Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Evening ladies,
Have been much the same as many of you, felt pretty rough after 2nd chemo but back up & running now.
My friend came and cropped my hair as I was getting very distressed about it coming out, it was everywhere!
In the end it felt god to take control and have felt much better since, I’m rocking the anna bandanas (blinged up with a Primark pearly scrunchie) and hoop earrings, wig hasn’t arrived so I wore my bandana to my Nieces hen night ?
Had my Look good Feel good today and had a lovely time, lots of laughter, and saw a lovely reconstructed boob complete with tatood nipple which was encouraging for the future. Fantastic bag of free goodies ?:coffee:?

I would like to add to what others have said that I love reading all you lovely ladies posts, it’s good to know others are feeling and experiencing the same things. Thank you all?
Becky- I only stayed in overnight for my mastectomy and had my drain removed before I left hospital. I totally agree with Rachel that it won’t be half as bad as you think it’s going to be. The key is do the exercises! X
Thinking of you all

P.S. I’m making progress with my crotchet, aiming for a blanket now. Am going to try jewellery making now!

Hello Ladies,
It’s my day 11 and I feel a bit better, but found chemo 2 worse than 1, not in terms of sickness as that’s now been managed but being tired, no energy, pain in arms and that chemo brain I feel so out of it.
So sorry to hear you had to go back into hospital Herewego you are really going through it. Can’t believe we are so near to having are 2nd , 3rd dose it just comes round so quickly don’t know if it’s a good/ bad thing!!
I’ve been given appt next week to have a PICC line put in, but I’m not sure now, is there anyone with one?
It’s nice to hear from you Alison and the rest of you all (few names to mention)
Enjoy the rest of the day all
Simone xx

Thanks Tina I’ll bear that in mind
Have a good day.
Love Simone x

Hi Rachel,
Yes it’s my 3rd next Friday, but then I go on to have 3 more.
How many doxetaxel are you having? Is that easier than the FEC
And would it be every 21 days,

  • Hello to the rest of you ladies, hope your all coping well…
    I’m just on count down now, I was signed off work until June as chemo finishes on 22nd May and then to allow the 21 days.
    But I’m going out if my mind at home, day time TV terrible, I guess on my good days I might as well go around the house and have a clear out. I’ve been meaning to sort out my wardrobe for months I guess it’s that time, spring is upon us, when you can see the dust. I guess I’m going to be busy after all… Lol
    Best wishes to you all
    Simone x

Hey Simone?
Think your the same as me.,yes 1 more FEC then 3 x Docetaxel…I think with that one they make you more achy and tired,great eh?!Thats what other ladies say,so shall wait and see.
I’m signed off until June too…my boss wants me better so would rather me be off than struggle to go into work on my good days…but drives me crazy too!Im so used to keeping busy and more time at home,the more I eat!Do you have any hobbies?
I do alot of walking,gentle exercise and been having a good clear out in the house…guess can call it Spring cleaning ?
Take care?hugs Rachel xx

Good morning ladies,
Hope that you are all feeling better.
I am currently still feeling ok, I sometimes wish I would be signed off, if I don’t go to work I don’t get paid?. However as long as I feel ok I will still remain going in. It all starts again next week ??. Had my appointment for what I would of thought would be a ct scan, it’s an ultrasound, has this happened to someone else. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Xx

Hi Bev,
So pleased to know your well, it’s horrible when this happens as it delays treatment and this is the part of the treatment we want finished.
Funny enough I still have my eyebrows & eyelashes & I go for FEC 3 on Friday so I’m hoping to keep hold of them.
You also have a good weekend & same goes out to all the rest of you ladies.
Love Simone xx

Becky…hope you dont mind me dropping in from august…i read about you still working. I did the same and whilst its tough if its and consolation i do think ig helped me cope with radiotherapy as i had no tiredness being used to getting up and in a routine.

I didn’t loose my eyebrows so you ladies may be lucky.

