad at all X

Hey Becky?
Me too!Cant tell at looking at my hair,but feels very fine.For some reason it’s got so soft?Ill shave mine probably next week as it’s driving me crazy!
Hugs Rachel X

Evening all,
Dennymac what great news for you!!?
It’s so good to hear that many of us are going through the same things. I’m regularly awake about 5 am no matter when I go to bed??!! Often can’t get back to sleep so I guess that doesn’t help with the fatigue.
My hair is also falling out in quite large amounts today, chose my nhs wig yesterday though and was very impressed by the quality & choice. A friend recommended the acrylic ones as she said they last longer than the real hair. They were very realistic, with a kind of see through bit where you would see the scalp at the parting. Bit concerned though when they warned me about opening the oven (good excuse not to cook I say) and not to seat under a patio heater!! Hilarious pictures conjured up I can tell you.
I have 2nd chemo Thursday & im planning on taking a hot water bottle in the car to put on my arm, I read somewhere this keeps your veins up & easier for them to insert cannula. I may have made this up as seem to have a ‘chemo brain’ at the moment!!!
Hugs to all xxxx

Hi Becky,
Thought I’d answer that, yes you get back to yourself day 10/11 time to get your strength before the next lot.
I didn’t have a mx but I think I’d prefer chemo now whilst the weather is cold & wet than in the summer, u might be sore for a bit, but at least u sit outside.
Simone x

Hi Becky…I feel for you,as you didn’t get a choice to have Masectomy first?Possibly as we all have different types of BC and lump sizes etc,that’s the reason why?I had grade 3 Triple Negative,so that’s probably why I had Masectomy first.
The op was fine though,not as bad as I thought and was out the next day!Sore for a bit,but once healed I was okay.Everyone is different,but I’m sure yours will be fine too.
I agree with Simone on the Chemo now and not when it’s hot.
So you having Radiation after?
Rachel X

I did miss all the cycling and running I usually do,as I had to be careful…but okay after about 4 weeks to exercise gently ?X

Hi Rachel,
Just wanted to ask you, after chemo are you finished with all the treatments (we should finish in the middle of May) and will you receive Tamo or hercepton?
Simone x

Hi Gazzlyn,
just read your post I was sick twice but what made me go into hospital was that the steroids wouldn’t stay down if I was vomiting,
They sorted me out & went home the following day. Wasn’t sick again and they will sort me out for the next sessions. So if your still feeling that way contact them or your GP for different anti sickness tablets. You shouldn’t have to suffer. The part in all this I can’t stand is the fatigue it makes me feel I want to stop but I know it only lasts for 10 days .

  • Rachel, yes I’m hormone positive quite high ER/PR 8/8 & HER neg, only reason for chemo is that SLN had a tiny focus of micromets
    So for extra protection & my age and piece of mind I said yes to chemo.
    Glad you had clear nodes.
    Simone x

Hi ladies,  hugs gazzlyn,  thats a rough ride. Xxxx

Just spent some time in hospital isolation,  had what I thought was a sinus infection,  but they think is an abcessed tooth flare up on wednesday night. Doctor on thursday,  hospital thursday night with temperature. That card sure gets you the door fast,  after that its anyones guess. They Couldn’t get an iv line in, so shot in the back side.  got out on sunday afternoon,  my hair started failing out on saturday and have massive period on sunday just to add insult to injury. Booooo.

Mike shaved my head but reckon if you ran a sticky lint roller over it you could make cool patterns! lol

Looked like it had a giant arrow on it this morning,  told my girls I was the last airbender, their favourite cartoon, which made them giggle.  He has a blue arrow painted on his head.

Anyway,  oncologist has refferred me to the hospital dentist to acess if I can have chemo without upsetting that tooth again or if it has to go.  (Yah,boobless hairless and tooth less! ) might delay next chemo round which was supposed to be thursday.  Missed my look good feel better too, double boo!

Actually feeling really cheerful to be home, its such a roller coaster on so many levels.  The simple things really make it better. Agree on the hottie for your veins. They filled one of those rubber gloves for me…found myself holding it like someones hand at one point! 

Xxx going to catch up on the last few days but sending love xxxx good luck this week xxx


Oo ooo… small rock…remember my pet rock tucked in my softee, thats why, stops it climbing onto your shoulder  to check out the view! 


Hello virtual friends…
Congratulations Dennymac, that is wonderful news!
Good luck to everyone having chemo this week. We’re all a bit weary but at least we know what the procedure will be. I’ve had a pretty easy time of it in comparison to most; it’s hard to compare as we’re all on different mixes and strengths but the tiredness seems to hit us all hard. My brain is saying, ’ I’ve done that now, do I have to go through it all again?’ I’m also really bored with thinking about it all the time. Having to force myself to have conversations about other things is difficult when the world has pretty much shrunk to family, close friends and treatment. Rather missing my busy life and being able to bring news and ideas back home.
Started some sort of allergic reaction last night so looking red and puffy with swollen eyes, mouth and hands! Didn’t sleep so am back in bed with anti histamine, hot water bottle and cup of tea. Might just have (another!) quiet day…
Still got all my hair so trying cold cap again on Thursday, but holding iced lollies onto my eyebrows mustn’t have worked as they look as though they’ve been comically waxed for a dare… Leg hair infuriatingly persistent…
Has anyone still got increased numbness/ pain/ swelling on scar site? My physio says it’s normal as the tissue is just healing when it is attacked with chemo drugs but I’m constantly anxious about getting lymph oedema.

Big hugs to you all,

Hello Judi ,
Yes, I’ve had blurred vision on FEC, especially early after treatment. Think it got better, but perhaps I’m just now used to it? Having second FEC on Thursday, seeing onc tonight so am planning to ask about it.
Natalie x

Hi Ladies
Hope things are much better for you now Lynda

  • Congratulations Dennymac
  • Natalie,I hope that all clears up soon.
  • Rachel how did hospital go today or is it tomorrow I’ve got mine tomorrow but I’m off to the Drs soon as I may have a kidney infection
    It showed up on my Ct that I have a kindney stent. I tell you my life is all about Drs & hospital appts that’s all I do, and I’m sure everyone is the same!!
    Just can’t wait for treatment to finish mainly the chemo part I can deal with radiotherapy … I think. Don’t know about anybody else but being at home is so boring & all it does is make you feel low & think stupid things!!!
    Oh well that’s my rant for the day!
  • hello to all the other ladies I’ve not mentioned.
    Simone x

Natalie it’s come round so quickly.
I’ve found my eyes are watery and tend to wear my glasses more than I did before.
Simone x