Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Hi everyone, yes, I had a very runny nose prior to 2nd FEC chemo, it has abated now.
Been prescribed Emend and Metoclopramide for sickness. Just took Rennies for heartburn.
Finding diary I kept last time very useful to gauge how I might feel. Found it overwhelming but feeling more in control this time as I can predict a little better how things might run. Unless there are any major hiccups…
I’ve used homeopathy in the past so ordered a chemo support remedy and a homeopathic mouthwash from Helios Pharmacy. They were very helpful on the phone. I guess we all find it useful to take measures which give a sense of control over this process.
Aiming to book some things in for our good week before the next treatment. Trying to stay positive whilst feeling pretty grotty…
Good luck to everyone for next week.
Natalie x

Hello Ladies:smileyhappy:

Thought Id catch up with you lovely ladies…had my 2nd FEC on Thursday,went better this time with the Canula,the nurse put it in a vein on my wrist,so much more comfortable:smileyhappy:.Had it in the mobile unit,was a bit different,but I was well looked after with drinks and biscuits!My lovely sister and brother came down to look after me for a few days,so been so nice,but tiredness and sickness catching up,so need a couple of days to rest up.

Hope you are all feeling okay?

Becky…sounds good for having your op possibly July…is that a lumpectomy or Masectomy?hugsxx

Natalie…Im glad your 2nd chemo went well and hope youve managed to get some sleep,Hugs xx

Simone…Hows your swelling?Ive not noticed any changes in my op area,feels the same.Just the usual sickness and blughhh feeling:smileysad:…hugs xx

Dennymac…try get plenty of rest and hope your feeling ok .hugs xx

Worriedsick…frozen pineapple really good,its so refreshing:smileyhappy:.hows your numbness and tingleing in your breast area?Hope your feeling better.hugs Rachelxx

Bevyc…You will get mostly nausea and tiredness especially in the first 1-8/9 days…then it starts getting better up to your 2nd chemo.just take it easy and take your anti sickness tablets when you need them.hugs rachel xx

Alison…glad you are doing okay:smileyhappy:…I shaved my hair day before yesterday,as my sister had clippers with her,so just did it!My hair just came out so much after I washed it,that it was patchy and itchy,so best just to go for it…takes some getting used to,but Ive had such positvie messages from people who have seen my since Ive gone bald and it will grow back in a few months,so just part of the journey we are taking to getting better:smileyhappy:.Hugs rachel xx

Hope Ive not forgotten any ladies…take care and catch up soon.

love Rachelxxxx



Hello ladies
Rachel nice to hear from you, glad 2nd one is going good so far, as it is for me.not long for us all now with chemo treatment.
Enjoy your rest & hope the week treats us kind
Simone x

Thanks for your well wishes Rachel!

Currently end of day 5… Biggest issues is tax mouth! Can’t taste a thing it’s making me grumpy! Steroid crash is over and feeling more human now so hopefully that’s me starting to come out the other side of #2!! 4 to go!!!
Lots of hugs to everyone xxxx

I got my Drs to prescribe me Metoclopramide just in case, as they were giving me Domperidone and they don’t agree with me.
I have heavy periods due to fibroids and still continued with the first FEC so my oncologist started me with in injections to shut my ovaries down whilst on chemo. To tell you the truth I’d love to get rid of them apparently I gave a cyst.
The only tablets I have left to take is Ondansetron which you take 2 days after chemo so I take my last one at 10pm
Simone x

Hey Dennymac…the taste in the mouth is horrid isn’t it?Ive gone off my cuppa and chocolate again?!Drinking fruit tea as it’s refreshing and little meals…until my taste buds come back?Xx

Hey Pjw…glad they’ve given you better tablets this time?..oh so your used to the hot flashes then?Does the Chemo make them worse?Im not sure if this will make me go to menopause,guess I’ll wait and see.
Hope the rest of the week is good for you?hugs Rachel xx

Yeah nothing tastes nice… Tried everything! Sweet/sour/savoury/spicy everything!!! Argh

