Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Had a buzz cut when hair came loose on day 14 or thereabouts after FEC1. 2nd FEC was last Wed and stubble started filling my sleepcap by Fri. It has all fallen out whilst in the shower yesterday. I am finding this time that the cumulative fatigue is completely wiping me out; I was comatose all day yesterday, day 5 and feel like I’m going down with chest infection. The skin has broken down on my back again into blisters. Got to get up and go to get Picc line seen to this morning. How on earth does anyone manage to get to work or care for a family on chemo? Respect to those who do…

Spent 3hrs at the unit this morning after feeling really rough, palpitations and fading away - only went for linecare! Had a couple of EEGs, one dodgy-and some raised BP readings, some ventolin and picked up slowly. Going for a lie down now…

Hi Lynda that’s exactly how chemo makes me feel like I’m spaced out and on another planet
Hugs Tina x

Hoping you have a better day today, lankylass. Take care x

Hi all, does anyone still have a tight sensation in their breast after their mastectomy. I had my mastectomy in November then lymph clearance in december

Worried sick, i had single mastectomy and node clearance at end of December. It feels as though I have a block of wood in my chest and that my arm down to the elbow is rubbery. As though I’m wearing a wetsuit. Symptoms are much worse for the first week after chemo.
Have been for physio and had a Lymphodema assessment and was told all is okay, but it doesn’t feel good.
There is a useful booklet on this site about lymphatic massage,and doing the exercises helps, but it’s a worry to me that the numbness and swelling will be ongoing…
I had full node clearance without even considering the long term effects of that. I guess we all had huge decisions to make when we were so frightened by the initial diagnosis.
Am just coming out of that horrible Post chemo week and feeling exhausted. Good luck everyone for a break before the next. Thinking of you, Sandie.

Just spent today, like tue, on a drip at unit. Have neutropenia chest inf and shingles. Deep joy. Nothin i can do but sit it out so goin to bed to watch catchup tv!

Morning Ladies,
It’s been a week since FEC 3 and apart from the tiredness so far so good… Touch wood!!!
Day 10 on Monday!!!
Just trying to catch up on your threads

  • hope your on the mends lankylass (don’t we hate set backs)
  • Like most of you ladies, I hate the spaced out feeling!
    Sandie all the best for Monday, I’m glad that you’ve got a quick appt and I’m sure you’ll be alright and resume back to your treatment.
    Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well
    Are any of your children, breaking up for the Easter holidays today? ( I don’t have any small children my son is 25 but I work within that setting)
    Can you believe Easter is only next week!
    Take care ladies & good weekend
    Big hugs xx

Morning ladies
Had s bad day week… Since have FEC number 3 my breast seemed to get bigger, I called the 24hour line, they trot me an appointment with onc on Wednesday. He felt but said couldn’t feel anything. Had ultrasound already booked yesterday, went to that for him to say you need CT scan. Had to wait around for that. They had 3 attempts at getting the needle. Was very shaken. Came home and opened a bottle of wine?. Week started rubbish but ended great.
My daughter is 10 and broke you yesterday. Hurry for holidays. Hope you all have a great weekend.
Becky xxx

Natalie that’s how mine is. My chest feels under my arm feels hard and my arm rubbery And feels like I have a board shoved up Under my arm. My chemo was Tuesday and am noticing that I’m having these sensations more so after chemo x

Just checking in, hoping everyone is doing okay and wishing those that have scans coming up really positive results :heart:


Chemo number 3 for me on Thursday, already getting anxious thinking about it but have to keep reminding myself that week 2 and 3 are so much better.  If I dont get on over Easter, hope you all enjoy it with your families xx

Hurrah! Have been thinking of you, Sandie. That’s terrific, positive news!
As you say, the chemo’s do-able now. The future’s bright.
Leaning together makes for a really strong bridge…

How are you doing, Lankylass? Are you out of hospital?

Well, a new month ticked of the treatment calender. Lighter nights, Spring’s on its way ( metaphorically for you Sandie, being on the other side of the globe)
Lots of love to everyone,
Natalie xxxx

Great news Sandie so pleased for you, I’ve been thinking of you.
Hope rest if you ladies are doing ok, and well enough for the Easter.
Treatment 4 out if 6 next week, when you think of it we should all finish chemo next month.
Have a good Easter all…
Hugs xx

Thanks for good wishes folks. Am still poorly with neutropenia and v anaemic. Seeing onc to discuss adjustments to treatmt nxt week but wondering whether risks of continuing due to damage to body and spirit outweigh benefits. Rock and a hard place.

Have a restful weekend, lankylass. Your oncologist will be able to give you good advice. Perhaps you can reduce the strength of dosage…
Remember we’re here to listen, so continue to stay in touch on this board whilst you recover

Evening ladies,
Haven’t been on for a while 3rd chemo hit me quite hard but for the last week I’ve been full of energy!
It’s so good to read we all have similar experiences, I too have felt very low & tearful. This time, I practically hibernated for 7 full days.
I start on docetaxil next Friday for last 3 chemoy! yay!
Sandie-Sorry you’ve been through worrying times but glad all good news for you!
Agree that booking things for the good days helps and I feel very spaced out at times and at points have found socialising very challengingly!!
Wishing you all a happy Easter, hugs and stuff
Alison xxx

Hey everyone been off here a bit but checking in!
Sandie so good u got good news *big hugs*

Due my 4th chemo on Wednesday - over half way yay!!! This week my legs have felt like ton weights and legs getting that horrible achey way u get when ur walking up a huge hill and u get muscle fatigue … Problem is it’s happening when I’m walking on a short flat road - great! Stairs aren’t fun either! So been hibernating!

Trying to eat healthier too as I feel like a whale at the mo!

Good to see my chemo buds in here getting through treatments too… Half way gals, half way!

Lots of love, D xxx

Morning all and happy Easter :slight_smile:


Just nipped in to see how some old friends are doing. Sandie, that is just wonderful news, can’t tell you how pleasing it is to hear that lovely word ‘benign’ from you, keep leaping those tall buildings!




That sounds good, lankylass. Good luck. It’s reassuring there are alternatives when things go to plan.
Some of us are on round 4 this week, so good luck to everyone.
First tax for me tomorrow, after 3x FEC. Looking forward ( yeah, right) to see what it brings.
If toast and crumpets could cure cancer, we’d be on to a winner… This is the first time in my life that my tummy is bigger than my chest. Shall have to invest in some floaty tops this summer to avoid my frontage
looking like an avalanche. Looking forward to having enough energy and white blood cells to swim again.
Big hugs,

Sorry, lankylass. Should have read ’ when things don’t go to plan’…
And to think that I used to have a brain… X