Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Morning ladies,
Start of chemo week for me… I have got 1 more FEC then go onto 3x T’s. I thought I would of had a CTScsn to see if it is going down but I have received an appointment for a ultrasound… Has anyone else had this? I get very low the weekend after treatment where I do a little housework then got for a lie down. I think with me still going to work it is keeping a little bit of normality in my life.
Does anyone get during palms and feet 2 weeks after chemo? I have just got 21st May in mind, then op in July hopefully then a family holiday in October.
All the best to all of you lovely ladies having chemo this week

Hello Simone, I’m sorry to read you are finding it tough. I’m also finding it difficult not working and being at home all the time, yet without any energy or inclination to do very much. One thing I’ve found helpful is to make regular arrangements with friends for each cycle of treatment. I bought a calendar rather than use a diary as I usually do, so I can see how the three week cycles look.
For the first week I’m mostly in bed resting etc, then on day 8 a friend comes over and we go out if I’m up to it, or stay in if not. Then I know I have regular ‘dates’ either at home or for coffee or a drink in the early evening that I can cancel if need be, but are on the calender to look forward to. I find I can often put make up on and go out and feel much jollier when out than when I’m at home.
Then on the last Friday before treatment a group of us get together for lunch. On the first we all met at a friend’s house. Last week I had friends round for a walk and coffee and (one brought some needlefelting stuff so we all made little wool dogs and things!). Then I made a huge lunch. It was really tiring but I felt part of my normal life and we chatted and laughed and although they ‘checked up’ on progress, we didn’t talk much about my treatment.
I don’t know about you, but it’s mostly what I think about and talk to my family about, my brain needs a rest from it now and again…
So good luck with the psychologist and your next chemo. We’re all here for you to talk to, too.
Love Natalie

Thank you Natalie for kind words.
That really helps seeing how others cope
I love how you plan your time with your friends something I could certainly do during the Easter as a lot of my family & friends work term time only.
Like I say Friday half way there, are you scheduled in for this week and will you be half way through.
And yes I think I’ll give my brain a rest!
Enjoy the rest of the day
Love Simone x

Port insertion and cycle 3 done!!! Phew! Getting quite achey on my arm where port has been… Problem is it won’t help my post chemo constipation to take too much co-codamol! Time to break out the movicol I think lol more drugs to stop other drugs causing issues after other drugs lol the joys of chemo!!! I’m other news… Hopefully half way now!! Was told 6-8 cycles so hoping for 6 lol hope you’re all doing well ladies!!! Xxxx

Ps I deffo fancy colouring in

Morning ladies
Hope all that had 3rd chemo last week is doing ok.
I gave just ad the worse night sleep… Just couldn’t drop off, think today is going to be a wash out.
The nurse told me on Thursday that now my next drug is T from FECT, my hair will start to grow back as this drug doesn’t cause hair loss, just wondering if anyone else was told that, not sure if I heard right with chemo brain and all…
Hope you all have a great weekend

Just had second chemo on Wednesday, must be a week behind people as I started last week in Feb. It is interesting to see what is happening this time conpared with the diary I wrote three weeks ago. So far it is predictable; once the steroids wear off tonight I should be in cancerpause land for a week, fit for nothing!

I had third (and last!) FEC on Thursday. Like you, lankylass, have found that each cycle has followed almost exactly the same pattern. Steroids keep me lively-ish then exhaustion sets in for about five days. It’s reassuring to know what the next day will bring, and that it will pass.
Was talking to someone who has been through mastectomy and 6 chemo treatments. She said that she felt completely herself again eight months after diagnosis. Hair still short but enough not to have to cover her head.
My nurse also said that hairloss is less with Taxotere, worse with FEC. But those who’ve been on Tax have had hairloss, so I guess it’s different for all of us. I’ll continue with the cold cap throughout and have managed to keep enough hair to feel it’s worthwhile, but hoping that after this last FEC week, hairloss should slow down.
Just another softie boob mishap… I’m still using a softie that has a mind of its own. Due to get a proper prosthetic soon. Went to a smart dress shop with a friend and came away feeling a little sad, seeing women trying on pretty Spring dresses with low cut fronts. Went for coffee and realised I’d lost my softie. Had a complete meltdown at the thought that it had fallen out again in the shop or in the street. I guess the whole breast- loss thing just hit home. I’ve tried to keep a brave face on most of the time, and indeed, feel ok about it most of the time, but the feeling of loss was overwhelming. Friends gorgeous and kind as always. At home found softie on my back. Honestly, it’s beginning to make me feel like a mutant. Went outside and found a smooth pebble as Sandie suggested many weeks ago. It’s going nowhere now!
Halfway through and feeling steroid-induced positivity!
Thoughts are with you all this week as we hibernate and face up to the dreaded side effects.
Love Natalie x

So are you starting taxotere and herceptin next nattyoo? Have been told I will be having 3 tax through Picc line but herceptin as subcutaneous injection in thigh, same day hmmm what’s that like I wonder? It’s all a voyage of discovery. Hunt the softie doesn’t sound like fun. Had to have 50cc saline drained off my expander implant las week as overfilled and pressing on rib nerves-agony, So lobsided again, no hair, runny nose oh the joys!
My cat was sick this morning: he sneaks in my bed during the night and I’m worried he has been licking my FEC skin. Can pets get a taste of chemo that way? Worried…

Thanks keeping an eye on the mog, just given him a brush where I’ve stroked him, blimey the things we have to remember, hard when I keep putting milk in cupboard instead of fridge and suchlike. Massive stubble fallout today, day 3 2nd fec - have scrubbed head with babywipes which helped. Am er- but her+ so will be on herceptin and taxotere but not tamoxifem. Another load of side effects! Hope it is easier for you than the fec.