Hi Rachel, pleased the canula went better. How lovely for your sister and brother to come and look after you for a couple of days, that’s a big help. I’ve got my second chemo tomorrow still got numbness under my armpit but tightness in breast seems to have gone for now. My hair started to fall out early last week so I also had mine shaved on Thursday, it’s just got short stubble on it for now. Still got slight snuffles in my nose. Dread chemo tomorrow, hate feeling ill. Is it the pineapple chunks (in the tin) that you freeze for our taste buds ? Love to all Tina x

The first time I had chemo I broke out in acne over my face and chest and the onc said that’s quite common. I’ve used vitamin E face wash and moisturiser and it hasn’t happened this time.

Last night though I felt really bloated and was getting high up stomach cramps in bed, then ended up violently vomiting! That’s new! Urgh xx

Hi Judi ,
You made me laugh, nice to do that as I’m feeling low in energy, day 4 after chemo.
Made me chuckle.

  • hope the rest if you ladies are managing or finding ways to cope with your symptoms.
    I’m so grateful for the support
    Have a good night all
    Simone x

I’m so glad you are all here. It’s so reassuring to know we’re not going through these horrible few days post-chemo alone.
It’s 4am and I’ve woken hungry for carbs. All I seem to eat at first are rice, cereal, ryvitas, almonds, grapes, fruitcake… Really wierd. Last time I moved on to loads of veg, so I guess it’ll balance itself out…
Am finding this round difficult; four more seems a long way to go. And yet if we look back at the whole process from diagnosis, we’re more than half way through…
Judi, I’m full of admiration at you having the strength to clean the car out! Thanks for sharing a smile.
Keep well everyone, these itchy scalps, sores and sadness will be a thing of the past before we know it.
It’s snowing here tonight and looking rather beautiful…
Love Natalie

Annie I’m starting to lose my hair a little now but it’s more shedding than clumps and I had my 2nd tax a week ago… I have cold capped tho and have always said the minute it starts coming out in clumps I’m shaving it off!

My mouth feels like the bottom of a birdcage today I havnt been able to eat a proper meal for about 5 days as cannot taste a thing … So disheartening! I’m fed up and grumpy! Lol I just wanna eat!!! Lol I’m hoping I lose a bit of weight as I feel like I have ballooned xx

Well done, Annie. Another one down.
I’ve been eating all day. It feels as though it’s the only way to combat that low-level nausea that’s there for most of the first week. Determined to get a grip tomorrow…
Natalie x

Hello Ladies,
Please remind me, when do you get your energy back , I’ve been on the sofa since my last chemo Friday, no energy can’t bear it!!
All u do us get up to put food in my mouth then try to find energy to get showered.
Think I’m just having a moment, I guess this is all part of it.
Have a good evening
Simone x

Hey Becky…yes I understand now,have heard of IBC…I had full Masectomy,have Ductal BC.When I first got diagnosed I had no idea there was so many types.
I’m glad you are getting more energy…please send me some this way!
Rachel xxx

Hi Rachel had my second yesterday 3rd March in bed at 7 exhausted slept until 11.30 pm now laying here wide awake. Touch wood with the new anti sickness drugs up to now. Hope your tummy soon settles down and you are able to eat x

Hi Lynda, mine started to shred day 14 after first chemo decided to have it shaved by day17. I cried and my hairdresser was in tears with me but so much better after its done xx

Dear Becky,
Don’t worry too much about having your breast surgery. There will be many choices you’ll be able to make about how best to move forward after surgery. I had a single mastectomy at christmas and it’s clear that there’s no rush about deciding what to do next. it seems we have to take one step at a time when faced with this shocking disease. Try to keep positive - you are on your way to recovery.
Take care, Natalie x

Hi Rachel scalp is a little better thanks. Still have some hair but can’t shave it as too sore. I have been using itchy skin oil my daughter bought me from Jennifer young online. Fantastic and instant relief. Lots of hair (what’s left) driving me mad all over my clothes so wearing my sleep hat I got from Anna bandana which helps. How are you feeling today? Second chemo Thursday ?. Going out for a meal tonight with work colleagues which will be lovely xx