Keep strong there is an end. X

Hey Bev?
Hope your feeling lots better,you must have been pretty poorly to be in hospital for 4 days?xx
I shaved my hair too,feels great doesn’t it,especially when it keeps falling out and itchy scalp.It will grow back?
Hope your having a good day lovely,take care,Rachel xx

Hey Becky?
I see now why you wouldn’t be getting sick pay…at least it keeps your mind off the treatment,I wanted to carry on working,but with my job and hours,it’s just not viable …
Hope your having a good weekend ,hugs,Rachel xx

Hey Simone?
You’ve done well to keep your brows and lashes…I’m on my 3rd FEC Thursday and still got mine too,but brows patchy.Have been practising with the makeup!
Hope your having a good weekend lovely.
Hugs Rachel xx

Afternoon lovely ladies?X
Hoping you are all okay and having a good Mother’s Day ?Xxx

Evening ladies
A happy Mother’s Day to everyone, I’ve had a good day shopping with my daughter to update my make up.
Question to all those who have shaved their hair, did you use a razor? I’ve had a close crop but falling out rapidly and looking patchy.
Wishing all you lovely ladies a good week & lots of good wishes if you have chemo this week, I have 3rd FEC Friday. Good thing is I’ll be half way through treatment.
Welcome to lanky lass and any new ladies I’ve missed.
It’s interesting how everyone’s treatment is different, I automatically have injections after chemo and was given EMEND from first session.
Thinking of you all, the end is in sight ladies!! Keep strong & well & hugs to all xxx

Hi Alison?
Glad you had a lovely day with your daughterX
When my sister used clippers on my hair,it left it a bit fuzzy,but got a rash and was sore,so been using tea tree cream to heal it,so I can properley shave it smooth.ive got a little tuft of hair at the top,that didn’t fall out!?
Isn’t it great to be half way through by the end of next week.
Take care,Xx Rachel

Hi All,
Hope your all doing well, it’s my 3rd chemo coming up on Friday.
Lynda snap I’ve been feeling just like you even though I’m past my 11 days my mood is still very low, I wonder if that’s mostly due to the chemo and it certainly happens more after the 2nd chemo. Thing is still got 3 to after this.

  • Another thing is I’ve had the injection to close my ovaries down whilst having chemo but I’m still getting a period and it’s clotting called oncology dept they said call my Dr surgery found that strange but I see the Onc on Wednesday before chemo I will discuss it.

  • Is there anyone still continuing with the 6 x FEC or are a few of you switching to the -T

  • Lankylass, that is some commentary of your experience & progress, I’m impressed, but hope your doing well.

  • big hugs to you all
    Simone x

BevyC sorry to hear you got I’ll.
Hope your doing well now .
I don’t think you can have the cold cap after you’ve started if this is the question your asking, as I don’t think it would do anything now, but you never know as still I my eyelashes/eyebrows , talk to the nurses when you have your next appt .
Take care
Simone x

Bevyc, I wore the cold cap for my first two FEC treatments ( third due on Thursday). My understanding is that if you have a treatment without the cap, it’s not possible to ‘undo’ the hair loss effect. But if you have worn the cold cap throughout and lost some hair, it might be worth carrying on to save what you have? If your hair is very very short, there may be issues with the cold on your scalp? I still have most of my hair but have a small sore on the crown of my head from the cap where the hair is very thin and the cap touched the skin.
You may be able to wear a thin skullcap underneath the cold cap?
Lanky lass, thank you for your post. Good luck with your next treatment.
Best wishes to all going under the cosh again this week. Like some of you, whilst the side effects haven’t necessarily worsened, I’m feeling more tired and emotional as time goes on. And am constantly hungry! Might be a blubbering (rather large) wreck by the end of it!

Hey bevyc I had low neutrophils after first chemo - they went down to 0.3 and I had a temp so I spent a long weekend in hospital but after that my oncologist started me on propholactic gcsf injections days 5-12 after chemo and that kept me neutrophils behaving this time!

Sorry to everyone else being quiet had a manic week moving flat at weekend (actually nearly killed me) and currently in ward getting port in steered and chemo … Likely to be here until about 9 tonight I’m thinking! Surfing in the lorazepam/pethidine waves right now so sorry if I go off on a tangent… Aren’t baby lambs lovely?! lol hope everyone’s doing well xxxxxx

Thanks Rachel,
Yes it’s FEC through out, like you it’s the chemo brain & the fatigue that gets me down.
I knew chemo wasn’t pleasant but didn’t think it made you depressed or should I!!!
I’ve asked my BCN to refer me to a psychologist hope it happens soon and helps.
I think being at home all the time & on my own during the day is just too much , all I do is look at the Calendar counting the days down, roll on 22nd May!!!
Sorry for the rant!
Simone x