Hi Ladies,


Hope your all feeling okay and not too down in the dumps! or suffering too many horrid side effects :smileysad: How are you Rachel after your 3rd Chemo?  I am now day 9 after second Fec and found side effects very different this time around.  I have experienced awful heartburn/indigestion which makes me not want to drink anything which obviously isnt great!  GP has prescribed something for me (not sure what yet) but will pick prescription up on Monday.  Got a small ulcer on the tip of my tongue which is annoying too.  Mood very up and down and it doesnt take much for me to be in tears.  I know things will become more “normal” once chemo has finished but it feels such a long long way off.  I am finding myself envious of everyone that seems to be happy and carrying on with their life.  I feel really vulnerable when out on my own and actually dont feel like I am in the same world as anyone else.  Does anyone else feel like this?  Oh and to add to this I keep having little heart pulpatations which is weird.  I had echocardiogram Friday so I guess if any concerns it will be picked up.


How I wish life was normal again without all this cancer crap!


Hope you all have a good weekend and sorry for my moaning and not offering anything in the way of support xxx

Lynda x

Don’t worry Lynda, this is the place to offload and share our worries.
I’ve had palpitations and severe heartburn at times after FEC. Actually thought I was having a heart attack once! Using Rennies regularly and drinking hot water with a slice of lemon and ginger root in it which seems to help.
This treatment totally consumes us and we’re bound to get down. And the drugs do cause us to be very emotional and vulnerable. We will get through this even though the end seems a long way off.
Sending a big hug, Natalie x

I think I’m starting to understand where u coming from Lynda now I’m day 3 after chemo 2. Feeling out of the regular life loop and when friends call they are asking about me and not wanting to ‘burden’ me with their troubles. So I’m telling them to please bring the outside world in and offload your probs! Anything to get my mind off me. You know when folk used to say ‘take a day at a time’ and I’d be ‘ok yadayada’. Well now I am starting to realise that I can cope better if I only think about this moment and the next. And not go into next week cos I start freaking out. Had to stop my mind wandering onto taxotere/herceptin coming next cos got myself really scared. The only thing we can really do is try and support our bodies with good stuff, food treats etc, positive things and prople. and the only thing we can really change is our minds- or our attitude to things. Must be time for meltdown haha! The weaker I get physically the more my brain seems to get philosophical- ‘grasshopper’! Ompeprazole is good for heartburn…

I started chemo three weeks ago and so far so good. Second lot due this week. Need to know a bit more about cold cap. Used it first time round and didn’t find it too bad but don’t really know what to expect. When I run my fingers through my hair there is quite a bit coming out. Does anyone know if it carries on like this or if it only sheds at certain times in the cycle. I’m told had I not used the cold cap most of my hair would be gone by now so if that’s the case it must have done some good but need to know what happens next. I know everyone is different but if anyone has any experience of this I’d be really grateful…

Doglover try the cold cap… I’m now half way through chemo (6x taxotere) and have most of my hair too. I Cut it very short before chemo so if I lost my hair I could just shave it and havnt needed to shave it!! Slightly thinned on the top but a careful but of styling and you wouldn’t even know I was having chemo never mind half way through! I always said I’d try it and shave it off the minute I needed to and I’m glad I did! You don’t know til you try! Just be prepared for it to hurt for the first 15 minutes until your head gets used to it :relaxed:

Thanks everyone for your advice on the cold cap - you are saying what I want to hear - I need to stick with it and not get hung up on the cobwebs down my back.  Didn’t actually find the cold cap too uncomfortable so that’s not an issue - just grateful to everyone for their honesty and encouragement - bless you all   Joyce

Hi Sandie,


Just read your post (not really supposed to be on this board at all but I like to see how old friends are getting on) and just wanted to say how sorry I am that you’re having to deal with this latest news.  It must be so frightening for you, wish I could offer some help but I’m sending you shedloads of positive vibes and big soft hugs.



Keepmumsane don’t worry about posting your worries in here that’s what we are for lovely. I have been through the same thing so drop me a message if you wanna talk, you’re not alone xxxxxxxx

Hey Hecky call your bcn as they may organise an appointment just to put your mind at rest! If they don’t get back to you just keep at them! I’m sure it’ll be fine but you’re obviously worried sick and you need reassurance from the oncologist hun xxx

Hmm weird typo!! Sorry becky!!! Xxx