Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Good luck with your kidney infection, Simone. What will we do with ourselves when this is all over?!
Natalie x

Best wishes to everyone who is having treatment this week I wonder what kind of wigs and/or hats you are getting? One daughter suggested that I should ask for a copper coloured wig with blonde highlights, the other daughter wanted me to try shoulder length hair. A friend suggested I have a fun wig in blue or purple. My hair is short, layered and a creamy white colour. I see the wig lady on Thursday and think I will stick to what I am used to.

I am trying to knit a hat. Slow progress as I keep stopping due to tiredness. It has four different colour stripes.

Last time I had the Ice Cap on they gave me a heated pad and a blanket. I actually dozed off when it was on! Thanks partly to the paracetamols and anti-histamine I expect. I shall ask for this next time.

Ann x

Hi Ladies,
Saw my oncologist today lovely lady, she gave me Emend for Friday also something for nerves if I want to use it Lorazepam I will look it up first. I also had an injection to shut my ovaries down whilst having chemo as I have fibroids & heavy periods.
Keepmumsane I’m sorry to hear about your tooth but glad it’s sorted & hope your scarfs look good. Good luck with chemo 2

  • Rachel good luck with chemo 2
    Oncologist says what ever symptoms you got first time should be the same through out, as long as sickness is managed, well I hope so as I didn’t get mouth ulcers & don’t want it.
    Well mine is on Friday , shall enjoy tomorrow last day of energy shall change the beds.
    Best wishes to ladies starting chemo 2, 4 to go nearly half way through!!
    Simone x

Just off for second treatment.
All the best to all the ladies doing the same.
Sending hugs and best wishes
Becky. Xx

Just home from 2nd FEC. Now one third of the way through chemo. Yippee.
Onc nurse so wonderful. Makes the experience very positive.
Settling into lovely clean bed for a snooze. Might resurface in a few days. Feeling like a hibernating hedgehog…
Good luck everyone x

Well done to everyone who revived treatment today.
Mine tomorrow little nervous, but to tell you the truth looking forward to sleeping part. as I’ve not been doing that lately.
Rest up!
Simone x

Should received!!!

Can’t even get my words out !!!

Hey guys! Had 2nd tax on Tuesday and feeling tired today but otherwise ok! Got filgastrim injections to take from Sunday so let’s hope that keeps me out of hospital this time!!! Least I know a week today is my low point!! Hope everyone else doing well! 1/3 way through!!! Xx

Well done dennymac. I hope it continues to go smoothly for you. X
Good luck Simone. By this time tomorrow it will be over (bar the sleeping) . X

Think il be sleeping a lot too!!!

Frozen pineapple chunks

Hello worried sick,
I had second FEC yesterday and saw Breast Care Physio too.
They said it’s normal to have some swelling and pain as the wound is healing yet is being bombarded with drugs which attack cells. The numbness isn’t new for me, but does feel as as though it has extended down my arm slightly since first chemo. My main worry is lymphodoema, I guess, as I had 20 lymph nodes removed. She said there is nothing to worry about unless there are significant physical changes to the eye, such as pitting in the skin and swelling which makes the arm noticeably bigger than the other non surgery arm. Although I feel as though I’m wearing a wetsuit on my surgery arm down to the elbow and underarm, to her eye, there is nothing to worry about. However, I have booked in for a proper measuring assessment so we have a benchmark in case there are future developments.
She showed me how to do lymph drain massage and gave me a two booklets. One can be ordered from this site we’re on, called Living with Lymphodema. And another from www.cancerbacup.uk called Understanding Lymphodema which has diagrams for massage in and looks useful.
I came away less worried and am planning to do the new drainage exercises carefully (once the nausea from yesterday’s FEC has passed!)
Had forgotten how grotty this first week is…
Best wishes,

Hi worried sick,
Noticed that my scar line is puckered and a little pitted more after yesterday’s chemo but the diary I kept mentions this happened last time. I think it’s to do with the scar and lymphs wanting to clear away the chemo toxins.
The message I got from hospital yesterday was definitely not to worry…
Let me know how you get on after round two?
Natalie x

Hi nattyo thank you for the info. yes it’s lymphodema that worries me too. I find it difficult sometimes to wear a bra, feels like it’s cutting under my arm, but it’s not. I also feel as though it’s going down my arm. mainly all of this since first chemo. I will order those booklets on the massage. I have my second chemo on Tuesday. I hope you soon feel better I dread that sickly feeling again x

HI All!

Hope you are well and coping with treatment? Just a quick question… I am day 10 of my 1st FEC-T treatment - I’m having 6 - 3 FEC & 3 T - (I had mastectomy and node clearance 7/13 in January). I am coping well but since yesterday have had a bout of indegestion and nausea and feeling really tired.(The tiredness is the thing that really gets to me as I’m normally so ‘on the go’!!!) Anyone else had this? If so did you take anything that worked?

Catch up with you all soon 

Lots of love x

I’m due my second chemo on Tuesday but I keep sneezing and my nose and head feel stuffy. I can’t stop my nose running. I don’t feel as though I have a cold because I don’t feel bad. Has anyone else had this

I’m doing 6 FEC 75!had 2nd one yesterday so far so good as they gave me Emend the expensive anti sickness so well see!
But what I’ve noticed after FEC 1 & 2 I keep on sneezing… Strange
as a precaution I’ve taken off the central heating from the room I’m sitting in. Wrapped up in blanket
Good luck ladies
Simone x

Evening ladies,
Had my 2nd FEC on Thursday, much better experience without the cold cap! Hair falling out quite rapidly now so just need to decide when to do the big shave?!
Becky- I had mastectomy in December and honestly it was not as bad as I thought,I didn’t have any node involvement so that did help. Just keep to exercises xx
Hope everyone is doing well after next round and best wishes to anyone due next week.
The hot water bottle worked! I even saw it being admired ?
Just before I was due my 2nd treatment I had cold type symptoms although strangely have stopped the runny nose.
Hugs to you all lovely ladies, we’re on our way, a third of the way!! ???
Alison xx

Hi Alison that’s how mine is like a cold, but don’t feel poorly as I would do normally with a cold just sneezing and dripping nose so I wonder if it’s chemo related my 2nd chemo is Tuesday x